Example #1
        public void SendInitialPosition()
            System.Text.Encoding _enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII;
            //send a objectupdate packet with information about the clients avatar

            ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = new ObjectUpdatePacket();

            objupdate.RegionData.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle;
            objupdate.RegionData.TimeDilation = 64096;
            objupdate.ObjectData    = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0] = AvatarTemplate;
            //give this avatar object a local id and assign the user a name

            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID = this.localid;
            this.uuid = objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID = ControllingClient.AgentID;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].NameValue = _enc.GetBytes("FirstName STRING RW SV " + firstname + "\nLastName STRING RW SV " + lastname + " \0");
            libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3((float)this.Pos.X, (float)this.Pos.Y, (float)this.Pos.Z);
            byte[] pb = pos2.GetBytes();
            Array.Copy(pb, 0, objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 16, pb.Length);
            foreach (SimClient client in m_clientThreads.Values)
                if (client.AgentID != ControllingClient.AgentID)
                    //the below line is already in Simclient.cs at line number 245 , directly below the call to this method
                    //if there is a problem/bug with that , then lets fix it there rather than duplicating it here

Example #2
        public override string Execute(string[] args, LLUUID fromAgentID)
            Primitive closest         = null;
            double    closestDistance = Double.MaxValue;

                delegate(Primitive prim)
                float distance = LLVector3.Dist(Client.Self.SimPosition, prim.Position);

                if (closest == null || distance < closestDistance)
                    closest         = prim;
                    closestDistance = distance;

            if (closest != null)
                Client.Self.RequestSit(closest.ID, LLVector3.Zero);

                return("Sat on " + closest.ID + ". Distance: " + closestDistance);
                return("Couldn't find a nearby prim to sit on");
Example #3
        private void SendAvatarDataToAll(AvatarData avatar)
            ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = new ObjectUpdatePacket();

            objupdate.RegionData.RegionHandle = Globals.Instance.RegionHandle;
            objupdate.RegionData.TimeDilation = 0;
            objupdate.ObjectData = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1];

            objupdate.ObjectData[0]           = _avatarTemplate;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID        = avatar.LocalID;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID    = avatar.NetInfo.User.AgentID;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].NameValue = _enc.GetBytes("FirstName STRING RW SV " + avatar.NetInfo.User.FirstName + "\nLastName STRING RW SV " + avatar.NetInfo.User.LastName + " \0");

            libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3(100f, 100.0f, 22.0f);
            byte[] pb = pos2.GetBytes();
            Array.Copy(pb, 0, objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 16, pb.Length);

            SendInfo send = new SendInfo();

            send.Incr    = true;
            send.NetInfo = avatar.NetInfo;
            send.Packet  = objupdate;
            send.SentTo  = 1;            //to all clients
Example #4
        //test only
        private void SendAvatarData(NetworkInfo userInfo)
            ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = new ObjectUpdatePacket();

            objupdate.RegionData.RegionHandle = Globals.Instance.RegionHandle;
            objupdate.RegionData.TimeDilation = 64096;
            objupdate.ObjectData = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1];

            objupdate.ObjectData[0] = _avatarTemplate;
            //give this avatar object a local id and assign the user a name
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID  = 8880000;           // + this._localNumber;
            userInfo.User.AvatarLocalID = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID;
            //User_info.name="Test"+this.local_numer+" User";
            //this.GetAgent(userInfo.UserAgentID).Started = true;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID    = userInfo.User.AgentID;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].NameValue = _enc.GetBytes("FirstName STRING RW SV " + userInfo.User.FirstName + "\nLastName STRING RW SV " + userInfo.User.LastName + " \0");
            //userInfo.User.FullName = "FirstName STRING RW SV " + userInfo.first_name + "\nLastName STRING RW SV " + userInfo.last_name + " \0";

            libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3(100f, 100.0f, 22.0f);
            byte[] pb = pos2.GetBytes();
            Array.Copy(pb, 0, objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 16, pb.Length);

            _server.SendPacket(objupdate, true, userInfo);
Example #5
        //test only
        private void SetupTemplate(string name)
            //should be replaced with completely code generated packets
            int          i        = 0;
            FileInfo     fInfo    = new FileInfo(name);
            long         numBytes = fInfo.Length;
            FileStream   fStream  = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            BinaryReader br       = new BinaryReader(fStream);

            byte [] data1 = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes);

            libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock objdata = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock(data1, ref i);

