Example #1
        private static void MakeTubesSectionHarder()
            var preReaperF = MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile("BioD_EndGm2_420CombatZone.pcc");

            if (preReaperF != null && File.Exists(preReaperF))
                var preReaperP = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(preReaperF);

                // Open tubes on kills to start the attack (post platforms)----------------------
                var seq = preReaperP.GetUExport(15190);

                var attackSw = MERSeqTools.InstallRandomSwitchIntoSequence(seq, 2); //50% chance

                // killed squad member -> squad still exists to 50/50 sw
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(preReaperP.GetUExport(15298), "SquadStillExists", attackSw);

                // 50/50 to just try to do reaper attack
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(attackSw, "Link 1", preReaperP.GetUExport(14262));

                // Automate the platforms one after another
                KismetHelper.RemoveAllLinks(preReaperP.GetUExport(15010)); //B Plat01 Death
                KismetHelper.RemoveAllLinks(preReaperP.GetUExport(15011)); //B Plat02 Death

                // Sub automate - Remove attack completion gate inputs ----
                KismetHelper.RemoveAllLinks(preReaperP.GetUExport(15025)); //Plat03 Attack complete
                KismetHelper.RemoveAllLinks(preReaperP.GetUExport(15029)); //Plat02 Attack complete

                //// Sub automate - Remove activate input into gate
                var cmb2activated = preReaperP.GetUExport(15082);
                var cmb3activated = preReaperP.GetUExport(15087);

                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(cmb2activated, "Out", preReaperP.GetUExport(2657));

                // Delay the start of platform 3 by 4 seconds to give player a bit more time to handle first two platforms
                // Player will likely have decent weapons by now so they will be better than my testing for sure
                var newDelay = EntryCloner.CloneEntry(preReaperP.GetUExport(14307));
                newDelay.WriteProperty(new FloatProperty(4, "Duration"));
                KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(newDelay, preReaperP.GetUExport(15183), true);

                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(cmb3activated, "Out", newDelay);
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(newDelay, "Finished", preReaperP.GetUExport(2659));
                //                preReaperP.GetUExport(14451).RemoveProperty("bOpen"); // Plat03 gate - forces gate open so when reaper attack fires it passes through
                //              preReaperP.GetUExport(14450).RemoveProperty("bOpen"); // Plat02 gate - forces gate open so when reaper attack fires it passes through

                // There is no end to Plat03 behavior until tubes are dead
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(preReaperP.GetUExport(14469), "Completed", preReaperP.GetUExport(14374)); // Interp completed to Complete in Plat01
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(preReaperP.GetUExport(14470), "Completed", preReaperP.GetUExport(14379)); // Interp completed to Complete in Plat02

                // if possession fails continue the possession loop on plat3 to end of pre-reaper combat
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(preReaperP.GetUExport(16414), "Failed", preReaperP.GetUExport(14307));

Example #2
        private static void GateTubesAttack()
            // This doesn't actually work like expected, it seems gate doesn't store input value

            // Adds a gate to the tubes attack to ensure it doesn't fire while the previous attack is running still.
            var tubesF = MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile("BioD_EndGm2_425ReaperTubes.pcc");

            if (tubesF != null && File.Exists(tubesF))
                var tubesP = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(tubesF);

                // Clone a gate
                var gateToClone = tubesP.GetUExport(1316);
                var seq         = tubesP.GetUExport(1496);
                var newGate     = EntryCloner.CloneEntry(gateToClone);
                newGate.RemoveProperty("bOpen"); // Make it open by default.
                KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(newGate, seq, true);

                // Hook up the 'START REAPER ATTACK' to the gate, remove it's existing output.
                var sraEvent = tubesP.GetUExport(1455);
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(sraEvent, "Out", newGate, 0); // 0 = in, which means fire or queue for fire

                // Hook up the ending of the attack to the gate for 'open' so the gate can be passed through.
                var delay = tubesP.GetUExport(1273);
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(tubesP.GetUExport(103), "Out", delay); // Attack finished (CameraShake_Intimidate) to 2s delay
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(delay, "Finished", newGate, 1);        //2s Delay to open gate

                // Make the gate automatically close itself on pass through, and configure output of gate to next item.
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(newGate, "Out", newGate, 2);                 // Hook from Out to Close
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(newGate, "Out", tubesP.GetUExport(1340), 0); // Hook from Out to Log (bypass the delay, we are repurposing it)

Example #3
        private static void RandomizeTheLongWalk(RandomizationOption option)
            var prelongwalkfile = MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile("BioD_EndGm2_200Factory.pcc");

            if (prelongwalkfile != null)
                // Pre-long walk selection
                var package       = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(prelongwalkfile);
                var bioticTeamSeq = package.GetUExport(8609);

                var activated = package.GetUExport(8484);

                // install new logic
                var randSwitch = MERSeqTools.InstallRandomSwitchIntoSequence(bioticTeamSeq, 13); // don't include theif or veteran as dlc might not be installed
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(activated, "Out", randSwitch);

                // Outputs of random choice
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 1", package.GetUExport(1420));  //thane
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 2", package.GetUExport(1419));  //jack
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 3", package.GetUExport(1403));  //garrus
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 4", package.GetUExport(1399));  //legion
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 5", package.GetUExport(1417));  //grunt
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 6", package.GetUExport(1395));  //jacob
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 7", package.GetUExport(1418));  //samara
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 8", package.GetUExport(1415));  //mordin
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 9", package.GetUExport(1405));  //tali
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 10", package.GetUExport(1401)); //morinth
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 11", package.GetUExport(1402)); //miranda

