IEnumerator Start() { LayoutAnchor anchor = GetComponent <LayoutAnchor>(); while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j) { TextAnchor a1 = (TextAnchor)i; TextAnchor a2 = (TextAnchor)j; Debug.Log(string.Format("A1:{0} A2:{1}", a1, a2)); if (animated) { Tweener t = anchor.MoveToAnchorPosition(a1, a2,; while (t != null) { yield return(null); } } else { anchor.SnapToAnchorPosition(a1, a2,; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); } } } }
IEnumerator Start() { LayoutAnchor anchor = GetComponent <LayoutAnchor>(); while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j) { // 정렬기준(좌, 우, 상, 하 조합)을 // 반복문으로 돌립니다. TextAnchor a1 = (TextAnchor)i; TextAnchor a2 = (TextAnchor)j; Debug.Log(string.Format("A1:{0} A2:{1}", a1, a2)); if (animated) { // animated가 true 이면 UI 가 이동하면서 좌표를 변경합니다. Tweener t = anchor.MoveToAnchorPosition(a1, a2,; while (t != null) { yield return(null); } } else { // animated가 false 이면 UI 가 순간이동합니다. anchor.SnapToAnchorPosition(a1, a2,; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); } } } }
private void Awake() { anchor = GetComponent <LayoutAnchor>(); positionMap = new Dictionary <string, Position>(positionList.Count); for (int i = positionList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { AddPosition(positionList[i]); } }
void Awake() { anchor = GetComponent<LayoutAnchor>(); positionMap = new Dictionary<string, Position>(positionList.Count); for (int i = positionList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { AddPosition(positionList[i]); } }
/// <summary> /// Change the grid collection's layout to the next one in order. /// </summary> public void NextLayout() { LayoutAnchor currentLayout = grid.Anchor; var anchorTypeCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(LayoutAnchor)).Length; int nextLayout = (((int)currentLayout) + 1) % anchorTypeCount; grid.Anchor = (LayoutAnchor)nextLayout; UpdateUI(); }
/// <summary> /// Area with anchor and style. /// </summary> /// <param name="anchor"></param> public Area(LayoutAnchor anchor, Style style) : this(anchor) { if (!IsStyleCompatible(style)) { throw new ArgumentException("Style is not compatible with area."); } = style; }
private void Awake() { anchor = GetComponent <LayoutAnchor>(); positionMap = new Dictionary <string, Position>(positionsList.Count); //Creates a new dictionary as long as the number of positions for (int i = positionsList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { AddPosition(positionsList[i]); } }
/// <summary> /// Change the grid's layout to the previous one in order. /// </summary> public void PreviousLayout() { LayoutAnchor currentLayout = grid.Anchor; var anchorTypeCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(LayoutAnchor)).Length; int nextLayout = (((int)currentLayout) - 1) % anchorTypeCount; if (nextLayout < 0) { nextLayout += anchorTypeCount; } grid.Anchor = (LayoutAnchor)nextLayout; UpdateUI(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a display object based button. /// </summary> /// <param name="displayObject"></param> public Button(LayoutAnchor anchor, IDisplayObject displayObject) : this(displayObject) { this.anchor = anchor; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a label based button. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="labelStyle"></param> public Button(LayoutAnchor anchor, string text, Style labelStyle) : this(text, labelStyle) { this.anchor = anchor; }
/// <summary> /// Area with anchor. /// </summary> /// <param name="anchor"></param> public Area(LayoutAnchor anchor) : this() { this.anchor = anchor; }
protected Area(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { serializationOptions = (WidgetSerialization)info.GetValue("SerializeOptions", typeof(WidgetSerialization)); zOrder = info.GetUInt32("ZOrder"); parent = (IWidget)info.GetValue("Parent", typeof(IWidget)); description = info.GetString("Description"); containedDescriptionShowUpTime = info.GetSingle("ContainedDescriptionShowUpTime"); containedDescriptionPositioning = (LayoutAnchor)info.GetValue("ContainedDescriptionPositioning", typeof(LayoutAnchor)); containedDescriptionObject = (IDisplayObject)info.GetValue("ContainedDescriptionObject", typeof(IDisplayObject)); anchor = (LayoutAnchor)info.GetValue("Anchor", typeof(LayoutAnchor)); minSize = (GuiVector2)info.GetValue("MinSize", typeof(GuiVector2)); maxSize = (GuiVector2)info.GetValue("MaxSize", typeof(GuiVector2)); preferredSize = (GuiVector2)info.GetValue("PreferredSize", typeof(GuiVector2)); preserveRatio = info.GetBoolean("PreserveRatio"); preferredRect = (GuiRect)info.GetValue("PreferredRect", typeof(GuiRect)); marginLeft = (GuiScalar)info.GetValue("MarginLeft", typeof(GuiScalar)); marginRight = (GuiScalar)info.GetValue("MarginRight", typeof(GuiScalar)); marginTop = (GuiScalar)info.GetValue("MarginTop", typeof(GuiScalar)); marginBottom = (GuiScalar)info.GetValue("MarginBottom", typeof(GuiScalar)); if ((serializationOptions & WidgetSerialization.PersistAllStyles) > 0) { style = (Style)info.GetValue("Style", typeof(Style)); } else if ((serializationOptions & WidgetSerialization.PersistNonThemeStyles) > 0) { style = (Style)info.GetValue("Style", typeof(Style)); } if ((serializationOptions & WidgetSerialization.PersistRenderer) > 0) { renderer = (Themes.IGuiRenderer)info.GetValue("Renderer", typeof(Themes.IGuiRenderer)); } if ((serializationOptions & WidgetSerialization.PersistState) > 0) { isVisible = info.GetBoolean("IsVisible"); } if ((serializationOptions & WidgetSerialization.PersistAnimations) > 0) { animationState = (StyleAnimationController)info.GetValue("StyleAnimationController", typeof(StyleAnimationController)); activeAnimations = (List <AnimationProcess>)info.GetValue("ActiveAnimations", typeof(List <AnimationProcess>)); } if ((serializationOptions & WidgetSerialization.PersistEventBindings) > 0) { onChange = (Action <IPreChangeNotifier>)info.GetValue("OnChange", typeof(Action <IPreChangeNotifier>)); onMouseOver = (Action2 <Area, IPointer>)info.GetValue("OnMouseOver", typeof(Action2 <Area, IPointer>)); onMouseLeave = (Action2 <Area, IPointer>)info.GetValue("OnMouseLeave", typeof(Action2 <Area, IPointer>)); onMousePressed = (Action4 <Area, IPointer, uint, InputEventModifier>)info.GetValue("OnMousePressed", typeof(Action4 <Area, IPointer, uint, InputEventModifier>)); onMouseReleased = (Action3 <Area, IPointer, uint>)info.GetValue("OnMouseReleased", typeof(Action3 <Area, IPointer, uint>)); onWheel = (Action3 <Area, IPointer, float>)info.GetValue("OnWheel", typeof(Action3 <Area, IPointer, float>)); onMouseMove = (Action3 <Area, IPointer, Vector2f>)info.GetValue("OnMouseMove", typeof(Action3 <Area, IPointer, Vector2f>)); onFocusGain = (Action <Area>)info.GetValue("OnFocusGain", typeof(Action <Area>)); onFocusLost = (Action <Area>)info.GetValue("OnFocusLost", typeof(Action <Area>)); onKeyPressed = (Action5 <Area, IPointer, KeyCodes, KeyboardModifiers, InputEventModifier>)info.GetValue( "OnKeyPressed", typeof(Action5 <Area, IPointer, KeyCodes, KeyboardModifiers, InputEventModifier>)); onKeyReleased = (Action4 <Area, IPointer, KeyCodes, KeyboardModifiers>)info.GetValue("OnKeyReleased", typeof(Action4 <Area, IPointer, KeyCodes, KeyboardModifiers>)); onDescriptionShow = (Action2 <Area, IWidget>)info.GetValue("OnDescriptionShow", typeof(Action2 <Area, IWidget>)); onDescriptionHide = (Action2 <Area, IWidget>)info.GetValue("OnDescriptionHide", typeof(Action2 <Area, IWidget>)); onStyleStateChange = (Action3 <Area, StyleState, StyleState>)info.GetValue("OnStyleStateChange", typeof(Action3 <Area, StyleState, StyleState>)); } }
protected override void OnInspectorGUIInsertion() { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(surfaceType); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(orientType); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(layout); LayoutOrder layoutTypeIndex = (LayoutOrder)layout.enumValueIndex; if (layoutTypeIndex == LayoutOrder.ColumnThenRow) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("ColumnThenRow will lay out content first horizontally (by column), then vertically (by row). NumColumns specifies number of columns per row.", MessageType.Info); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(cols, new GUIContent("Num Columns", "Number of columns per row.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(columnAlignment); } else if (layoutTypeIndex == LayoutOrder.RowThenColumn) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("RowThenColumns will lay out content first vertically (by row), then horizontally (by column). NumRows specifies number of rows per column.", MessageType.Info); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(rows, new GUIContent("Num Rows", "Number of rows per column.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(rowAlignment); } else { // do not show rows / cols field } if (layoutTypeIndex != LayoutOrder.Vertical) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(cellWidth); } if (layoutTypeIndex != LayoutOrder.Horizontal) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(cellHeight); } ObjectOrientationSurfaceType surfaceTypeIndex = (ObjectOrientationSurfaceType)surfaceType.enumValueIndex; if (surfaceTypeIndex == ObjectOrientationSurfaceType.Plane) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(distance, new GUIContent("Distance from parent", "Distance from parent object's origin")); } else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(radius); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(radialRange); } if (surfaceTypeIndex != ObjectOrientationSurfaceType.Radial) { // layout anchor has no effect on radial layout, it is always at center. EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(anchor); } LayoutAnchor layoutAnchor = (LayoutAnchor)anchor.enumValueIndex; if (layoutAnchor != LayoutAnchor.MiddleCenter) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(anchorAlongAxis); } }