protected override Property SetSubprop(Property baseProp, string subpropName, Property subProp) { LengthRange val = baseProp.GetLengthRange(); val.SetComponent(subpropName, subProp, false); return(baseProp); }
public override Property ConvertProperty(Property p, PropertyList pList, FObj fo) { if (p is LengthRangeProperty) { return(p); } if (!(p is EnumProperty)) { p = m_shorthandMaker.ConvertProperty(p, pList, fo); } if (p != null) { Property prop = MakeCompound(pList, fo); LengthRange pval = prop.GetLengthRange(); pval.SetComponent("minimum", p, false); pval.SetComponent("optimum", p, false); pval.SetComponent("maximum", p, false); return(prop); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary>Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.</summary> /// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param> /// <returns>true if the current object is equal to the <paramref name="other">other</paramref> parameter; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Equals(OasSchema other) { if (other is null) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; if (JsonType != other.JsonType) return false; if (Format != other.Format) return false; if (Options != other.Options) return false; if (!NumberRange.Equals(other.NumberRange)) return false; if (!ItemsRange.Equals(other.ItemsRange)) return false; if (!LengthRange.Equals(other.LengthRange)) return false; if (!PropertiesRange.Equals(other.PropertiesRange)) return false; if (!ExternalDocumentation.Equals(other.ExternalDocumentation)) return false; if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Title, other.Title)) return false; if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Description, other.Description)) return false; if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Pattern, other.Pattern)) return false; if (!Enum.NullableSetEquals(other.Enum)) return false; if (!AllOf.NullableSetEquals(other.AllOf)) return false; if (!OneOf.NullableSetEquals(other.OneOf)) return false; if (!AnyOf.NullableSetEquals(other.AnyOf)) return false; if (!Not.NullableSetEquals(other.Not)) return false; if (Items != other.Items) return false; if (!Properties.NullableDictionaryEquals(other.Properties)) return false; if (!AdditionalProperties.NullableDictionaryEquals(other.AdditionalProperties)) return false; return true; }
/// <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary> /// <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance.</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hc = 17L; hc = (hc * 23) + JsonType.GetHashCode(); hc = (hc * 23) + Options.GetHashCode(); hc = (hc * 23) + NumberRange.GetHashCode(); hc = (hc * 23) + ItemsRange.GetHashCode(); hc = (hc * 23) + LengthRange.GetHashCode(); hc = (hc * 23) + PropertiesRange.GetHashCode(); if (ExternalDocumentation != null) { hc = (hc * 23) + ExternalDocumentation.GetHashCode(); } if (Title != null) { hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Title); } if (Format != null) { hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Format); } if (Description != null) { hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Description); } if (Pattern != null) { hc = (hc * 23) + StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(Pattern); } hc = (hc * 23) + Enum.Count; hc = (hc * 23) + AllOf.Count; hc = (hc * 23) + OneOf.Count; hc = (hc * 23) + AnyOf.Count; hc = (hc * 23) + Not.Count; hc = (hc * 23) + Items.GetHashCode(); hc = (hc * 23) + Properties.Count; hc = (hc * 23) + AdditionalProperties.Count; return(((int)(hc >> 32)) ^ (int)hc); } }
protected override Property MakeCompound(PropertyList pList, FObj fo) { LengthRange p = new LengthRange(); Property subProp; subProp = GetSubpropMaker("minimum").Make(pList, GetDefaultForMinimum(), fo); p.SetComponent("minimum", subProp, true); subProp = GetSubpropMaker("optimum").Make(pList, GetDefaultForOptimum(), fo); p.SetComponent("optimum", subProp, true); subProp = GetSubpropMaker("maximum").Make(pList, GetDefaultForMaximum(), fo); p.SetComponent("maximum", subProp, true); return(new LengthRangeProperty(p)); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerBreakAfter) { return(new Status(Status.OK)); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); this.breakBefore ="break-before").GetEnum(); this.breakAfter ="break-after").GetEnum(); this.spaceBefore ="space-before.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceAfter ="space-after.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.ipd ="inline-progression-dimension"). GetLengthRange(); this.height ="height").GetLength().MValue(); this.bAutoLayout = ("table-layout").GetEnum() == TableLayout.AUTO); ="id").GetString(); this.omitHeaderAtBreak ="table-omit-header-at-break").GetEnum() == TableOmitHeaderAtBreak.TRUE; this.omitFooterAtBreak ="table-omit-footer-at-break").GetEnum() == TableOmitFooterAtBreak.TRUE; if (area is BlockArea) { area.end(); } if (this.areaContainer == null) { area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); } this.marker = 0; if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.PAGE) { return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK)); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE) { return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD)); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE) { return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN)); } } if ((spaceBefore != 0) && (this.marker == 0)) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceBefore); } if (marker == 0 && areaContainer == null) { area.getIDReferences().ConfigureID(id, area); } int spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft(); this.areaContainer = new AreaContainer(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), 0, 0, area.getAllocationWidth(), area.spaceLeft(), Position.STATIC); areaContainer.foCreator = this; areaContainer.setPage(area.getPage()); areaContainer.setParent(area); areaContainer.