public void StartState() { // Reset Variables currentAction = LeavingActions.None; stateMachine.taskDestination = null; stateMachine.taskDestinationPosition =; exitPoint = null; EjectEquippedItem(); }
public virtual void UpdateActions() { switch (currentAction) { case LeavingActions.None: { bool result = SetupDestination(); if (result) { stateMachine.navMeshAgent.SetDestination(stateMachine.taskDestination.position); currentAction = LeavingActions.Moving; } break; } case LeavingActions.Moving: { if (stateMachine.navMeshAgent.remainingDistance < 2.0f) { currentAction = LeavingActions.Bye; } break; } case LeavingActions.Bye: { //stateMachine.agent.ResetPath(); if (stateMachine.IsStateMachineActive()) { if (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != "MainMenu") { stateMachine.gameManager.RemoveCustomer(stateMachine.transform); } } // Stop statemachine from ticking... it's okay sweet prince, things will be okay... stateMachine.DisableStateMachine(); // Shhhhhhh... you're going to a better place now Object.DestroyImmediate(stateMachine.gameObject); break; } } }