public void TestAllCultures() { KiiUser user = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail(CurrentTimeMillis() + "").Build(); user.Register("password"); foreach (CultureInfo cultureInfo in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures)) { user.Locale = new LocaleContainer(cultureInfo); user.Update(); KiiUser actual = KiiUser.UserWithID(user.ID); actual.Refresh(); Assert.AreEqual(cultureInfo, actual.Locale.CultureInfo, cultureInfo.ToString()); } foreach (CultureInfo cultureInfo in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.NeutralCultures)) { if (cultureInfo.IsNeutralCulture) { user.Locale = new LocaleContainer(cultureInfo); user.Update(); KiiUser actual = KiiUser.UserWithID(user.ID); actual.Refresh(); String expected = cultureInfo.Name.ToLower(); if (expected == "zh-chs") { expected = "zh-cn"; } else if (expected == "zh-cht") { expected = "zh-hk"; } Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.Locale.LocaleString, cultureInfo.Name); } } }
public void Test_0101_BuilderWithEmail_invalid_Email() { try { KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail(null); Assert.Fail("Argument Exception must be thrown"); } catch (ArgumentException) { // OK } catch { Assert.Fail("Argument Exception must be thrown"); } }
public void EmailVerificationTest() { // Register user with email string username = "******" + CurrentTimeMillis(); string email = username + ""; KiiUser user = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail(email).SetName(username).Build(); user.Register("password"); Assert.AreEqual(email, user.Email); Assert.IsFalse(user.EmailVerified); Assert.IsNull(user.PendingEmail); // verify Email by admin verifyEmail(user.ID, user.Email); // Check the user user.Refresh(); Assert.AreEqual(email, user.Email); Assert.IsTrue(user.EmailVerified); Assert.IsNull(user.PendingEmail); // Change Email string newEmail = "new_" + email; KiiUser.ChangeEmail(newEmail); Assert.AreEqual(email, KiiUser.CurrentUser.Email); Assert.IsTrue(KiiUser.CurrentUser.EmailVerified); Assert.IsNull(KiiUser.CurrentUser.PendingEmail); // Check the user user.Refresh(); Assert.AreEqual(email, user.Email); Assert.IsTrue(user.EmailVerified); Assert.AreEqual(newEmail, user.PendingEmail); // verify Email by admin verifyEmail(user.ID, user.PendingEmail); // Check the user user.Refresh(); Assert.AreEqual(newEmail, user.Email); Assert.IsTrue(user.EmailVerified); Assert.IsNull(user.PendingEmail); }
public void LowerCaseBCP47TagForKiiUserTest() { KiiUser user = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail("*****@*****.**").Build(); foreach (string tag in tags) { CultureInfo cultureInfo = null; try { cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(tag); } catch { } user.Locale = LocaleContainer.FromBcp47Tag(tag); Assert.AreEqual(tag, user.Locale.LocaleString); if (cultureInfo != null) { Assert.AreEqual(cultureInfo, user.Locale.CultureInfo); } } }
public void Test_FindUserByEmail_Asynchronous_ForEscapingAtmark() { // Create KiiUser to find string emailDomain = ""; string emailLocalPart = "kiiuserfindmail." + CurrentTimeMillis(); string emailAddress = emailLocalPart + emailDomain; KiiUser findUser = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail(emailAddress).Build(); findUser.Register("123456"); string findUserUriStr = findUser.Uri.ToString(); KiiUser.LogOut(); // Create new user string uname = "kiiuserfindtest-" + CurrentTimeMillis(); AppUtil.CreateNewUser(uname, "123456"); CountDownLatch cd = new CountDownLatch(1); KiiUser outUser = null; Exception outExp = null; KiiUser.FindUserByEmail(emailAddress, (KiiUser retUser, Exception retExp) => { outUser = retUser; outExp = retExp; cd.Signal(); }); if (!cd.Wait(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3))) { Assert.Fail("Callback not fired."); } Assert.IsNull(outExp); Assert.IsNotNull(outUser); Assert.AreEqual(emailAddress, outUser.Email); Assert.AreEqual(findUserUriStr, outUser.Uri.ToString()); }
public void Test_FindUserByEmail_Synchronous_ForEscapingAtmark() { // Create KiiUser to find string emailDomain = ""; string emailLocalPart = "kiiuserfindmail." + CurrentTimeMillis(); string emailAddress = emailLocalPart + emailDomain; KiiUser findUser = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail(emailAddress).Build(); findUser.Register("123456"); string findUserUriStr = findUser.Uri.ToString(); KiiUser.LogOut(); // Create new user string uname = "kiiuserfindtest-" + CurrentTimeMillis(); AppUtil.CreateNewUser(uname, "123456"); KiiUser searchUser = KiiUser.FindUserByEmail(emailAddress); Assert.IsNotNull(searchUser); Assert.AreEqual(emailAddress, searchUser.Email); Assert.AreEqual(findUserUriStr, searchUser.Uri.ToString()); }
void OnGUI() { if (!this.loggedin) { = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 10, 800, 100),; GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 220, 500, 1000), this.message); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 115, 250, 100), "Create User")) { try { KiiUser user = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail("U" + Environment.TickCount).Build(); user.Register("pa$$sword"); this.message = "SUCCESS"; this.loggedin = true; this.message = ""; } catch (KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage.NetworkException e) { this.message = "ERROR: " + e.GetType() + "\n" + "Status=" + e.Status + "\n" + "Data=" + e.Data.ToString() + "\n" + "InnerExcepton=" + e.InnerException.GetType() + "\n" + "InnerExcepton.Message=" + e.InnerException.Message + "\n" + "InnerExcepton.Stacktrace=" + e.InnerException.StackTrace + "\n" + "Source=" + e.Source + "\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace; } catch (Exception e) { this.message = "ERROR: " + e.GetType() + " " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace; } } } else { GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 220, 500, 1000), message); try { if (this.experiment == null) { this.experiment = KiiExperiment.GetByID("8a835c5b-3508-41a9-9a7e-a348c513a426"); this.appliedVariation = experiment.GetAppliedVariation(experiment.Variations[0]); ConversionEvent viewCnvEvent = this.experiment.GetConversionEventByName("viewed"); KiiEvent viewKiiEvent = this.appliedVariation.EventForConversion(viewCnvEvent); KiiAnalytics.Upload(viewKiiEvent); } if (this.buttonCaption == null) { JsonObject json = this.appliedVariation.VariableSet; this.buttonCaption = json.GetString("caption"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 250, 100), this.buttonCaption)) { ConversionEvent cnvEvent = experiment.GetConversionEventByName("clicked"); KiiEvent kiiEvent = this.appliedVariation.EventForConversion(cnvEvent); KiiAnalytics.Upload(kiiEvent); Application.Quit(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(265, 10, 250, 100), "Cancel")) { Application.Quit(); } } catch (Exception e) { this.message = "ERROR: " + e.GetType() + " " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace; } } }
public void Test_0100_BuilderWithEmail_OK() { KiiUser.Builder builder = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail("*****@*****.**"); Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", builder.Build().Email); }
public void Register() { bool validate = true; errorEmail.SetActive(false); errorPassword.SetActive(false); if (!ValidateEmail(emailInput.GetComponent <InputField> ().text)) { validate = false; errorEmail.GetComponent <LoadTranslationGUI>().textInKeyLanguage = "(Email is not valid)"; errorEmail.SetActive(true); } if (passwordInput.GetComponent <InputField> ().text.Length < 4) { validate = false; errorPassword.GetComponent <LoadTranslationGUI>().textInKeyLanguage = "(Password is not valid)"; errorPassword.SetActive(true); } if (validate) { KiiUser.Builder builder; builder = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail(emailInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text); KiiUser user = builder.Build(); user["CompanyName"] = ""; user.Register(passwordInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text, (KiiUser registeredUser, Exception e) => { if (e is NetworkException) { if (((NetworkException)e).InnerException is TimeoutException) { // Network timeout occurred applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Network timeout occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } else { // Network error occurred applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Network error occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } } else if (e is ConflictException) { // Registration failed because the user already exists applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Registration failed because the user already exists"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } else if (e is CloudException) { // Registration failed applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Registration failed"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } else if (e != null) { // Unexpected exception occurred applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Unexpected exception occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } // Set some custom fields. Debug.Log("GoTo My Games"); navigationController.GoTo("GAMES_VIEW"); }); } }
void OnGUI() { if (!this.loggedin) { = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 10, 800, 100),; GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 220, 500, 1000), this.message); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 115, 250, 100), "Create User")) { KiiUser user = KiiUser.BuilderWithEmail("U" + Environment.TickCount).Build(); user.Register("pa$$sword", (KiiUser registeredUser, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { this.message = "ERROR: failed to register user " + e.GetType() + " " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace; } else { this.message = "SUCCESS"; this.loggedin = true; this.message = ""; } }); } } else { GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 220, 500, 1000), message); if (!this.initializedExperiment) { this.initializedExperiment = true; Debug.Log("#####Call KiiExperiment.GetByID"); KiiExperiment.GetByID("f1b00500-eae2-11e3-a0e4-22000a84b8f5", (KiiExperiment experiment, Exception e) => { Debug.Log("#####End KiiExperiment.GetByID"); if (e != null) { Debug.Log("#####Error KiiExperiment.GetByID"); this.message = "ERROR: KiiExperiment.GetByID failed!! " + e.GetType() + " " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace; return; } Debug.Log("#####Success KiiExperiment.GetByID"); this.experiment = experiment; this.appliedVariation = this.experiment.GetAppliedVariation(this.experiment.Variations[0]); ConversionEvent viewCnvEvent = this.experiment.GetConversionEventByName("viewed"); KiiEvent viewKiiEvent = this.appliedVariation.EventForConversion(viewCnvEvent); KiiAnalytics.Upload((Exception e1) => { if (e1 != null) { this.message = "ERROR: KiiAnalytics.Upload('viewed') failed!! " + e1.GetType() + " " + e1.Message + "\n" + e1.StackTrace; } else { this.message = "Event 'viewed' is Uploaded!!"; } } , viewKiiEvent); if (this.buttonCaption == null) { JsonObject json = this.appliedVariation.VariableSet; this.buttonCaption = json.GetString("caption"); } }); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 250, 100), this.buttonCaption)) { ConversionEvent cnvEvent = this.experiment.GetConversionEventByName("clicked"); KiiEvent kiiEvent = this.appliedVariation.EventForConversion(cnvEvent); KiiAnalytics.Upload((Exception e2) => { if (e2 != null) { this.message = "ERROR: KiiAnalytics.Upload(clicked) failed!! " + e2.GetType() + " " + e2.Message + "\n" + e2.StackTrace; } else { this.message = "Event 'clicked' is Uploaded!!"; } }, kiiEvent); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(265, 10, 250, 100), "Cancel")) { Application.Quit(); } } }