Example #1
    private bool Save()
        #region get user input

        string sFirstName = this.txtFirstName.Text.Trim();
        string sLastName  = this.txtLastName.Text.Trim();
        string sEmail     = this.txtEmail.Text.Trim();
        string sPhone     = this.txtPhone.Text.Trim();
        string sType      = this.ddlType.SelectedValue;

        string sDOB = this.txtBirthday.Text.Trim();
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDOB))
            DateTime DOB;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(sDOB, out DOB) == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Date of Birth is not a invalid date format.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Date of Birth is not a invalid date format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
        string sSSN       = this.txtSSN.Text.Trim();
        string sWorkflow  = this.ddlWorkflow.SelectedValue;
        int    iWflTempID = 0;
        int.TryParse(sWorkflow, out iWflTempID);
        string sMarketing = this.ddlMarketing.SelectedValue;    // MailChimpList ID

        // Task Name
        string sTaskName = string.Empty;
        if (this.radTaskList.Checked == true)
            if (this.ddlTaskList.SelectedValue == "-- select --")
                sTaskName = string.Empty;
                sTaskName = this.ddlTaskList.SelectedValue;
            sTaskName = this.txtTaskName.Text.Trim();

        // Due Date
        string   sDueDate = this.txtDueDate.Text.Trim();
        DateTime DueDate;
        if (sDueDate != string.Empty)
            if (DateTime.TryParse(sDueDate, out DueDate) == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Due Date is not a invalid date format.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Due Date is not a invalid date format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);

            DueDate = DateTime.Parse(sDueDate);

        // Due Time
        string   sDueTime      = ddlDueTime_hour.Text + ":" + ddlDueTime_min.Text; //this.txtDueTime.Text.Trim();
        DateTime DTN           = DateTime.Now;
        string   sDueTime_Span = null;
        TimeSpan DueTime       = new TimeSpan();

        if (sDueTime != string.Empty)
            if (DateTime.TryParse(sDueTime, out DTN) == true)
                sDueTime_Span = DTN.ToString("HH:mm");
                if (TimeSpan.TryParse(sDueTime_Span, out DueTime) == false)
                    //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Invalid Due Time format.");
                    PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid Due Time format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Invalid Due Time format.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid Due Time format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);

        string sReminderUser     = string.Empty;
        string sReminderUserID   = string.Empty;
        int    iReminderUserID   = 0;
        string sReminderInterval = string.Empty;
        if (this.chkReminder.Checked == true)
            sReminderUser     = this.txtReminderUser.Text.Trim();
            sReminderUserID   = this.hdnReminderUserID.Value;
            iReminderUserID   = Convert.ToInt32(sReminderUserID);
            sReminderInterval = this.ddlReminderInterval.SelectedValue;

        decimal loanAmount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLoanAmount.Text) ? 0M : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLoanAmount.Text.Trim());

        string purpose = ddlPurpose.Text.Trim() == "- select -" ? "" : ddlPurpose.Text;


        #region create contact/prospect and loan

        int iContactId = 0;

            iContactId = this.CreateContactAndProspect(sFirstName, sLastName, sEmail, sType, sPhone, sDOB, sSSN, this.CurrUser.iUserID, purpose);
        catch (Exception ex)
            //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save contact and prospect.");
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to save contact and prospect." + ex.Message, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        #region create loan

        //int iFileID = 0;

            iFileID = this.CreateLoan(iContactId, loanAmount, purpose);
        catch (Exception ex)
            //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save loan info.");
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to save loan info.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        #region Apply LoanWflTempl

        if (iWflTempID > 0)
                this.ApplyLoanWflTempl(iFileID, iWflTempID, this.CurrUser.iUserID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to apply workflow template to loan.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to apply workflow template to loan.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        #region GenerateWorkflow and get iCurrentLoanStageId

        int iCurrentLoanStageId = 0;
        if (iWflTempID > 0)
            string sError;
            bool   bResult = this.GenerateWorkflow(iFileID, iWflTempID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, out sError);

            if (bResult == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to generate workflow template: " + sError);
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to generate workflow template: " + sError, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            // get current loan stage id
            iCurrentLoanStageId = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.GetCurrentLoanStageId(iFileID);
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTaskName))
            iWflTempID = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.GetDefaultWorkflowTemplate("Prospect");
            if (iWflTempID < 1)
                iCurrentLoanStageId = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.GenerateDefaultLoanStages(iFileID, "Prospect");


        #region Create Task and Reminder

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTaskName))
            #region create task
            if (iCurrentLoanStageId < 0)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "There is no loan stage available.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "There is no loan stage available.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            int iLoanTaskId = 0;
                iLoanTaskId = this.CreateLoanTask(iFileID, sTaskName, this.CurrUser.iUserID, sDueDate, sDueTime, iCurrentLoanStageId);
            catch (Exception ex)


            #region reminder

            if (this.chkReminder.Checked == true)
                string sReminderDueTime = string.Empty;
                if (sDueTime != string.Empty)
                    TimeSpan Interval = new TimeSpan();
                    if (sReminderInterval.Contains("minutes") == true)
                        string sMinutes = sReminderInterval.Replace(" minutes", "");
                        int    iMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(sMinutes);
                        Interval = new TimeSpan(0, iMinutes, 0);
                    else if (sReminderInterval.Contains("hours") == true)
                        string sHours = sReminderInterval.Replace(" hours", "");
                        int    iHours = Convert.ToInt32(sHours);
                        Interval = new TimeSpan(iHours, 0, 0);

                    TimeSpan ReminderDueTime = DueTime.Add(Interval);

                    sReminderDueTime = ReminderDueTime.ToString();

                string sReminderTaskName = sTaskName + " - Quick Lead Form - Reminder";

                if (iReminderUserID == this.CurrUser.iUserID && sDueDate == DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))


        #region API MailChimp_Subscribe

        if (sMarketing != string.Empty)
            string sError2  = string.Empty;
            bool   bResult2 = this.MailChimp_Subscribe(iContactId, sMarketing, out sError2);

            if (bResult2 == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to invoke API MailChimp_Subscribe: " + sError2);
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to invoke API MailChimp_Subscribe: " + sError2, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        if (ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue == "0")  //Lead Routing Engine
            #region  invoke the WCF API  LeadRouting_AssignLoanOfficer
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    LR_AssignLoanOfficerReq req = new LR_AssignLoanOfficerReq();
                    req.LoanId               = iFileID;
                    req.LoanOfficerId        = iLoanOfficerID;
                    req.BorrowerContactId    = iContactId;
                    req.CoBorrowerContactId  = 0;
                    req.ReqHdr               = new ReqHdr();
                    req.ReqHdr.UserId        = CurrUser.iUserID;
                    req.ReqHdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken";
                    RespHdr resp = client.LeadRouting_AssignLoanOfficer(req);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Pulse Lead Manager is not running. Please select a Loan Officer from the list and save the lead.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
