Example #1
    public SupplyNetwork(Army army, LevelV0 level, GamePlayState gamePlayState)
        this.gamePlayState = gamePlayState;
        NetworkNodes = new SortedDictionary<int, SupplyNode>();
        NetworkConnections = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

        // add nodes for all the entry points in our level.
        // caution is needed when changing, since we are calling a static method
        // that does a lot of writing to various locations.  If this constructor
        // is ever called twice in one succession, disaster might arise.

        int startingPointId = level.Buildings.Single(building => building.isStartingPosition == true).nodeIdsForEntryPoints.First();
        this.NetworkNodes[startingPointId].SquadsInNode = army.Squads;

        // instead of adding new functions to 'initialize' the units in there initial starting building,
        // we'll reuse the Event Queue, adding 'unit arrived' events.
        army.Squads.ForEach( squad =>
                UnityEngine.Object unitResource = Resources.Load(@"Unit");
                GameObject unitTest = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate( unitResource, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
                Unit unit = unitTest.GetComponent(typeof(Unit)) as Unit;
                unit.InitializeOnGameSetup(startingPointId, squad.id,this.gamePlayState);
Example #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        UnityEngine.Object levelV0 = Resources.Load(@"LevelV0");
        GameObject levelV0Object = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(levelV0, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        this.LevelData = levelV0Object.GetComponent(typeof(LevelV0)) as LevelV0;

        this.blueTeamProfile = new Profile("testProfile");
        this.redTeamProfile = new Profile("testEnemyTeam");

        this.redTeam = new Army(this.redTeamProfile);
        this.blueTeam = new Army(this.blueTeamProfile);

        squadIdToSquadInfo = new Dictionary<Guid, Squad>();

        this.redTeam.Squads.ForEach( squad => squadIdToSquadInfo[squad.id] = squad );
        this.blueTeam.Squads.ForEach( squad => squadIdToSquadInfo[squad.id] = squad );

        this.CurrentGameMode = GameMode.BlankState;
        this.CurrentInputState = InputState.BlankState;

        this.buildingIdToBuildingInfo = new Dictionary<Guid, Building>();

        List<Building> buildings = this.LevelData.Buildings;

        GamePlayState.supplyLines = new SupplyNetwork(this.blueTeam, this.LevelData, this);
        foreach(Building building in buildings)
            this.buildingIdToBuildingInfo.Add(building.buildingId, building);

                // if this building is a starting point for all of our units, then
                // we need to let our supply network 'know', so that it knows where to
                // position our units in the initial configuration.

        // link up event handlers with the camera.
        if(Camera.allCameras.Length != 1)
            throw new System.ArgumentException("we only expected one active camera");

        Camera activeCamera = Camera.allCameras[0];
        TopDownCamera camera = activeCamera.GetComponentsInChildren<TopDownCamera>().First() as TopDownCamera;
        camera.ActionModeButtonPressed += this.ActionModeButtonPressed;
        this.Paused += camera.GamePausedHandler;
        this.UnPaused += camera.GameUnPausedHandler;