Example #1
    public override void ApplyPositionCorrection(float deltaTime)
        if ((objA.linearVelocity - objB.linearVelocity).sqrMagnitude <= 0)
            LVector2 ca = objA.GetWorldCenterOfMass();
            LVector2 ra = anchorA - ca;
            LVector2 cb = objB.GetWorldCenterOfMass();
            LVector2 rb = anchorB - cb;

            LFloat   pa  = objA.mass / (objA.mass + objB.mass);
            LVector3 dva = -(LVector3)normal * penetration * pa * ERP;
            LVector3 dvb = (LVector3)normal * penetration * (1 - pa) * ERP;
            LFloat   dwa = LVector3.Cross(ra, dva * objA.mass).z *objA.inertiaInverse *deltaTime;
            LFloat   dwb = LVector3.Cross(rb, dvb * objB.mass).z *objB.inertiaInverse *deltaTime;

            if (objA.rigidBody != null && !objA.rigidBody.isFixed)
                objA.transform.position    += LParser.Parse(dva);
                objA.transform.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, (dwa * Mathf.Rad2Deg).ToFloat());
            if (objB.rigidBody != null && !objB.rigidBody.isFixed)
                objB.transform.position    += LParser.Parse(dvb);
                objB.transform.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, (dwb * Mathf.Rad2Deg).ToFloat());
Example #2
    public void Run(string[] args)
        // Use this for initialization

        LParser lparser = new LParser();

        System.String[] rules = new System.String[9];

 *              rules[0] = "#define a 1";
 *              rules[1] = "#thickness 0.2";
 *              rules[2] = "#recursion 4";
 *              rules[3] = "#angle 22.5";
 *              rules[4] = @"#axiom ++++F";
 * //		rules[5] = "X -> F-[[X]+X]+F[+FX]-X";
 *              rules[5] = @"F -> FF-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F]";
 *              rules[5] = @"F -> FF&[&F^F^F]^[^F&F&F]";
 *              rules[6] = @"Y -> F-F";
        rules[0] = "#define p 3.14";
        rules[1] = "#thickness 0.2";
        rules[2] = "#recursion 3";
        rules[3] = "#angle 90";
        rules[4] = "#axiom A";
        rules[5] = "A -> B-F+CFC+F-D&F^D-F+&&CFC+F+B//";
        rules[6] = "B -> A&F^CFB^F^D^^-F-D^|F^B|FC^F^A//";
        rules[7] = "C -> |D^|F^B-F+C^F^A&&FA&F^C+F+B^F^D//";
        rules[8] = "D -> |CFB-F+B|FA&F^A&&FB-F+B|FC//";

        bool statusOK = lparser.ParseStringArray(rules);

        _ruleList = lparser.RunLSystem();

        Console.WriteLine("RULES: " + Rules.RuleListToString(_ruleList, lparser.GlobalParameters));

        Parameters currentParameters = new Parameters();

        SunflowAPI sunflow = new SunflowAPI();

        //		SetupSunflow(sunflow);


        currentParameters.roll          = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        currentParameters.pitch         = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        currentParameters.yaw           = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        currentParameters.position      = new Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        currentParameters.primitiveType = "box";
        currentParameters.length        = 2.0f;
        currentParameters.angle         = (float)lparser.Angle;
        currentParameters.thickness     = (float)lparser.Thickness;
        currentParameters.localRotation = new Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        currentParameters.localScale    = new Vector3(1.0f, currentParameters.thickness, currentParameters.thickness);

        currentParameters.objectCount = 0;
        sunflow.geometry(currentParameters.primitiveType + currentParameters.objectCount++, currentParameters.primitiveType);

        //	Vector3 scale = new Vector3(currentParameters.length1f, currentParameters.thickness , currentParameters.thickness);

        currentParameters.objectCount = interpretProduction(currentParameters, _ruleList, lparser, sunflow);

        sunflow.render(SunflowAPI.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, new FileDisplay("lsystem.png"));

Example #3
    private int interpretProduction(Parameters currentParameters, ArrayList production, LParser lparser, SunflowAPI sunflow)
        // we start with a cube, axis in centre, we want it to behave like a line with axis at one end.
        // treat currentParameters.gObject as axis

        float   moveLength;
        float   rotation;
        Vector3 nvec;
        Matrix4 rotateMatrix;

        for (int i = 0; i < production.Count; i++)
            Rule rule = (Rule)production[i];
//			Console.WriteLine("rule: " + rule);
//			Console.WriteLine("Switch Type: " + rule.Type);
            switch (rule.Type)
            case Rule.TypeEnum.Letter:
//				Console.WriteLine("Switch Value: " + rule.Value[0]);
                switch (rule.Value[0])
                case 'F':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        moveLength = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (moveLength <= 0)
                            moveLength = currentParameters.length;
                        moveLength = currentParameters.length;

//					Console.WriteLine("moveLength: " + moveLength);

                    //sunflow.geometry("sphere" + currentParameters.objectCount, "sphere");
                    //sunflow.parameter("shaders", "sps");
                    //                     sunflow.parameter("transform", Matrix4.translation(currentParameters.position.x,
                    //                                                                        currentParameters.position.y,
                    //                                                                        currentParameters.position.z).multiply(Matrix4.scale(currentParameters.thickness * 1.1f)));

