Example #1
        public void DeserializeByaml(IDictionary <string, object> dictionary)
            // Create new dictionaries
            Name      = new Dictionary <Language, string>();
            ShortName = new Dictionary <Language, string>();

            void PopulateDictionary(string sourceDictKey, Dictionary <Language, string> targetDict)
                // Check if the source dictionary even exists
                if (dictionary.TryGetValue(sourceDictKey, out object value))
                    // Get the dictionary
                    Dictionary <string, object> sourceDict = (Dictionary <string, object>)value;

                    // Loop over every short name
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in sourceDict)
                        targetDict.Add(LanguageExtensions.FromSeadCode(pair.Key), (string)pair.Value);

            PopulateDictionary("Name", Name);
            PopulateDictionary("ShortName", ShortName);
Example #2
        private void load(FrameworkConfigManager frameworkConfig)
            frameworkLocale = frameworkConfig.GetBindable <string>(FrameworkSetting.Locale);

            Children = new Drawable[]
                languageSelection = new SettingsEnumDropdown <Language>
                    LabelText = GeneralSettingsStrings.LanguageDropdown,
                new SettingsCheckbox
                    LabelText = GeneralSettingsStrings.PreferOriginalMetadataLanguage,
                    Current   = frameworkConfig.GetBindable <bool>(FrameworkSetting.ShowUnicode)

            if (!LanguageExtensions.TryParseCultureCode(frameworkLocale.Value, out var locale))
                locale = Language.en;
            languageSelection.Current.Value = locale;

            languageSelection.Current.BindValueChanged(val => frameworkLocale.Value = val.NewValue.ToCultureCode());
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, Unit> > Handle(BuildPlayout request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, Playout> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, playout => ApplyUpdateRequest(dbContext, request, playout)));
        public static void Initialize()
            Localizations = new Dictionary <Language, Dictionary <string, string> >();

            // Check if the new framework-specific strings directory is available
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.LocalizerConfig.LocalizationsDirectory, "framework")))
                // Populate the Dictionary for each Language
                foreach (Language language in LanguageExtensions.GetAllLanguages())
                    // Read the framework JSONs
                    string path = Path.Combine(Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.LocalizerConfig.LocalizationsDirectory, "framework", language.GetCode() + ".json");

                    // Check if the file exists
                    if (File.Exists(path))
                        // Load the file
                        Localizations[language] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(File.ReadAllText(path));
                        // Create a new blank Dictionary
                        Localizations[language] = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Populate the Dictionary for each Language
            foreach (Language language in LanguageExtensions.GetAllLanguages())
                // Create the localization file path
                string path = Path.Combine(Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.LocalizerConfig.LocalizationsDirectory, "application", language.GetCode() + ".json");

                // Check if the file exists
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    // Load the file
                    Dictionary <string, string> applicationStrings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(File.ReadAllText(path));

                    // Get every pair
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in applicationStrings)
                        // Check if this key does not exist
                        if (!Localizations[language].TryGetValue(pair.Key, out string existTestVal))
                            // Write the key into the master Dictionary
                            Localizations[language][pair.Key] = pair.Value;

            // Check that the localizable missing message is available
            if (!Localizations[Language.EnglishUS].TryGetValue("localizer.missing_localizable", out string missingMessage))
                throw new Exception("Special message for missing localizable (\"localizer.missing_localizable\") is missing");
Example #5
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, UpdateProgramScheduleResult> > Handle(
        UpdateProgramSchedule request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, ProgramSchedule> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, ps => ApplyUpdateRequest(dbContext, ps, request)));
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, Unit> > Handle(
        AddSeasonToCollection request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, Parameters> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, parameters => ApplyAddSeasonRequest(dbContext, parameters)));
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, LocalLibraryViewModel> > Handle(
        CreateLocalLibrary request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, LocalLibrary> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, localLibrary => PersistLocalLibrary(dbContext, localLibrary)));
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, Unit> > Handle(
        DeleteLocalLibrary request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, LocalLibrary> validation = await LocalLibraryMustExist(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, localLibrary => DoDeletion(dbContext, localLibrary)));
Example #9
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, Unit> > Handle(
        UpdateCollectionCustomOrder request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, Collection> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, c => ApplyUpdateRequest(dbContext, c, request)));
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, Unit> > Handle(
        MoveLocalLibraryPath request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, Parameters> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, parameters => MovePath(dbContext, parameters)));
Example #11
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, IEnumerable <ProgramScheduleItemViewModel> > > Handle(
        ReplaceProgramScheduleItems request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        Validation <BaseError, ProgramSchedule> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, ps => PersistItems(dbContext, request, ps)));
Example #12
        public static void LanguageSeter(ComboBox comboBox)
            var Items = comboBox.Items;

            comboBox.Font = font;
            foreach (Language l in LanguageExtensions.Values())
            comboBox.SelectedItem          = LanguageExtensions.FullText(CurrentLanguage);
            comboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += EventHandler;
Example #13
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, string> > Handle(
        GetHlsPlaylistByChannelNumber request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await using TvContext dbContext = await _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync(cancellationToken);

        DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
        Validation <BaseError, Parameters> validation = await Validate(dbContext, request, now);

        return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(
                   parameters => GetPlaylist(dbContext, request, parameters, now)));
Example #14
        public static Dictionary <Language, string> LocalizeDateTimeToAllLanguages(DateTime dateTime)
            // Create a new Dictionary
            Dictionary <Language, string> valueDict = new Dictionary <Language, string>();

            // Populate the Dictionary
            foreach (Language language in LanguageExtensions.GetAllLanguages())
                // Localize the key to this Language
                valueDict.Add(language, LocalizeDateTime(dateTime, language));

            // Return the Dictionary
Example #15
        public static Dictionary <Language, string> CreateDummyLocalizedValues(string value)
            // Create a new Dictionary
            Dictionary <Language, string> valueDict = new Dictionary <Language, string>();

            // Populate the Dictionary
            foreach (Language language in LanguageExtensions.GetAllLanguages())
                // Localize the key to this Language
                valueDict.Add(language, value);

            // Return the Dictionary
        public static Language GetDefaultLanguage(IGuild guild, IChannel channel = null, string specifiedLanguage = null)
            // Check if a language was specified
            if (specifiedLanguage == null)
                // Check if this is not a DM
                if (guild != null)
                    // Attempt to get the GuildSettings for this guild
                    GuildSettings guildSettings = Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.DiscordConfig.GuildSettings.Where(x => x.GuildId == guild.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Check if there is a GuildSettings
                    if (guildSettings != null)
                        // Check if there is a channel specified
                        if (channel != null)
                            // Attempt to get a DynamicSettingsData for this channel
                            DynamicSettingsData channelSettings = guildSettings.ChannelSettings.Where(c => c.Key == channel.Id).FirstOrDefault().Value;

                            // Check if it exists
                            if (channelSettings != null)
                                // Return the channel's language

                        // Return the guild's default language

                // Default to en-US
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new LocalizedException("discord.error.bad_code");
Example #17
        private void InitializeInternationalization()
            // Set up language information
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GW2PAO.Properties.Settings.Default.Language))
                var lang = LanguageExtensions.FromTwoLetterISOLanguageName(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName);
                GW2PAO.Properties.Settings.Default.Language = lang.ToTwoLetterISOLanguageName();

            // Note: this conversion, while it may seem redundant, ensures that we use only use a known language
            // If the CurrentUICulture is something other than the supported languages, this call defaults it to english.
            var savedLang = LanguageExtensions.FromTwoLetterISOLanguageName(GW2PAO.Properties.Settings.Default.Language);

            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(savedLang.ToTwoLetterISOLanguageName());
Example #18
        public void DeserializeByaml(IDictionary <string, object> dictionary)
            // Deserialize the VersusRule
            VersusRule = (VersusRule)EnumUtil.GetEnumValueFromString(typeof(VersusRule), (string)dictionary["Rule"]);

            // Create the News dictionary
            News = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <Language, List <ScriptCommand> > >();

            // Get the news list
            List <object> newsList = (List <object>)dictionary["News"];

            // Loop over every news
            foreach (object obj in newsList)
                // Create a new inner dictionary
                Dictionary <Language, List <ScriptCommand> > innerDict = new Dictionary <Language, List <ScriptCommand> >();

                // Get the news dictionary
                Dictionary <string, object> news = (Dictionary <string, object>)obj;

                // Loop over every language key
                foreach (string code in news.Keys)
                    // Skip NewsType
                    if (code == "NewsType")

                    // Create the script list
                    List <ScriptCommand> commandList = ScriptParser.ParseCommandList((List <object>)news[code]);

                    // Get the language code
                    Language language = LanguageExtensions.FromSeadCode(code);

                    // Add this to the inner dictionary
                    innerDict.Add(language, commandList);

                // Add the inner dictionary
                News.Add((string)news["NewsType"], innerDict);

            // Load the Glicko constants
            GlickoConstants = new GlickoConstants();
            GlickoConstants.DeserializeByaml((Dictionary <string, object>)dictionary[VersusRule.ToString()]);
Example #19
    public async Task <Either <BaseError, Unit> > Handle(
        DeleteTraktList request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await using TvContext dbContext = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();

            Validation <BaseError, TraktList> validation = await TraktListMustExist(dbContext, request.TraktListId);

            return(await LanguageExtensions.Apply(validation, c => DoDeletion(dbContext, c)));
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            // Get the target Dictionary if it exists
            Dictionary <Language, string> textMappings = existingValue != null ? (Dictionary <Language, string>)existingValue : new Dictionary <Language, string>();

