Example #1
        float vi = 0; // vi - initial velocity

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        // Apply the rules of gravity
        public void Apply(ref Vector2 spritepos, GameTime gameTime, bool isOnGround)
            // Is the player jumping up
            if (direction == LevelLibrary.Directions.up)
                // Apply the velocity
                spritepos.Y += vi;
                // Erode the velocity (it's negative at the mo')
                vi += gravityStrength;
                // Once we reach zero(ish) velocity we will start to come back down
                if (vi >= 0f)
                    // Now headed down
                    direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.down;
                    vi = 1;
            else if (direction == LevelLibrary.Directions.down)
                // Apply the velocity
                spritepos.Y += vi;
                // This time increase velocity as speed increases over time
                vi += gravityStrength;
            // If we are not moving
            else if (direction == LevelLibrary.Directions.none && isOnGround == false)
                // Apply the velocity
                spritepos.Y += vi;
                // If so we will start to fall
                direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.down;
                // Increase at rate of fall
                vi = gravityStrength;
Example #2
        // Read the keypresses
        public void UpdateInput(GameTime gameTime, Camera camera)
            currentDirection = LevelLibrary.Directions.none;
            jumpKeyPressed = false;
            KeyboardState newState = Keyboard.GetState();

            camera.Update(gameTime, newState, oldState);

            // Is the Q key down?
            if (newState.IsKeyDown(jumpKeyMapping))
                jumpKeyPressed = true;
            else if (newState.IsKeyDown(leftKeyMapping))
                currentDirection = LevelLibrary.Directions.left;
            else if (newState.IsKeyDown(rightKeyMapping))
                currentDirection = LevelLibrary.Directions.right;
            else if (newState.IsKeyDown(exitKeyMapping))
                exitKeyPressed = true;
            else if (newState.IsKeyDown(fullKeyMapping))
                fullScreenPressed = true;

            // Update saved state.
            oldState = newState;
Example #3
        // Initialise method
        // Get the current state of the keyboard; any keys pressed
        // Set the direction to static
        public Input()
            leftKeyMapping  = Keys.N;
            rightKeyMapping = Keys.M;
            jumpKeyMapping = Keys.Space;
            exitKeyMapping = Keys.Escape;
            fullKeyMapping = Keys.F;

            oldState = Keyboard.GetState();
            currentDirection = LevelLibrary.Directions.none;
Example #4
        // Initialise method
        // animation - texture atlas of all the animation frames
        public void Initialize(LevelLibrary.SpriteAnimator animation, Vector2 startPosition, int xSize, int ySize)
            PlayerAnimation = animation;

            // Set the starting position of the player around the middle of the screen and to the back
            position = startPosition;
            direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.none;
            currentSpeed = 1f;
            gravity = new LevelLibrary.Gravity();
            gravity.windowHeight = ySize;
            gravity.objectHeight = PlayerAnimation.FrameHeight;

            // Set the player health
            Health = 100;
            Lives = 3;

            // Can I hover
            hoverAbility = false;

            PlayerAnimation.Active = true;
            PlayerAnimation.Position = Position;
        public void Initialize(Texture2D textureLeft, Texture2D textureRight, Vector2 position,
            int frameWidth, int frameHeight, int frameCount,
            int frametime, Color color, float scale, bool looping)
            // Keep a local copy of the values passed in
            this.color = color;
            this.FrameWidth = frameWidth;
            this.FrameHeight = frameHeight;
            this.frameCount = frameCount;
            this.frameTime = frametime;
            this.scale = scale;

            Looping = looping;
            Position = position;
            spriteStripLeft = textureLeft;
            spriteStripRight = textureRight;
            direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.right;

            currentFrame = 0;

            // Set the Animation to active by default
            Active = true;
            Animating = true;
Example #6
 // Handle player key presses
 private void UpdatePlayerSpeedAndDirection(bool jumpKey, bool leftKey, bool rightKey)
     // We're jumping so set our velocity to upwards
     if (jumpKey == true && !jumping)
         jumping = true;
         gravity.SetVelocity(jumpPower, LevelLibrary.Directions.up);
     // Left key press
     if (leftKey == true)
         // Not moving - start moving
         if (direction == LevelLibrary.Directions.none)
             currentSpeed = initialSpeed;
             direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.left;
         else if (direction == LevelLibrary.Directions.left)
             // Allow increase in speed up until max speed
             if (currentSpeed < maxSpeed)
             if (currentSpeed <= 1)
                 direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.none;
     // Right key press
     else if (rightKey == true)
         // Not moving - start moving
         if (direction == LevelLibrary.Directions.none)
             currentSpeed = initialSpeed;
             direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.right;
         else if (direction == LevelLibrary.Directions.right)
             // Allow increase in speed up until max speed
             if (currentSpeed < maxSpeed)
             if (currentSpeed <= 1)
                 direction = LevelLibrary.Directions.none;
         // Player slows down if they don't press a key
         if (currentSpeed > 0)
             currentSpeed -= 0.1f;
Example #7
 public void SetVelocity(float v, LevelLibrary.Directions dir)
     vi = v;
     direction = dir;