Example #1
        }  // end run_series_example()

        /// <summary>
        /// Shows an example of how to use the multi-head ingestion feature
        /// of Kinetica.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server_url">The URL for the Kinetica server.</param>
        private static void run_multihead_ingest_example(string server_url)
            // Establish a connection with Kinetica
            Kinetica kdb = new Kinetica(server_url);

            Console.WriteLine("Example showcasing multihead ingestion(one shard key, two primary keys)");

            // Create a type for our record_type_1 class
            // Add some interesting properties for some of the data types
            IDictionary <string, IList <string> > column_properties = new Dictionary <string, IList <string> >();

            // Add a primary key
            List <string> A_props = new List <string>();

            column_properties.Add("A", A_props);

            // And a shard key (must be part of the primary keys, if specified--which we have)
            List <string> ts_props = new List <string>();

            column_properties.Add("TIMESTAMP", ts_props);

            // Create the KineticaType object which facilitates creating types in the database
            KineticaType type1 = KineticaType.fromClass(typeof(record_type_1), column_properties);

            // Create the type in the database
            string type_id = type1.create(kdb);

            string table_name = "csharp_example_table_01";

            // Clear any previously made table with the same name
            Console.WriteLine("Clearing any existing table named '{0}'", table_name);
            try { kdb.clearTable(table_name, null); } catch (Exception ex) { /* I don't care if the table doesn't already exists! */ }

            // Create a table of the given type
            Console.WriteLine($"Creating table named '{table_name}'");
            kdb.createTable(table_name, type_id);

            // Create the ingestor (we're not giving any worker IP addresses; the ingestor class will figure it
            // out by itself)
            int batch_size = 100;
            KineticaIngestor <record_type_1> ingestor = new KineticaIngestor <record_type_1>(kdb, table_name, batch_size, type1);

            // Generate data to be inserted
            int num_records = batch_size * 5;
            List <record_type_1> records = new List <record_type_1>();
            Random rng = new Random();
            double null_probability = 0.2;

            for (int i = 0; i < num_records; ++i)
                // Restricting string length to 256
                int           max_str_len = rng.Next(0, 256);
                record_type_1 record      = new record_type_1()
                    A         = rng.Next(),
                    B         = rng.Next(),
                    C         = System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName().Truncate(max_str_len),
                    D         = System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName().Truncate(max_str_len),
                    E         = (float)(rng.NextDouble() * rng.Next()),
                    F         = (rng.NextDouble() < null_probability) ? null : ( double? )(rng.NextDouble() * rng.Next()),
                    TIMESTAMP = (long)rng.Next(-306102240, 293795424) * rng.Next(100000)

            }  // end for loop

            Console.WriteLine($"Generated {num_records} records.");

            // Insert the records into the ingestor
            Console.WriteLine($"Inserting {num_records} records...");

            // Flush the ingestor (which actually inserts the records)
            Console.WriteLine("\nFlushing any remaining records.");

        }  // end run_multihead_ingest_example()
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Example with a record type with nullable columns, primary keys and shard keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server_url">The URL for the Kinetica server.</param>
        private static void run_example(string server_url)
            // Establish a connection with Kinetica
            Kinetica kdb = new Kinetica(server_url);

            Console.WriteLine("Example with a Record Type with Nullable Columns, Primary Keys and Shard Keys");

            string table_name = "csharp_example_table";

            // Create a type for our record_type_1 class
            Console.WriteLine("Creating the type in kinetica...");
            // Add some interesting properties for some of the data types
            IDictionary <string, IList <string> > column_properties = new Dictionary <string, IList <string> >();
            // Make a string char4 (and nullable)
            List <string> D_props = new List <string>();

            column_properties.Add("D", D_props);
            // Let's try another nullable column
            List <string> E_props = new List <string>();

            column_properties.Add("E", E_props);
            // And two primary keys (one nullable)
            List <string> A_props = new List <string>();

            column_properties.Add("A", A_props);
            List <string> B_props = new List <string>();

            column_properties.Add("B", B_props);
            // And a shard key (must be one of the primary keys, if specified--which we have)

            // Create the KineticaType object which facilitates creating types in the database
            KineticaType type1 = KineticaType.fromClass(typeof(record_type_1), column_properties);

            // Create the type in the database
            string type_id = type1.create(kdb);

            Console.WriteLine("ID of the created type: " + type_id);

            // Show the type information (fetched from Kinetica)
            Console.WriteLine("Fetching the newly created type information...");
            ShowTypesResponse rsp = kdb.showTypes(type_id, "");

