Example #1

    // Create Map Nodes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    public static Dictionary <WorldNode, List <MapNode> > CreateMapNodes(List <WorldNode> worldNodes)
        // Wrap map Nodes around around Initial
        Dictionary <WorldNode, List <MapNode> > worldNodeAndWrapperNodes = new Dictionary <WorldNode, List <MapNode> >();

        foreach (WorldNode worldNode in worldNodes)
            List <Vector3> mapVects = GetMapVects(worldNode);
            List <MapNode> mapNodes = new List <MapNode>();

            int mapCount       = 1;
            int layerCount     = 0;
            int nodeLayerCount = -1;
            foreach (Vector3 vect in mapVects)
                int rotation = 0;
                int mapType  = -1;
                if (worldNode.entrance)
                    mapType = MapSettings.MAPTYPE_SHIPPORT_FLOOR;
                    mapType = MapSettings.MAPTYPE_MAP_FLOOR;
                int mapPiece = Random.Range(0, 4); // 3 is the number of availble map pieces

                MapNode mapNode = WorldBuilder._nodeBuilder.CreateNode <MapNode>(worldNode.gameObject.transform, vect, rotation, mapType, mapPiece, NodeTypes.MapNode);
                mapNode.NodeSize   = 1;
                mapNode.neighbours = new int[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < mapNode.neighbours.Length; i++)
                    mapNode.neighbours[i] = 1;
                mapNode.worldNodeParent = worldNode;

                if (worldNode.NodeSize == 1)
                    nodeLayerCount = worldNode.NodeLayerCount + 4; // 4 total layers in 1 map and vent piece
                else if (worldNode.NodeSize == 3)
                    nodeLayerCount = worldNode.NodeLayerCount + layerCount;

                    if (mapCount % 9 == 0)
                        layerCount = layerCount + 4;  // 4 total layers in 1 map and vent piece
                    Debug.LogError("something weird here");
                mapNode.NodeLayerCount = nodeLayerCount;

                if (!worldNode.entrance)
                    WorldBuilder._nodeBuilder.AttachCoverToNode(mapNode, mapNode.gameObject, CoverTypes.NormalCover, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

                LayerManager.AddNodeToLayer(mapNode); // for camera layers

            worldNode.mapNodes = mapNodes;
            worldNodeAndWrapperNodes.Add(worldNode, mapNodes);


            //// Map Neighbours
            int[] worldNodeNeighbours = worldNode.neighbours;

            if (worldNode.NodeSize == 1)
                MapNode mapNode       = worldNode.mapNodes[0];
                int[]   mapNeighbours = mapNode.neighbours;

                for (int i = 0; i < worldNodeNeighbours.Length; i++)
                    if (worldNodeNeighbours[i] != -1)
                        mapNeighbours[i] = 1;
                        mapNeighbours[i] = -1;
            if (worldNode.NodeSize == 3)
                // bottom
                SetMapNeighboursWithMultipleLinks(worldNode, 0, 4, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, worldNode.entrance);
                // Front
                SetMapNeighboursWithMultipleLinks(worldNode, 1, 10, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20 }, worldNode.entrance);
                // Left
                SetMapNeighboursWithMultipleLinks(worldNode, 2, 12, new int[] { 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 }, worldNode.entrance);
                // Right
                SetMapNeighboursWithMultipleLinks(worldNode, 3, 14, new int[] { 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26 }, worldNode.entrance);
                // Back
                SetMapNeighboursWithMultipleLinks(worldNode, 4, 16, new int[] { 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26 }, worldNode.entrance);
                // Top
                SetMapNeighboursWithMultipleLinks(worldNode, 5, 22, new int[] { 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 }, worldNode.entrance);


    // Create World Nodes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    public static void CreateWorldNodes(List <Vector3> nodeVects)
        // build inital map Node
        _WorldNodes = new List <WorldNode>();

        int rowMultipler  = MapSettings.worldSizeX;
        int colMultiplier = MapSettings.worldSizeZ;

        int totalMultiplier = MapSettings.worldSizeX * MapSettings.worldSizeZ;

        WorldNodeData_01 worldFloor = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <WorldNodeData_01>();
        List <int[, ]>   floors     = worldFloor.floors;

        int countFloorX = 0; // complicated to explain to future me
        int countFloorZ = 0;
        int countFloorY = 1;

        int count = 1;

        foreach (Vector3 vect in nodeVects)
            int rotation = 0;
            int mapType  = -1;
            int mapPiece = -1;

            WorldNode nodeScript = WorldBuilder._nodeBuilder.CreateNode <WorldNode>(WorldManager._WorldContainer.transform, vect, rotation, mapType, mapPiece, NodeTypes.WorldNode);
            nodeScript.worldNodeCount = (count - 1);
            nodeScript.NodeLayerCount = countFloorY * 12; // 12 is the number of (mapieces + vents layers) in the y axis of a worldnode

