Example #1
        public GameplayScreen(ContentManager content, Game game, Client client)
            : base(content, game)
            Client        = client;
            ChampionsInfo = new ChampionsInfo();

            GameTime = null;
            TimeSinceLastInputSent = 0.0;

            Match = new GameMatch(Path.Combine("Content", MapLoader.MAIN_MAP_PATH));
            LastStateUpdateData = new List <StateUpdateData>();
            RemarkableEvents    = new List <RemarkableEventData>();
            Spells = new Dictionary <ulong, DrawableSpell>();
            TimeOfLastStateUpdate = 0.0;
            Champions             = new List <ClientChampion>();

            GameWorld  = new Container();
            Structures = new List <DrawableStructure>();

            Camera = new CameraService();
            Services.AddService(typeof(CameraService), Camera);

            ((SoundService)Services.GetService(typeof(SoundService))).CameraService = Camera;

            Parallax = new Parallax();

            KillDisplay = new KillDisplay(ChampionsInfo);

            GameScore = new GameScore();

            Sound = (SoundService)Services.GetService(typeof(SoundService));
Example #2
        void OnChampionDied(ChampionDiedEventData e)
            ClientChampion killed = null;
            ClientChampion killer = null;

            foreach (var champ in Champions)
                if (champ.ID == e.ChampID)
                    killed = champ;
                else if (champ.ID == e.Killer)
                    killer = champ;
            Debug.Assert(killed != null);
            if (killed == null)
            if (OurChampion != null &&
                e.ChampID == OurChampion.Champion.ID)                   // we died

            if (OurChampion != null)
                KillDisplay.Display(killer != null ? (ChampionTypes?)killer.Type : null,
                                    killed.Team != OurChampion.Champion.Team);

            // Ideally, this would be part of the champion info and not in an horrible if here, but
            // we are soon presenting and I am tired.
            if (killed.Type == ChampionTypes.ManMega)
                PlaySound(Sounds.ManMega_Death, killed.Position);
            else if (killed.Type == ChampionTypes.Zoro)
                PlaySound(Sounds.Zero_Death, killed.Position);

            if (OurChampion != null)
                if (killed.ID == OurChampion.Champion.ID)                   // we died
                    GameScore.PlayerDeaths = (int)e.Deaths;
                    DelayedPlaySound(Sounds.YouDied, VOICE_SOUND_DELAY);
                else if (killed.Team == OurChampion.Champion.Team)                     // an ally died
                    DelayedPlaySound(Sounds.AllyDied, VOICE_SOUND_DELAY);
                else                     // enemy died
                    DelayedPlaySound(Sounds.EnemyDied, VOICE_SOUND_DELAY);
                if (killer != null &&
                    killer.ID == OurChampion.Champion.ID)                   // we killed someone
                    GameScore.PlayerKills = (int)e.Kills;
                    DelayedPlaySound(Sounds.YouKilled, VOICE_SOUND_DELAY);
                if (OurChampion.Champion.Team == Teams.Left)                   // our team is on the left
                    GameScore.TeamKills  = (int)e.LeftKills;
                    GameScore.TeamDeaths = (int)e.RightKills;
                else                     // our team is on the right
                    GameScore.TeamKills  = (int)e.RightKills;
                    GameScore.TeamDeaths = (int)e.LeftKills;