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); areaContainer.setBorderAndPadding(propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding()); areaContainer.start(); areaContainer.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); areaContainer.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); bool addedHeader = false; bool addedFooter = false; int numChildren = this.children.Count; if (columns.Count == 0) { FindColumns(areaContainer); if (this.bAutoLayout) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!"); } this.contentWidth = CalcFixedColumnWidths(areaContainer.getAllocationWidth()); } areaContainer.setAllocationWidth(this.contentWidth); layoutColumns(areaContainer); for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; if (fo is TableHeader) { if (columns.Count == 0) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width"); return(new Status(Status.OK)); } tableHeader = (TableHeader)fo; tableHeader.SetColumns(columns); } else if (fo is TableFooter) { if (columns.Count == 0) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width"); return(new Status(Status.OK)); } tableFooter = (TableFooter)fo; tableFooter.SetColumns(columns); } else if (fo is TableBody) { if (columns.Count == 0) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width"); return(new Status(Status.OK)); } Status status; if (tableHeader != null && !addedHeader) { if ((status = tableHeader.Layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) { tableHeader.ResetMarker(); return(new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE)); } addedHeader = true; tableHeader.ResetMarker(); area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight()); } if (tableFooter != null && !this.omitFooterAtBreak && !addedFooter) { if ((status = tableFooter.Layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) { return(new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE)); } addedFooter = true; tableFooter.ResetMarker(); } fo.SetWidows(widows); fo.SetOrphans(orphans); ((TableBody)fo).SetColumns(columns); if ((status = fo.Layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) { this.marker = i; if (bodyCount == 0 && status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE) { if (tableHeader != null) { tableHeader.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); } if (tableFooter != null) { tableFooter.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); } ResetMarker(); } if (areaContainer.getContentHeight() > 0) { area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (this.omitHeaderAtBreak) { tableHeader = null; } if (tableFooter != null && !this.omitFooterAtBreak) { ((TableBody)fo).SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition()); tableFooter.SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition() + ((TableBody)fo).GetHeight()); } SetupColumnHeights(); status = new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); } return(status); } else { bodyCount++; } area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight()); if (tableFooter != null && !this.omitFooterAtBreak) { ((TableBody)fo).SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition()); tableFooter.SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition() + ((TableBody)fo).GetHeight()); } } } if (tableFooter != null && this.omitFooterAtBreak) { if (tableFooter.Layout(areaContainer).isIncomplete()) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Footer could not fit on page, moving last body row to next page"); area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (this.omitHeaderAtBreak) { tableHeader = null; } tableFooter.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); tableFooter.ResetMarker(); return(new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME)); } } if (height != 0) { areaContainer.SetHeight(height); } SetupColumnHeights(); areaContainer.end(); area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceAfter); } if (area is BlockArea) { area.start(); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK)); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.ODD_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD)); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.EVEN_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN)); } return(new Status(Status.OK)); }
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext) { //类型 var valueType = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(validationContext.MemberName).PropertyType; var valueBaseType = valueType.BaseType; //验证的属性 string valName = validationContext.MemberName; //消息中的字段名称 string valDisplayName = valName; //必填 bool valRequired = false; var fsColumnAttr = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(valName).CustomAttributes.ToList().Where(p => p.AttributeType == typeof(Model.FsColumnAttribute)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fsColumnAttr != null) //FreeSQL实体类 { var attrCount = fsColumnAttr.ConstructorArguments.Count; if (attrCount > 0) { valDisplayName = fsColumnAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value.ObjToString(); //取是否必填 } if (attrCount > 1) { valRequired = fsColumnAttr.ConstructorArguments[1].Value.ObjToBool(); } } else { //ViewModel DTO实体类 valRequired = Required; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DisplayName)) { valDisplayName = DisplayName; } } if (VerRequired) { valRequired = VerRequired; } string inputText = value == null ? "" : Convert.ToString(value); if (valRequired) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}不能为空", new[] { valName })); } } //枚举类型 if (typeof(Enum) == valueBaseType) { if (!Enum.IsDefined(valueType, value)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}的值不在枚举限定范围内", new[] { valName })); } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputText)) { return(ValidationResult.Success); } //验证时间 if (typeof(DateTime) == valueType) { if (value.ObjToDate() == DateTime.MinValue) { return(new ValidationResult($"缺少{valDisplayName}", new[] { valName })); } } //验证长度范围 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LengthRange)) { var arr = LengthRange.SplitString("-"); var ipnutTextByteLength = inputText.ByteLength(); if (arr.Length == 2) { if (ipnutTextByteLength < arr[0].ObjToInt() || ipnutTextByteLength > arr[1].ObjToInt()) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}长度范围在{LengthRange}之间", new[] { valName })); } } else { var tempLength = LengthRange.ObjToInt(0); if (tempLength <= 0) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}LengthRange属性值有误", new[] { valName })); } else { if (ipnutTextByteLength != tempLength) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}长度为{tempLength}个字符", new[] { valName })); } } } } switch (ValidateType) { case ValidateType.None: break; case ValidateType.Email: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsEmail(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的邮箱", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.Date: inputText = inputText.Split(' ')[0].Replace("/", "-"); if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsDate(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的日期", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.DateYear: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsDateYear(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的年份", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.DateMonth: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsDateMonth(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的月份", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.DateTime: inputText = inputText.Replace("/", "-").Replace(" 0:", " 00:"); if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsDateTime(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的时间日期", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.Number: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsNumeric(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的数字", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.Money: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsMoney(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的非负金额", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.MoneyIncloudMinus: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsMoneyIncloudMinus(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的金额", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.IdNo: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsIdCard(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的身份证号码", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.CellPhone: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsCellPhone(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的手机号", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.WebURL: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsWebUrl(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}内容不是合法的网址", new[] { valName })); } break; case ValidateType.AccountName: if (!Common.Helper.ValidateHelper.IsAccountName(inputText)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}只能由数字、字母、下划线组成", new[] { valName })); } break; default: break; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NumberRange)) { var arr = NumberRange.SplitString("-"); if (arr.Length != 2) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}LengthRange属性值有误", new[] { valName })); } var inputTextDecimal = inputText.ObjToDecimal(0); if (inputTextDecimal < arr[0].ObjToDecimal(0) || inputTextDecimal > arr[1].ObjToDecimal(0)) { return(new ValidationResult($"{valDisplayName}值范围在{NumberRange}之间", new[] { valName })); } } return(ValidationResult.Success); }
public override Property GetSubpropValue(Property baseProp, string subpropName) { LengthRange val = baseProp.GetLengthRange(); return(val.GetComponent(subpropName)); }
public LengthRangeProperty(LengthRange lengthRange) { this.lengthRange = lengthRange; }