            Console.WriteLine("Type properties: ");
            foreach (var x in rsp.properties[0])
                Console.WriteLine(x.Key + ": " + String.Join(",", x.Value));

            // Clear any previously made table with the same name
            Console.WriteLine("Clearing any existing table named '{0}'", table_name);
            try { kdb.clearTable(table_name, null); } catch (Exception ex) { /* I don't care if the table doesn't already exists! */ }

            // Create a table of the given type
            Console.WriteLine("Creating table named '{0}'", table_name);
            kdb.createTable(table_name, type_id);

            // Call /show/table on the table just created
            Dictionary <string, string> show_table_options = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            show_table_options.Add(ShowTableRequest.Options.GET_SIZES, ShowTableRequest.Options.TRUE);
            Console.WriteLine("Calling ShowTable on '{0}'", table_name);
            var response2 = kdb.showTable(table_name, show_table_options);

            Console.WriteLine("Total size: {0}", response2.total_size);
            Console.WriteLine("sizes: {0}", string.Join(", ", response2.sizes));

            // Create some data to be added to the table
            List <record_type_1> newData = new List <record_type_1>()
                new record_type_1()
                    A = 99, B = 11, C = "T0_lksdjfokdj92", D = "D01", E = 2.34F, F = null, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_1()
                    A = 2, B = 3, C = "T1_asdfghjkl", D = null, E = 5.67F, F = null, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_1()
                    A = 99, B = 999, C = "T2_oierlwk", D = "D244", E = -45.1F, F = 9899.1, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds

            // Insert the data into the table
            Console.WriteLine("Inserting some data in '{0}'", table_name);
            var insertResponse = kdb.insertRecords(table_name, newData);

            Console.WriteLine("Inserted {0} records", insertResponse.count_inserted + insertResponse.count_updated);

            // Call /show/table on the table after adding data
            Console.WriteLine("Calling ShowTable on '{0}' after adding data", table_name);
            var rsp2 = kdb.showTable(table_name, show_table_options);

            Console.WriteLine("Total size: {0}", rsp2.total_size);
            Console.WriteLine("sizes: {0}", string.Join(", ", rsp2.sizes));

            // Fetch the data back out of the DB using /get/records
            Console.WriteLine("Getting records out");
            var getRecordsResponse = kdb.getRecords <record_type_1>(table_name, 0, 100);

            Console.WriteLine("GetRecords got {0} records", getRecordsResponse.data.Count);
            foreach (var r in getRecordsResponse.data)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + r.ToString());

            // Do a filter operation
            Console.WriteLine("Filtering data");
            string view_name_1       = "csharp_view_01";
            string filter_expression = "E > 0";
            var    filterResponse    = kdb.filter(table_name, view_name_1, filter_expression);

            Console.WriteLine("Filtered {0} records", filterResponse.count);

            // Fetch the data from the filtered view using /get/records/fromcollection
            Console.WriteLine("Getting records out (using /get/records/fromcollection) from view {0}", view_name_1);
            IDictionary <string, string> getrecords_fc_options = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            getrecords_fc_options.Add("return_record_ids", "true");
            var request = new GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest(view_name_1, 0, 100, GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest.Encoding.BINARY, getrecords_fc_options);
            var getRecordsFromCollectionResponse = kdb.getRecordsFromCollection <record_type_1>(request);

            Console.WriteLine("GetRecordsFromCollection got {0} records", getRecordsFromCollectionResponse.data.Count);
            foreach (var r in getRecordsFromCollectionResponse.data)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + r.ToString());

            // Do an /aggregate/groupby operation on the data
            Console.WriteLine("Performing a group-by aggregate operation");
            IList <string> column_names = new List <string>();

            var agbResponse = kdb.aggregateGroupBy(table_name, column_names, 0, 100);

            Console.WriteLine("Group by got {0} records", agbResponse.total_number_of_records);
            // Print the decoded data out to the console
            ((List <KineticaRecord>)(agbResponse.data)).ForEach(r => Console.WriteLine(r.ContentsToString()));

            // Do an /aggregate/unique operation on column F
            string col_name = "F";

            Console.WriteLine($"Performing a unique aggregate operation on column {col_name}");
            var uniqueResponse = kdb.aggregateUnique(table_name, col_name, 0, 100);

            // Print the decoded data out to the console
            ((List <KineticaRecord>)(uniqueResponse.data)).ForEach(r => Console.WriteLine(r.ContentsToString()));

