public async Task ReturnCorrectViewModel_WhenCalled()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            Mock <IMemoryCache>   memoryCacheMock   = new Mock <IMemoryCache>();

            string validSortOrder  = string.Empty;
            string validFilter     = string.Empty;
            int    validPageNumber = 1;
            int    validPageSize   = 10;

            IPagedList <League> leagues = new PagedList <League>(new List <League>().AsQueryable(), validPageNumber, validPageSize);

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FilterLeaguesAsync(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize))

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act
            var result = await SUT.Filter(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageSize, validPageNumber) as PartialViewResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result.Model, typeof(TableViewModel <LeagueViewModel>));
        public async Task ReturnViewResult_WhenCalled()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            IMemoryCache          memoryCacheMock   = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());

            string validSortOrder  = string.Empty;
            string validFilter     = string.Empty;
            int    validPageNumber = 1;
            int    validPageSize   = 10;

            IPagedList <League> leagues = new PagedList <League>(new List <League>().AsQueryable(), validPageNumber, validPageSize);

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FilterLeaguesAsync(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize))

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act
            var result = await SUT.Index();

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
        public void AddLeagueInTheRepo()
            List <League> leagues = CreateLeagueList();
            List <League> added   = new List <League>();
            var           mock    = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Filling mock with data
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Add(It.IsAny <League>()))
            .Callback <League>(c => added.Add(c));
            mock.As <ILeagueRepository>().Setup(m => m.isLeagueNameExist(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>(), null))

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);

            // configuring the context for the controler

            // Testing all the list that we can retrieve correctly the leagues
            for (int i = 0; i < leagues.Count; i++)
                HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Post(leagues[i]).Result;
                // the result should say "HttpStatusCode.Created"
                Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.Created);

            // the added list should be the same as the list
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(leagues, added);
        public void UpdateFailureLeagueInTheRepo()
            League league = new League();

            var mock = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Creating the rules for mock, always send true in this case
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Update(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <League>()))
            mock.As <ILeagueRepository>().Setup(m => m.isLeagueNameExist(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int>()))

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);

            // configuring the context for the controler

            // Facking a model error
            controller.ModelState.AddModelError("key", "errorMessage");

            HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Put(league.Id, league).Result;

            // the result should say "HttpStatusCode.BadRequest"
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
        public async Task ThrowApplicationException_WhenLeaguesIsNull()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            Mock <IMemoryCache>   memoryCacheMock   = new Mock <IMemoryCache>();

            string validSortOrder  = string.Empty;
            string validFilter     = string.Empty;
            int    validPageNumber = 1;
            int    validPageSize   = 10;

            IPagedList <League> leagues = null;

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FilterLeaguesAsync(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize))

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act & Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ApplicationException>(() =>
                                                                     SUT.Download(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize));
        public void UpdateFailureLeagueNameExistsInTheRepo()
            League league = new League();
            var    mock   = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Filling mock rull with repository
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Add(It.IsAny <League>()));
            mock.As <ILeagueRepository>().Setup(m => m.isLeagueNameExist(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int>()))

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);

            // configuring the context for the controler

            HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Put(1, league).Result;

            // the result should say "HttpStatusCode.BadRequest"
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
        public async void TestForGetLeagueById()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <LeagueContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "p3LeagueControllerGetLeagueById")

            using (var context = new LeagueContext(options))

                Repo             r                = new Repo(context, new NullLogger <Repo>());
                Logic            logic            = new Logic(r, new NullLogger <Repo>());
                LeagueController leagueController = new LeagueController(logic);
                var league = new League
                    LeagueID   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    LeagueName = "louge",
                    SportID    = 51

                var getLeague = await leagueController.GetLeagueById(league.LeagueID);

                Assert.IsAssignableFrom <string>((getLeague as NotFoundObjectResult).Value);

                await r.CommitSave();

                var getLeague2 = await leagueController.GetLeagueById(league.LeagueID);

