Example #1
    void buildBody(GameObject parent)
        int count = 0;

        foreach (string entry in jointMap)
            // do something with entry.Value or entry.Key
            // assuming it has a line renderer
            GameObject jointObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            jointObj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader = Shader.Find("Diffuse");

            // no line rendered for the head
            if (!entry.Equals("Head"))
                LineRenderer lr = jointObj.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
                lr.material = BoneMaterial;
                lr.SetWidth(LineThickness, LineThickness);

            jointObj.transform.localScale = parent.transform.localScale / 2;
            jointObj.name             = entry;
            jointObj.transform.parent = parent.transform;

            // now for the joint struct
            if (joints[count] == null)
                joints[count]      = new KinectJoint();
                joints[count].name = jointObj.name;
Example #2
    public void SetBodyData(Body sourceBody, Quaternion kinectRot, float kinectHeight)
        trackingId = sourceBody.TrackingId;
        isTracked  = sourceBody.IsTracked;

        if (!isTracked)

        if (jointArray == null || jointArray.Length != sourceBody.Joints.Count)
            jointArray = sourceBody.Joints.Select(pair =>
                var joint  = new KinectJoint();
                joint.type = pair.Key;
            joints = jointArray.ToDictionary(j => j.type, j => j);
        foreach (var key in sourceBody.Joints.Keys)
            var sourceJoint       = sourceBody.Joints[key];
            var sourceOrientation = sourceBody.JointOrientations[key];
            joints[key].SetJointData(sourceJoint, sourceOrientation, kinectRot, kinectHeight);

        handLeftState  = sourceBody.HandLeftState;
        handRightState = sourceBody.HandRightState;
 public OrientationInfo GetJointInfo(KinectJoint joint, int?playerId = null)
     if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin == null)
     if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor == null)
     if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Skeletons == null)
     Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton skeleton = null;
     if (playerId == null)
         foreach (Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton s in this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Skeletons)
             if (s.TrackingState != Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonTrackingState.NotTracked)
                 skeleton = s; break;
         foreach (Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton s in this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Skeletons)
             if (s.TrackingId == playerId.Value)
                 skeleton = s; break;
     if (skeleton != null)
         Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonPoint jointPos = this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.NormalizeJoint(skeleton.Joints[(Microsoft.Kinect.JointType)joint]);
         return(new OrientationInfo()
             playerId = skeleton.TrackingId,
             tracked = (skeleton.Joints[(Microsoft.Kinect.JointType)joint].TrackingState != Microsoft.Kinect.JointTrackingState.NotTracked),
             X = jointPos.X,
             Y = jointPos.Y,
             Z = jointPos.Z,
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the information received for a Body from the Kinect to a
        /// KinectBody we can serialize and send over the wire.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">Body to map</param>
        /// <param name="sensorId">Sensor ID, or any other value being used as the device connection Id</param>
        /// <returns>Mapped KinectBody containing the body information,
        /// an identifier, and othe processed data</returns>
        private static KinectBody MapBody(Body body, string sensorId)
            var d = new KinectBody(sensorId, body.TrackingId);

            // All six bodies are fully tracked. Wee!
            var jointCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(KinectJointType)).Length;

            d.Joints = new KinectJoint[jointCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)
                var nativeJoint = body.Joints[(JointType)i];
                var orientation = body.JointOrientations[(JointType)i].Orientation;

                var joint = new KinectJoint
                    TrackingState = ((KinectTrackingState)(int)nativeJoint.TrackingState),
                    Position      = new KinectVector3
                        X = nativeJoint.Position.X,
                        Y = nativeJoint.Position.Y,
                        Z = nativeJoint.Position.Z
                    JointType   = ((KinectJointType)(int)nativeJoint.JointType),
                    Orientation = new KinectVector4
                        W = orientation.W,
                        X = orientation.X,
                        Y = orientation.Y,
                        Z = orientation.Z
                d.Joints[i] = joint;
            d.Lean = new KinectPoint {
                X = body.Lean.X, Y = body.Lean.Y
            d.LeanTrackingState = (KinectTrackingState)(int)body.LeanTrackingState;

            // Record hand states
            d.HandLeftState  = (KinectHandState)(int)body.HandLeftState;
            d.HandRightState = (KinectHandState)(int)body.HandRightState;

            // Record hand confidence.  Initially we'll just convert the enum to an int,
            // but we could do some exponential smoothing between their {0,1} values.
            d.HandLeftConfidence  = (int)body.HandLeftConfidence;
            d.HandRightConfidence = (int)body.HandRightConfidence;