            // Fetch the data back out of the DB using /get/records/bycolumn
            Console.WriteLine("Getting records out (using /get/records/bycolumn)");
            IList <string> col_names = new List <string>();

            var getRecordsByColumnResponse = kdb.getRecordsByColumn(table_name, col_names, 0, 100);

            Console.WriteLine("GetRecordsByColumn got {0} records", getRecordsByColumnResponse.data.Count);
            foreach (var r in getRecordsByColumnResponse.data)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + r.ContentsToString());

        }  // end run_example
Example #3
        }  // end run_example

        /// <summary>
        /// Example showcasing a record with a series type column.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server_url">The URL for the Kinetica server.</param>
        private static void run_series_example(string server_url)
            // Establish a connection with Kinetica
            Kinetica kdb = new Kinetica(server_url);

            Console.WriteLine("Example showcasing a record with a series type column");

            // Create the series type record in Kinetica
            KineticaType type_series    = KineticaType.fromClass(typeof(record_type_series));
            string       series_type_id = type_series.create(kdb);

            Console.WriteLine("ID of the created series type: " + series_type_id);

            // Clear any previously made table with the same name
            string table_name_series = "csharp_example_series_table";

            Console.WriteLine("Clearing any existing table named '{0}'", table_name_series);
            try { kdb.clearTable(table_name_series, null); } catch (Exception ex) { /* I don't care if the table doesn't already exists! */ }

            // Create a table of the given type
            Console.WriteLine("Creating table named '{0}'", table_name_series);
            kdb.createTable(table_name_series, series_type_id);

            // Create some data to be added to the table
            string series_1 = "series_1";
            string series_2 = "series_2";
            List <record_type_series> series_data = new List <record_type_series>()
                // Five series points moving horizontally
                new record_type_series()
                    x = 30, y = 40, TRACKID = series_1, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = 35, y = 40, TRACKID = series_1, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = 40, y = 40, TRACKID = series_1, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = 45, y = 40, TRACKID = series_1, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = 50, y = 40, TRACKID = series_1, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                // Five series points moving vertically
                new record_type_series()
                    x = -30, y = -40, TRACKID = series_2, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = -30, y = -45, TRACKID = series_2, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = -30, y = -50, TRACKID = series_2, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = -30, y = -55, TRACKID = series_2, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds
                new record_type_series()
                    x = -30, y = -60, TRACKID = series_2, TIMESTAMP = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds

            // Insert the data into the table
            Console.WriteLine("Inserting some data in '{0}'", table_name_series);
            var insertResponse2 = kdb.insertRecords(table_name_series, series_data);

            Console.WriteLine("Inserted {0} records", insertResponse2.count_inserted + insertResponse2.count_updated);

            // Fetch the data back out of the DB using /get/records
            Console.WriteLine("Getting records out from {0}", table_name_series);
            var getRecordsResponse2 = kdb.getRecords <record_type_series>(table_name_series);

            Console.WriteLine("GetRecords got {0} records", getRecordsResponse2.data.Count);
            foreach (var r in getRecordsResponse2.data)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + r.ToString());

            // Filter the series data such that only a few series point from only one of the series
            // are in the view
            Console.WriteLine("Filtering data from {0} so that only some points from {1} to make it", table_name_series, series_1);
            string view_name_2 = "csharp_view_02";
            // Only the first, second, and third records from the first series should survive this filter
            // (for track/series type records, we're filtering the "line segments", so records just outside the
            // filtered box will also be captured)
            var filterByBoxResp = kdb.filterByBox(table_name_series, view_name_2, "x", 33, 37, "y", 35, 45);

            Console.WriteLine("Filtered {0} records", filterByBoxResp.count);
            // Show the filtered objects
            var getRecordsResponse3 = kdb.getRecords <record_type_series>(view_name_2);

            Console.WriteLine("GetRecords got {0} records from {1}", getRecordsResponse3.data.Count, view_name_2);
            foreach (var r in getRecordsResponse3.data)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + r.ToString());

            // Extract the entire series from the source table (based on which ones are in the view)
            Console.WriteLine("Getting records belonging to one series out from table '{0}' using the partial series in view '{1}'", table_name_series, view_name_2);
            var getRecordsBySeriesResp = kdb.getRecordsBySeries <record_type_series>(view_name_2, table_name_series);

            Console.WriteLine("GetRecordsBySeries got {0} list of records (should get one list of five records in it)", getRecordsBySeriesResp.data.Count);
            foreach (var r_list in getRecordsBySeriesResp.data)
                foreach (var r in r_list)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t" + r.ToString());

        }  // end run_series_example()