Example #1
 void InitButtons()
     LoginButton = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig
         Rect = new Rect(150f, 165f, 370f, 190f),
     }, 1);
     InitButtonDefault(LoginButton, null, null, () =>
         if (ErrorLabel.Config.Text != "")
             LMS_Main.Instance.ShowPopup(1, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText(ErrorLabel.Config.Text, 14, 250f), "Authentication", Color.red);
         LMS_Main.Instance.ShowPopup(1, "Authentication in progress", "Authentication", Color.gray);
         LMS_TaskManager.RunTaskLater(3, () => { LMS_Main.Instance.DarkMessageBoxPopup.HidePopup(); LMS_SessionServerPeer.Instance.Authenticate(UsernameTextField.Text, PasswordTextField.Text); }, this);
     LoginButton.AllowInput = true;
     DiscordButton          = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig
         Rect = new Rect(10f, 185f, 340f, 250f),
     }, 1);
     InitButtonDefault(DiscordButton, null, null, () => { LMS_Main.Instance.ShowPopup(0, "Would you like to join\nour discord server?", "Discord Server", Color.blue, (res, popup) => { if (res == E_PopupCallback.YES)
                                                                                      }); });
     DiscordButton.AllowInput = true;
 IEnumerator <WaitForSeconds> RChars(int length, string real)
     m_CorRun = true;
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         Text = LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.Rand(length);
         yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.002f));
     m_OutPut = real;
     Text     = real;
     m_CorRun = false;
Example #3
 void InitButtons()
     Automation = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 30f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 3000);
     Esp = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 65f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 4000);
     Misc = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 100f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 5000);
     Movement = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 135f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 6000);
     Fun = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 170f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 7000);
     GUIEditor = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 205f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 8000);
     Updater = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 240f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 9000);
     Credits = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseButton>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(12f, 275f, 431f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 19,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 10000);
     InitButtonDefault(Automation, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Combat Hacks, such as: Aimbot, Triggerbot, etc", 19, 200f), "Automation", () => { LMS_Main.Instance.ShowScreen(1); });
     InitButtonDefault(Esp, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Overlay/Render hacks, which give you more advantage ;D", 19, 100f), "ESP/Overlay", () => { LMS_Main.Instance.ShowScreen(2); });
     InitButtonDefault(Misc, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Miscellaneous hacks, more like exploits and random hacks", 19, 200f), "Misc", () => { LMS_Main.Instance.ShowScreen(4); });
     InitButtonDefault(Movement, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Movement hacks, are hacks which control movement, such as: Fly and Wall hack", 19, 200f), "Movement/Physics");
     InitButtonDefault(Fun, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Fun hacks, they are fun :p", 19, 200f), "Fun");
     InitButtonDefault(GUIEditor, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("More than just changing colors", 19, 200f), "GUI Editor", () => { LMS_Main.Instance.ShowScreen(5); });
     InitButtonDefault(Updater, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Check for latest releases!", 19, 200f), "Updater");
     InitButtonDefault(Credits, LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Get to know us, the developers. Not Critical Force..", 19, 200f), "Credits");
    void InitLabels()
        LoggedInAs = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
            Rect        = new Rect(0f, 68f, 500f, 134f),
            Text        = "",
            RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
                fontSize  = 19,
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    =
                    textColor = Color.white
        }, 15);
        Msgs = new LMS_GuiBaseLabel[8];
        float ypos = 1f;

        for (int i = 0; i < Msgs.Length; i++)
            LMS_GuiBaseLabel lab = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
                Rect        = new Rect(30f, 60f + ypos * 50f, 500f, 134f),
                Text        = "",
                RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
                    fontSize  = 14,
                    fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                    alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
            }, 15);
            lab.Constraints["viewtick"] = (int)ypos;
            lab.RegisterClientViewTick((view) =>
                    List <LMS_Chat.ChatMsg> msg             = LMS_SessionServerPeer.Instance.Chat.Messages;
                    LMS_Chat.ChatMsg m                      = msg[msg.Count - lab.Constraints["viewtick"]];
                    lab.Config.RenderStyle.normal.textColor = LMS_SessionServerPeer.Instance.Chat[m.Type];
                    lab.Config.Text = LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText(LMS_Chat.FixedName(m.Prefix, m.User) + ' ' + m.Text, 16, 400f);
                catch { lab.Config.Text = ""; }
            }, null);
            Msgs[i] = lab;
        SendButtonLabel = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
            Rect        = new Rect(30f, 530f, 431f, 150f),
            Text        = "Send Message",
            RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
                fontSize  = 19,
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    =
                    textColor = Color.white
        }, 15);
        MsgTextFieldRenderer = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
            Rect        = new Rect(30f, 495f, 431f, 150f),
            Text        = "",
            RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
                fontSize  = 19,
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    =
                    textColor = Color.white
        }, 15);
        LoggedInAs.RegisterClientViewTick((view) => { LoggedInAs.Config.SetText(LMS_SessionServerPeer.Instance.Peer == null ? "dank memes kid" : "Logged in as " + LMS_SessionServerPeer.Instance.Peer.user); }, null);
        MsgTextFieldRenderer.RegisterClientViewTick((view) => { MsgTextFieldRenderer.Config.Text = MsgTextField.TextToRender; }, null);
Example #5
 void InitLabels()
     UsernameLabel = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(4f, 80f, 431f, 150f),
         Text        = "Username",
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 15,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 15);
     TitleLabel = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(107f, 4f, 431f, 150f),
         Text        = string.Format("<b>LMS {0} [<color=#83b6ef>Critical OPS</color></b>] - Authentication", LMS_Meta.getMetaValue("VER")),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 23,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 15);
     UsernameRenderer = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(120f, 80f, 461f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 14,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.cyan
     }, 1);
     PasswordLabel = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(4f, 120f, 431f, 150f),
         Text        = "Password",
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 15,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 15);
     PasswordRenderer = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(120f, 120f, 461f, 150f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 14,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.cyan
     }, 1);
     LoginText = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(150f, 165f, 370f, 190f),
         Text        = "Login",
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 16,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 15);
     ErrorLabel = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(210f, 260f, 431f, 150f),
         Text        = "ERROR HERE",
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 14,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.cyan
     }, 15);
     DiscordLabel = InstantiateChild <LMS_GuiBaseLabel>(new LMS_GuiConfig()
         Rect        = new Rect(10f, 185f, 340f, 250f),
         Text        = LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("Don't own the hack? Click here to join our discord and purchase it!", 14, 200f),
         RenderStyle = new GUIStyle
             fontSize  = 14,
             fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
             alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
             normal    =
                 textColor = Color.white
     }, 15);
     DiscordLabel.SetFlags("UNDERLINE", LMS_GuiBaseLabelBoundaries.WrapText("_____ ___ ___ _____ _____ ____ __ ____ ___ _______ ___ ________ ___", 14, 200f));