 /// <summary>
 /// The Kinect Object constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="firstJoint">The first joint</param>
 /// <param name="secondJoint">The second joint</param>
 /// <param name="image">The image to be drawn</param>
 /// <param name="offsetX">The offset X</param>
 /// <param name="offsetY">The offset Y</param>
 public KinectObject(KinectJoint firstJoint, KinectJoint secondJoint, ImageSource image, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
     this.FirstJoint  = (int)firstJoint;
     this.SecondJoint = (int)secondJoint;
     this.Image       = image;
     if (offsetX != 0)
         OffsetX = offsetX;
     if (offsetY != 0)
         OffsetY = offsetY;
Example #6
        public override void Redraw(params object[] args)
            if (active)
                object      initialAngle = args[0];
                double      currentAngle = (double)args[1];
                KinectJoint activeJoint  = (KinectJoint)args[2];

                angleText.text = string.Format("{0} °", currentAngle.ToString("0"));
                jointName.text = activeJoint.Translation;
Example #7
        public void DrawDebug(Kinect.Body body, KinectJoint patientJoint)
            var debugText = debugTexts[patientJoint.Name];
            var joint     = body.Joints[patientJoint.Type];
            var angle     = Calculations.GetAngle(
                joint, body.Joints[patientJoint.Parent.Type], body.Joints[patientJoint.Children.First().Value.Type]
            var position = Calculations.GetVector3FromJoint(joint);

            position.Set(position.x, position.y, position.z - 1);
            debugText.transform.position = position;

            debugText.text = string.Format("Angle: {0}°\nX: {1}\nY: {2}\nZ: {3}", angle.ToString("0"), joint.Position.X.ToString("0.000"), joint.Position.Y.ToString("0.000"), joint.Position.Z.ToString("0.000"));
 public float GetRelationshipInfo(KinectJoint actor, KinectJointRelationship relation, string relative)
     if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin == null)
     if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor == null)
     if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Skeletons == null)
     Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton skeleton = null;
     foreach (Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton s in this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Skeletons)
         if (s.TrackingState != Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonTrackingState.NotTracked)
             skeleton = s; break;
     if (skeleton != null)
         if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Relationships.ContainsKey(skeleton.TrackingId))
             if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Relationships[skeleton.TrackingId].ContainsKey((Microsoft.Kinect.JointType)actor))
                 if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Relationships[skeleton.TrackingId][(Microsoft.Kinect.JointType)actor].ContainsKey(relative))
                     if (this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.gestureProcessor.Relationships[skeleton.TrackingId][(Microsoft.Kinect.JointType)actor][relative].ContainsKey((GestureParser.Relationship)relation))
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the "in scene" coordinated of the specified joint. The coordinated are for the 640x480
        /// depth image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">The ID of the specific user</param>
        /// <param name="joint">Name of the joint from the KinectJoint enum</param>
        /// <returns>Coordinates of the joint</returns>
        public PointF getJointScene(UInt64 userId, KinectJoint joint)
            double x, y, z;
            bool   result;

            if (!Native.PoseRecognizer_getUserJointScene(instance, userId, (int)joint, out x, out y, out z, out result))
                throw new NullReferenceException("Error while trying to read joint coordinates!");

            if (result)
                return(new PointF((float)x, (float)y));
                return(new PointF(0, 0));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the real world coordinates of the specified joint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">The ID of the specific user</param>
        /// <param name="joint">Name of the joint</param>
        /// <returns>Coordinates of a joint as 3D-point</returns>
        public cvPoint3f getJointRealworld(UInt64 userId, KinectJoint joint)
            double x, y, z;
            bool   result;

            if (!Native.PoseRecognizer_getUserJointRealworld(instance, userId, (int)joint, out x, out y, out z, out result))
                throw new NullReferenceException("Error while trying to read joint coordinates!");

            if (result)
                return(new cvPoint3f(x, y, z));
                return(new cvPoint3f(0, 0, 0));
        private void Sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
            using (var frame = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
                if (frame != null)
                    kinectJoints = new List <KinectJoint>();

                    foreach (var body in skeleton)
                        if (body.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked && !bodyDeceted)
                            bodyDeceted = true;
                        if (body.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked && saveCoordinates)
                            foreach (Joint joint in body.Joints)
                                SkeletonPoint skeletonPoint = joint.Position;

                                KinectJoint kinectJoint = new KinectJoint();

                                if (joint.JointType.ToString().Equals(HAND_LEFT) || joint.JointType.ToString().Equals(HAND_RIGHT))
                                    kinectJoint.Type   = joint.JointType.ToString();
                                    kinectJoint.Moment = moment;
                                    kinectJoint.X      = skeletonPoint.X;
                                    kinectJoint.Y      = skeletonPoint.Y;
                                    kinectJoint.Z      = skeletonPoint.Z;
                            jointsInMoment.Add(moment.ToString(), kinectJoints);
 // Exposes the library's ability to add a gesture step's failure condition
 public int AddGestureStepFailureRelationship(KinectJoint actor, KinectJointRelationship relationship, string relative, int deviation, int stepNumber = -1, string gestureName = null)
     if (gestureName != null)
         lastGesture = GetGesture(gestureName);
     if (stepNumber != -1)
         lastStep = stepNumber;
     GestureParser.JointRelationship jr = new GestureParser.JointRelationship()
         actor     = (Microsoft.Kinect.JointType)actor,
         relation  = (GestureParser.Relationship)relationship,
         relative  = relative,
         deviation = deviation
     lastFailureCondition = (lastGesture.steps.ElementAt(lastStep).FailureConditions.Count - 1);
Example #13
    void buildBodyParticles(GameObject parent)
        int count = 0;

        foreach (string entry in jointMap)
            // do something with entry.Value or entry.Key
            // assuming it has a line renderer
            GameObject jointObj = new GameObject();

            GameObject particles = (GameObject)Instantiate(ParticleSystemPrefab, jointObj.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            particles.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().collision.SetPlane(1, CollisionPlane.transform);
            particles.transform.parent = jointObj.transform;

            jointObj.transform.localScale = parent.transform.localScale / 2;
            jointObj.name             = entry;
            jointObj.transform.parent = parent.transform;

            // now for the joint struct
            if (joints[count] == null)
                joints[count]      = new KinectJoint();
                joints[count].name = jointObj.name;

        // Extra particles

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in boneMap)
            GameObject jointObj = new GameObject();
            jointObj.name             = entry.Value + "_" + entry.Key;
            jointObj.transform.parent = parent.transform;

            GameObject particles = (GameObject)Instantiate(ParticleSystemPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
            particles.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().collision.SetPlane(1, CollisionPlane.transform);
            particles.transform.parent = jointObj.transform;
Example #14
    void buildBodyBox(GameObject parent)
        int count = 0;

        // Create the joints
        foreach (string entry in jointMap)
            // do something with entry.Value or entry.Key
            // assuming it has a line renderer
            GameObject jointObj = new GameObject();

            jointObj.transform.localScale = parent.transform.localScale / 2;
            jointObj.name             = entry;
            jointObj.transform.parent = parent.transform;

            // now for the joint struct
            if (joints[count] == null)
                joints[count]      = new KinectJoint();
                joints[count].name = jointObj.name;

        // Create the boxes
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in boneMap)
            GameObject jointParent = this.transform.FindChild(entry.Value).gameObject;
            GameObject joint       = this.transform.FindChild(entry.Key).gameObject;

            GameObject box = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
            box.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader = Shader.Find("Diffuse");
            box.name             = entry.Value + "_" + entry.Key;
            box.transform.parent = parent.transform;
 // Exposes the library's ability to set a gesture step's failure relationship
 public void SetGestureStepFailureRelationship(string gestureName, int stepNumber, int conditionNumber, KinectJoint actor, KinectJointRelationship relationship, string relative, int deviation = 0)
     lastGesture = GetGesture(gestureName);
     lastStep    = stepNumber;
     lastGesture.steps.ElementAt(stepNumber).FailureConditions.ElementAt(conditionNumber).actor     = (Microsoft.Kinect.JointType)actor;
     lastGesture.steps.ElementAt(stepNumber).FailureConditions.ElementAt(conditionNumber).relation  = (GestureParser.Relationship)relationship;
     lastGesture.steps.ElementAt(stepNumber).FailureConditions.ElementAt(conditionNumber).relative  = relative;
     lastGesture.steps.ElementAt(stepNumber).FailureConditions.ElementAt(conditionNumber).deviation = deviation;
Example #16
 public void DrawCircle(double initialAngle, double currentAngle, KinectJoint joint)
     showCircle.Active = true;
     showCircle.Redraw(initialAngle, currentAngle, joint);
            public static KinectJoint Desserialize(byte[] data)
                KinectJoint result = new KinectJoint();
                using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data))
                  using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m))
                result.JointType = reader.ReadString();
                result.IsTracking = reader.ReadBoolean();

                result.PositionX = reader.ReadSingle();
                result.PositionY = reader.ReadSingle();
                result.PositionZ = reader.ReadSingle();

                result.RotationX = reader.ReadSingle();
                result.RotationY = reader.ReadSingle();
                result.RotationZ = reader.ReadSingle();
                result.RotationW = reader.ReadSingle();
                return result;
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor for the Kinect 3D Object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="firstJoint">The joint where the Model should be placed on</param>
 /// <param name="model">The 3D Model</param>
 public Kinect3DObject(KinectJoint firstJoint, Model3D model)
     FirstJoint = (int)firstJoint;
     Model      = model;
 public int AddGestureStepFailureRelationship(KinectJoint actor, KinectJointRelationship relationship, string relative, int deviation, int stepNumber = -1, string gestureName = null)
     return(this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.AddGestureStepFailureRelationship(actor, relationship, relative, deviation, stepNumber, gestureName));
 public void SetGestureStepFailureRelationship(string gestureName, int stepNumber, int conditionNumber, KinectJoint actor, KinectJointRelationship relationship, string relative, int deviation = 0)
     this.thisKinectGesturePlugin.SetGestureStepFailureRelationship(gestureName, stepNumber, conditionNumber, actor, relationship, relative, deviation);