Example #1
        public bool LessThan_IsValid(int propertyValue, int lessThan)
            //Create Validator
            var validator = new LessThan <Contact, int>(lessThan);
            RuleValidatorContext <Contact, int> context = BuildContextForNumberOfDependents(propertyValue);

            var notification = new ValidationNotification();

            //Validate the validator only, return true of no error returned
            return(validator.Validate(context, null, notification));
        public bool LessThan_Expression_IsValid(string propertyValue, string lessThan)
            DateTime propertyValueDateTime = DateTime.Parse(propertyValue);
            DateTime lessThanDateTime      = DateTime.Parse(lessThan);

            //Create Validator
            var validator = new LessThan <CalendarEvent, DateTime>(c => c.EndDate);
            // Build context for CalendarEvent containing a StartDate of propertyValue.
            RuleValidatorContext <CalendarEvent, DateTime> context = BuildContextForCalendarEventStartDate("Test Event", propertyValueDateTime, lessThanDateTime);

            var notification = new ValidationNotification();

            //Validate the validator only, return true of no error returned
            return(validator.Validate(context, null, notification));