            // Get the object
            JObject jObject = JObject.Load(reader);

            // Loop over each propery
            foreach (JProperty jProperty in jObject.Properties())
                // Add this property's key and value to the Dictionary
                textMappings.Add(LanguageExtensions.FromCode(jProperty.Name), (string)jProperty.Value);

            // Return the Dictionary
Example #21
        public override void Invoke(string[] param)
            if (param == null || param.Length == 0)
                OutputInformation(string.Format("Current language: {0}", _Realm.GameData.ActiveLanguage));
            var paramList = string.Join(" ", param).Trim();

            if (!Enum.TryParse <Language>(paramList, out var newLang))
                newLang = LanguageExtensions.GetFromCode(paramList);
                if (newLang == Language.Unsupported)
                    OutputError(string.Format("Unknown language."));
            _Realm.GameData.ActiveLanguage = newLang;
 public override async Task <bool> InvokeAsync(string paramList)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramList))
         OutputInformation("Current language: {0}", _Realm.GameData.ActiveLanguage);
     paramList = paramList.Trim();
     if (!Enum.TryParse <Language>(paramList, out var newLang))
         newLang = LanguageExtensions.GetFromCode(paramList);
         if (newLang == Language.Unsupported)
             OutputError("Unknown language.");
     _Realm.GameData.ActiveLanguage = newLang;
Example #23
        private void onPathChanged(ValueChangedEvent <string> e)

            string[] values = e.NewValue.Split('/', 2);

            if (values.Length > 1 && LanguageExtensions.TryParseCultureCode(values[0], out var language))
                request = new GetWikiRequest(values[1], language);
                request = new GetWikiRequest(e.NewValue);


            request.Success += response => Schedule(() => onSuccess(response));
            request.Failure += _ => Schedule(onFail);

Example #24
 public static Dictionary <Language, string> LocalizeToAllLanguagesWithFormat(string key, Dictionary <Language, object[]> param)
     return(LocalizeToAllLanguagesWithFormat(key, LanguageExtensions.GetAllLanguages(), param));
Example #25
        public async Task Register(IGuildChannel channel, string languageCode)
            if (Context.Guild == null)
                throw new LocalizedException("registration.in_dm");

            // Check that that the user has the manage guild permission
            if (!((SocketGuildUser)Context.User).GuildPermissions.Has(GuildPermission.ManageGuild))
                throw new LocalizedException("registration.user_no_manage_permission");

            // Check that we can write to this channel first
            if (!Context.Guild.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(channel).Has(ChannelPermission.SendMessages))
                throw new LocalizedException("registration.bot_no_write_permission");

            // Check the language code
            Language language;

                language = LanguageExtensions.FromCode(languageCode);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new LocalizedException("registration.bad_code");

            // Get any existing GuildSettings for this server
            GuildSettings guildSettings = Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.DiscordConfig.GuildSettings.Where(x => x.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            // Check if the GuildSettings doesn't exist
            if (guildSettings == null)
                // Create a GuildSettings instance
                guildSettings = new GuildSettings();

                // Add this to the Configuration

            // Set the GuildSettings fields
            guildSettings.GuildId         = Context.Guild.Id;
            guildSettings.TargetChannelId = channel.Id;
            guildSettings.DefaultLanguage = language;

            // Get the localized embed fields
            string embedTitle       = Localizer.Localize("registration.title", guildSettings.DefaultLanguage);
            string embedDescription = Localizer.Localize("registration.description", guildSettings.DefaultLanguage);

            // Build the Embed
            Embed embed = new EmbedBuilder()

            // Send the Embed
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed);

            await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[RegistrationCommand]** Registered \"{Context.Guild.Name}\" ({Context.Guild.Id}) to #{channel.Name} ({channel.Id}) using language {language.ToString()}");
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the current language can be applied (e.g. if it is different)
 /// </summary>
 private bool CanApplyLanguage()
     return(LanguageExtensions.FromTwoLetterISOLanguageName(Settings.Default.Language) != this.currentLanguage);
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor
 /// </summary>
 public GeneralSettingsViewModel()
     this.ApplyLanguageCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.ApplyLanguage, this.CanApplyLanguage);
     this.currentLanguage      = LanguageExtensions.FromTwoLetterISOLanguageName(Settings.Default.Language);
Example #28
 private static void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
 => CurrentLanguage = LanguageExtensions.FullText((string)((ComboBox)sender).SelectedItem);
        public void proper_descriptions_of_language_code_should_render_proper_enum_values(string desc, LanguageCode expectedCode)
            var code = LanguageExtensions.GetCode(desc);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCode, code);
        public void improper_descriptions_of_language_code_should_render_unknown_enum_values(string desc)
            var code = LanguageExtensions.GetCode(desc);

            Assert.AreEqual(LanguageCode.Unknown, code);