            // for the specified map structures
            if (MapSettings.LOADPREBUILT_STRUCTURE)
                int[,] floor = floors[countFloorY - 1];
                if (floor[countFloorX, countFloorZ] == 01)
                    int randSize = MapSettings.getRandomMapSize;
                    nodeScript.NodeSize = randSize;
                    nodeScript.NodeSize = 0;
                int randSize = MapSettings.getRandomMapSize;
                nodeScript.NodeSize = randSize;

            int shipEntranceProbablity = 20;

            if (nodeScript.NodeSize == 3 && Random.Range(0, shipEntranceProbablity) == 0)
                WorldBuilder._nodeBuilder.AttachCoverToNode(nodeScript, nodeScript.gameObject, CoverTypes.LargeGarageCover, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                nodeScript.entrance = true;


            // for counting, best not to change, even tho its ugly
            if (count % totalMultiplier == 0)
            if (countFloorX % rowMultipler == 0)
                countFloorX = 0;
            if (countFloorZ % colMultiplier == 0)
                countFloorZ = 0;

            //  think need to add world nodes to layer sytem
            LayerManager.AddNodeToLayer(nodeScript); // for camera layers

            // for the dynamic grid experiment
            LocationManager.SetNodeScriptToLocation_CLIENT(vect, nodeScript);
            //LocationManager.SetNodeScriptToLocation_SERVER(vect, nodeScript); // this needs to do this in the server

Example #3

    // Create Connector Nodes ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    public static Dictionary <WorldNode, List <ConnectorNode> > CreateConnectorNodes(Dictionary <WorldNode, List <KeyValuePair <Vector3, int> > > connectorVects)
        // Wrap map Nodes around around Initial
        Dictionary <WorldNode, List <ConnectorNode> > worldNodeAndConnectorNodes = new Dictionary <WorldNode, List <ConnectorNode> >();

        foreach (WorldNode worldNode in connectorVects.Keys)
            List <ConnectorNode> connectorNodes             = new List <ConnectorNode>();
            List <KeyValuePair <Vector3, int> > vectsAndRot = connectorVects[worldNode];

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector3, int> pair in vectsAndRot)
                Vector3 vector         = pair.Key;
                int     rotation       = pair.Value;
                int     mapType        = MapSettings.MAPTYPE_CONNECT_FLOOR;
                int     mapPiece       = 0; // only 1 connector map piece atm for both vertical and horizontal pieces
                int     nodeLayerCount = -1;

                ConnectorNode connectorNode = WorldBuilder._nodeBuilder.CreateNode <ConnectorNode>(worldNode.gameObject.transform, vector, rotation, mapType, mapPiece, NodeTypes.ConnectorNode);
                WorldBuilder._nodeBuilder.AttachCoverToNode(connectorNode, connectorNode.gameObject, CoverTypes.ConnectorCover, new Vector3(0, rotation * 90, 0));
                connectorNode.NodeSize   = 1;
                connectorNode.neighbours = new int[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < connectorNode.neighbours.Length; i++)
                    connectorNode.neighbours[i] = 1;
                connectorNode.worldNodeParent = worldNode;


                // Up connector
                if (rotation == 4)
                    connectorNode.connectorUp = true;
                    connectorNode.NodeMapType = MapSettings.MAPTYPE_CONNECT_UP_FLOOR;
                    connectorNode.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, rotation * 90, 0);

                    Transform nodeCover = connectorNode.transform.Find("ConnectorCoverPrefab(Clone)");

                    nodeCover.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // to fix annoying vertical connector
                    nodeCover.localScale    = new Vector3(8, 8, 8);
                    nodeCover.Find("Select").transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);

                if (worldNode.NodeSize == 1)
                    nodeLayerCount = worldNode.NodeLayerCount + 4;  // 4 total layers in 1 map and vent piece
                    Debug.LogError("something weird here");
                connectorNode.NodeLayerCount = nodeLayerCount;

                LayerManager.AddNodeToLayer(connectorNode); // for camera layers
            worldNode.connectorNodes = connectorNodes;
            worldNodeAndConnectorNodes.Add(worldNode, connectorNodes);

            ///// Connector Neighbours << This is a bit annoying is only using worldnode neighbours atm, might be cool to just use map neighbours instead... something to do
            int[] worldNodeNeighbours = worldNode.neighbours;

            if (worldNode.NodeSize == 1)
                foreach (ConnectorNode connectorNode in worldNode.connectorNodes)
                    int[] connectorNeighbours = connectorNode.neighbours;

                    for (int i = 0; i < worldNodeNeighbours.Length; i++)
                        if (worldNodeNeighbours[i] != -1)
                            connectorNeighbours[i] = 1;
                            connectorNeighbours[i] = -1;