public void SplitRatesReadResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.RatesStatus p) { try { string[] ff = received.Split('='); string[] txt = ff[1].Split(','); for (int i = 1; i <= NC.ChannelCount && i < txt.Length; i++) { int r; bool b = Int32.TryParse(txt[i], out r); if (b) p.channels[i] = r; } } catch (Exception e) { commlog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 893, "SplitRatesReadResponse barfed on:" + received + "; " + e.Message); } }
public void GenerateReport(LMDAQ.HVControl.HVCalibrationParameters hvc, List<HVControl.HVStatus> HVSteps, DateTime time, String instId) { TabularReport t = new TabularReport(typeof(HVVals), NC.App.Loggers); // default file output type is CSV try { t.CreateOutputFile(NC.App.Opstate.Measurement.AcquireState.lm.Results, instId + " HV " + time.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), null); t.rows = new Row[HVSteps.Count + 4 + 2]; // header, steps, space, header, current params, space, header, config // first, the column header int cols = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(HVVals)).Length; int i = 0; // now for each hvcalib row for (i = 0; i < HVSteps.Count; i++) { HVControl.HVStatus h = HVSteps[i]; Row row = CreateRow(h, i); t.rows[i] = row; } // then do the current parameters t.rows[i++] = new Row(); t.rows[i] = new Row(); t.rows[i++].GenFromEnum(typeof(HVCalibVals)); t.rows[i++] = CreateRow(hvc, i); t.rows[i++] = new Row(); // lastly, add the full software version state t.rows[i] = new Row(); t.rows[i++].Add(0, "Software application configuration details"); Row[] temp = AnalysisDefs.SimpleReport.GenSoftwareConfigRows(); Array.Resize(ref t.rows, temp.Length + t.rows.Length + 2); Array.Copy(temp, 0, t.rows, i, temp.Length); t.CreateReport(3); } catch (Exception e) { ctrllog.TraceException(e); } finally { t.CloseOutputFile(); } }
public void SplitHVCalibResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.HVControl.HVStatus hvst) { try { hvst.Extract(received); } catch (Exception e) { commlog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 892, "SplitHVCalibResponse barfed on:" + received + "; " + e.Message); } }
public void SplitPowerReadResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.PowerStatus p) { try { string[] aaa = received.Split('='); string[] txt = aaa[1].Split(','); int r; bool b = Int32.TryParse(txt[0], out r); if (b) p.ACPresent = r; b = Int32.TryParse(txt[1], out r); if (b) p.batteryPresent = r; b = Int32.TryParse(txt[2], out r); if (b) p.batterylevelPct = r; } catch (Exception e) { commlog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 892, "SplitPowerReadResponse barfed on:" + received + "; " + e.Message); } }
internal Thread ProcessUserCommand(LMMMLingo.OpDesc cmdt, string tline, LMDAQ.DAQControl control, ref bool keepgoing) { Thread t = null; // each prompt command might have a '=' followed by a single numeric argument e.g. cmd = 1 Int32 arg = 0; bool hasarg = ParsePrompt(tline, cmdt, ref arg); // if we didnt get an arg but one is required for the operation (5 or 6 commands, see the list) // then go get the config value from the config state and use it for arg if (cmdt.needsArg && !hasarg) // use the lambda to get the config value arg = cmdt.cfgInt32.Value; keepgoing = true; switch (cmdt.tok) { case LMMMLingo.Tokens.quit: // quit console prompt Console.WriteLine(NC.App.AbbrName + "> Be seeing you . . ."); keepgoing = false; break; case LMMMLingo.Tokens.lm: // set or show cur LM # try { CurrentLM = arg; Console.WriteLine(NC.App.AbbrName + ">LM= " + arg); } catch (Exception e) { commlog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 361, "Current instrument and measurement undefined or incomplete: " + e.Message); } break; case //Console.Write(NC.App.AbbrName + ">"); foreach (string s in cmdprocessor.CmdPromptHelp) Console.WriteLine(s); break; case LMMMLingo.Tokens.config: // //Console.Write(NC.App.AbbrName + ">"); NCCConfig.Config.ShowCfg(NC.App.Config, NC.App.AppContext.Verbose() == System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Verbose); break; case LMMMLingo.Tokens.stop: // mostly for stopping an assay, might work for HV Calib too but must test it Console.Write(NC.App.AbbrName + ">"); control.StopCurrentAction(); // NEXT: see if this works for HV Calib break; case LMMMLingo.Tokens.assay: if (hasarg) { NC.App.Opstate.Measurement.MeasurementId.MeasOption = (AssaySelector.MeasurementOption)arg; Console.WriteLine(NC.App.AbbrName + ">assay type= " + arg + " (" + ((AssaySelector.MeasurementOption)arg).ToString() + ")"); } else { t = control.AssayOperation(); } break; case LMMMLingo.Tokens.hvcalib: t = control.HVCalibOperation(); break; case LMMMLingo.Tokens.broadcast: // UDP "NDAC Control" { NCC.NCCAction x = NC.App.Opstate.Action; NC.App.Opstate.Action = NCC.NCCAction.Discover; control.StartLMDAQServer(null); Console.WriteLine(NC.App.AbbrName + "> Broadcasting to LM instruments. . ."); PostLMMMCommand(cmdt.tok); Console.WriteLine(NC.App.AbbrName + "> Sent broadcast. Waiting for LM instruments to connect"); control.PrepSRDAQHandler(); control.ConnectSRInstruments(); NC.App.Opstate.Action = x; } break; default: try { FormatAndSendLMMMCommand(cmdt.tok, arg, CurrentLM); } catch (Exception e) { commlog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 360, "Current instrument and measurement undefined or incomplete: " + e.Message); } break; } return t; }
// // cStatus = 0,0,2,500,506,2500,200,0 as of Dec 2010 rev HW public void SplitCStatusResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.LMInstrStatus st) { try { string[] text = received.Split('='); string[] sval = text[1].Split(','); // debug/verbose on the box, not the app bool state; if (Convert.ToInt32(sval[0]) == 1) state = true; else state = false; st.debug = state; // input path st.inputPath = Convert.ToInt32(sval[1]); // 0 or 1 // led output state st.leds = Convert.ToInt32(sval[2]); // 0 or 2 // hv setpoint st.setpoint = Convert.ToInt32(sval[3]); // hv st.hv = Convert.ToInt32(sval[4]); // LLD max st.MaxLLD = Convert.ToInt32(sval[5]); // LLD mv st.LLD = Convert.ToInt32(sval[6]); // u3 ???? st.u1 = Convert.ToInt32(sval[7]); } catch (Exception e) { commlog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 890, "SplitCStatusResponse barfed on:" + received + "; " + e.Message); } }
public void SplitPowerReadResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.PowerStatus p) { cmdprocessor.SplitPowerReadResponse(received, ref p); }
public void SplitRatesReadResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.RatesStatus p) { cmdprocessor.SplitRatesReadResponse(received, ref p); }
public void SplitHVCalibResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.HVControl.HVStatus hvst) { cmdprocessor.SplitHVCalibResponse(received, ref hvst); }
public void SplitCStatusResponse(string received, ref LMDAQ.LMInstrStatus st) { cmdprocessor.SplitCStatusResponse(received, ref st); }
public void AppendHVCalibration(LMDAQ.HVControl.HVStatus hvst) { ctrlHVCalib.AddStepData(hvst); }