public void bindData(int claimID) { adsource.PageSize = 10; adsource.AllowPaging = true; pos = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["vs"]); Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = LeadPolicyManager.Get(this.policyID); if (policy != null) { ViewState["policyTypeID"] = policy.PolicyType.ToString(); ViewState["vs"] = ViewState["pageIndex"] == null ? "0" : ViewState["pageIndex"].ToString(); pos = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["vs"]); Session["pageIndex"] = null; FillImage(this.leadID); } }
protected void gvPolicyList_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int id = 0; switch (e.CommandName) { case "DoEdit": case "DoView": Session["policyID"] = e.CommandArgument; Response.Redirect("~/Protected/LeadPolicyEdit.aspx"); break; case "DoDelete": id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); try { Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = LeadPolicyManager.Get(id); if (policy != null) { policy.IsActive = false; LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); // refresh policy list gvPolicyList.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } break; default: break; } }
// generate invoices protected void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Carrier carrier = null; CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; Invoice invoice = null; int carrierID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCarrier.SelectedValue); decimal invoiceAmount = 0; int policyID = 0; int profileID = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlInvoiceProfile.SelectedValue); if (carrierID == 0 || profileID == 0) { return; } try { profile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); carrier = CarrierManager.Get(carrierID); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); showErrorMessage(); return; } try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gvCarrierPolicy.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { CheckBox cbxSelect = row.FindControl("cbxSelect") as CheckBox; if (cbxSelect.Checked) { invoice = new Invoice(); //invoice.ClientID = clientID; //invoice.CarrierID = carrierID; invoice.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now; invoice.InvoiceTypeID = profile.InvoiceType; invoice.CarrierInvoiceProfileID = profileID; invoice.IsVoid = false; invoice.BillToAddress1 = carrier.AddressLine1; invoice.BillToAddress2 = carrier.AddressLine2; invoice.BillToAddress3 = string.Empty; invoice.BillToName = carrier.CarrierName; policyID = (int)gvCarrierPolicy.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[0]; //invoice.PolicyID = policyID; //invoice.LeadId = (int)gvCarrierPolicy.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[1]; //invoice.PolicyTypeID = (int)gvCarrierPolicy.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[2]; Label lblInvoiceAmount = row.FindControl("lblInvoiceAmount") as Label; decimal.TryParse(lblInvoiceAmount.Text, out invoiceAmount); invoice.TotalAmount = invoiceAmount; invoice.InvoiceNumber = InvoiceManager.GetNextInvoiceNumber(clientID); int invoiceID = InvoiceManager.Save(invoice); InvoiceDetail invoiceDetail = new InvoiceDetail(); invoiceDetail.InvoiceID = invoiceID; invoiceDetail.isBillable = true; invoiceDetail.Qty = 1; invoiceDetail.Rate = invoiceAmount; invoiceDetail.LineAmount = invoiceAmount; invoiceDetail.LineDate = DateTime.Now; invoiceDetail.LineDescription = "As per contract"; InvoiceDetailManager.Save(invoiceDetail); // flag policy as invoiced CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = LeadPolicyManager.Get(policyID); if (policy != null) { policy.IsInvoiced = true; LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); } } } } // foreach // complete transaction scope.Complete(); lblMessage.Text = "Invoice(s) have been generated."; lblMessage.CssClass = "ok"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); showErrorMessage(); } finally { // refresh those policies to be invoiced bindPoliciesReadyForInvoice(); } }
public void saveForm() { Page.Validate("Policy"); //if (!Page.IsValid) // return; CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = null; lblMessage.Text = string.Empty; lblMessage.CssClass = string.Empty; //if (int.TryParse(hf_policyID.Value, out id) && id > 0) { if (policyID > 0) { policy = LeadPolicyManager.Get(policyID); } else { // new policy = new CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy(); policy.LeadId = Core.SessionHelper.getLeadId(); policy.Id = 0; policy.IsActive = true; policy.isAllDocumentUploaded = false; } if (ucPolicyType1.SelectedValue == "0" || ucPolicyType1.SelectedValue == "") { policy.PolicyType = null; } else { policy.PolicyType = Convert.ToInt32(ucPolicyType1.SelectedValue); } // carrier information if (ddlCarrier.SelectedIndex > 0) { policy.CarrierID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCarrier.SelectedValue); } else { policy.CarrierID = null; } policy.PolicyNumber = txtInsurancePolicyNumber.Text.Trim(); policy.PolicyFormType = txtPolicyFormType.Text.Trim(); policy.InsuranceCompanyName = txtInsuranceCompanyName.