                Assert.IsAssignableFrom <League>((getLeague2 as OkObjectResult).Value);
        public void RetrieveFailureALeagueInTheRepo()
            List <League> leagues = CreateLeagueList();

            var mock = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Filling mock with data
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int?>(id => Task.FromResult(leagues.FirstOrDefault(c => false)));

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);

            // configuring the context for the controler

            HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Get(1).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        public async Task ReturnCorrectViewModel_WhenCalled()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            Mock <IMemoryCache>   memoryCacheMock   = new Mock <IMemoryCache>();

            string validId = string.Empty;

            League validLeagueResult = new League();

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FindAsync(validId))

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act
            var result = await SUT.Details(validId) as ViewResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result.Model, typeof(LeagueDetailsViewModel));
        public async Task CallFindAsync_WhenCalled()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            Mock <IMemoryCache>   memoryCacheMock   = new Mock <IMemoryCache>();

            string validId = string.Empty;

            League validLeagueResult = new League();

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FindAsync(validId))

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act
            await SUT.Details(validId);

            // Assert
            leagueServiceMock.Verify(mock => mock.FindAsync(validId), Times.Once);
        public void RetrieveAllleaguesInTheRepo()
            IEnumerable <League> leagues = CreateLeagueList();

            var mock = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Filling mock with data
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.GetAll())

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);


            HttpResponseMessage response = controller.GetAll().Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.OK);
            var objectContent = response.Content as ObjectContent;

            Assert.AreEqual(leagues, objectContent.Value);
        public async Task CallFilterLeaguesAsync_WhenCalled()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            Mock <IMemoryCache>   memoryCacheMock   = new Mock <IMemoryCache>();

            string validSortOrder  = string.Empty;
            string validFilter     = string.Empty;
            int    validPageNumber = 1;
            int    validPageSize   = 10;

            IPagedList <League> leagues = new PagedList <League>(new List <League>().AsQueryable(), validPageNumber, validPageSize);

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FilterLeaguesAsync(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize))

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act
            await SUT.Filter(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageSize, validPageNumber);

            // Assert
            .Verify(mock => mock.FilterLeaguesAsync(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize),
        public void ValidOK()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            LeagueController League = new LeagueController();

            //test to see that it exists
Example #14
 public void Before()
     _ctrl = new LeagueController()
         Request       = new HttpRequestMessage(),
         Configuration = new System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration(),
        public async Task CallFilterLeaguesAsync_WhenCalled()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            Mock <IMemoryCache>   memoryCacheMock   = new Mock <IMemoryCache>();

            IList <string> validFileParameters = typeof(LeagueDownloadViewModel).GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name.ToString()).ToList();
            string         validCollection     = "leagues";

            string validSortOrder  = string.Empty;
            string validFilter     = string.Empty;
            int    validPageNumber = 1;
            int    validPageSize   = 10;

            string validFileName = string.Empty;

            byte[] validFileBytes = new byte[0];

            IPagedList <League> leagues = new PagedList <League>(
                new List <League>().AsQueryable(),

            IPagedList <LeagueDownloadViewModel> leagueDownloadViewModels = new PagedList <LeagueDownloadViewModel>(
                new List <LeagueDownloadViewModel>().AsQueryable(),

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FilterLeaguesAsync(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize))

            .Setup(mock => mock.CreatePDF(leagueDownloadViewModels, validFileParameters, validCollection))

            .Setup(mock => mock.GetFileBytesAsync(validFileName))

            .Setup(mock => mock.DeleteFile(validFileName));

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act
            await SUT.Download(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageSize, validPageNumber);

            // Assert
            leagueServiceMock.Verify(mock =>
                                     mock.FilterLeaguesAsync(validSortOrder, validFilter, validPageNumber, validPageSize),
Example #16
        public void LeagueController_Index_NoLeagues()
            var mockLeagueService = new MockLeagueService().MockGetAll(new List <League>());

            var controller = new LeagueController(mockLeagueService.Object);

            var result = controller.Index();

            Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ViewResult>(result);
Example #17
        public void RetrieveTopTen()
            var TestHelpers = new TestHelpers();

            _players = TestHelpers.PopulateListOfPlayers();
            var displayResults     = _players.OrderByDescending(x => x.Wins).Take(10).ToList();
            var mockLeagueServices = new Mock <ILeagueService>();

            mockLeagueServices.Setup(t => t.GetTopTenPlayers()).Returns(displayResults);

            var leagueController = new LeagueController(mockLeagueServices.Object);

            var returnedTopTen = leagueController.GetTopTen();
            var okObjectResult = returnedTopTen as OkObjectResult;

        public async Task ThrowApplicationException_WhenPassedNullId()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ILeagueService> leagueServiceMock = new Mock <ILeagueService>();
            Mock <IPDFService>    pDFServiceMock    = new Mock <IPDFService>();
            Mock <IMemoryCache>   memoryCacheMock   = new Mock <IMemoryCache>();

            string validId = string.Empty;

            League validLeagueResult = new League();

            leagueServiceMock.Setup(mock => mock.FindAsync(validId))

            LeagueController SUT = new LeagueController(

            // Act & Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ApplicationException>(() =>
Example #19
        public void LeagueController_Index_LeaguesExist()
            var mockLeagues = new List <League>()
                new League()
                    ID           = 1,
                    FoundingDate = new DateTime(1933, 5, 3)

            var mockLeagueService = new MockLeagueService().MockGetAll(mockLeagues);

            var controller = new LeagueController(mockLeagueService.Object);

            var result = controller.Index();

            Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ViewResult>(result);
        public async void TestForCreateLeague()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <LeagueContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "p3LeagueControllerCreateLeague")

            using (var context = new LeagueContext(options))

                Repo             r                = new Repo(context, new NullLogger <Repo>());
                Logic            logic            = new Logic(r, new NullLogger <Repo>());
                LeagueController leagueController = new LeagueController(logic);
                var sport = new Sport
                    SportID   = 35,
                    SportName = "basketball"

                await r.CommitSave();

                var leagueDto = new CreateLeagueDto
                    LeagueName = "sports",
                    SportName  = sport.SportName

                var createLeague = await leagueController.CreateLeague(leagueDto);

                Assert.IsAssignableFrom <League>((createLeague as OkObjectResult).Value);
                var createLeague2 = await leagueController.CreateLeague(leagueDto);

                Assert.IsAssignableFrom <string>((createLeague2 as ConflictObjectResult).Value);
        public void DeleteFailureLeagueInTheRepo()
            var mock = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Creating the rules for mock, always send true in this case
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Remove(It.IsAny <int>()))

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);

            // configuring the context for the controler

            HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Delete(0).Result;

            // the result should say "HttpStatusCode.NotFound"
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        public void UpdateLeagueInTheRepo()
            League league = new League();

            var mock = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Creating the rules for mock, always send true in this case
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Update(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <League>()))
            mock.As <ILeagueRepository>().Setup(m => m.isLeagueNameExist(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int>()))

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);

            // configuring the context for the controler

            League modifiedleague = new League();

            modifiedleague.Id   = league.Id;
            modifiedleague.Name = "ModifiedName";
            HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Put(modifiedleague.Id, modifiedleague).Result;

            // the result should say "HttpStatusCode.Created" and the returned object should have a different lastName
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.Created);

            var objectContent = response.Content as ObjectContent;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(league.Name, ((League)objectContent.Value).Name);
Example #23
 public void SetUp()
     context    = new MockDreamLeagueContext();
     controller = new LeagueController(context.MockContext.Object);
Example #24
 private void Awake()
     instance = this;
 public LeagueControllerTest()
     _mockLeagueRepository = DataHelper.GetTestLeagueRepository();
     _leagueController     = new LeagueController(_mockLeagueRepository.Object);
Example #26
 public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
     controller = new LeagueController(new UnitOfWork(new BruceFoxContext()));