private void treeView4_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (treeView4.SelectedNode == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please, select an item of the tree view"); return; } log.Debug(" double click on treeview to navigate"); KnowledgeController instance = KnowledgeController.instance(); if (instance == null) { log.Debug(" controller is null "); return; } if (treeView4.SelectedNode.Tag == null) { log.Debug(" tag is null "); return; } string filepath = KnowledgeAdapter.getCurrentFilepath(); log.Debug(" filepath = " + filepath); TextEditorHelper.navigate(instance, treeView4.SelectedNode.Tag, filepath); }
public KnowledgeCsView(KnowledgeController controller, KnowledgeModel model) { log.Debug(" cs observer ctor ... "); this.controller = controller; this.model = model; }
public KnowledgeTreeView(KnowledgeController controller, KnowledgeModel model, KnowledgeControl control) { log.Debug(" tree view ctor ... "); this.controller = controller; this.model = model; this.control = control; // TODO: disable all tabs initially this.control.Enabled = false; }
private void toolStripButton18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { log.Debug(" click on button to convert"); KnowledgeController instance = KnowledgeController.instance(); if (instance == null) { log.Debug(" controller is null "); } instance.convert(); }
public static void navigate(KnowledgeController controller, Object tag, String sourceFile) { try { log.Debug(" navigation ... "); string regExpression = getRegExpr(tag); if (regExpression == null) { return; } string actualString = getActualString(sourceFile, regExpression); if (actualString == null) { return; } Window textEditor = controller.environment.ApplicationObject.OpenFile(Constants.vsViewKindCode, sourceFile); TextSelection textSelection = (TextSelection)textEditor.Document.Selection; textSelection.StartOfDocument(false); textSelection.EndOfDocument(false); // TODO: textSelection.findPattern doesn't work for some reason if (textSelection.FindText(actualString, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsFromStart)) { textSelection.SelectLine(); } else { log.Debug("log. actualString is not found in text file, actualString=" + actualString); } textEditor.Visible = true; textEditor.Activate(); // TODO: save of the document } catch (Exception e0) { MessageBox.Show(e0.Message); } }
private bool showAddin() { log.Debug("show addin... "); if (addinWindow != null) { if (addinWindow.Visible) { log.Debug(" return"); return(false); } } try { // addinWindow stuff //string guid = "{453A83DA-6EA6-42b7-A681-83A6A4A9E5A4}"; string guid = "{48FC1ED2-1C5B-47e5-A83A-A6D33B316624}"; object tempdoc = null; Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); addinWindow = ((Windows2)app.Windows).CreateToolWindow2( addin, asm.Location, "Knowledge.Editor.View.KnowledgeControl", "Knowledge.NET Framework", guid, ref tempdoc ); log.Debug(" addinWindow: " + addinWindow); addinWindow.Visible = true; addinWindow.Activate(); // TODO //addinWindow.SetTabPicture(Knowledge.Editor.CommandBar.an_ico.GetHbitmap()); control = (Knowledge.Editor.View.KnowledgeControl)tempdoc; // outputWindowPane stuff OutputWindow outputWindow = (OutputWindow)app.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindOutput).Object; OutputWindowPane outputWindowPane = null; if (outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes != null) { for (int i = 1; i <= outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes.Count; i++) { if (outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes.Item(i).Name == "Knowledge.NET Framework Console") { outputWindowPane = outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes.Item(i); break; } } } if (outputWindowPane == null) { outputWindowPane = outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("Knowledge.NET Framework Console"); } // TODO: refactoring required Environment environment = new Environment(); environment.KnowledgeNetFrameworkBaseDir = asm.Location.Substring(0, asm.Location.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); environment.ApplicationObject = app; environment.OutputWindowPane = outputWindowPane; controller = KnowledgeController.instance(environment, control); // on vs startup open event is not coming for some reason // TODO: get rid of this controller.opened(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Debug("showing tool window failed.", e); MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } return(true); }
private void convertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConvForm convForm = new ConvForm(KnowledgeAdapter.getCurrentFilepath(), KnowledgeController.instance().environment.ApplicationObject);//TODO: convForm.ShowDialog(); }