Example #1
        private void ContinueDisplayingResults()
            List <string> KnownCommodityNames;
            Dictionary <String, String> EconomyLevels;

                KnownCommodityNames = Program.Data.getCommodityNames();
                EconomyLevels       = Program.Data.getEconomyLevels();

                    if (_correctionRow > _commodityTexts.GetLength(0) - 1)
                        _correctionRow = 0; _correctionColumn++;

                    if (_commodityTexts.GetLength(0) == 0)

                    if (_correctionColumn < _commodityTexts.GetLength(1))
                        //Debug.WriteLine(correctionRow + " - " + correctionColumn);
                        pbOcrCurrent.Image = _originalBitmaps[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn];

                    if (_correctionColumn == 0) // hacks for commodity name
                        var currentTextCamelCase =
                            _parent._textInfo.ToTitleCase(_commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn].ToLower()); // There *was* a reason why I did this...

                        // if the ocr have found no char so we dont need to ask Mr. Levenshtein
                        if (currentTextCamelCase.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (KnownCommodityNames.Contains(
                                _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = 1;
                                var    replacedCamelCase           = StripPunctuationFromScannedText(currentTextCamelCase); // ignore spaces when using levenshtein to find commodity names
                                var    lowestLevenshteinNumber     = 10000;
                                var    nextLowestLevenshteinNumber = 10000;
                                var    lowestMatchingCommodity     = "";
                                var    lowestMatchingCommodityRef  = "";
                                double LevenshteinLimit            = 0;

                                foreach (var reference in KnownCommodityNames)
                                    var upperRef          = StripPunctuationFromScannedText(reference);
                                    var levenshteinNumber = _parent._levenshtein.LD2(upperRef, replacedCamelCase);
                                    //if(levenshteinNumber != _levenshtein.LD(upperRef, replacedCamelCase))
                                    //    Debug.WriteLine("Doh!");

                                    if (upperRef != lowestMatchingCommodityRef)
                                        if (levenshteinNumber < lowestLevenshteinNumber)
                                            nextLowestLevenshteinNumber = lowestLevenshteinNumber;
                                            lowestLevenshteinNumber     = levenshteinNumber;
                                            lowestMatchingCommodityRef  = upperRef;
                                            lowestMatchingCommodity     = reference.ToUpper();
                                        else if (levenshteinNumber < nextLowestLevenshteinNumber)
                                            nextLowestLevenshteinNumber = levenshteinNumber;

                                // it's better if this depends on the length of the word - this factor works pretty good
                                LevenshteinLimit = Math.Round((currentTextCamelCase.Length * 0.7), 0);

                                if (lowestLevenshteinNumber <= LevenshteinLimit)
                                    _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = .9f;
                                    _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn]            = lowestMatchingCommodity;

                                if (lowestLevenshteinNumber <= LevenshteinLimit && lowestLevenshteinNumber + 3 < nextLowestLevenshteinNumber) // INDIUM versus INDITE... could factor length in here
                                    _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = 1;

                            if (_commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn].Equals("Getreide", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                            if (_commoditiesSoFar.Contains(_commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn].ToUpper()))
                                _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn]            = "";
                                _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = 1;

                            // If we're doing a batch of screenshots, don't keep doing the same commodity when we keep finding it
                            // but only if it's sure - otherwise it will be registered later
                            if (_originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] == 1)
                                _commoditiesSoFar.Add(_commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn].ToUpper());
                            // that was nothing
                            _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = 1;
                            _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn]            = "";
                    else if (_correctionColumn == 5 || _correctionColumn == 7) // hacks for LOW/MED/HIGH
                        var commodityLevelUpperCase = StripPunctuationFromScannedText(_commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn]);

                        var levenshteinLow   = _parent._levenshtein.LD2(EconomyLevels["LOW"].ToUpper(), commodityLevelUpperCase);
                        var levenshteinMed   = _parent._levenshtein.LD2(EconomyLevels["MED"].ToUpper(), commodityLevelUpperCase);
                        var levenshteinHigh  = _parent._levenshtein.LD2(EconomyLevels["HIGH"].ToUpper(), commodityLevelUpperCase);
                        var levenshteinBlank = _parent._levenshtein.LD2("", commodityLevelUpperCase);

                        //Pick the lowest levenshtein number
                        var lowestLevenshtein = Math.Min(Math.Min(levenshteinLow, levenshteinMed), Math.Min(levenshteinHigh, levenshteinBlank));

