     * FUNCTION NAME: GetDictioanryValue
     * DESCRIPTION  : Get the current press value stored in the input dictionary.
     * INPUTS       : input - Button to check value for.
     *                mode  - Mode of input to detect.
     * OUTPUTS      : bool - Input status to report back.
    public bool GetDictioanryValue(LPK_DispatchOnGamepadInput.LPK_ControllerButtons input, LPK_ReturnInput mode)
        //Single button check.
        if (input != LPK_DispatchOnGamepadInput.LPK_ControllerButtons.ANY)
            if (m_dInputList[input] == mode)

        //Any button check.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_dInputList.Count; i++)
                if (m_dInputList[(LPK_DispatchOnGamepadInput.LPK_ControllerButtons)i] == mode)

  * FUNCTION NAME: UpdateDictionaryTrigger
  * DESCRIPTION  : Update the input state of triggers.
  * INPUTS       : prevState    - Previous state of the trigger on frame - 1.
  *                currentState - Current state of the trigger on frame.
  *                matchButton  - Trigger input to update in the dictionary.
  * OUTPUTS      : None
 void UpdateDictionaryTrigger(float prevState, float currentState, LPK_DispatchOnGamepadInput.LPK_ControllerButtons matchButton)
     if (prevState >= m_flDeadZone && currentState >= m_flDeadZone)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.HELD;
     else if (prevState >= m_flDeadZone && currentState < m_flDeadZone)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.RELEASED;
     else if (prevState < m_flDeadZone && currentState >= m_flDeadZone)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.PRESSED;
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.NONE;
  * FUNCTION NAME: UpdateDictionaryButton
  * DESCRIPTION  : Update the input state of buttons.
  * INPUTS       : prevState    - Previous state of the button on frame - 1.
  *                currentState - Current state of the button on frame.
  *                matchButton  - Button input to update in the dictionary.
  * OUTPUTS      : None
 void UpdateDictionaryButton(ButtonState prevState, ButtonState currentState, LPK_DispatchOnGamepadInput.LPK_ControllerButtons matchButton)
     if (prevState == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState == ButtonState.Pressed)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.HELD;
     else if (prevState == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState == ButtonState.Released)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.RELEASED;
     else if (prevState == ButtonState.Released && currentState == ButtonState.Pressed)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.PRESSED;
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.NONE;
  * FUNCTION NAME: CreateDictionary
  * DESCRIPTION  : Creates all entries into the dictionary of inputs.
  * INPUTS       : None
  * OUTPUTS      : None
 void CreateDictionary(LPK_DispatchOnGamepadInput.LPK_ControllerButtons input)
     m_dInputList.Add(input, LPK_ReturnInput.NONE);
  * FUNCTION NAME: UpdateDictionaryTrigger
  * DESCRIPTION  : Update the input state of joysticks in left and down.
  * INPUTS       : prevState    - Previous state of the joystick on frame - 1.
  *                currentState - Current state of the joystick on frame.
  *                deadZone     - Deadzone of the joystick to ignore input.
  *                matchButton  - Joystick input to update in the dictionary.
  * OUTPUTS      : None
 void UpdateDictionaryJoystickReverse(float prevState, float currentState, float deadZone, LPK_DispatchOnGamepadInput.LPK_ControllerButtons matchButton)
     if (prevState <= deadZone && currentState <= deadZone)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.HELD;
     else if (prevState <= deadZone && currentState > deadZone)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.RELEASED;
     else if (prevState > deadZone && currentState <= deadZone)
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.PRESSED;
         m_dInputList[matchButton] = LPK_ReturnInput.NONE;