public void ShowAGroupOf3x3Items_OutterGroupIsHorizontal() { LayoutGroup outterGroup = new LayoutGroup(false, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutGroup innerGroup0 = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutGroup innerGroup1 = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutGroup innerGroup2 = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutEntry item = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 50, ContentHeight = 50 }; innerGroup0.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup0.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup0.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup1.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup1.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup1.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup2.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup2.Add(item.Clone()); innerGroup2.Add(item.Clone()); outterGroup.Add(innerGroup0); outterGroup.Add(innerGroup1); outterGroup.Add(innerGroup2); outterGroup.CalcWidth(); outterGroup.CalcHeight(); outterGroup.SetX(0); outterGroup.SetY(0); outterGroup.ShowResult(); }
private void addViews(LayoutPanel pan1, CameraContainer activecam) { DockLayoutManager doc = new DockLayoutManager(); pan1.Content = doc; LayoutGroup gr2 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; doc.LayoutRoot = gr2; LayoutPanel settings = new LayoutPanel(); settings.Content = activecam.settings; gr2.Add(settings); LayoutPanel prev = new LayoutPanel(); prev.Content = activecam.preview; gr2.Add(prev); LayoutPanel hist = new LayoutPanel(); hist.Content = activecam.hist; gr2.Add(hist); pan1.Caption = activecam.Name; //panel contains preview }
void Create12CamView() { Groups.Clear(); Groups.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; LayoutGroup top = new LayoutGroup() { ShowCaption = true, Caption = "camera1" }; LayoutPanel pan1 = new LayoutPanel(); top.Add(pan1); Groups.Add(top); List <CameraContainer> activecams = cams.Where(c => c.bActive == true).ToList(); LayoutGroup side = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical }; Groups.Add(side); LayoutGroup side2 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, ShowCaption = true, Caption = "DropTarget1" }; side2.Add(new LayoutPanel()); side.Add(side2); LayoutGroup side3 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, ShowCaption = true, Caption = "DropTarget2" }; side3.Add(new LayoutPanel()); side.Add(side3); }
public void ShowA3LayerGroup() { LayoutGroup group1 = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutGroup group2 = new LayoutGroup(false, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutGroup group3 = new LayoutGroup(false, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutGroup group4 = new LayoutGroup(false, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutGroup group5 = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutEntry item1 = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 50, ContentHeight = 50 }; LayoutEntry item2 = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 50, ContentHeight = 80 }; LayoutEntry item3 = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 80, ContentHeight = 50 }; LayoutEntry item4 = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 400, ContentHeight = 50 }; group1.Add(group2); group1.Add(group3); group1.Add(group4); group2.Add(item1.Clone()); group2.Add(item2.Clone()); group2.Add(item3.Clone()); group3.Add(item1.Clone()); group3.Add(group5); group3.Add(item1.Clone()); group4.Add(item4.Clone()); group5.Add(item1.Clone()); group5.Add(item2.Clone()); group5.Add(item1.Clone()); group1.CalcWidth(); group1.CalcHeight(); group1.SetX(0); group1.SetY(0); group1.ShowResult(); }
DocumentPanel CreateNoteDocument(Note note) { DocumentPanel document = new DocumentPanel(); document.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled; document.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled; document.AllowFloat = false; document.AllowMove = false; document.Name = note.Caption; document.Caption = note.Caption; Note.SetNote(document, note); LayoutGroup tabs = new LayoutGroup(); tabs.Caption = "Pages"; tabs.ShowCaption = true; tabs.GroupBorderStyle = GroupBorderStyle.Tabbed; tabs.CaptionLocation = CaptionLocation.Bottom; tabs.AddRange(CreateNotePages(note)); tabs.Add(CreateNewItemPage()); LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup(); group.Add(tabs); document.Content = group; return(document); }
