void Awake() { groundScript = GameObject.Find("GroundTriggerCollider").GetComponent <GroundScript> (); highScoreText = GameObject.Find("highScoreText").GetComponent <LeaderBoardScript> (); // PreLoad PlayerPrefs to cut down loadtime when checking the HighScore. highScoreText.LeaderBoard(); }
public void ResetHighScore() { PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); LeaderBoardScript updateLeaderBoard = GameObject.Find("txt_highScores").GetComponent <LeaderBoardScript>(); updateLeaderBoard.highScoreText.text = ("No High Scores."); GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); }
private void OnGUI() { caterpillar = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CaterpillarManager"); // PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition, GUILayout.Width(Screen.width), GUILayout.Height(Screen.height)); GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle(); GUIStyle titleStyle = new GUIStyle(); Font myFont = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/CODERS_CRUX", typeof(Font)); myStyle.font = myFont; myStyle.fontSize = 32; myStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; titleStyle.font = myFont; titleStyle.fontSize = 48; titleStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; GUILayout.Space(20); GUILayout.Label(" Results", titleStyle); GUILayout.Space(25); // Display high scores! for (int i = 0; i < LeaderBoardScript.EntryCount; ++i) { var entry = LeaderBoardScript.GetEntry(i); GUILayout.Label(" " + (i + 1) + ". Name: " + entry.name + ", Time: " + entry.score, myStyle); } // Interface for reporting test scores. //GUILayout.Space(Screen.height - 300); //_nameInput = GUILayout.TextField(_nameInput); //_scoreInput = GUILayout.TextField(_scoreInput); int score; int.TryParse(_scoreInput, out score); if (rec < 1) { LeaderBoardScript.Record(_nameInput, score); caterpillar.GetComponent <CaterpillarLeaderboard>().Talk(Time.time - StartGame.startTime, LeaderBoardScript.EntryCount, LeaderBoardScript.GetTotalScore()); // Reset for next input. _nameInput = ""; _scoreInput = "0"; rec = 1; //StartCoroutine(Wait(5.0f)); } //Wait 25 seconds to go back to name screen. Invoke("DelayedFunction", 25.0f); GUILayout.EndArea(); }
void Awake(){ if(Instance==null) Instance=this; else Destroy(this.gameObject); }