Example #1
        // Teacher and Coordinator Learning Plan
        public ActionResult LearningPlan()
            //connect to db
            Syllabus_ManagementEntities4 syllabus = new Syllabus_ManagementEntities4();
            //retrieve table details (firstName, lastName, etc.)
            Learning_Plan d = new Learning_Plan();

            //from the table friends, select all in descending order by age
            var learningList = (from u in syllabus.Learning_Plan
                                join qrter in syllabus.Quarters on u.quarter_FK equals qrter.quarter_ID
                                select new LearningPlan
                LearningId = u.learning_ID,
                CourseOutcomeFK = u.courseOutcome_FK.Value,
                CourseIdFK = u.course_id_fk,
                QuarterIdFK = u.quarter_FK,
                SyllabusIdFK = u.syllabus_FK,
                LODesc = u.learningOutcomeDesc,
                hrs = u.hours,
                topics = u.topics,
                teacherAct = u.teacherActivity,
                learnerAct = u.learnerActivity,
                assessAct = u.assessmentActivity,
                QuarterName = qrter.quarter_name

            //converting all the retrieved data (friends) into a list object
            ViewData["LearningPlanList"] = learningList;
Example #2
        // Teacher and Coordinator Learning Plan
        //Note CO Addressed and Academic Term updated yet because no value
        public ActionResult LearningPlanUpdated(FormCollection fc)
            Syllabus_ManagementEntities4 syllabus = new Syllabus_ManagementEntities4();
            Learning_Plan p = new Learning_Plan();

            //string topics = lp_info["topics"];
            //int hrs = Convert.ToInt32(lp_info["noOfHrs"]);
            int    learningPlanId   = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["learn_id"]);
            string learning_outcome = fc["learningOutcome"];
            int    hours            = Convert.ToInt32(fc["noOfHrs"]);
            string topics           = fc["topics"];
            string teacher_act      = fc["teacherAct"];
            string learner_act      = fc["learnAct"];
            string ass_act          = fc["assessAct"];

            var d = syllabus.Learning_Plan.SingleOrDefault(b => b.learning_ID == learningPlanId);

            d.learningOutcomeDesc = learning_outcome;
            d.hours              = hours;
            d.topics             = topics.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            d.teacherActivity    = teacher_act.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            d.learnerActivity    = learner_act.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            d.assessmentActivity = ass_act.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");

            catch (Exception e) {
                ViewBag.Result = e;

            return(RedirectToAction("LearningPlan", "LearningPlan"));
Example #3
        // Teacher and Coordinator Learning Plan
        public ActionResult LearningPlanAddData(FormCollection lp_info)
            //connect to db
            Syllabus_ManagementEntities4 syllabus = new Syllabus_ManagementEntities4();

            int    syllabusIdFK = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["syllabusIdFK"]);
            int    courseIdFK   = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["courseIdFK"]);
            string quarter      = lp_info["academicTerm"];

            //static as of the moment
            int co_IdFk = Convert.ToInt32("1");

            int quarterValue_FKRet = (from u in syllabus.Quarters
                                      where u.quarter_name == quarter
                                      select u.quarter_ID).FirstOrDefault();
            string lOutcome  = lp_info["learningOutcome"];
            int    hrs       = Convert.ToInt32(lp_info["noOfHrs"]);
            string topics    = lp_info["topics"];
            string teachAct  = lp_info["teacherAct"];
            string learnAct  = lp_info["learnAct"];
            string assessAct = lp_info["assessAct"];

            if (assessAct == " ")
                assessAct = null;

            Learning_Plan lp = new Learning_Plan();

            //assigning the table data through the input
            lp.courseOutcome_FK    = co_IdFk;
            lp.course_id_fk        = courseIdFK;
            lp.quarter_FK          = quarterValue_FKRet;
            lp.syllabus_FK         = syllabusIdFK;
            lp.learningOutcomeDesc = lOutcome.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            lp.hours              = hrs;
            lp.topics             = topics.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            lp.teacherActivity    = teachAct.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            lp.learnerActivity    = learnAct.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            lp.assessmentActivity = assessAct.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");

                //add data to db

                //save data to db
                ViewBag.Result = "Saved";
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.Result = "Not Saved" + e.Message;

            return(RedirectToAction("LearningPlan", "LearningPlan"));