public void LayoutControllerRequestLayoutParentNotNUll() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"LayoutControllerRequestLayoutParentNotNUll START"); var testingTarget = new LayoutController(Window.Instance); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object LayoutController"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <LayoutController>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of LayoutController type."); using (LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup()) { using (LayoutItem layoutItem = new LayoutItem()) { group.Add(layoutItem); try { testingTarget.RequestLayout(layoutItem); } catch (Exception e) { tlog.Debug(tag, e.Message.ToString()); Assert.Fail("Caught Exception : Failed!"); } } } testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"LayoutControllerRequestLayoutParentNotNUll END (OK)"); }
void Create4CamView() { Groups.Clear(); Groups.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; LayoutGroup top = new LayoutGroup() { }; Groups.Add(top); LayoutGroup topleft = new LayoutGroup() { ShowCaption = true, Caption = "camera1" }; topleft.Add(new LayoutPanel()); top.Add(topleft); LayoutGroup topRight = new LayoutGroup() { ShowCaption = true, Caption = "camera2" }; topRight.Add(new LayoutPanel()); top.Add(topRight); LayoutGroup bottom = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; Groups.Add(bottom); LayoutGroup side2 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, ShowCaption = true }; side2.Add(new LayoutPanel()); bottom.Add(side2); LayoutGroup side3 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, ShowCaption = true, Caption = "DropTarget2" }; side3.Add(new LayoutPanel()); bottom.Add(side3); // setDropstargets(activecams,4); }
public void ShowAVerticalGroupOf3Items() { LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutEntry item = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 50, ContentHeight = 50 }; group.Add(item.Clone()); group.Add(item.Clone()); group.Add(item.Clone()); group.CalcWidth(); group.CalcHeight(); group.SetX(0); group.SetY(0); group.ShowResult(); }
public void TheSizeOfAVerticalGroupThatContainsMultipleEntriesIsCorrectlyCalculated() { LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutEntry[] items = { new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 10, ContentHeight = 20 }, new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 20, ContentHeight = 30 }, new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 30, ContentHeight = 40 }, new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 40, ContentHeight = 50 }, new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 50, ContentHeight = 60 }, }; foreach (var item in items) { group.Add(item); } group.CalcWidth(); group.CalcHeight(); var expectedWidth = 0d; var expectedHeight = 0d; foreach (var item in items) { expectedWidth = Math.Max(expectedWidth, item.Rect.Width); expectedHeight += item.Rect.Height + group.Style.CellingSpacingVertical; } expectedHeight -= group.Style.CellingSpacingVertical; expectedWidth += group.Style.PaddingHorizontal + group.Style.BorderHorizontal; expectedHeight += group.Style.PaddingVertical + group.Style.BorderVertical; Assert.Equal(expectedWidth, group.Rect.Width); Assert.Equal(expectedHeight, group.Rect.Height); }
void Create2View(Orientation or, bool DropTarget) { Groups.Clear(); Groups.Orientation = or; LayoutGroup Group1 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Name = "Groups" }; Groups.Add(Group1); LayoutPanel pan1 = new LayoutPanel(); Group1.Add(pan1); LayoutGroup Group2 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; Groups.Add(Group2); LayoutPanel pan2 = new LayoutPanel(); Group1.Add(pan2); }
public void TheSizeOfAVerticalGroupThatContainsASingleEntryIsCorrectlyCalculated() { LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup(true, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutEntry item = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 50, ContentHeight = 50 }; group.Add(item); group.CalcWidth(); group.CalcHeight(); Assert.Equal(item.Rect.Width + group.Style.PaddingHorizontal + group.Style.BorderHorizontal, group.Rect.Width); Assert.Equal(item.Rect.Height + group.Style.PaddingVertical + group.Style.BorderVertical, group.Rect.Height); }
public void ShowAHorizontalGroupOf1Item() { LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup(false, Styles.DefaultGroupStyle); LayoutEntry item = new LayoutEntry(Styles.DefaultEntryStyle) { ContentWidth = 50, ContentHeight = 50 }; group.Add(item); group.CalcWidth(); group.CalcHeight(); group.SetX(0); group.SetY(0); group.ShowResult(); }
void CreateSingleView() { Groups = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Name = "Groups" }; docMan.LayoutRoot = Groups; LayoutGroup Group1 = new LayoutGroup() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Name = "Groups" }; Groups.Add(Group1); LayoutPanel pan1 = new LayoutPanel(); Group1.Add(pan1); //Group1.AllowDrop = true; //Group1.Drop += TargetPanel_Drop; }