public static (Dictionary <string, double[, ]>, Dictionary <string, IndexProperties>) LoadSpectra(
            AnalysisIoInputDirectory io,
            string analysisTag,
            string fileStem,
            LdSpectrogramConfig config,
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties)
            var keys = config.GetKeys().Distinct();

            // add two necessary keys for zooming
            keys = keys.ToList().Append("SUM");
            keys = keys.ToList().Append("DIF");

            //add following matrix for possible subsequent BNG combination matrix.
            string comboIndexID = "RHZ";

            keys = keys.ToList().Append(comboIndexID);

            var relevantIndexProperties = keys.ToDictionary(x => x, x => indexProperties[x]);

            Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(

             * // THE FOLLOWING IDEA TO MAKE A COMBINED MATRIX OF BGN and RHZ was rejected.
             * // Anthony was concerned that the BGN matrix alone was not conveying much information at high resolutions.
             * // The idea was to combine another matrix with the BGN matrix.
             * // I tried three combinations, BGN-RHZ, BGN-OSC and BGN-SPT. None of them appeard to provide additional useful information at high resolution.
             * // The problem is that at high resolution, i.e. approaching 0.1s for an analysis unit, there are not many orthogonal features in a single frequency bin.
             * // Make a BNG COMBINATION Spectral matrix.
             * //var comboMatrix = MatrixTools.MaxOfTwoMatrices(spectra["BNG"], spectra["RHZ"]);
             * var comboMatrix = MatrixTools.AddMatricesWeightedSum(spectra["BGN"], 1.0, spectra[comboIndexID], 10.0);
             * spectra["BGN"] = comboMatrix;

            return(spectra, relevantIndexProperties);
Example #2
        [DataRow(0.1, 35990)] // at this scale 10 pixels are missing... image is padded by 0 px, and misisng 10px
        public void TestImagesHaveCorrectLength(double renderScale, int expectedWidth)
            // this value just represents a 'render as much as you can until this limit' threshold
            const int ImageWidth = 1024;

            var dataScale  = 0.1.Seconds();
            var imageScale = renderScale.Seconds();

            var recordingDuration = 3599.Seconds();

            // we simulate rendering the last tile at each resolution
            var tileDuration  = imageScale.Multiply(ImageWidth);
            var numberOfTiles = (int)Math.Floor(recordingDuration.TotalSeconds / tileDuration.TotalSeconds);
            var startTime     = tileDuration.Multiply(numberOfTiles);

            // 1 second short of an hour - this is the test case
            var endTime = recordingDuration;

            var config = new LdSpectrogramConfig()
                // same color map to reduce memory stress for test
                ColorMap1 = SpectrogramConstants.RGBMap_BGN_PMN_EVN,
                ColorMap2 = SpectrogramConstants.RGBMap_BGN_PMN_EVN,

            var generationData = new IndexGenerationData()
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,
                FrameLength       = 512,
                FrameStep         = 0,
                RecordingDuration = recordingDuration,
            var indexProperties =

            // create some fake spectra
            int duration = (int)(recordingDuration.TotalSeconds / dataScale.TotalSeconds);
            var spectra  = new Dictionary <string, double[, ]>();

            foreach (var key in config.GetKeys())
                var values = new double[256, duration].Fill(indexProperties[key].DefaultValue);
                spectra.Add(key, values);

            string basename = "abc";

            var image = ZoomCommon.DrawIndexSpectrogramCommon(

            // since we just asked for a fragment of the image at the end,
            // the expected width is just for that last fragment
            var lastWidth = expectedWidth - (numberOfTiles * ImageWidth);

            Assert.That.ImageIsSize(lastWidth, 256, image);

            Image <Rgb24> bitmap = (Image <Rgb24>)image;

            // test output for debugging
            //image.Save("./" + renderScale + ".png");
            Assert.That.ImageRegionIsColor(new Rectangle(0, 0, lastWidth, 256), Color.Black, bitmap, 0);