Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// In LegoNxt.cs, post a message to _legoCommWithAckPort or _legoCommNoAckPort.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal LegoResponse SendCommand(LegoCommand cmd)
            LegoResponse response = null;

            if (buffer != null && serialPort != null && serialPort.IsOpen)
                // Add the bluetooth packet length
                int ixBuffer = 0;
                // dataLength = commandType + commandCode + Data
                int packetLength = (2 + ((cmd.Data == null) ? 0 : cmd.Data.Length));
                buffer[ixBuffer++] = (byte)(packetLength % 256);
                buffer[ixBuffer++] = (byte)(packetLength / 256);

                // Add the bluetooth header bytes to get an actual packet count
                packetLength += 2;

                buffer[ixBuffer++] = (byte)(cmd.CommandType + ((!cmd.RequireResponse) ? 0x80 : 0x00));
                buffer[ixBuffer++] = (byte)cmd.LegoCommandCode;

                // When requesting a response, clear the inbound buffer
                if (cmd.RequireResponse && serialPort.BytesToRead > 0)

                int dataLength = (cmd.Data == null) ? 0 : cmd.Data.Length;
                int ixData     = 0;
                while (ixData < dataLength || ixBuffer > 0)
                    // Copy up to serialBufferLength from Data
                    while (ixBuffer < serialBufferLength && ixData < dataLength)
                        buffer[ixBuffer++] = cmd.Data[ixData++];

                        serialPort.Write(buffer, 0, ixBuffer);
                        ixBuffer = 0;
                        _legoService.LogConsoleError("Serial Port Timeout.");

                response = GetCommandResponse(cmd);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialization Constructor
 /// </summary>
 public UpdateResponse(LegoResponse body)
     this.Body = body;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Send data immediately to the serial port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerator <ITask> CommSendImmediateHandler(SendCommand sendCommand)
            Fault fault = null;

            if (_commState.SerialPort == null ||
                fault = Fault.FromException(new NullReferenceException("The Lego Serial Port is disconnected."));
            else if (sendCommand == null ||
                     sendCommand.Body == null ||
                     sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand == null ||
                     sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.CommandData == null ||
                     sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.CommandData.Length == 0)
                fault = Fault.FromException(new NullReferenceException("Invalid Lego Command"));

            if (fault != null)
                if (sendCommand.Body.InternalResponsePort != null)
                else if (sendCommand.ResponsePort != null)

                yield break;

            byte[] data = sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.CommandData;

            int packetLength = data.Length;

                if ((sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.RequireResponse) &&
                    (sendCommand.Body.Stopwatch != null))

                if (_state.ConnectOverBluetooth)
                    // Add the bluetooth packet length
                    buffer[0] = (byte)(packetLength % 256);
                    buffer[1] = (byte)(packetLength / 256);

                    // Write the bluetooth header
                    _commState.SerialPort.Write(buffer, 0, 2);

                _commState.SerialPort.Write(data, 0, packetLength);

                if (sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.RequireResponse)
                    // calculate the minimum expected response time for this command.
                    sendCommand.Body.MinExpectedTimeSpan = CalcMinWaitTimeSpan(sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.LegoCommandCode);
                    if (_commState.PendingRequests.Count == 1)

                    // Signal intermediate completion
                    if (sendCommand.Body.InternalResponsePort != null)
                    // Send an empty success response.
                    LegoResponse response = sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.GetResponse(null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is System.TimeoutException)
                    // A write timeout means the serial port is no longer connected.
                    _state.Connected = false;
                    SendNotification <ConnectionUpdate>(_subMgrPort, new ConnectionUpdate(_state.Connected));

                fault = Fault.FromException(ex);
                if (sendCommand.Body.LegoCommand.RequireResponse)
                    if (sendCommand.Body.InternalResponsePort != null)
                else // respond directly to the source
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Wait for a response on the serial port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getResponse"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerator <ITask> CommGetResponseHandler(GetResponse getResponse)
            string             errorMessage = null;
            SendCommandRequest cmdRequest   = _commState.PendingRequests.Peek();

            if (cmdRequest == null)
                yield break;

            #region If the data isn't ready yet, wait a little and try again.
            if (_commState.SerialPort.BytesToRead == 0)
                TimeSpan elapsed = (cmdRequest.Stopwatch == null) ? TimeSpan.MinValue : cmdRequest.Stopwatch.Elapsed;
                TimeSpan remaining;
                if (elapsed != TimeSpan.MinValue &&
                    elapsed < cmdRequest.MinExpectedTimeSpan)
                    // Wait until the minimum expected time for this command.
                    remaining = cmdRequest.MinExpectedTimeSpan.Subtract(elapsed);
                else if (elapsed.TotalSeconds < 1.0)
                    // No data yet, wait 3 milliseconds
                    remaining = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 3);
                    // Timeout has occurred
                    // Remove from the pending list

                    if (_commState.ConsecutiveReadTimeouts > 5)
                        // Several read timeouts in a row means the serial port is no longer connected.
                        _state.Connected = false;
                        SendNotification <ConnectionUpdate>(_subMgrPort, new ConnectionUpdate(_state.Connected));

                    errorMessage = "Timeout receiving data from the LEGO NXT.";

                    if (cmdRequest.InternalResponsePort != null)
                        Fault faultResponse = Fault.FromException(new IOException(errorMessage));
                    yield break;

                // Leave the exclusive handler,
                // but wake up in a little bit and try again.
                Activate(Arbiter.Receive(false, TimeoutPort(remaining),
                                         delegate(DateTime timeout)
                yield break;

            // When data starts to come in, clear the read timeout counter.
            if (_commState.ConsecutiveReadTimeouts > 0)
                _commState.ConsecutiveReadTimeouts = 0;


            // See if there is data on the serial port.
            // if not, post back to _commGetResponsePort
            // otherwise read it and send it back
            LegoCommand cmd       = cmdRequest.LegoCommand;
            bool        resetComm = false;
                int packetSize = cmd.ExpectedResponseSize;
                if (_state.ConnectOverBluetooth)
                    packetSize = _commState.SerialPort.ReadByte() + (_commState.SerialPort.ReadByte() * 256);
                    if (packetSize != cmd.ExpectedResponseSize)
                        errorMessage = "Bluetooth header does not match the expected LEGO Command response size.";
                        resetComm    = true;

                // Read the data and get a response packet.
                byte[] receiveData = new byte[packetSize];
                _commState.SerialPort.Read(receiveData, 0, packetSize);

                #region Timing Stats
                if (cmdRequest.Stopwatch != null)
                    _CodeTimerStats.Add(new CodeTimer(cmd.LegoCommandCode, cmdRequest.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000.0));
                    if (_CodeTimerStats.Count > 20)

                LegoResponse legoReceive = cmd.GetResponse(receiveData);

                byte commandType = (byte)(receiveData[0] & 0x7F);

                // Is this a valid starting type?
                if (commandType != 0x00 && commandType != 0x01 && commandType != 0x02)
                    errorMessage = string.Format("Invalid LEGO response command: {0}", commandType);
                    resetComm    = true;
                    // Data is received successfully
                    // Remove from the pending list

                    if (!_state.Connected)
                        _state.Connected = true;
                        SendNotification <ConnectionUpdate>(_subMgrPort, new ConnectionUpdate(_state.Connected));

                    if (cmdRequest.InternalResponsePort != null)

                    yield break;
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                resetComm = true;
                if (ex.Message == "Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.")
                    errorMessage = "A connection error occured which may be caused by an invalid Baud Rate";
                    errorMessage = "A connection error occured while accessing the LEGO NXT serial port";
            catch (TimeoutException)
                // Ignore timeouts for now.

                errorMessage = "Timeout reading from LEGO NXT brick";
                resetComm    = true;
            catch (IOException ex)
                errorMessage = string.Format("Error reading from the serial port in NxtComm(): {0}", ex);
                resetComm    = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorMessage = string.Format("Error reading from the serial port in NxtComm(): {0}", ex);
                resetComm    = true;

            // Some error has occurred
            // Remove from the pending list

            if (resetComm)
                // A serious error occurred
                LogInfo(LogGroups.Console, "Resetting LEGO Serial Port");

                // Wait for remaining bytes
                yield return(Arbiter.Receive(false, TimeoutPort(300), delegate(DateTime timeout) { }));

                // Clear the serial port buffer

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                errorMessage = "Invalid or missing response data from LEGO NXT.";

            if (cmdRequest.InternalResponsePort != null)
                Fault faultResponse = Fault.FromException(new IOException(errorMessage));

            yield break;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a LEGO NXT Response packet for the specified request
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="responseData"></param>
 /// <returns>A Generic Lego Response</returns>
 /// <remarks>Override this method to return a custom response</remarks>
 public virtual LegoResponse GetResponse(byte[] responseData)
     var expectedResponseSize = (RequireResponse) ? ExpectedResponseSize : 3;
     var response = new LegoResponse(expectedResponseSize, LegoCommandCode, responseData);
     return response;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the LEGO response packet was a request for Button state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="legoResponse"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsValidButtonStateResponse(LegoResponse legoResponse)
            if ((legoResponse == null)
                || (legoResponse.CommandData == null)
                || legoResponse.CommandData.Length != 13
                || legoResponse.CommandType != LegoCommandType.Response // Lego Return Code
                || legoResponse.LegoCommandCode != LegoCommandCode.ReadIOMap
                || legoResponse.ErrorCode != LegoErrorCode.Success // success
                || legoResponse.CommandData[3] != 0x01 // offset byte 1
                || legoResponse.CommandData[4] != 0x00 // offset byte 2
                || legoResponse.CommandData[5] != 0x04 // offset byte 3
                || legoResponse.CommandData[6] != 0x00 // offset byte 4
                || legoResponse.CommandData[7] != 0x04 // data length byte 1
                || legoResponse.CommandData[8] != 0x00 // data length byte 2
                return false;

            return true;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Read Serial Port for a LEGO response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd"></param>
        private LegoResponse GetCommandResponse(LegoCommand cmd)
            if (cmd != null && cmd.RequireResponse && serialPort != null && serialPort.IsOpen)
                int wait = 0;
                while (serialPort.BytesToRead == 0 && wait < 10)
                    if (wait < 10)
                        if (serialPort.CtsHolding && serialPort.DsrHolding)
                            // We might be connected in the wrong direction
                            _legoService.LogConsoleError("Have you connected from the LEGO NXT to the PC?");

                    int  btLength    = serialPort.ReadByte() + (serialPort.ReadByte() * 256);
                    byte commandType = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte();
                    LegoHelper.LegoCommandCode command = (LegoHelper.LegoCommandCode)serialPort.ReadByte();
                    btLength -= 2;

                    if (cmd.LegoCommandCode != command)
                        // Garbled response.
                        // Wait for remaining bytes
                        // return an error
                        IOException ex1 = new IOException("Garbled data received from LEGO NXT.  LEGO response code does not match LEGO command.");
                        return(new LegoResponseException(cmd, ex1));

                    LegoResponse legoReceive = new LegoResponse(commandType, command, btLength);

                    if (btLength > 0)
                        legoReceive.Data = new byte[btLength];
                        serialPort.Read(legoReceive.Data, 0, btLength);

                    // Is this a valid starting type?
                    if (commandType != 0x00 && commandType != 0x01 &&
                        commandType != 0x02 && commandType != 0x80 &&
                        commandType != 0x81)
                        _legoService.LogConsoleInfo(string.Format("Invalid LEGO response command: {0}", commandType));

                catch (ArgumentException ex)
                    if (ex.Message == "Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.")
                        _legoService.LogConsoleError("A connection error occured which may be caused by an invalid Baud Rate");
                        IOException ex3 = new IOException("Invalid Baud Rate");
                        return(new LegoResponseException(cmd, ex3));
                        _legoService.LogConsoleError("A connection error occured while accessing the LEGO NXT serial port: " + ex.Message);
                        return(new LegoResponseException(cmd, ex));
                catch (TimeoutException ex)
                    // Ignore timeouts for now.
                    _legoService.LogConsoleInfo("Timeout reading from LEGO NXT brick");
                    return(new LegoResponseException(cmd, ex));
                catch (IOException ex)
                    _legoService.LogConsoleError(string.Format("Error reading from the serial port in CommBase(): {0}", ex.Message));
                    return(new LegoResponseException(cmd, ex));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _legoService.LogConsoleError(string.Format("Error reading from the serial port in CommBase(): {0}", ex.Message));
                    return(new LegoResponseException(cmd, ex));

            LegoResponse response = new LegoResponse(2, cmd.LegoCommandCode, 1);

            if (cmd == null || cmd.RequireResponse)
                response.ErrorCode = LegoErrorCode.UnknownStatus;

                if (cmd == null)
                    _legoService.LogConsoleError("Invalid LEGO Command: null");
                else if (serialPort == null || !serialPort.IsOpen)
                    _legoService.LogConsoleWarning(string.Format("Unable to retrieve response from LEGO command {0} because the serial port is not open.", cmd.LegoCommandCode));