            System.Text.Encoding    enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII;
            libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos = new LLVector3(objdata.ObjectData, 16);
            pos.X             = 100f;
            objdata.ID        = 8880000;
            objdata.NameValue = enc.GetBytes("FirstName STRING RW SV Test \nLastName STRING RW SV User \0");
            libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3(13.981f, 100.0f, 20.0f);
            byte[] pb = pos.GetBytes();
            Array.Copy(pb, 0, objdata.ObjectData, 16, pb.Length);

            _avatarTemplate = objdata;
Example #6
        public void ObjectAddHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            LLVector3 position = null;

            if (WaitingOnUpdate)

                foreach (Block block in packet.Blocks())
                    foreach (Field field in block.Fields)
                        if (field.Layout.Name == "RayEnd")
                            position = (LLVector3)field.Data;

                txtLog.AppendText("Received an ObjectAdd, setting CurrentPrim position to " + position.ToString());
                CurrentPrim.Position = position;

Example #7
        public void Self_OnInstantMessage(InstantMessage im, Simulator simulator)
            LLUUID fromAgentID   = im.FromAgentID;
            string fromAgentName = im.FromAgentName;
            //LLUUID toAgentID = im.ToAgentID;
            LLUUID               regionID    = im.RegionID;
            LLVector3            position    = im.Position;
            InstantMessageDialog dialog      = im.Dialog;
            bool                 groupIM     = im.GroupIM;
            LLUUID               imSessionID = im.IMSessionID;
            DateTime             timestamp   = im.Timestamp;
            string               message     = im.Message;
            InstantMessageOnline offline     = im.Offline;

            byte[]    binaryBucket   = im.BinaryBucket;
            uint      parentEstateID = im.ParentEstateID;
            Hashtable item           = new Hashtable();

            item.Add("MessageType", "InstantMessage");
            item.Add("FromAgentID", fromAgentID);
            item.Add("FromAgentName", fromAgentName);
            item.Add("ParentEstateID", parentEstateID.ToString());
            item.Add("RegionID", regionID);
            item.Add("Position", position);
            item.Add("Dialog", dialog);
            item.Add("GroupIM", groupIM);
            item.Add("IMSessionID", imSessionID);
            item.Add("Timestamp", timestamp);
            item.Add("Message", message);
            item.Add("Offline", offline);
            item.Add("BinaryBucket", binaryBucket);
Example #8
        public override string Execute(string[] args, LLUUID fromAgentID)
            if (args.Length == 1)
                    string             treeName = args[0].Trim(new char[] { ' ' });
                    ObjectManager.Tree tree     = (ObjectManager.Tree)Enum.Parse(typeof(ObjectManager.Tree), treeName);

                    LLVector3 treePosition = new LLVector3(Client.Self.Position.X, Client.Self.Position.Y,
                    treePosition.Z += 3.0f;

                    Client.Objects.AddTree(Client.Network.CurrentSim, new LLVector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                                           LLQuaternion.Identity, treePosition, tree, TestClient.GroupID, false);

                    return("Attempted to rez a " + treeName + " tree");
                catch (Exception)
                    return("Type !tree for usage");

            string usage = "Usage: !tree [";

            foreach (string value in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ObjectManager.Tree)))
                usage += value + ",";
            usage  = usage.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' });
            usage += "]";
Example #9
 public int GetRectangularDeviation(LLVector3 aabbmin, LLVector3 aabbmax, int area)
     int xlength = (int)(aabbmax.X - aabbmin.X);
     int ylength = (int)(aabbmax.Y - aabbmin.Y);
     int aabbarea = xlength * ylength;
     return (aabbarea - area) / 16;
Example #10
 public void UpdateObjectFlags(ObjectFlagUpdatePacket pack)
     if (this._physActor != null)
         if (this._physActor.Kinematic == pack.AgentData.UsePhysics)
             this._physActor.Kinematic = !pack.AgentData.UsePhysics; //if Usephysics = true, then Kinematic should = false
         this.physicsEnabled = pack.AgentData.UsePhysics;
         if (this._physActor.Kinematic == false)
             LLVector3 pos = this.Pos;
             pos.Z += 0.000001f;
             this.physicstest = true;
             PhysicsVector vec = this._physActor.Position;
             LLVector3     pos = new LLVector3(vec.X, vec.Y, vec.Z);
             this.Pos        = pos;
             this.updateFlag = true;
        public Packet GiveItemViaImprovedInstantMessage(
            LLUUID ID
            , LLUUID ToAgentID
            , String FromAgentName
            , LLVector3 FromAgentLoc
            , InventoryItem Item
            byte[] BinaryBucket = new byte[17];
            BinaryBucket[0] = (byte)Item.Type;
            Array.Copy(Item.ItemID.Data, 0, BinaryBucket, 1, 16);

