/** Projects a point to a line segment. This implementation is thread-safe.	 */
        public static LFloat nearestSegmentPointSquareDistance
            (LVector3 nearest, LVector3 start, LVector3 end, LVector3 point)
            var abX    = end.x - start.x;
            var abY    = end.y - start.y;
            var abZ    = end.z - start.z;
            var abLen2 = abX * abX + abY * abY + abZ * abZ;

            if (abLen2 > 0)   // Avoid NaN due to the indeterminate form 0/0
                var t = ((point.x - start.x) * abX + (point.y - start.y) * abY + (point.z - start.z) * abZ) / abLen2;
                var s = LMath.Clamp01(t);
                nearest.x += abX * s;
                nearest.y += abY * s;
                nearest.z += abZ * s;
