private DataTable ExecuteKustoQuery(string shortName) { var kustoContext = new KustoContext(shortName); string kustoQuery = string.Format(@"MonRgLoad | where originalEventTimestampTo > ago(30m) | where event == ""cpu_total_load_cap_per_core"" and NodeName startswith ""DB"" and (node_sku contains ""G3"" or node_sku contains ""G4"" or node_sku contains ""GZ"" or node_sku contains ""G5"") | project TIMESTAMP, node_sku, ClusterName , NodeName, node_user_cpu_usage, node_user_cpu_allocation | extend node_cpu_cap = iff(node_sku contains ""G3"", 1400, iff(node_sku contains ""G4"", 2200, iff(node_sku contains ""G5"", 7200, 2800))) | extend is_violated = iff(node_user_cpu_usage * 1.0 / node_cpu_cap > 0.8, 1, 0) | summarize arg_max(TIMESTAMP, node_user_cpu_allocation), node_cpu_cap = any(node_cpu_cap), peak_cpu_usage = max(node_user_cpu_usage), node_sku = any(node_sku), cnt = count(), violation_cnt = sum(is_violated) by ClusterName, NodeName | extend overbook_ratio = node_user_cpu_allocation * 1.0 / node_cpu_cap | where violation_cnt * 1.0 / cnt > 0.9 | join kind = leftouter ( MonRgLoad | where TIMESTAMP > ago(20m) | where event == ""application_load"" | summarize max(app_cpu_load) by ClusterName, NodeName ) on ClusterName, NodeName | where overbook_ratio > 1.05 or (overbook_ratio <= 1.05 and max_app_cpu_load * 1.0 / node_cpu_cap < 0.3) | project ClusterName, NodeName, node_sku, overbook_ratio, peak_cpu_usage, node_cpu_cap"); var dt = kustoContext.ExecuteQuery(kustoQuery); return(dt); }
private string ExecuteCMSQuery(IcM icm) { // ad4356228452 var appName = icm.ApplicationName; var kustoContext = new KustoContext(icm.ClusterName); string query = Queries.AppBelowQuery2; //query = string.Format(query, "", "ad4356228452"); string result = "There is no active instance"; var kutoQuery = query.Replace("Dynamic_AppName", icm.ApplicationName); //string.Format(query, icm.RingName, appName); kutoQuery = kutoQuery.Replace("Dynamic_Source_Ring_Name", icm.RingName); var dt1 = kustoContext.ExecuteQuery(kutoQuery); if (dt1.Rows.Count <= 0) { if (icm.ApplicationName.Contains("v-")) { return($"{icm.ApplicationName} most of the v- appNames created by Backup/Restore team, Please check with them and route it to same"); } else { return($"{icm.ApplicationName} is not able to move, please verify this app Name"); } } var command = dt1.Rows[0]["command"].ToString(); //Dynamic_Target_Ring_Name string slotype = dt1.Rows[0]["slo"].ToString(); Regex rgx = new Regex(@"^cr\d+\."); var runnerName = "AppBelowTargetReplicaCount"; var shortRunnerName = runnerName.Substring(runnerName.IndexOf('.', runnerName.IndexOf('.') + 1) + 1); var ControlRingAddress = GetControlRingAddress(icm.ClusterName);//""; var sterlingCasContext = new SterlingCasContext(shortRunnerName, rgx.Replace(ControlRingAddress, string.Empty), "", false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slotype) && slotype.ToLower().Contains("gen4")) { slotype = "SQLG4VM"; } else { slotype = "SQLG5"; } var cmsQuery = string.Format(Queries.AppBelowQuery1, slotype); DataTable dt = sterlingCasContext.QueryCms(cmsQuery).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { result = command.Replace("Dynamic_Target_Ring_Name", dt.Rows[0]["target_tenant_ring"].ToString()); } return(result); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log) { log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); // parse query parameter string name = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs() .FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "name", true) == 0) .Value; var list = new List <string>(); try { var kustoContext = new KustoContext(); //string kustoQuery = "MonSqlVm | where ClusterName == '' | top 10 by AppName asc"; string kustoQuery = string.Format(@"Notifications | where PrimaryTargetType == 'TEAMID' | where PrimaryTarget in (38526, 38525, 37536, 38523, 38527, 38524, 36369, 32529, 10979, 22315, 10613, 11230, 36392, 36391) | where AcknowledgeDate >= datetime('2019-02-25') and AcknowledgeDate <= datetime('2019-02-26') | summarize by IncidentId | top 10 by IncidentId"); var dt = kustoContext.ExecuteQuery(kustoQuery); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { list.Add(row[0].ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } if (name == null) { // Get request body dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <object>(); name = data?.name; } return(name == null ? req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body") : req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello " + name)); }