            ImprovedInstantMessagePacket p = new ImprovedInstantMessagePacket();

            p.AgentData.AgentID   = AgentID;
            p.AgentData.SessionID = SessionID;

            p.MessageBlock.ID            = ID;
            p.MessageBlock.ToAgentID     = ToAgentID;
            p.MessageBlock.Offline       = (byte)0;
            p.MessageBlock.Timestamp     = Helpers.GetUnixTime();
            p.MessageBlock.Message       = Helpers.StringToField(Item.Name);
            p.MessageBlock.Dialog        = (byte)4;
            p.MessageBlock.BinaryBucket  = BinaryBucket;
            p.MessageBlock.FromAgentName = Helpers.StringToField(FromAgentName);
            p.MessageBlock.Position      = FromAgentLoc;

            // TODO: Either overload this method to allow inclusion of region info or
            // overload the ImprovedInstantMessage in the avatar class to allow item payloads
            p.MessageBlock.RegionID       = LLUUID.Zero;
            p.MessageBlock.ParentEstateID = (uint)0;

Example #12
 public UserProfile()
     Circuits         = new Dictionary <LLUUID, uint>();
     Inventory        = new AgentInventory();
     homeregionhandle = Helpers.UIntsToLong((997 * 256), (996 * 256));
     homepos          = new LLVector3();
     homelookat       = new LLVector3();
Example #13
 private void processLandmark(string temp)
     Console.Write(temp + "\n");
     string[] parts = temp.Split('\n');
     int.TryParse(parts[0].Substring(17, 1), out _Version);
     LLUUID.TryParse(parts[1].Substring(10, 36), out _Region);
     LLVector3.TryParse(parts[2].Substring(11, parts[2].Length - 11), out _Pos);
Example #14
        public void Friends_OnFriendFound(LLUUID agentID, ulong regionHandle, LLVector3 location)
            Hashtable item = new Hashtable();

            item.Add("MessageType", "FriendFound");
            item.Add("Location", location);
            item.Add("RegionHandle", regionHandle.ToString()); // String to avoid upsetting JavaScript.
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Entity (should not occur on it's own)
 /// </summary>
 public Entity()
     uuid     = new libsecondlife.LLUUID();
     localid  = 0;
     m_pos    = new LLVector3();
     velocity = new LLVector3();
     rotation = new Quaternion();
     m_name   = "(basic entity)";
     children = new List <Entity>();
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Aims at the specified position, enters mouselook, presses and
 /// releases the left mouse button, and leaves mouselook
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">Target to shoot at</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool Shoot(SecondLife client, LLVector3 target)
     if (client.Self.Movement.TurnToward(target))
Example #17
 public void UpgradeClient()
     OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("SimClient.cs:UpgradeClient() - upgrading child to full agent");
     this.m_child = false;
     if (!this.m_sandboxMode)
         this.startpos = ((RemoteGridBase)m_gridServer).agentcircuits[CircuitCode].startpos;
         ((RemoteGridBase)m_gridServer).agentcircuits[CircuitCode].child = false;
Example #18
        public Packet RezObject(InventoryItem iitem, LLVector3 TargetPos)
            if (iitem.Type != 6)
                Client.Log("RezObject has only been tested with items of type 6", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

