Example #1
    //                      CONSTRUCTORS
    public EntityDataManager( string gameType, string marking, LVCGame.UnitForceType force )
        this.lvcUnityAmbassador = LVCUnityAmbassador.GetInstance();
        this.lvcClient = lvcUnityAmbassador.GetLVCClient();

        // initialise the entity data container which will hold salient details about
        // the entity state which we want to send in LVC updates
        entityData = new LVCGame.EntityData();
        entityData.id = new LVCGame.EntityID();
        entityData.physics = new LVCGame.EntityPhysics();
        entityData.properties = new LVCGame.EntityProperties();
        entityData.properties.force = force;

        // assign a unique ID number to this entity
        entityData.id.instance = lvcUnityAmbassador.GetNextEntityID();

        // initialise types and markings
        entityData.id.gameType = gameType;
        entityData.id.marking = marking;

        lvcGameState = LVCGameState.UNINTIALISED;
Example #2
    //                      CONSTRUCTORS
    //                    INSTANCE METHODS
    ///////////////////////////////// MonoBehaviour Overrides //////////////////////////////////
     * Used for initialization. Awake is *always* called, and the call happens before Start()
    void OnEnable()
        // initialise the LVC ambassador instance we will use for updates
        this.lvcUnityAmbassador = LVCUnityAmbassador.GetInstance();

        // create a lookup table for munition type names vs detonation effects
        List<LVCPair<string, GameObject>> munitionDetonations = new List<LVCPair<string, GameObject>>();
        munitionDetonations.Add( new LVCPair<string, GameObject>(miniMunitionTypes.Trim(), miniMunitionDetonation) );
        munitionDetonations.Add( new LVCPair<string, GameObject>(smallMunitionTypes.Trim(), smallMunitionDetonation) );
        munitionDetonations.Add( new LVCPair<string, GameObject>(mediumMunitionTypes.Trim(), mediumMunitionDetonation) );
        munitionDetonations.Add( new LVCPair<string, GameObject>(largeMunitionTypes.Trim(), largeMunitionDetonation) );
        munitionDetonations.Add( new LVCPair<string, GameObject>(extraLargeMunitionTypes.Trim(), extraLargeMunitionDetonation) );
        munitionDetonationMap = new Dictionary<string, GameObject>();
        // go through each of the detonation sizes
        foreach(LVCPair<string, GameObject> pair in munitionDetonations)
            // if there is no detonation effect for this size, skip this part
            if( pair.B == null)

            // create a lookup for the munition name to the detonation effect
            string[] munitionTypeNames = pair.A.Split(',');
            foreach( string munitionTypeName in munitionTypeNames )
                munitionDetonationMap.Add( munitionTypeName.Trim(), pair.B );

        // create a lookup table for smoke munition type names. The smoke munition
        // names are expected to be in the form:
        //    LVCNAME-COLOUR
        // ...for example:
        //    smokeBomb-FF00FF
        // which would result in a magenta smoke flare being instantiated.
        smokeMunitionColorMap = new Dictionary<string, Color>();
        string[] smokeMunitionTypeNames = smokeMunitionTypes.Split(',');
        foreach( string munitionTypeName in smokeMunitionTypeNames )
            string[] nameAndColour = munitionTypeName.Trim().Split('-');
            if( nameAndColour.Length == 2)
                Color smokeColor = LVCUtils.hexToColor( nameAndColour[1] );
                smokeMunitionColorMap.Add( nameAndColour[0], smokeColor );
Example #3
    //                     STATIC METHODS
     * Obtain a reference to the LVC Client instance.
     * @return the LVC Client instance.
    public static LVCUnityAmbassador GetInstance()
        if(lvcUnityAmbassador == null)
            lvcUnityAmbassador = new LVCUnityAmbassador();

        return lvcUnityAmbassador;