public virtual List <string> GetSpellingVars(string separator) { List <string> spellingVars = new List <string>(); if (lexRecordObjs_ != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lexRecordObjs_.Count; i++) { LexRecord temp = (LexRecord)lexRecordObjs_[i]; string eui = temp.GetEui(); string category = temp.GetCategory(); spellingVars.Add(temp.GetBase() + separator + eui + separator + category); List <string> tempSpellVars = temp.GetSpellingVars(); for (int j = 0; j < tempSpellVars.Count; j++) { string tempSpellVar = (string)tempSpellVars[j]; spellingVars.Add(tempSpellVar + separator + eui + separator + category); } } } return(spellingVars); }
public static List<string> GetListFromLexRecord(LexRecord lexRecord, int contentType) { List<string> outList = new List<string>(); switch (contentType) { case 2: outList = lexRecord.GetSpellingVars(); break; case 5: outList = lexRecord.GetVariants(); break; case 6: outList = lexRecord.GetNominalizations(); break; case 7: outList = lexRecord.GetAbbreviations(); break; case 8: outList = lexRecord.GetAcronyms(); break; } return outList; }
///** // * Extract info about the spelling variants of a word from an NIH record, // * and add to the simplenlg Woordelement. // * // * <P> // * Spelling variants are represented as lists of strings, retrievable via // * {@link LexicalFeature#SPELL_VARS} // * // * @param wordElement // * @param record // */ private void addSpellingVariants(WordElement wordElement, LexRecord record) { List <string> vars = record.GetSpellingVars(); if (vars != null && vars.Count > 0) { wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.SPELL_VARS, vars); } // we set the default spelling var as the baseForm wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_SPELL, wordElement.BaseForm); }
/** * Extract info about the spelling variants of a word from an NIH record, * and add to the simplenlg Woordelement. * * <P> * Spelling variants are represented as lists of strings, retrievable via * {@link LexicalFeature#SPELL_VARS} * * @param wordElement * @param record */ private void addSpellingVariants(WordElement wordElement, LexRecord record) { Vector <string> vars = record.GetSpellingVars(); if (vars != null && !vars.isEmpty()) { var wordVars = new List <string>(); wordVars.addAll(vars); wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.SPELL_VARS, wordVars); } // we set the default spelling var as the baseForm wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_SPELL, wordElement .getBaseForm()); }
private static bool CheckGlreg(LexRecord lexRecord) { List <string> spList = lexRecord.GetSpellingVars(); bool validFlag = true; foreach (string spItem in spList) { bool glregFlag = CheckEntry.CheckGlreg(lexRecord, spItem, 2); validFlag = (glregFlag) && (validFlag); } return(validFlag); }
public virtual List <string> GetSpellingVars() { List <string> spellingVars = new List <string>(); if (lexRecordObjs_ != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lexRecordObjs_.Count; i++) { LexRecord temp = (LexRecord)lexRecordObjs_[i]; spellingVars.Add(temp.GetBase()); spellingVars.AddRange(temp.GetSpellingVars()); } } return(spellingVars); }
private static bool CheckOrder(LexRecord lexRecord) { bool validFlag = true; int contentType = 1; string citation = lexRecord.GetBase(); List <string> spVars = lexRecord.GetSpellingVars(); List <string> bases = new List <string>(); bases.Add(citation); foreach (string spVar in spVars) { bases.Add(spVar); } BaseComparator <string> bc = new BaseComparator <string>(); bases.Sort(bc); if (!citation.Equals(bases[0])) { lexRecord.SetBase((string)bases[0]); validFlag = false; } bases.RemoveAt(0); lexRecord.SetSpellingVars(bases); if (!validFlag) { ErrMsgUtilLexRecord.AddContentErrMsg(contentType, 6, citation, lexRecord); } return(validFlag); }
public static void SetItemInListInLexRecordAt(LexRecord lexRecord, int contentType, string item, int index) { switch (contentType) { case 2: lexRecord.GetSpellingVars()[index] = item; break; case 5: lexRecord.GetVariants()[index] = item; break; case 6: lexRecord.GetNominalizations()[index] = item; break; case 7: lexRecord.GetAbbreviations()[index] = item; break; case 8: lexRecord.GetAcronyms()[index] = item; break; } }
private static bool CheckDuplicates(LexRecord lexRecord) { bool validFlag = true; int contentType = 2; string @base = lexRecord.GetBase(); List <string> svList = lexRecord.GetSpellingVars(); List <string> uSvList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < svList.Count; i++) { string sv = (string)svList[i]; if ((sv.Equals(@base) == true) || (uSvList.Contains(sv) == true)) { validFlag = false; ErrMsgUtilLexRecord.AddContentErrMsg(contentType, 2, sv, lexRecord); } else { uSvList.Add(sv); } } if (!validFlag) { lexRecord.SetSpellingVars(uSvList); } return(validFlag); }
private static bool CheckIrreg(LexRecord lexRecord, HashSet <string> irregExpEuiList) { bool validFlag = true; List <string> variants = lexRecord.GetVariants(); string citation = lexRecord.GetBase(); List <string> svList = lexRecord.GetSpellingVars(); HashSet <string> baseList = new HashSet <string>(svList); baseList.Add(citation); HashSet <string> irregBases = new HashSet <string>(); string variant; for (System.Collections.IEnumerator localIterator = variants.GetEnumerator(); localIterator.MoveNext();) { variant = (string)localIterator.Current; if ((variant.StartsWith("irreg|")) || (variant.StartsWith("group(irreg|"))) { string irregBase = GetIrregBase(variant); if (!baseList.Contains(irregBase)) { validFlag = false; ErrMsgUtilLexRecord.AddContentErrMsg(5, 8, variant, lexRecord); } else { irregBases.Add(irregBase); } } } if (!validFlag) { return(validFlag); } if (irregBases.Count > 0) { string eui = lexRecord.GetEui(); if ((baseList.Count != irregBases.Count) && (!irregExpEuiList.Contains(eui))) { validFlag = false; foreach (string @base in baseList) { if (!irregBases.Contains(@base)) { ErrMsgUtilLexRecord.AddContentErrMsg(5, 9, @base, lexRecord); } } } } return(validFlag); }