            RezObjectPacket p = new RezObjectPacket();

            p.AgentData.AgentID   = AgentID;
            p.AgentData.SessionID = SessionID;
            p.AgentData.GroupID   = LLUUID.Zero;

            p.InventoryData.TransactionID = LLUUID.Random();

            p.InventoryData.GroupOwned    = iitem.GroupOwned;
            p.InventoryData.CRC           = iitem.CRC;
            p.InventoryData.CreationDate  = iitem.CreationDate;
            p.InventoryData.SaleType      = iitem.SaleType;
            p.InventoryData.BaseMask      = iitem.BaseMask;
            p.InventoryData.Name          = Helpers.StringToField(iitem.Name);
            p.InventoryData.InvType       = iitem.InvType;
            p.InventoryData.Type          = iitem.Type;
            p.InventoryData.GroupID       = iitem.GroupID;
            p.InventoryData.SalePrice     = iitem.SalePrice;
            p.InventoryData.OwnerID       = iitem.OwnerID;
            p.InventoryData.CreatorID     = iitem.CreatorID;
            p.InventoryData.ItemID        = iitem.ItemID;
            p.InventoryData.FolderID      = iitem.FolderID;
            p.InventoryData.EveryoneMask  = iitem.EveryoneMask;
            p.InventoryData.Description   = Helpers.StringToField(iitem.Description);
            p.InventoryData.Flags         = iitem.Flags;
            p.InventoryData.NextOwnerMask = iitem.NextOwnerMask;
            p.InventoryData.GroupMask     = iitem.GroupMask;
            p.InventoryData.OwnerMask     = iitem.OwnerMask;

            p.RezData.FromTaskID           = LLUUID.Zero;
            p.RezData.BypassRaycast        = 1;
            p.RezData.RayStart             = Client.Self.Position;
            p.RezData.RayEnd               = TargetPos;
            p.RezData.RayTargetID          = LLUUID.Zero;
            p.RezData.RayEndIsIntersection = false;
            p.RezData.RezSelected          = false;
            p.RezData.RemoveItem           = false;
            p.RezData.ItemFlags            = iitem.Flags;
            p.RezData.GroupMask            = iitem.GroupMask;
            p.RezData.EveryoneMask         = iitem.EveryoneMask;
            p.RezData.NextOwnerMask        = iitem.NextOwnerMask;

 public ChatEventArgs(
     string message, SLChatType type, LLVector3 sourcePos, SLSourceType sourceType,
     LLUUID sourceId, LLUUID ownerId, string fromName,
     bool audible, byte command, LLUUID commandId)
     _message    = message;
     _type       = type;
     _sourcePos  = sourcePos;
     _sourceType = sourceType;
     _sourceId   = sourceId;
     _ownerId    = ownerId;
     _fromName   = fromName;
     _audible    = audible;
     _command    = command;
     _commandId  = commandId;
 public void SetEntityPosition(uint localID, float x, float y, float z)
     foreach (Entity entity in this.Entities.Values)
         if (entity.localid == localID && entity is Primitive)
             LLVector3 pos = entity.Pos;
             pos.X = x;
             pos.Y = y;
             Primitive prim = entity as Primitive;
             // Of course, we really should have asked the physEngine if this is possible, and if not, returned false.
             // Console.WriteLine("script- setting entity " + localID + " positon");
		public override void Think()
            // Find the target position
            lock (Client.Network.Simulators)
                for (int i = 0; i < Client.Network.Simulators.Count; i++)
                    Avatar targetAv;

                    if (Client.Network.Simulators[i].ObjectsAvatars.TryGetValue(targetLocalID, out targetAv))
                        float distance = 0.0f;

                        if (Client.Network.Simulators[i] == Client.Network.CurrentSim)
                            distance = LLVector3.Dist(targetAv.Position, Client.Self.SimPosition);
                            // FIXME: Calculate global distances

                        if (distance > DISTANCE_BUFFER)
                            uint regionX, regionY;
                            Helpers.LongToUInts(Client.Network.Simulators[i].Handle, out regionX, out regionY);

                            double xTarget = (double)targetAv.Position.X + (double)regionX;
                            double yTarget = (double)targetAv.Position.Y + (double)regionY;
                            double zTarget = targetAv.Position.Z - 2f;

                            Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("[Autopilot] {0} meters away from the target, starting autopilot to <{1},{2},{3}>",
                                distance, xTarget, yTarget, zTarget), Client);