                // kasumi
                if (MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile("BioH_Thief_00.pcc") != null)
                    KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 12", package.GetUExport(1396)); //kasumi

                // zaeed
                if (MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile("BioH_Veteran_00.pcc") != null)
                    KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 13", package.GetUExport(1416)); //zaeed


            var biodEndGm2F = MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile("BioD_EndGm2.pcc");

            if (biodEndGm2F != null)
                var package = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(biodEndGm2F);
                var ts      = package.GetUExport(7);
                var ss      = ts.GetProperty <ArrayProperty <StructProperty> >("StreamingStates");
                // Make walk4 remain loaded while walk5 is active as enemeis may not yet be cleared out
                var conclusion   = ss[8];
                var visibleNames = conclusion.GetProp <ArrayProperty <NameProperty> >("VisibleChunkNames");
                if (!visibleNames.Any(x => x.Value == "BioD_EndGm2_300Walk04"))
                    // This has pawns as part of the level so we must make sure it doesn't disappear or player will just see enemies disappear
                    visibleNames.Add(new NameProperty("BioD_EndGm2_300Walk04"));


            var longwalkfile = MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile("BioD_EndGm2_300LongWalk.pcc");

            if (longwalkfile != null)
                // automate TLW

                var package     = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(longwalkfile);
                var seq         = package.GetUExport(1629);
                var stopWalking = package.GetUExport(1569);

                // The auto walk delay on Stop Walking
                var delay = package.GetUExport(806).Clone();
                delay.WriteProperty(new FloatProperty(ThreadSafeRandom.NextFloat(2, 7), "Duration")); // how long to wait until auto walk
                KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(delay, seq, true);
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(delay, "Finished", package.GetUExport(156));
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(stopWalking, "Out", delay);

                // Do not allow targeting the escort
                package.GetUExport(1915).WriteProperty(new IntProperty(0, "bValue"));  // stopped walking
                package.GetUExport(1909).WriteProperty(new IntProperty(0, "bValue"));  // loading from save - we will auto start
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(package.GetUExport(1232), "Out", delay); // post loaded from save init

                // Do not enable autosaves, cause it makes it easy to cheese this area. Bypass the 'savegame' item
                KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(package.GetUExport(156), "Out", package.GetUExport(1106));

                // Pick a random henchman to go on a date with
                //var determineEscortLog = package.GetUExport(1118);
                //var spawnSeq = package.GetUExport(1598);

                //// disconnect old logic

                // install new logic

                /*var randSwitch = SeqTools.InstallRandomSwitchIntoSequence(spawnSeq, 12); // don't include theif or veteran as dlc might not be installed
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(determineEscortLog, "Out", randSwitch);
                 * // Outputs of random choice
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 1", package.GetUExport(1599)); //thane
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 2", package.GetUExport(1601)); //jack
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 3", package.GetUExport(1603)); //garrus
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 4", package.GetUExport(1605)); //legion
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 5", package.GetUExport(1607)); //grunt
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 6", package.GetUExport(1609)); //jacob
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 7", package.GetUExport(1611)); //samara
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 8", package.GetUExport(1613)); //mordin
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 9", package.GetUExport(1615)); //tali
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 10", package.GetUExport(1619)); //morinth
                 * KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(randSwitch, "Link 11", package.GetUExport(1624)); //miranda


            //randomize long walk lengths.
            var endwalkexportmap = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "BioD_EndGm2_300Walk01", 40 },
                { "BioD_EndGm2_300Walk02", 5344 },
                { "BioD_EndGm2_300Walk03", 8884 },
                { "BioD_EndGm2_300Walk04", 6370 },
                { "BioD_EndGm2_300Walk05", 3190 }

            foreach (var map in endwalkexportmap)
                var file = MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile(map.Key + ".pcc");
                if (file != null)
                    var package = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(file);
                    var export  = package.GetUExport(map.Value);
                    export.WriteProperty(new FloatProperty(ThreadSafeRandom.NextFloat(.5, 2.5), "PlayRate"));

            /*foreach (var f in files)
             * {
             *  var package = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(f);
             *  var animExports = package.Exports.Where(x => x.ClassName == "InterpTrackAnimControl");
             *  foreach (var anim in animExports)
             *  {
             *      var animseqs = anim.GetProperty<ArrayProperty<StructProperty>>("AnimSeqs");
             *      if (animseqs != null)
             *      {
             *          foreach (var animseq in animseqs)
             *          {
             *              var seqname = animseq.GetProp<NameProperty>("AnimSeqName").Value.Name;
             *              if (seqname.StartsWith("Walk_"))
             *              {
             *                  var playrate = animseq.GetProp<FloatProperty>("AnimPlayRate");
             *                  var oldrate = playrate.Value;
             *                  if (oldrate != 1) Debugger.Break();
             *                  playrate.Value = ThreadSafeRandom.NextFloat(.2, 6);
             *                  var data = anim.Parent.Parent as ExportEntry;
             *                  var len = data.GetProperty<FloatProperty>("InterpLength");
             *                  len.Value = len.Value * playrate; //this might need to be changed if its not 1
             *                  data.WriteProperty(len);
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *      anim.WriteProperty(animseqs);
             *  }
             *  SavePackage(package);
             * }*/