Example #1
         * Once a database is loaded, this method will be called
         * to add all the messages to the ComboBox.
        public List <Message> LoadMessages()
            Kvadblib.MessageHnd mh;
            Kvadblib.Status     status;
            Kvadblib.NodeHnd    nh;

            List <Message> messages = new List <Message>();

            status = Kvadblib.GetFirstMsg(dh, out mh);
            while (status == Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                string           name;
                int              id;
                int              dlc;
                string           nodeName;
                Kvadblib.MESSAGE flags;
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgName(mh, out name);
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgId(mh, out id, out flags);
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgDlc(mh, out dlc);
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgSendNode(mh, out nh);
                status = Kvadblib.GetNodeName(nh, out nodeName);

                Kvadblib.AttributeHnd ah;
                int attEunmVal = 8;
                status = Kvadblib.GetAttributeByName(dh, "GenMsgSendType", out ah);    //获取ah用于存储对应message的ah
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgAttributeByName(mh, "GenMsgSendType", ref ah); //获取对应message的attribute信息
                Kvadblib.GetAttributeValueEnumeration(ah, out attEunmVal);

                int GenMsgCycleTime = 0;
                status = Kvadblib.GetAttributeByName(dh, "GenMsgCycleTime", out ah);    //获取ah用于存储对应message的ah
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgAttributeByName(mh, "GenMsgCycleTime", ref ah); //获取对应message的attribute信息
                Kvadblib.GetAttributeValueInt(ah, out GenMsgCycleTime);

                Message message = new Message();
                message.id              = id;
                message.name            = name;
                message.dlc             = dlc;
                message.tx_node         = nodeName;
                message.GenMsgSendType  = this.GenMsgSendType[attEunmVal];
                message.GenMsgCycleTime = GenMsgCycleTime;
                message.CycleCount      = 0;


                status = Kvadblib.GetNextMsg(dh, out mh);
Example #2
        public static List <CanMessage> OpenCanDB(string fullFilePath)
            Kvadblib.Hnd    db_handle;
            Kvadblib.Status status;

            status = Kvadblib.Open(out db_handle);
            status = Kvadblib.Create(db_handle, "MyTestDB", fullFilePath);

            if (status == Kvadblib.Status.Err_DbFileOpen)
                throw new Exception("Could not open CAN database file"); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
            if (status == Kvadblib.Status.Err_DbFileParse)
                string errorMessage;
                status = Kvadblib.GetLastParseError(out errorMessage);
                throw new Exception("Could not parse file. Error: \n" + errorMessage);

            List <CanMessage> Messages = new List <CanMessage>();

            // Get the first message in the database
            Kvadblib.MessageHnd messageHandle;
            status = Kvadblib.GetFirstMsg(db_handle, out messageHandle);
            if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                throw new Exception("kvaDbGetFirstMsg failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
            // Go through all messages in the database
            while (status == Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                string           tempMessageName;
                string           tempMessageQualifiedName;
                string           tempMessageComment;
                int              tempMessageID;
                Kvadblib.MESSAGE tempFlags;
                int              tempMessageDlc;

                // Get the properties for each message
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgName(messageHandle, out tempMessageName);
                if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                    throw new Exception("kvaDbGetMsgName failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgQualifiedName(messageHandle, out tempMessageQualifiedName);
                if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                    throw new Exception("kvaDbGetMsgQualifiedName failed: " + status.ToString());

                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgComment(messageHandle, out tempMessageComment);
                if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                    throw new Exception("kvaDbGetMsgComment failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgIdEx(messageHandle, out tempMessageID);
                if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                    throw new Exception("kvaDbGetMsgId failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgFlags(messageHandle, out tempFlags);
                if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                    throw new Exception("GetMsgFlags failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                status = Kvadblib.GetMsgDlc(messageHandle, out tempMessageDlc);
                if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                    throw new Exception("kvaDbGetMsgDlc failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                CanMessage tempCanMessage = new CanMessage
                    Comment       = tempMessageComment,
                    DLC           = tempMessageDlc,
                    Flags         = tempFlags,
                    ID            = tempMessageID,
                    Name          = tempMessageName,
                    QualifiedName = tempMessageQualifiedName,

                // Go through all signals for this message
                Kvadblib.SignalHnd signalHandle;
                status = Kvadblib.GetFirstSignal(messageHandle, out signalHandle);
                while (status == Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                    string tempSignalName;
                    string tempSignalQualifiedName;
                    string tempSignalComment;
                    string tempSignalUnit;
                    Kvadblib.SignalEncoding tempSignalEncoding;
                    Kvadblib.SignalType     tempSignalType;
                    int    tempStartbit    = 0;
                    int    tempLength      = 0;
                    double tempMinval      = 0;
                    double tempMaxval      = 0;
                    double tempScaleFactor = 0;
                    double tempOffset      = 0;

                    // Get the properties for each signal.
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalName(signalHandle, out tempSignalName);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalName failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalQualifiedName(signalHandle, out tempSignalQualifiedName);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalQualifiedName failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalComment(signalHandle, out tempSignalComment);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalComment failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalUnit(signalHandle, out tempSignalUnit);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalUnit failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalEncoding(signalHandle, out tempSignalEncoding);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalEncoding failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalRepresentationType(signalHandle, out tempSignalType);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalRepresentationType failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalValueLimits(signalHandle, out tempMinval, out tempMaxval);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalValueLimits failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalValueScaling(signalHandle, out tempScaleFactor, out tempOffset);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalValueScaling failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    status = Kvadblib.GetSignalValueSize(signalHandle, out tempStartbit, out tempLength);
                    if (status != Kvadblib.Status.OK)
                        throw new Exception("kvaDbGetSignalValueSize failed: " + status.ToString()); // TODO: Handle more gracefully
                    CanSignal tempCanSignal = new CanSignal
                        Comment       = tempSignalComment,
                        Encoding      = tempSignalEncoding,
                        Length        = tempLength,
                        MaxValue      = tempMaxval,
                        MinValue      = tempMinval,
                        Name          = tempSignalName,
                        Offset        = tempOffset,
                        QualifiedName = tempSignalQualifiedName,
                        ScaleFactor   = tempScaleFactor,
                        StartBit      = tempStartbit,
                        Type          = tempSignalType,
                        Unit          = tempSignalUnit,

                    status = Kvadblib.GetNextSignal(messageHandle, out signalHandle);
                status = Kvadblib.GetNextMsg(db_handle, out messageHandle);

            // All done; close database