                    //sunflow.instance("sphere" + currentParameters.objectCount + ".instance", "sphere" + currentParameters.objectCount);

                    nvec = currentParameters.roll.mul(moveLength * 0.5f);    // axis that we roll on is the forward vector
                    currentParameters.position.x += nvec.x;
                    currentParameters.position.y += nvec.y;
                    currentParameters.position.z += nvec.z;

                    AddNewObject(sunflow, currentParameters);

                    currentParameters.position.x += nvec.x;
                    currentParameters.position.y += nvec.y;
                    currentParameters.position.z += nvec.z;


                case 'f':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        moveLength = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (moveLength <= 0)
                            moveLength = currentParameters.length;
                        moveLength = currentParameters.length;

                    nvec = currentParameters.roll.mul(moveLength * 0.5f);                        // axis that we roll on is the forward vector
                    currentParameters.position.x += nvec.x;
                    currentParameters.position.y += nvec.y;
                    currentParameters.position.z += nvec.z;

                case '+':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        rotation = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (rotation <= 0)
                            rotation = currentParameters.angle;
                        rotation = currentParameters.angle;

                    // yawing so rotate pitch and roll against the yaw vector
                    rotateMatrix            = Matrix4.rotate(currentParameters.yaw.x, currentParameters.yaw.y, currentParameters.yaw.z, rotation * d2r);
                    currentParameters.pitch = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.pitch);
                    currentParameters.roll  = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.roll);
//							currentParameters.localRotation.z += rotation;


                case '-':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        rotation = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (rotation <= 0)
                            rotation = currentParameters.angle;
                        rotation = currentParameters.angle;

                    // yawing so rotate pitch and roll against the yaw vector
                    rotateMatrix            = Matrix4.rotate(currentParameters.yaw.x, currentParameters.yaw.y, currentParameters.yaw.z, -rotation * d2r);
                    currentParameters.pitch = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.pitch);
                    currentParameters.roll  = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.roll);
//							currentParameters.localRotation.z -= rotation;

                case '\\':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        rotation = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (rotation <= 0)
                            rotation = currentParameters.angle;
                        rotation = currentParameters.angle;

                    // rolling so rotate pitch and yaw against the row vector
                    rotateMatrix            = Matrix4.rotate(currentParameters.roll.x, currentParameters.roll.y, currentParameters.roll.z, rotation * d2r);
                    currentParameters.pitch = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.pitch);
                    currentParameters.yaw   = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.yaw);


                case '/':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        rotation = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (rotation <= 0)
                            rotation = currentParameters.angle;
                        rotation = currentParameters.angle;

                    rotateMatrix            = Matrix4.rotate(currentParameters.roll.x, currentParameters.roll.y, currentParameters.roll.z, -rotation * d2r);
                    currentParameters.pitch = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.pitch);
                    currentParameters.yaw   = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.yaw);


                case '&':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        rotation = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (rotation <= 0)
                            rotation = currentParameters.angle;
                        rotation = currentParameters.angle;

                    // pitching so rotate yaw and roll against the pitch vector
                    rotateMatrix           = Matrix4.rotate(currentParameters.pitch.x, currentParameters.pitch.y, currentParameters.pitch.z, rotation * d2r);
                    currentParameters.yaw  = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.yaw);
                    currentParameters.roll = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.roll);


                case '^':

                    if (i + 1 < production.Count && ((Rule)production[i + 1]).Type == Rule.TypeEnum.Expression)
                        Stack expression = (Stack)((Rule)production[i + 1]).Expression;
                        rotation = (float)ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateStack(expression, null, lparser.GlobalParameters);
                        if (rotation <= 0)
                            rotation = currentParameters.angle;
                        rotation = currentParameters.angle;

                    rotateMatrix           = Matrix4.rotate(currentParameters.pitch.x, currentParameters.pitch.y, currentParameters.pitch.z, -rotation * d2r);
                    currentParameters.yaw  = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.yaw);
                    currentParameters.roll = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.roll);


                case '|':

                    rotateMatrix            = Matrix4.rotate(currentParameters.yaw.x, currentParameters.yaw.y, currentParameters.yaw.z, 180.0f * d2r);
                    currentParameters.pitch = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.pitch);
                    currentParameters.roll  = rotateMatrix.transformV(currentParameters.roll);


            case Rule.TypeEnum.BranchStart:

                Parameters tmp = new Parameters();
                tmp.roll          = new Vector3(currentParameters.roll);
                tmp.pitch         = new Vector3(currentParameters.pitch);
                tmp.yaw           = new Vector3(currentParameters.yaw);
                tmp.position      = new Point3(currentParameters.position);
                tmp.localRotation = new Point3(currentParameters.localRotation);
                tmp.localScale    = new Vector3(currentParameters.localScale);
                tmp.angle         = currentParameters.angle;
                tmp.length        = currentParameters.length;
                tmp.thickness     = currentParameters.thickness;
                tmp.primitiveType = currentParameters.primitiveType;
                tmp.objectCount   = currentParameters.objectCount;

                currentParameters.objectCount = interpretProduction(tmp, rule.Branch, lparser, sunflow);


            case Rule.TypeEnum.BranchEnd:
Example #4
 public LVector2 GetWorldCenterOfMass()
Example #5
 public LVector2 GetWorldCenterOfMass()
     return(rigidBody != null?rigidBody.GetWorldCenterOfMass() : (LVector2)LParser.Parse(transform.position));