Example #1
        // Launches a process by means of the debug engine.
        // Normally, Visual Studio launches a program using the IDebugPortEx2::LaunchSuspended method and then attaches the debugger
        // to the suspended program. However, there are circumstances in which the debug engine may need to launch a program
        // (for example, if the debug engine is part of an interpreter and the program being debugged is an interpreted language),
        // in which case Visual Studio uses the IDebugEngineLaunch2::LaunchSuspended method
        // The IDebugEngineLaunch2::ResumeProcess method is called to start the process after the process has been successfully launched in a suspended state.
        int IDebugEngineLaunch2.LaunchSuspended(string pszServer, IDebugPort2 port, string exe, string args, string dir, string env, string options, enum_LAUNCH_FLAGS launchFlags, uint hStdInput, uint hStdOutput, uint hStdError, IDebugEventCallback2 ad7Callback, out IDebugProcess2 process)
            Debug.Assert(_pollThread == null);
            Debug.Assert(_engineCallback == null);
            Debug.Assert(_debuggedProcess == null);
            Debug.Assert(_ad7ProgramId == Guid.Empty);

            // Check if the logger was enabled late.

            process = null;

            _engineCallback = new EngineCallback(this, ad7Callback);

            Exception exception;

                bool noDebug = launchFlags.HasFlag(enum_LAUNCH_FLAGS.LAUNCH_NODEBUG);

                // Note: LaunchOptions.GetInstance can be an expensive operation and may push a wait message loop
                LaunchOptions launchOptions = LaunchOptions.GetInstance(_configStore, exe, args, dir, options, noDebug, _engineCallback, TargetEngine.Native, Logger);


                EngineUtils.RequireOk(port.GetProcess(_debuggedProcess.Id, out process));
            catch (Exception e) when(ExceptionHelper.BeforeCatch(e, Logger, reportOnlyCorrupting: true))
                exception = e;
                // Return from the catch block so that we can let the exception unwind - the stack can get kind of big

            // If we just return the exception as an HRESULT, we will lose our message, so we instead send up an error event, and then
            // return E_ABORT.

Example #2
        // Launches a process by means of the debug engine.
        // Normally, Visual Studio launches a program using the IDebugPortEx2::LaunchSuspended method and then attaches the debugger
        // to the suspended program. However, there are circumstances in which the debug engine may need to launch a program
        // (for example, if the debug engine is part of an interpreter and the program being debugged is an interpreted language),
        // in which case Visual Studio uses the IDebugEngineLaunch2::LaunchSuspended method
        // The IDebugEngineLaunch2::ResumeProcess method is called to start the process after the process has been successfully launched in a suspended state.
        int IDebugEngineLaunch2.LaunchSuspended(string pszServer, IDebugPort2 port, string exe, string args, string dir, string env, string options, enum_LAUNCH_FLAGS launchFlags, uint hStdInput, uint hStdOutput, uint hStdError, IDebugEventCallback2 ad7Callback, out IDebugProcess2 process)
            Debug.Assert(_pollThread == null);
            Debug.Assert(_engineCallback == null);
            Debug.Assert(_debuggedProcess == null);
            Debug.Assert(_ad7ProgramId == Guid.Empty);

            process = null;

            _engineCallback = new EngineCallback(this, ad7Callback);

            Exception exception;

                // Note: LaunchOptions.GetInstance can be an expensive operation and may push a wait message loop
                LaunchOptions launchOptions = LaunchOptions.GetInstance(_registryRoot, exe, args, dir, options, _engineCallback);

                // We are being asked to debug a process when we currently aren't debugging anything
                _pollThread = new WorkerThread();
                var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                using (cancellationTokenSource)
                    _pollThread.RunOperation(ResourceStrings.InitializingDebugger, cancellationTokenSource, (MICore.WaitLoop waitLoop) =>
                            _debuggedProcess = new DebuggedProcess(true, launchOptions, _engineCallback, _pollThread, _breakpointManager, this);
                            // If there is an exception from the DebuggeedProcess constructor, it is our responsibility to dispose the DeviceAppLauncher,
                            // otherwise the DebuggedProcess object takes ownership.
                            if (_debuggedProcess == null && launchOptions.DeviceAppLauncher != null)

                        _pollThread.PostedOperationErrorEvent += _debuggedProcess.OnPostedOperationError;

                        return(_debuggedProcess.Initialize(waitLoop, cancellationTokenSource.Token));

                EngineUtils.RequireOk(port.GetProcess(_debuggedProcess.Id, out process));

            catch (Exception e)
                exception = e;
                // Return from the catch block so that we can let the exception unwind - the stack can get kind of big

            // If we just return the exception as an HRESULT, we will loose our message, so we instead send up an error event, and then
            // return E_ABORT.


Example #3
 private LaunchOptions GetLaunchOptions(string content)
     return(LaunchOptions.GetInstance(null, "bogus-exe-path", null, null, content, null, TargetEngine.Native, null));
Example #4
 private LaunchOptions GetLaunchOptions(string content)
     return(LaunchOptions.GetInstance("bogus-registry-root", "bogus-exe-path", null, null, content, null));