public override void Trigger(GameObject Actor) { if (Actor != null) { levController = Actor.GetComponent <LevController>(); if (levController == null) { Debug.LogError("Actor is does not have Lev Controller"); return; } switch (direction) { case LevController.Direction.Left: levController.moveLeft(); break; case LevController.Direction.Right: levController.moveRight(); break; } } }
public override void UpdateTime(GameObject Actor, float time, float deltaTime) { if (Actor != null) { levController = Actor.GetComponent <LevController>(); if (levController == null) { Debug.LogError("Actor is does not have Lev Controller"); return; } originAcceleration = levController.levSetting.runAcceleration; switch (direction) { case LevController.Direction.Left: levController.moveLeft(); break; case LevController.Direction.Right: levController.moveRight(); break; } } }
IEnumerator MoveLev(LevController lev) { while (lev.transform.position.x < transform.position.x + 2.6f) { lev.moveRight(); yield return(null); } float waktu = 1f; lev.facingDirection = LevController.Direction.Left; while (waktu > 0f) { lev.stopMoving(); waktu -= Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } triggerCinematic.TriggerThis(0f); TorchPickable.StopAllTorches(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); rainatar.rainaAnim.speed = 0; }