Example #1
        public override void Bind(UnitType candidate)
            UnitType L = Lhs.Unit;
            UnitType R = Rhs.Unit;

            if ((L != null) && (R != null))
                // result = unitL * unitR (definition)

                // E.g.: Joule = Newton * Meter
                // Newton.cs (or Meter.cs):
                //      public static Joule operator *(Newton lhs, Meter rhs) { return new Joule(lhs.Value * rhs.Value); }
                //      public static Joule operator *(Meter lhs, Newton rhs) { return new Joule(lhs.Value * rhs.Value); }
                L.AddOuterOperation(candidate, Operation, L, R);
                if (L.Name != R.Name)
                    L.AddOuterOperation(candidate, Operation, R, L);

                // => result / unitL = unitR
                // => result / unitR = unitL
                // Joule.cs:
                //      public static Newton operator /(Joule lhs, Meter rhs) { return new Newton(lhs.Value / rhs.Value); }
                //      public static Meter operator /(Joule lhs, Newton rhs) { return new Meter(lhs.Value / rhs.Value); }
                candidate.AddOuterOperation(R, "/", candidate, L);
                if (L.Name != R.Name)
                    candidate.AddOuterOperation(L, "/", candidate, R);
            else if ((L != null) && (Rhs.IsNumeric))
                // result = unit * number (conversion)
                // E.g. Centimeter = Meter * 100.0
                // Meter.cs:
                //      public static explicit operator Meter(Centimeter q) { return new Meter((Meter.Factor / Centimeter.Factor) * q.Value); }
                // Centimeter.cs:
                //      public static explicit operator Centimeter(Meter q) { return new Centimeter((Centimeter.Factor / Meter.Factor) * q.Value); }
            else if ((Lhs.IsNumeric) && (R != null))
                // result = number * unit (conversion)

                // E.g. Centimeter = 100.0 * Meter
                //  Meter.cs:
                //      public static explicit operator Meter(Centimeter q) { return new Meter((Meter.Factor / Centimeter.Factor) * q.Value); }
                //  Centimeter.cs:
                //      public static explicit operator Centimeter(Meter q) { return new Centimeter((Centimeter.Factor / Meter.Factor) * q.Value); }
Example #2
        public override void Bind(UnitType candidate)
            UnitType L = Lhs.Unit;
            UnitType R = Rhs.Unit;

            if ((L != null) && (R != null))
                // result = unitL / unitR (definition)

                // Quotient of the same unit is always included in the list of outer operations,
                // so we have to avoid to enroll it twice:
                if (String.Equals(L.Name, R.Name))

                // E.g.: MPH = Mile / Hour
                // Mile.cs (or Hour.cs):
                //      public static MPH operator *(Mile lhs, Hour rhs) { return new MPH(lhs.Value / rhs.Value); }
                L.AddOuterOperation(candidate, "/", L, R);

                // => unitL / result = unitR
                // Mile.cs (or MPH.cs):
                //      public static Hour operator /(Mile lhs, MPH rhs) { return new Hour(lhs.Value / rhs.Value); }
                L.AddOuterOperation(R, "/", L, candidate);

                // => result * unitR = unitL
                // Hour.cs (or MPH.cs):
                //      public static Mile operator *(MPH lhs, Hour rhs) { return new Mile(lhs.Value / rhs.Value); }
                candidate.AddOuterOperation(L, "*", candidate, R);
                candidate.AddOuterOperation(L, "*", R, candidate);
            else if ((L != null) && (Rhs.IsNumeric))
                // result = unit / real (conversion)
                // E.g. Meter = Centimeter / 100.0
                // Meter.cs:
                //      public static explicit operator Meter(Centimeter q) { return new Meter((Meter.Factor / Centimeter.Factor) * q.Value); }
                // Centimeter.cs:
                //      public static explicit operator Centimeter(Meter q) { return new Centimeter((Centimeter.Factor / Meter.Factor) * q.Value); }
            else if ((Lhs.IsNumeric) && (R != null))
                // result = real / unit (definition)
                NumericType numType = R.Factor.Value.Type;

                // E.g. Hertz "Hz" = 1.0 / Second
                // Second.cs
                //      public static Hertz operator /(double lhs, Second rhs) { return new Hertz(lhs / rhs.Value); }
                R.AddOuterOperation(candidate, "/", numType, R);

                // Hertz.cs
                //      public static Second operator /(double lhs, Hertz rhs) { return new Second(lhs / rhs.Value); }
                candidate.AddOuterOperation(R, "/", numType, candidate);

                // Hertz.cs (or Second.cs)
                //      public static double operator *(Hertz lhs, Second rhs) { return lhs.Value * rhs.Value; }
                //      public static double operator *(Second lhs, Hertz rhs) { return lhs.Value * rhs.Value; }
                candidate.AddOuterOperation(numType, "*", candidate, R);
                candidate.AddOuterOperation(numType, "*", R, candidate);