Example #1
        public void MgrLtTulYorvesInner(List <Delta> deltas, GameManager gm, UnitDelta ud)
            System.Tuple <int, int, int> targetLSP = Lane.GetLaneSidePosOf(ud.Target, gm.Lanes);
            System.Tuple <int, int, int> sourceLSP = Lane.GetLaneSidePosOf(Source, gm.Lanes);

            if (targetLSP != null && sourceLSP != null)
                if (targetLSP.Item2 == sourceLSP.Item2)
                    int  side       = targetLSP.Item2;
                    Lane targetLane = gm.Lanes[targetLSP.Item1];

                    deltas.Add(new UnitHealthDelta(ud.Target, Source, 1, Damage.Type.HEAL));

                    if (targetLane.IsOccupied(1 - side, 0))
                        deltas.Add(new UnitHealthDelta(targetLane.Units[1 - side, 0], Source, 1, Damage.Type.ABILITY));
                    else if (targetLane.IsOccupied(1 - side, 1))
                        deltas.Add(new UnitHealthDelta(targetLane.Units[1 - side, 1], Source, 1, Damage.Type.ABILITY));
                        deltas.Add(new TowerDamageDelta(targetLane.Towers[1 - side], 1, Damage.Type.ABILITY));
Example #2
        public void AddBoardUpdate(List <Delta> deltas, GMWithLocation gmLoc)
            gmLoc.GameManager.AddPersistentDeltas += RushInner;
            Tuple <int, int, int> lsp = Lane.GetLaneSidePosOf(gmLoc.SubjectUnit, gmLoc.Lanes);

            Lane = gmLoc.Lanes[lsp.Item1];
            Unit = gmLoc.SubjectUnit;
            Side = lsp.Item2;
Example #3
        protected override bool ApplyTo(int lane, int side, int pos, Lane[] lanes, Unit source)
            int?sourceSide = Lane.GetLaneSidePosOf(source, lanes)?.Item2;

            if (sourceSide == null)
                throw new Exception($"Source Unit \"{source.ID}\" not found");
            return(false);            // TODO Supporting Myxori Persistent…Center: The supported unit gains Absorb. Flank: When the supported Unit dies, Beta Swarm.
    public Coroutine UnitDamage(Unit source, Unit target, int damageAmount)
        UnitUI sourceUI = FindUnitUI(source);
        UnitUI targetUI = FindUnitUI(target);


                                  () => sourceUI.AttackMove(AttackDirection(Lane.GetLaneSidePosOf(source, Driver.instance.gameManager.Lanes).Item2)),
                                  () => damageTextManager.DamageTextPopup(targetUI.transform.position, $"-{damageAmount}")
        protected override bool ApplyTo(int lane, int side, int pos, Lane[] lanes, Unit source)
            int?sourceSide = Lane.GetLaneSidePosOf(source, lanes)?.Item2;

            if (sourceSide == null)
                throw new Exception($"Source Unit \"{source.ID}\" not found");

            bool b = pos == 0 &&
                     lanes[lane].Units[side, pos].Card.UnitType.Contains("Elite") &&
                     sourceSide == side &&
                     lanes[lane].Units[side, pos] != source;

            Console.WriteLine($" -l{lane} s{side} p{pos} apply{b}- ");
    private (int, int, int) GetPositionIdentifier(Unit unit)
        Tuple <int, int, int> laneSidePos = Lane.GetLaneSidePosOf(unit, Driver.instance.gameManager.Lanes);

        return(laneSidePos.Item1, laneSidePos.Item2, laneSidePos.Item3);