                        if (lowestLevenshtein == levenshteinLow)
                            _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = EconomyLevels["LOW"];
                        else if (lowestLevenshtein == levenshteinMed)
                            _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = EconomyLevels["MED"];
                        else if (lowestLevenshtein == levenshteinHigh)
                            _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = EconomyLevels["HIGH"];
                        else // lowestLevenshtein == levenshteinBlank
                            _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = "";

                        // we will never be challenged on low/med/high again.  this doesn't get internationalized on foreign-language installs... does it? :)
                        _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = 1;
                // Don't pause for cells which have a high confidence, or have no commodity name
                // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
                while (_correctionColumn < _commodityTexts.GetLength(1) && (_originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] > .9f || _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] == 0 || _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, 0] == ""));

                if (_correctionColumn < _commodityTexts.GetLength(1))
                    // doing again some stateful enabling
                    tbCommoditiesOcrOutput.Text = _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn];
                    tbConfidence.Text           = _originalBitmapConfidences[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    bContinueOcr.Enabled        = true;
                    bIgnoreTrash.Enabled        = true;
                    bContinueOcr.Enabled = false;
                    bIgnoreTrash.Enabled = false;

                    string finalOutput = _csvOutputSoFar;

                    for (int row = 0; row < _commodityTexts.GetLength(0); row++)
                        if (_commodityTexts[row, 0] != "") // don't create CSV if there's no commodity name
                            finalOutput += tbOcrSystemName.Text + ";" + tbOcrStationName.Text + ";";

                            for (int col = 0; col < _commodityTexts.GetLength(1); col++)
                                _commodityTexts[row, col] = _commodityTexts[row, col].Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");

                                if (col == 3)
                                    continue;           // don't export cargo levels
                                finalOutput += _commodityTexts[row, col] + ";";
                            finalOutput += ocr.CurrentScreenshotDateTime.ToString("s").Substring(0, 16) + ";";

                            //if (cbExtendedInfoInCSV.Checked)
                            finalOutput += Path.GetFileName(_screenshotName) + ";";

                            finalOutput += _rowIds[row] + "\r\n";

                    _csvOutputSoFar += finalOutput;

                    if (pbOriginalImage.Image != null)

                    UpdateTrimmedImage(null, null);

                    if (Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Boolean>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "DeleteScreenshotOnImport"))

            catch (Exception ex)
Example #2
        private void bContinueOcr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Boolean       isOK     = false;
            Boolean       finished = false;
            DialogResult  Answer;
            string        commodity;
            List <string> KnownCommodityNames;

            commodity = _parent._textInfo.ToTitleCase(tbCommoditiesOcrOutput.Text.ToLower().Trim());

            KnownCommodityNames = Program.Data.getCommodityNames();

            if (commodity.ToUpper() == "Implausible Results!".ToUpper())
                // check results
                var f = new EditOcrResults(tbFinalOcrOutput.Text);
                f.onlyImplausible = true;
                var q = f.ShowDialog();

                if (q == DialogResult.OK)
                    tbFinalOcrOutput.Text = f.ReturnValue;


                isOK = false;
            else if (commodity.ToUpper() == "Imported!".ToUpper() || commodity.ToUpper() == "Finished!".ToUpper() || commodity.ToUpper() == "No rows found...".ToUpper())
                // its the end
                isOK     = true;
                finished = true;
            else if (commodity.Length == 0 || KnownCommodityNames.Contains(commodity))
                // ok, no typing error
                isOK = true;
                // unknown commodity, is it a new one or a typing error ?
                Answer = MsgBox.Show(String.Format("Do you want to add '{0}' to the known commodities ?", commodity), "Unknown commodity !",
                                     MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

                if (Answer == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    // yes, it's really new

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                    isOK = true;

            if (isOK)
                if (_commodityTexts == null || _correctionColumn >= _commodityTexts.GetLength(1) || finished)
                    if (MsgBox.Show("Import this?", "Import?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        tbFinalOcrOutput.Text   = "";
                        bContinueOcr.Enabled    = false;
                        bIgnoreTrash.Enabled    = false;
                        _commoditiesSoFar       = new List <string>();
                        bClearOcrOutput.Enabled = false;
                        bEditResults.Enabled    = false;
                    _commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn] = commodity.ToUpper();
                    _commoditiesSoFar.Add(_commodityTexts[_correctionRow, _correctionColumn].ToUpper());
