private static void SetText(Labs.Controls.IconButton iconButton, UIButton targetButton)
            var renderedIcon = iconButton.Icon;

            // if no IconFontName is provided on the IconButton, default to FontAwesome
            var iconFontName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconButton.IconFontName)
                ? "fontawesome"
                : iconButton.IconFontName;

            var iconSize = iconButton.IconSize == default(float)
                ? 17f
                : iconButton.IconSize;

            var faFont = UIFont.FromName(iconFontName, iconSize);

            // set the icon to either be on the left or right of the button's text
            string combinedText = iconButton.Orientation == ImageOrientation.ImageToLeft 
                ? string.Format("{0}  {1}", renderedIcon, iconButton.Text) 
                : string.Format("{0}  {1}", iconButton.Text, renderedIcon);

            // string attributes for the icon
            var iconAttributes = new UIStringAttributes
                ForegroundColor = iconButton.IconColor.ToUIColor(),
                BackgroundColor = targetButton.BackgroundColor,
                Font = faFont,
                TextAttachment = new NSTextAttachment()

            // string attributes for the button's text. 
            // TODO: Calculate an appropriate BaselineOffset for the main button text in order to center it vertically relative to the icon
            var btnAttributes = new UIStringAttributes
                BackgroundColor = iconButton.BackgroundColor.ToUIColor(),
                ForegroundColor = iconButton.TextColor.ToUIColor(),
                Font = GetButtonFont(iconButton,targetButton)

            // Give the overall string the attributes of the button's text
            var prettyString = new NSMutableAttributedString(combinedText,btnAttributes);

            // Set the font for only the icon (1 char)
                iconButton.Orientation == ImageOrientation.ImageToLeft
                    ? new NSRange(0, 1)
                    : new NSRange(prettyString.Length - 1, 1));

            // set the final formatted string as the button's text
            targetButton.SetAttributedTitle(prettyString, UIControlState.Normal);

            // center the button's contents
            targetButton.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            targetButton.TitleLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the font for the button (applied to all button text EXCEPT the icon)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iconButton"></param>
        /// <param name="targetButton"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static UIFont GetButtonFont(Labs.Controls.IconButton iconButton, UIButton targetButton)
            UIFont btnTextFont = iconButton.Font.ToUIFont();

            if (iconButton.Font != Font.Default && btnTextFont != null)
                return btnTextFont;
            else if (iconButton.Font == Font.Default)
                return UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(17f);

            return btnTextFont;