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtExpirationDate.Text)) { policy.ExpirationDate = txtExpirationDate.Date; } else { policy.ExpirationDate = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtExpirationDate.Text)) { policy.EffectiveDate = txtEffectiveDate.Date; } else { policy.EffectiveDate = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtInitialCoverageDate.Text)) { policy.InitialCoverageDate = txtInitialCoverageDate.Date; } if (ddlAgent.SelectedIndex > 0) { policy.AgentID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAgent.SelectedValue); } try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { // save policy id this.policyID = LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); if (HttpContext.Current.Session["Limit"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["PolicyLimit"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["tblCasulityPolicylimit"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["tblAllPolicylimit"] != null) { AddLimitPolicy(this.policyID); CacheBlank(); ShowAddCoverage(); SetAddCoverage(this.policyID); HideAddCoverageAdd(); } else { propertyLimits.saveLimits(policyID); //casualtyLimits.saveLimits(policyID); } propertySubLimits.saveLimits(policyID); scope.Complete(); } // save policy type in viewstate policyType = ucPolicyType1.SelectedValue; // save policy id hf_policyID.Value = policyID.ToString(); // activate other tabs tabContainerPolicy.Visible = true; activateLinks(); bindLimits(); bindClaims(); //bindData(); lblMessage.Text = "Policy Information saved successfully."; lblMessage.CssClass = "ok"; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Policy Information was not saved."; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } }
public void fillForm() { Contact primaryContact = null; string zipCode = null; if (policyID > 0) { CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = LeadPolicyManager.Get(policyID); if (policy == null) { return; } ViewState["policyType"] = policy.PolicyType.ToString(); hf_policyID.Value = policy.Id.ToString(); hf_lastStatusID.Value = (policy.LeadStatus ?? 0).ToString(); //cbxAllDocumentUploaded.Checked = policy.isAllDocumentUploaded ?? false; if (policy.PolicyType != null) { ucPolicyType1.SelectedValue = policy.PolicyType.ToString(); } txtPolicyFormType.Text = policy.PolicyFormType; txtInsuranceCompanyName.Text = policy.Carrier == null ? policy.InsuranceCompanyName : policy.Carrier.CarrierName; txtInsuranceAddress.Text = policy.Carrier == null ? policy.InsuranceAddress : policy.Carrier.AddressLine1; txtInsuranceAddress2.Text = policy.Carrier == null ? "" : policy.Carrier.AddressLine2; txtInsurancePolicyNumber.Text = policy.PolicyNumber; if (policy.Carrier != null) { txtInsuranceState.Text = policy.Carrier.StateName; txtInsuranceCity.Text = policy.Carrier.CityMaster != null ? policy.Carrier.CityMaster.CityName : string.Empty; txtInsuranceZipCode.Text = policy.Carrier.ZipCode; ddlCarrier.SelectedValue = policy.CarrierID.ToString(); // get primary carrier contact primaryContact = CarrierContactManager.GetPrimaryContact((int)policy.CarrierID); if (primaryContact != null) { txtPrimaryContactName.Text = primaryContact.fullName; txtPrimaryContactEmail.Text = primaryContact.Email; txtPrimaryContactPhone.Text = primaryContact.Phone; } } else { zipCode = policy.InsuranceZipCode ?? ""; } txtInsuranceFaxNumber.Text = policy.FaxNumber; txtInsurancePhoneNumber.Text = policy.PhoneNumber; txtEffectiveDate.Value = policy.EffectiveDate; txtExpirationDate.Value = policy.ExpirationDate; txtInitialCoverageDate.Value = policy.InitialCoverageDate; if (policy.AgentID != null) { fillAgentDetails((int)policy.AgentID); } } }
protected void btnAgentNewSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = null; Contact contact = null; contact = new Contact(); contact.ClientID = SessionHelper.getClientId(); contact.IsActive = true; contact.Address1 = txtAgentAddress1.Text; contact.Address2 = txtAgentAddress2.Text; contact.CategoryID = (int)Globals.ContactType.Agent; contact.CompanyName = txtAgentEntityName.Text; contact.ContactName = txtAgentFirstName.Text + " " + txtAgentLastName.Text; contact.Email = txtAgentEmail.Text; contact.Fax = txtAgentFax.Text; contact.FirstName = txtAgentFirstName.Text; contact.LastName = txtAgentLastName.Text; contact.Phone = txtAgentPhoneNumber.Text; if (ddlState.SelectedIndex > 0) { contact.StateID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlState.SelectedValue); } if (ddlCity.SelectedIndex > 0) { contact.CityID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCity.SelectedValue); } if (ddlAgentZip.SelectedIndex > 0) { contact.ZipCodeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAgentZip.SelectedValue); } try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { contact = ContactManager.Save(contact); policy = LeadPolicyManager.Get(this.policyID); policy.AgentID = contact.ContactID; LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); scope.Complete(); } showInputFields(false); showLabelField(true); bindAgents(); ddlAgent.SelectedValue = contact.ContactID.ToString(); fillAgentDetails(contact.ContactID); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } }