public ActionResult TargetInputForm(string UserName) { if (UserName == null || UserName.Equals(String.Empty)) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "You must be logged in to continue."; return(RedirectToAction("AwaitingMyApproval", "AwaitingApproval")); } SuperInputTargetModel superInputTargetModel = new SuperInputTargetModel(); if (TempData["superInputTargetModel"] != null) { superInputTargetModel = TempData["superInputTargetModel"] as SuperInputTargetModel; } else { //now resolve the user profile from AD and Xceed StaffADProfile staffADProfile = new StaffADProfile(); staffADProfile.user_logon_name = UserName; // staffADProfile.user_logon_name = "ADAMU.LAWANI"; //AD ActiveDirectoryQuery activeDirectoryQuery = new ActiveDirectoryQuery(staffADProfile); staffADProfile = activeDirectoryQuery.GetStaffProfile(); if (staffADProfile == null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Your profile is not properly setup on the system. Please contact InfoTech."; return(RedirectToAction("AwaitingMyApproval", "AwaitingApproval", new { UserName = Session["UserName"] as string })); } //Appraisal Initiaor Setup //Resolve the --branchname --branchcode --department --deptcode --appperiod from Tb_TargetInitiators table staffADProfile = new LINQCalls().setInitiatorFields(staffADProfile); if (staffADProfile.branch_code == null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Your profile is not properly setup for Target. Please contact Human Resources."; return(RedirectToAction("AwaitingMyApproval", "AwaitingApproval", new { UserName = Session["UserName"] as string })); } ViewBag.StaffBranch = staffADProfile.branch_name + ((staffADProfile.branch_code.Equals(HOBRCODE)) ? " | " + staffADProfile.hodeptcode : String.Empty); ViewBag.StaffNumber = staffADProfile.employee_number; //Check if the initiator/branch/has an existing entry for the AppraisalPeriod List <RequestDetails> requestDetails = new List <RequestDetails>(); if (staffADProfile.branch_code != "001") { requestDetails = new LINQCalls().getExistingTargetEntry(staffADProfile); } else { ////staffprofile ho_staff_pro = new staffprofile(); //// ho_staff_pro = new LINQCalls().getProfile(staffADProfile.employee_number); requestDetails = new LINQCalls().getExistingHOTargetEntry(staffADProfile); } //Great. Everything looks okay." //Now let's get the staff reporting to you--using branchcode and deptcode(HO only) //see if the requestdetails entry has anything if (requestDetails.Count <= 0) { requestDetails = (staffADProfile.branch_code.Equals(HOBRCODE)) ? new LINQCalls().getMarketingStaff_HO(staffADProfile): new LINQCalls().getMarketingStaff_Branch(staffADProfile); } else { //OH dear:-) You go some shit keyed in before now---we're gonna blast u to My Entries view--hold tight //return RedirectToAction("MyEntries",new { UserName=UserName } ); return(RedirectToAction("MyEntries", "MyEntries", new { UserName = UserName })); } Debug.WriteLine(requestDetails); /**Now lets see if the list contains the others entry***/ //if others is not found, add //if others exists, then send it to the bottom of the stack if (!requestDetails.Exists(x => { RequestDetails os = new RequestDetails(); os.employee_number = NA; = OTHERS; os.grade = NA; requestDetails.Add(os); } Debug.WriteLine(Session.SessionID.ToString().ToUpper()); string workflowid = (requestDetails.ElementAt(0).workflowid.Equals(String.Empty)) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() : requestDetails.ElementAt(0).workflowid; //string workflowid = ( requestDetails.ElementAt(0).workflowid.Equals(String.Empty) ) ? Session.SessionID.ToString().ToUpper() : requestDetails.ElementAt(0).workflowid; int requeststageid = requestDetails.ElementAt(0).requeststageid; string requeststage = requestDetails.ElementAt(0).requeststage ?? String.Empty; DateTime requestdate = requestDetails.ElementAt(0).requestdate; string initiatornumber = new LINQCalls().getInitiatorNumber(workflowid) ?? staffADProfile.employee_number; string cansave = (requeststage.Equals(INIT_STAGE) || requeststage.Equals(DENIED)) && initiatornumber.Equals(staffADProfile.employee_number) ? this.CANSAVE : "false"; superInputTargetModel = new SuperInputTargetModel { WorkflowID = workflowid, RequestStageID = requeststageid, RequestStage = requeststage, RequestDate = requestdate, CanSave = cansave, StaffADProfile = staffADProfile, RequestDetails = requestDetails, EntryModel = null, RequestBranch = staffADProfile.branch_name, RequestBranchCode = staffADProfile.branch_code }; /*if( TempData["superInputTargetModel"]!=null ){ * superInputTargetModel = TempData["superInputTargetModel"] as SuperInputTargetModel; * } else { * superInputTargetModel = new SuperInputTargetModel{ * WorkflowID = workflowid, * RequestStageID = requeststageid, * RequestStage = requeststage, * RequestDate = requestdate, * StaffADProfile = staffADProfile, * RequestDetails = requestDetails, * EntriesModel = null * }; * }*/ } //sort the list var d = from x in superInputTargetModel.RequestDetails orderby == OTHERS, select x; superInputTargetModel.RequestDetails = d.ToList(); Session["requestDetails"] = superInputTargetModel.RequestDetails; Session["UserName"] = UserName; if (TempData["ErrorMessage"] != null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = TempData["ErrorMessage"] as string; } superInputTargetModel.StaffADProfile.in_StaffName = ""; superInputTargetModel.StaffADProfile.in_StaffNumber = ""; superInputTargetModel.StaffADProfile.in_StaffGrade = ""; return(View(superInputTargetModel)); }
public ActionResult EditMemo(string WorkflowID, bool editMode, bool?myEntries) { _UserName = User.Identity.Name; Session["UserName"] = User.Identity.Name; if (_UserName == null || _UserName.Equals(String.Empty)) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "You must be logged in to continue."; return(RedirectToAction("AwaitingMyApproval", "AwaitingApproval")); } //now resolve the user profile from AD and Xceed StaffADProfile staffADProfile = new StaffADProfile(); staffADProfile.user_logon_name = _UserName; //staffADProfile.user_logon_name = "adebisi.olumoto"; //AD ActiveDirectoryQuery activeDirectoryQuery = new ActiveDirectoryQuery(staffADProfile); staffADProfile = activeDirectoryQuery.GetStaffProfile(); staffADProfile.grade = new LINQCalls().getStaffGrade(staffADProfile.employee_number); if (staffADProfile == null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Your profile is not properly setup on the system. Please contact InfoTech."; return(RedirectToAction("AwaitingMyApproval", "AwaitingApproval", new { UserName = Session["UserName"] as string })); } //Get the request identified by the Workflow ID MemoSetup memoSetup = new MemoSetup(); memoSetup = new LINQCalls().getWorkflowEntry(WorkflowID); ViewBag.StaffBranch = memoSetup.Branch; int requeststageid = memoSetup.RequestStageId; string requeststage = memoSetup.RequestStage; DateTime requestdate = memoSetup.DateSubmitted; string initiatornumber = new LINQCalls().getInitiatorNumber(WorkflowID) ?? staffADProfile.employee_number; string cansave = (requeststage.Equals(INIT_STAGE) || requeststage.Equals(DENIED)) && initiatornumber.Equals(staffADProfile.employee_number) ? this.CANSAVE : "false"; XElement ApprovalHistory = new LINQCalls().getApprovalHistory(WorkflowID); XDocument xDocument = DataHandlers.ToXDocument(ApprovalHistory); List <ApprovalDetails> approvalHistory = xDocument.Descendants("Approvals") .Select(det => new ApprovalDetails { ApproverNames = det.Element("ApproverName").Value, ApproverStaffNumbers = det.Element("ApproverStaffNumber").Value, ApprovedStages = det.Element("ApprovedStage").Value, ApproverAction = det.Element("ApproverAction").Value, ApprovalDateTime = det.Element("ApprovalDateTime").Value, ApproverComments = det.Element("ApproverComment").Value }).ToList(); memoSetup.SignerDetailsList = GetApprovers(memoSetup); editMode = editMode && memoSetup.RequestStageId.Equals(1); TempData["editMode"] = editMode; //( editMode==true ) ? null : "false"; ViewBag.editMode = editMode; if (TempData["ErrorMessage"] != null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = TempData["ErrorMessage"] as string; } TempData["memoSetup"] = memoSetup; return(RedirectToAction("NewMemo", new { UserName = Session["UserName"] as string })); }
public ActionResult EditTarget(string UserName, string WorkflowID, bool editMode, bool?myEntries) { // editMode = true; if (UserName == null || UserName.Equals(String.Empty)) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "You must be logged in to continue."; return(RedirectToAction("AwaitingMyApproval", "AwaitingApproval")); } //now resolve the user profile from AD and Xceed StaffADProfile staffADProfile = new StaffADProfile(); staffADProfile.user_logon_name = UserName; //staffADProfile.user_logon_name = "adebisi.olumoto"; //AD ActiveDirectoryQuery activeDirectoryQuery = new ActiveDirectoryQuery(staffADProfile); staffADProfile = activeDirectoryQuery.GetStaffProfile(); //GET ENTERY BRANC CODE staffADProfile.branch_code = new LINQCalls().getEntryProfile(WorkflowID).branch_code; staffADProfile.branch_name = new LINQCalls().getEntryProfile(WorkflowID).branch_name; if (staffADProfile == null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Your profile is not properly setup on the system. Please contact InfoTech."; return(RedirectToAction("AwaitingMyApproval", "AwaitingApproval", new { UserName = Session["UserName"] as string })); } //GET THE APPROVERS DETAILS FROM EXCEED //Approver Setup //Resolve the --branchname --branchcode --department --deptcode /* * staffADProfile = new LINQCalls().setInitiatorFields( staffADProfile ); * if( staffADProfile.branch_code==null ){ * ViewBag.ErrorMessage="Your profile is not properly setup on Exceed. Please contact Human Resources."; * return RedirectToAction( "AwaitingMyApproval","AwaitingApproval",new { UserName = Session["UserName"] as string } ); * } * */ //Get the request identified by the workflow id List <RequestDetails> requestDetails = new List <RequestDetails>(); if (myEntries != null && myEntries == true) { string entrykey = staffADProfile.employee_number + "_" + staffADProfile.appperiod + "_" + staffADProfile.branch_code; requestDetails = new LINQCalls().getExistingTargetEntry(WorkflowID, staffADProfile.employee_number, entrykey); } else { requestDetails = new LINQCalls().getExistingTargetEntry(WorkflowID, staffADProfile.employee_number); } EntryModel entryModel = new EntryModel(); entryModel = new LINQCalls().getWorkflowEntry(WorkflowID); ViewBag.StaffBranch = entryModel.Branch; int requeststageid = entryModel.RequestStageId; string requeststage = entryModel.RequestStage; DateTime requestdate = entryModel.DateSubmitted; string initiatornumber = new LINQCalls().getInitiatorNumber(WorkflowID) ?? staffADProfile.employee_number; //staffADProfile.branch_code = new LINQCalls().getProfile(staffADProfile.employee_number).branch_code; //if (requeststage.Equals(INIT_STAGE)) //{ // staffADProfile.branch_code = new LINQCalls().setInitiatorFields(staffADProfile).branch_code; //} string cansave = (requeststage.Equals(INIT_STAGE) || requeststage.Equals(DENIED)) && initiatornumber.Equals(staffADProfile.employee_number) ? this.CANSAVE : "false"; staffADProfile.appperiod = entryModel.AppraisalPeriod; XElement ApprovalHistory = new LINQCalls().getApprovalHistory(WorkflowID); XDocument xDocument = DataHandlers.ToXDocument(ApprovalHistory); List <ApprovalDetails> approvalHistory = xDocument.Descendants("Approvals") .Select(det => new ApprovalDetails { ApproverNames = det.Element("ApproverName").Value, ApproverStaffNumbers = det.Element("ApproverStaffNumber").Value, ApprovedStages = det.Element("ApprovedStage").Value, ApproverAction = det.Element("ApproverAction").Value, ApprovalDateTime = det.Element("ApprovalDateTime").Value }) .ToList(); SuperInputTargetModel superInputTargetModel = new SuperInputTargetModel(); if (TempData["superInputTargetModel"] != null) { superInputTargetModel = TempData["superInputTargetModel"] as SuperInputTargetModel; } else { superInputTargetModel = new SuperInputTargetModel { WorkflowID = WorkflowID, RequestStageID = entryModel.RequestStageId, RequestStage = entryModel.RequestStage, RequestDate = entryModel.DateSubmitted, StaffADProfile = staffADProfile, RequestDetails = requestDetails, CanSave = cansave, ApprovalDetails = approvalHistory, EntryModel = entryModel, RequestBranch = entryModel.Branch, RequestBranchCode = entryModel.BranchCode }; } //sort the list var d = from x in superInputTargetModel.RequestDetails orderby == OTHERS, select x; superInputTargetModel.RequestDetails = d.ToList(); Session["requestDetails"] = superInputTargetModel.RequestDetails; Session["UserName"] = UserName; TempData["editMode"] = (editMode == true) ? null : "false"; if (TempData["ErrorMessage"] != null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = TempData["ErrorMessage"] as string; } TempData["superInputTargetModel"] = superInputTargetModel; return(RedirectToAction("TargetInputForm", new { UserName = Session["UserName"] as string })); }