                            Client.Self.AutoPilot(xTarget, yTarget, zTarget);
                            // We are in range of the target and moving, stop moving

 public InstantMessageEventArgs(
     LLUUID fromAgentId, LLUUID toAgentId, uint parentEstateId, LLUUID regionId,
     LLVector3 position, bool offline, byte dialog, LLUUID id,
     DateTime timestamp, string fromAgentName, string message, string binaryBucket)
     _fromAgentId    = fromAgentId;
     _toAgentId      = toAgentId;
     _parentEstateId = parentEstateId;
     _regionId       = regionId;
     _position       = position;
     _offline        = offline;
     _dialog         = dialog;
     _id             = id;
     _timestamp      = timestamp;
     _fromAgentName  = fromAgentName;
     _message        = message;
     _binaryBucket   = binaryBucket;
Example #23
        private void MyOnFrame(IScriptContext context)
            LLVector3 pos = context.Entity.Pos;

            IScriptReadonlyEntity avatar;

            if (context.TryGetRandomAvatar(out avatar))
                LLVector3 avatarPos = avatar.Pos;

                float x = pos.X + ((float)avatarPos.X.CompareTo(pos.X)) / 2;
                float y = pos.Y + ((float)avatarPos.Y.CompareTo(pos.Y)) / 2;

                LLVector3 newPos = new LLVector3(x, y, pos.Z);

                context.Entity.Pos = newPos;
Example #24
        protected bool MultipleObjUpdate(SimClient simClient, Packet packet)
            MultipleObjectUpdatePacket multipleupdate = (MultipleObjectUpdatePacket)packet;

            for (int i = 0; i < multipleupdate.ObjectData.Length; i++)
                if (multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Type == 9) //change position
                    libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos = new LLVector3(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Data, 0);
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)
                    //should update stored position of the prim
                else if (multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Type == 10)//rotation
                    libsecondlife.LLQuaternion rot = new LLQuaternion(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Data, 0, true);
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)
                            ent.rotation = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(rot.W, rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z);
                            ((OpenSim.world.Primitive)ent).UpdateFlag = true;
                else if (multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Type == 13)//scale
                    libsecondlife.LLVector3 scale = new LLVector3(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Data, 12);
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)
                            ((OpenSim.world.Primitive)ent).Scale = scale;
        public override string Execute(string[] args, LLUUID fromAgentID)
            // *** parse arguments ***
            if ((args.Length < 1) || (args.Length > 2))
                return("Usage: findobjects [radius] <search-string>");
            float  radius       = float.Parse(args[0]);
            string searchString = (args.Length > 1)? args[1] : "";

            // *** get current location ***
            LLVector3 location = Client.Self.SimPosition;

            // *** find all objects in radius ***
            List <Primitive> prims = Client.Network.CurrentSim.Objects.FindAll(
                delegate(Primitive prim) {
                LLVector3 pos = prim.Position;
                return((prim.ParentID == 0) && (pos != LLVector3.Zero) && (LLVector3.Dist(pos, location) < radius));

            // *** request properties of these objects ***
            bool complete = RequestObjectProperties(prims, 250);

            foreach (Primitive p in prims)
                string name = p.Properties.Name;
                if ((name != null) && (name.Contains(searchString)))
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Object '{0}': {1}", name, p.ID.ToString()));

            if (!complete)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: Unable to retrieve full properties for:");
                foreach (LLUUID uuid in PrimsWaiting.Keys)

            return("Done searching");
Example #26
        public void UpdateClient(SimClient RemoteClient)
            LLVector3 lPos;

            if (this._physActor != null && this.physicsEnabled)
                PhysicsVector pPos = this._physActor.Position;
                lPos = new LLVector3(pPos.X, pPos.Y, pPos.Z);
                lPos = this.Pos;
            byte[] pb = lPos.GetBytes();
            Array.Copy(pb, 0, OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 0, pb.Length);

