//Make letter group, set the base letter and diacritic, run Populating Functions within the letter group.
    public void InstantiateAndPopulateLetterGroup(int _indexOfFirstUnderscore, int _letterGroupLength
                                                  , GameObject _letterGroupPrefab, Transform _InstPointTransform, string _LetterGroup, bool isHiragana)
        GameObject g_letterGroup = Instantiate(_letterGroupPrefab, _InstPointTransform);

        LetterFormation _LetterGroupScript = g_letterGroup.GetComponent <LetterFormation>();

        //If it's not Hiragana, set base letter and diacritic.
        if (!isHiragana)
            _LetterGroupScript.S_BaseLetter = _LetterGroup.Substring(0, _indexOfFirstUnderscore + 1);
            _LetterGroupScript.S_Diacritic  = _LetterGroup.Substring(_indexOfFirstUnderscore, _letterGroupLength - _indexOfFirstUnderscore);

        //Otherwise just set base letter.
            _LetterGroupScript.S_BaseLetter = _LetterGroup;

        //Populate the letter group based on whether it's hiragana or not.