protected virtual void Update() { if (provider == null) { Debug.LogError("No provider set for " + this.GetType().Name + " in " + + "; you should sure that there is a LeapProvider in " + "your scene and that this component has a LeapProvider reference.", this); this.enabled = false; } _wasActivated = false; _wasDeactivated = false; _wasCancelled = false; _wasFinished = false; var hand = provider.Get(whichHand); // Determine the tracked state of hands and fire appropriate methods. _isHandTracked = hand != null; if (isHandTracked != _wasHandTracked) { if (isHandTracked) { WhenHandBecomesTracked(hand); } else { WhenHandLosesTracking(whichHand == Chirality.Left); } } if (isHandTracked) { WhileHandTracked(hand); } else { WhileHandUntracked(whichHand == Chirality.Left); } _wasHandTracked = isHandTracked; // Determine whether or not the gesture should be active or inactive. bool shouldGestureBeActive; DeactivationReason?deactivationReason = null; if (!isHandTracked) { shouldGestureBeActive = false; } else { if (!_isActive) { if (ShouldGestureActivate(hand)) { shouldGestureBeActive = true; } else { shouldGestureBeActive = false; } } else { if (ShouldGestureDeactivate(hand, out deactivationReason)) { shouldGestureBeActive = false; } else { shouldGestureBeActive = true; } } } // If the deactivation reason is not set, we assume the gesture completed // successfully. bool wasGestureSuccessful = deactivationReason.GetValueOrDefault() == DeactivationReason.FinishedGesture; // Fire gesture state change events. if (shouldGestureBeActive != _isActive) { if (shouldGestureBeActive) { _wasActivated = true; _isActive = true; WhenGestureActivated(hand); OnGestureActivated(); OnOneHandedGestureActivated(hand); } else { _wasDeactivated = true; if (wasGestureSuccessful) { _wasFinished = true; } else { _wasCancelled = true; } _isActive = false; WhenGestureDeactivated(hand, deactivationReason.GetValueOrDefault()); OnGestureDeactivated(); OnOneHandedGestureDeactivated(hand); } } // Fire per-update events. if (_isActive) { WhileGestureActive(hand); } else { WhileGestureInactive(hand); } }