            // OurPacket should be update with the follwing in updateShape() rather than having to do it here
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].OwnerID       = this.primData.OwnerID;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PCode         = this.primData.PCode;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathBegin     = this.primData.PathBegin;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathEnd       = this.primData.PathEnd;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathScaleX    = this.primData.PathScaleX;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathScaleY    = this.primData.PathScaleY;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathShearX    = this.primData.PathShearX;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathShearY    = this.primData.PathShearY;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathSkew      = this.primData.PathSkew;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileBegin  = this.primData.ProfileBegin;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileEnd    = this.primData.ProfileEnd;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].Scale         = this.primData.Scale;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathCurve     = this.primData.PathCurve;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileCurve  = this.primData.ProfileCurve;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ParentID      = this.primData.ParentID;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileHollow = this.primData.ProfileHollow;
            //finish off copying rest of shape data
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathRadiusOffset = this.primData.PathRadiusOffset;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathRevolutions  = this.primData.PathRevolutions;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTaperX       = this.primData.PathTaperX;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTaperY       = this.primData.PathTaperY;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTwist        = this.primData.PathTwist;
            OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTwistBegin   = this.primData.PathTwistBegin;

Example #27
 public void UpdatePosition(LLVector3 pos)
     this.Pos = pos;
     if (this._physActor != null) // && this.physicsEnabled)
             lock (m_world.LockPhysicsEngine)
                 this._physActor.Position = new PhysicsVector(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
         catch (Exception e)
     this.updateFlag = true;
Example #28
        private void Self_OnInstantMessage(LLUUID fromAgentID, string fromAgentName, LLUUID toAgentID, uint parentEstateID,
                                           LLUUID regionID, LLVector3 position, byte dialog, bool groupIM, LLUUID imSessionID, DateTime timestamp,
                                           string message, byte offline, byte[] binaryBucket)
            if (Master.Length > 0)
                if (fromAgentName.ToLower().Trim() != Master.ToLower().Trim())
                    // Received an IM from someone that is not the bot's master, ignore
                    Console.WriteLine("<IM>" + fromAgentName + " (not master): " + message + "@" + regionID.ToString() + ":" + position.ToString());
                if (GroupMembers != null && !GroupMembers.ContainsKey(fromAgentID))
                    // Received an IM from someone outside the bot's group, ignore
                    Console.WriteLine("<IM>" + fromAgentName + " (not in group): " + message + "@" + regionID.ToString() + ":" + position.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("<IM>" + fromAgentName + ": " + message);

            if (Self.ID == toAgentID)
                if (dialog == 22)
                    Console.WriteLine("Accepting teleport lure");
                    Self.TeleportLureRespond(fromAgentID, true);
                    DoCommand(message, fromAgentID, imSessionID);
                // This shouldn't happen
                Console.WriteLine("A bot that we aren't tracking received an IM?");
Example #29
    // SayToUser: send a message to the user as in-world chat
    private static void SayToUser(string message)
        Hashtable blocks = new Hashtable();
        Hashtable fields;

        fields               = new Hashtable();
        fields["FromName"]   = "Analyst";
        fields["SourceID"]   = new LLUUID(true);
        fields["OwnerID"]    = agentID;
        fields["SourceType"] = (byte)2;
        fields["ChatType"]   = (byte)1;
        fields["Audible"]    = (byte)1;
        fields["Position"]   = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
        fields["Message"]    = message;
        blocks[fields]       = "ChatData";
        Packet packet = PacketBuilder.BuildPacket("ChatFromSimulator", protocolManager, blocks, Helpers.MSG_RELIABLE);

        proxy.InjectPacket(packet, Direction.Incoming);
Example #30
        public void ObjectUpdateHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator)
            uint   id   = 0;
            LLUUID uuid = null;

            if (WaitingOnUpdate)

                foreach (Block block in packet.Blocks())
                    foreach (Field field in block.Fields)
                        if (field.Layout.Name == "ID")
                            id = (uint)field.Data;
                        else if (field.Layout.Name == "FullID")
                            uuid = (LLUUID)field.Data;
                        else if (field.Layout.Name == "ObjectData")
                            byte[]    byteArray = (byte[])field.Data;
                            LLVector3 position  = new LLVector3(byteArray, 0);
                            if (CurrentPrim != null && position != CurrentPrim.Position)
                                txtLog.AppendText(position.ToString() + " doesn't match CurrentPrim.Position " +
                                                  CurrentPrim.Position.ToString() + "\n" /* + ", ignoring"*/);

                CurrentPrim.ID   = id;
                CurrentPrim.UUID = uuid;

                WaitingOnUpdate = false;
