private void PlayerSearching() { if (LastKnownBlip.Exists() && LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Ped.Position.DistanceTo(LastKnownBlip.Position) < 50f) { //LastKnownBlip.Display = BlipDisplay.Hidden; LastKnownBlip.Delete(); } //Has the player spotted the suspect (in front is set to false meaning position can be anywhere) if (LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Ped.HasSpottedPed(suspect, false)) { pursuit = Functions.CreatePursuit(); suspect.AttachBlip().Color = BlipColor.Red; Functions.AddTextToTextwall("Control I've located the suspect, in pursuit.", "Officer " + LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Username); Functions.AddPedToPursuit(pursuit, suspect); Functions.SetPursuitCalledIn(pursuit, true); Functions.SetPursuitCopsCanJoin(pursuit, true); Functions.SetPursuitIsActiveForPlayer(pursuit, true); State = EPedState.None; } if (LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Ped.Position.DistanceTo(getawayCar.Position) > 600f) { Functions.AddTextToTextwall("Control, suspect was never found, resuming patrol.", "Officer " + LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Username); Functions.AddTextToTextwall("Affirmative, we'll send details to ANPR database.", "CONTROL"); End(); } }
public override void End() { base.End(); if (pursuit != null) { Functions.ForceEndPursuit(pursuit); } if (copCar != null && copCar.Exists()) { copCar.Delete(); } if (getawayCar != null && getawayCar.Exists()) { getawayCar.NoLongerNeeded(); } if (blip != null && blip.Exists()) { blip.Delete(); } if (LastKnownBlip != null && LastKnownBlip.Exists()) { LastKnownBlip.Delete(); } }