public List <Vector3> buildOneManifold(Asset asset, int totalTimeSeconds, int timeStepsPerSecond, int polarSteps, float euLatency) { points.Clear(); Pt.Clear(); Qt.Clear(); PTransfer.Clear(); this.polarSteps = polarSteps; this.timeStepsPerSecond = timeStepsPerSecond; double[] pnumer = new double[3]; double[] pdenom = new double[3]; double[] qnumer = new double[3]; double[] qdenom = new double[3]; //set the alpha and betas // alpha3 = asset.alpha3; // alpha2 = asset.alpha2; // alpha1 = asset.alpha1; // beta3 = asset.beta3; // beta2 = asset.beta2; // beta1 = asset.beta1; pnumer [0] = asset.palpha1; pnumer [1] = asset.palpha2; pnumer [2] = asset.palpha3; pdenom [0] = asset.pbeta1; pdenom [1] = asset.pbeta2; pdenom [2] = asset.pbeta3; qnumer [0] = asset.qalpha1; qnumer [1] = asset.qalpha2; qnumer [2] = asset.qalpha3; qdenom [0] = asset.qbeta1; qdenom [1] = asset.qbeta2; qdenom [2] = asset.qbeta3; // new latency with added eu float latency = asset.latency + euLatency; //grid size for mesh point generation float incrementT = 1.0f / (float)timeStepsPerSecond; float incrementP = 2 * Mathf.PI / (float)polarSteps; int maxCountT = Mathf.FloorToInt(totalTimeSeconds / incrementT); int maxCountP = polarSteps; float currentTime = 0; float currentPolar = 0; float maxS = Mathf.Max(asset.maxP, asset.maxQ); // the calculated point Vector3 point =; List <Vector2> linePoints = new List <Vector2> (); for (int i = 0; i < maxCountT; i++) { // PTransfer.Add(laplace.InverseTransform (this.f, i)); // Pt.Add(0.0f); Qt.Add(0.0f); // if time hasn't reached latency time set to 0 if (currentTime < latency) { Pt [i] = 0.0f; Qt [i] = 0.0f; } else { if (pnumer [0] == 0.0 && pnumer [1] == 0.0 && pnumer [2] == 0.0 && pdenom [0] == 0.0 && pdenom [1] == 0.0 && pdenom [2] == 0.0) { //handle p agility if (currentTime < (latency + asset.agilityP)) { Pt [i] = asset.maxP * (currentTime - latency) / asset.agilityP; } else { Pt [i] = asset.maxP; } } else { //handle p transfer function Pt [i] = (float)(asset.maxP * Laplace.InverseTransform2(pnumer, pdenom, currentTime - latency)); } if (qnumer [0] == 0.0 && qnumer [1] == 0.0 && qnumer [2] == 0.0 && qdenom [0] == 0.0 && qdenom [1] == 0.0 && qdenom [2] == 0.0) { // handle q agility if (currentTime < (latency + asset.agilityQ)) { Qt [i] = asset.maxQ * (currentTime - latency) / asset.agilityQ; } else { Qt [i] = asset.maxQ; } } else { //handle q transfer function Qt [i] = (float)(asset.maxQ * (Laplace.InverseTransform2(qnumer, qdenom, currentTime - latency))); } } //Pt.Add((float)Laplace.InverseTransform (this.f, (double)currentTime)); //Qt.Add((float)Laplace.InverseTransform (this.f, (double)currentTime)); // // Pt.Add((float)Laplace.gwr (this.f, (double)currentTime,14)); // Qt.Add((float)Laplace.gwr (this.f, (double)currentTime,14)); // // currentPolar = 0.0f; // float test = (float)Laplace.gwr (this.f, (double)300, 380); // if (linePoints.Count <= 380) { // linePoints.Add(new Vector2(currentTime, (float)Laplace.InverseTransform (this.f, (double)currentTime))); linePoints.Add(new Vector2(currentTime, (float)(Laplace.InverseTransform2(pnumer, pdenom, currentTime)))); } currentPolar = 0.0f; for (int j = 0; j < maxCountP; j++) { point.z = currentTime; if ((Pt [i] * Qt [i]) > 0.0f) { float x = maxS * Mathf.Cos(currentPolar); float y = maxS * Mathf.Sin(currentPolar); point.x = Mathf.Sign(x) * Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(x), Pt [i]); //limit to the maximum of Pt and Qt point.y = Mathf.Sign(y) * Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(y), Qt [i]); //limit to the maximum of Pt and Qt float pointAngle = Mathf.Atan2(point.y, point.x); if (Mathf.Abs(currentPolar - pointAngle) > 0.001f) { float testX = point.y / Mathf.Tan(currentPolar); float testY = point.x * Mathf.Tan(currentPolar); if (Mathf.Abs(testX) < Pt [i]) { point.x = testX; } else { point.x = Mathf.Sign(testX) * Pt [i]; } if (Mathf.Abs(testY) < Qt [i]) { point.y = testY; } else { point.y = Mathf.Sign(testY) * Qt [i]; } } } else { if (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Cos(currentPolar)) == 1) { point.x = Mathf.Sign(Mathf.Cos(currentPolar)) * Pt [i]; } else { point.x = 0.0f; } if (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(currentPolar)) == 1) { point.y = Mathf.Sign(Mathf.Sin(currentPolar)) * Qt [i]; } else { point.y = 0.0f; } } currentPolar += incrementP; points.Add(point); } currentTime += incrementT; } float test = 0.0f; if ( > 0) { // sum up each "column" of data // if that sum is greater than energy zeroize the rest of that column // since each row is appended end to end, need to figure out the start of that column, which is just the number of polarsteps //shift the "columns" after going through each row for (int i = 0; i < maxCountP; i++) { float sumIt = 0.0f; bool maxedOut = false; //shift the row down and sum, once done reset and move onto next column for (int j = 0; j < maxCountT; j++) { sumIt += points [j * maxCountP + i].x; if ((Mathf.Abs(sumIt * incrementT) > || maxedOut) { Vector3 tempPoint = points [j * maxCountP + i]; tempPoint.x = 0.0f; tempPoint.y = 0.0f; points [j * maxCountP + i] = tempPoint; maxedOut = true; } } test = sumIt; } } VectorLine line2d = new VectorLine("line2d", linePoints, 1.0f, LineType.Continuous, Joins.Fill); line2d.Draw(); return(points); }