public static void Test1() { #if true { // EvalValue の .Pretty() 出力テスト for (Int32 i = -2; i <= 2; ++i) { Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {MyShogi.Model.Shogi.Core.EvalValueExtensions.Pretty((MyShogi.Model.Shogi.Core.EvalValue)i)}"); } for (Int32 i = Int32.MinValue; i <= Int32.MinValue + 3; ++i) { Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {MyShogi.Model.Shogi.Core.EvalValueExtensions.Pretty((MyShogi.Model.Shogi.Core.EvalValue)i)}"); } for (Int32 i = Int32.MaxValue; i >= Int32.MaxValue - 3; --i) { Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {MyShogi.Model.Shogi.Core.EvalValueExtensions.Pretty((MyShogi.Model.Shogi.Core.EvalValue)i)}"); } } #endif #if true try { // 評価値グラフの表示テスト var evaltest = new EvalControlTestForm(); evaltest.Show(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } #endif #if false try { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: {Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem}"); sb.AppendLine($"Environment.Is64BitProcess: {Environment.Is64BitProcess}"); sb.AppendLine($"Environment.ProcessorCount: {Environment.ProcessorCount}"); var cpuid = Model.Common.Utility.CpuId.flags; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < cpuid.basicLength; ++i) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { Console.WriteLine($"{(i):X8}{(char)(j + 'a')}: {cpuid.getBasic(i, j):X8}"); } } for (UInt32 i = 0; i < cpuid.extendLength; ++i) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { Console.WriteLine($"{(i | 0x80000000):X8}{(char)(j + 'a')}: {cpuid.getExtend(i, j):X8}"); } } sb.AppendLine($"processorArchitecture: {cpuid.processorArchitecture}"); sb.AppendLine($"cpuTarget: {cpuid.cpuTarget}"); sb.AppendLine($"vendorId: {cpuid.vendorId}"); sb.AppendLine($"brand: {cpuid.brand}"); sb.AppendLine($"hasSSE2: {cpuid.hasSSE2}"); sb.AppendLine($"hasSSE41: {cpuid.hasSSE41}"); sb.AppendLine($"hasSSE42: {cpuid.hasSSE42}"); sb.AppendLine($"hasAVX2: {cpuid.hasAVX2}"); sb.AppendLine($"hasAVX512F: {cpuid.hasAVX512F}"); using (ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_OperatingSystem")) using (ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances()) foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) { foreach (string key in new[] { // OSに利用可能な物理メモリのサイズ(kB) "TotalVisibleMemorySize", // 現在使用されていない利用可能な物理メモリのサイズ(kB) "FreePhysicalMemory", // 仮想メモリのサイズ(kB) "TotalVirtualMemorySize", // 現在使用されていない利用可能な仮想メモリのサイズ(kB) "FreeVirtualMemory", // ほかのページをスワップアウトすることなくOSのページングファイルにマップできるサイズ(kB) "FreeSpaceInPagingFiles", // OSのページングファイルで格納されるサイズ(kB) "SizeStoredInPagingFiles", }) { sb.AppendLine($"{key}: {mo[key]:N0}kB"); } mo.Dispose(); } Console.WriteLine(sb); MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "SystemInfo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } #endif #if false try { var man = new KifuManager(); // Blunder.Converterで書き出した棋譜の読み込み(CSA) using (var fs = new FileStream(@"kif\in_csa.sfen", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) for (var i = 0; i < 66869; ++i) { using (var sr = new StreamReader($"kif\\records20151115_csa\\records20151115_{i:00000}.csa", Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) man.FromString(sr.ReadToEnd()); sw.WriteLine(man.ToString(KifuFileType.SFEN)); } // Blunder.Converterで書き出した棋譜の読み込み(KIF) using (var fs = new FileStream(@"kif\in_kif.sfen", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) for (var i = 0; i < 66869; ++i) { using (var sr = new StreamReader($"kif\\records20151115_kif\\records20151115_{i:00000}.kif", Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) man.FromString(sr.ReadToEnd()); sw.WriteLine(man.ToString(KifuFileType.SFEN)); } // KifManagerで書き出した棋譜の読み込み(CSA) using (var fs = new FileStream(@"kif\out_csa.sfen", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) for (var i = 1; i <= 66869; ++i) { using (var sr = new StreamReader($"kif\\out_csa\\{i:00000000}.csa", Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) man.FromString(sr.ReadToEnd()); sw.WriteLine(man.ToString(KifuFileType.SFEN)); } // KifManagerで書き出した棋譜の読み込み(KIF) using (var fs = new FileStream(@"kif\out_kif.sfen", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) for (var i = 1; i <= 66869; ++i) { using (var sr = new StreamReader($"kif\\out_kif\\{i:00000000}.kif", Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) man.FromString(sr.ReadToEnd()); sw.WriteLine(man.ToString(KifuFileType.SFEN)); } // KifManagerで書き出した棋譜の読み込み(KI2) using (var fs = new FileStream(@"kif\out_ki2.sfen", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) for (var i = 1; i <= 66869; ++i) { using (var sr = new StreamReader($"kif\\out_ki2\\{i:00000000}.ki2", Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) man.FromString(sr.ReadToEnd()); sw.WriteLine(man.ToString(KifuFileType.SFEN)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } #endif #if false try { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"kif\out_csa"); Directory.CreateDirectory(@"kif\out_kif"); Directory.CreateDirectory(@"kif\out_ki2"); var man = new KifuManager(); using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"kif\records20151115.sfen", Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) for (var i = 1; !sr.EndOfStream; ++i) { var line = sr.ReadLine(); var res = man.FromString(line); using (var fs = new FileStream($"kif\\out_csa\\{i:00000000}.csa", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) { sw.Write(man.ToString(KifuFileType.CSA)); } using (var fs = new FileStream($"kif\\out_kif\\{i:00000000}.kif", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) { sw.Write(man.ToString(KifuFileType.KIF)); } using (var fs = new FileStream($"kif\\out_ki2\\{i:00000000}.ki2", FileMode.Create)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(932))) { sw.Write(man.ToString(KifuFileType.KI2)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } #endif #if false try { foreach (var uri in new string[] { // 2016-04-09第1期電王戦第1局山崎隆之叡王Ponanza "", // 2018-05-26第3期叡王戦決勝七番勝負第4局金井恒太六段高見泰地六段 "", }) { WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(uri); req.Timeout = 3000; WebResponse res = req.GetResponse(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Stream st = res.GetResponseStream(); st.CopyTo(ms); string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()); var man = new KifuManager(); man.FromString(str); var csa = man.ToString(KifuFileType.CSA); var kif = man.ToString(KifuFileType.KIF); var ki2 = man.ToString(KifuFileType.KI2); man.FromString(csa); var sfen_csa = man.ToString(KifuFileType.JSON); man.FromString(kif); var sfen_kif = man.ToString(KifuFileType.JSON); man.FromString(ki2); var sfen_ki2 = man.ToString(KifuFileType.JSON); Console.WriteLine("# LiveJSON"); Console.WriteLine(str); Console.WriteLine("# CSA"); Console.WriteLine(csa); Console.WriteLine(sfen_csa); Console.WriteLine("# KIF"); Console.WriteLine(kif); Console.WriteLine(sfen_kif); Console.WriteLine("# KI2"); Console.WriteLine(ki2); Console.WriteLine(sfen_ki2); Console.WriteLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } #endif #if false try { var epoch = new DateTimeOffset(1970, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)); foreach (var uri in new string[] { // 2016-04-09第1期電王戦第1局山崎隆之叡王Ponanza "", // 2018-05-26第3期叡王戦決勝七番勝負第4局金井恒太六段高見泰地六段 "", }) { WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(uri); req.Timeout = 3000; WebResponse res = req.GetResponse(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Stream st = res.GetResponseStream(); st.CopyTo(ms); string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine(str); KifuManager man = new KifuManager(); man.FromString(str); Console.WriteLine(man.ToString(KifuFileType.JSON)); /* * var jsonObj = LiveJsonUtil.FromString(str); * foreach (var data in * { * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("fname:\"{0}\" event:\"{1}\"", data.fname, data.eventName)); * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("side:\"{0}\" player1:\"{1}\" player2:\"{2}\"", data.side, data.player1, data.player2)); * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("recordman:\"{0}\" handicap:\"{1}\"", data.recordman, data.handicap)); * foreach (var breaktime in data.breaktime) * { * var start = breaktime.start != null ? epoch.AddMilliseconds((double)breaktime.start).ToString("o") : null; * var end = breaktime.end != null ? epoch.AddMilliseconds((double)breaktime.end).ToString("o") : null; * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("reason:\"{0}\" start:{1} end:{2}", breaktime.reason, start, end)); * } * foreach (var kif in data.kif) * { * var time = kif.time != null ? epoch.AddMilliseconds((double)kif.time).ToString("o") : null; * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("num:{0}, move:{1}, frX:{2}, frY:{3}, toX:{4}, toY:{5}, type:{6}, prmt:{7}, spend:{8}, time:{9}", kif.num, kif.move, kif.frX, kif.frY, kif.toX, kif.toY, kif.type, kif.prmt, kif.spend, time)); * } * } * Console.WriteLine(jsonObj.ToJson()); * Console.WriteLine(jsonObj.ToXml()); */ } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } #endif #if false { FontFamily[] ffs = FontFamily.Families; //FontFamilyの名前を列挙する foreach (FontFamily ff in ffs) { Console.WriteLine(ff.Name); } } #endif #if false { // 文字幅計算テスト foreach (var s in new string[] { "α", // U+03B1 Ambiguous "A", // U+FF21 Fullwidth "ア", // U+FF71 Halfwidth "À", // U+00C0 Neutral "A", // U+0041 Narrow "ア", // U+30A2 Wide "𠮷", // U+20BB7 Wide "𩸽", // U+29E3D Wide "🤔", // U+1F914 Wide "▲", // U+25B2 Ambiguous "△", // U+25B3 Ambiguous "▼", // U+25BC Ambiguous "▽", // U+25BD Ambiguous "☗", // U+2617 Neutral "☖", // U+2616 Neutral "⛊", // U+26CA Ambiguous "⛉", // U+26C9 Ambiguous " ", // U+3000 Fullwidth " ", // U+0020 Narrow "\t", // U+0009 Neutral "\n", // U+000A Neutral "\u1eaf", // U+1EAF Neutral (LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND ACUTE) "\u0103\u0301", // U+1EAF の合字表記1 (LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE + COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT) "\u0061\u0306\u0301", // U+1EAF の合字表記2 (LATIN SMALL LETTER A + COMBINING BREVE + COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT) "\u304c", // U+304C (HIRAGANA LETTER GA) "\u304b\u3099", // U+304B U+3099 (HIRAGANA LETTER KA + COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND) }) { Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format( "\"{0}\" width {1},{2}", s, EastAsianWidth.legacyWidth(s), EastAsianWidth.modernWidth(s) )); } } #endif #if false { // KIF形式の局面・指し手入力テスト Position pos = new Position(); string sfen = KifExtensions.BodToSfen(new string[] { "後手の持駒:なし", " 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "+---------------------------+", "|v玉vと ・ ・ ・ 馬 ・ ・ ・|一", "|vとvと ・ 金 ・ ・ ・ ・ 馬|二", "| ・ ・ ・ 金 金 金 ・ ・ ・|三", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|四", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ 龍 ・ ・ ・ 龍|五", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|六", "| ・ と ・ ・ ・ ・ 銀 ・ 銀|七", "| と ・ と ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|八", "| と と と 桂 玉 桂 銀 銀 ・|九", "+---------------------------+", "先手の持駒:桂二 香四 歩九" }); pos.SetSfen(sfen); Console.Out.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); foreach (string kif in new string[] { "88と左上", "88と直", "88と右上", "88と左寄", "88と右寄", "88と引", "57桂左", "57桂右", "28銀左上", "28銀直", "28銀左引", "28銀右", "35龍左", "35龍右", "52金左上", "52金寄", "52金直", "52金右", "23馬左", "23馬右", }) { Move m = pos.FromKif(kif); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("org:{0} usi:{1} csa:{2} kif:{3} ki2:{4} pretty:{5}", kif, m.ToUsi(), pos.ToCSA(m), pos.ToKif(m), pos.ToKi2(m), m.Pretty())); } } #endif #if false { // CSA形式の局面・指し手入力テスト Position pos = new Position(); string sfen = CsaExtensions.CsaToSfen(new string[] { "N+", "N-", "P1-OU-TO * * * +UM * * * ", "P2-TO-TO * +KI * * * * +UM", "P3 * * * +KI+KI+KI * * * ", "P4 * * * * * * * * * ", "P5 * * * * +RY * * * +RY", "P6 * * * * * * * * * ", "P7 * +TO * * * * +GI * +GI", "P8+TO * +TO * * * * * * ", "P9+TO+TO+TO+KE+OU+KE+GI+GI * ", "P+00KE00KE00KY00KY00KY00KY00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU", "P-", "+" }); pos.SetSfen(sfen); Console.Out.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); foreach (string csa in new string[] { "+9988TO", "+8988TO", "+7988TO", "+9888TO", "+7888TO", "+8788TO", "+6957KE", "+4957KE", "+3928GI", "+2928GI", "+3728GI", "+1728GI", "+5535RY", "+1535RY", "+6352KI", "+6252KI", "+5352KI", "+4352KI", "+4123UM", "+1223UM", "9988TO", "8988TO", "7988TO", "9888TO", "7888TO", "8788TO", "6957KE", "4957KE", "3928GI", "2928GI", "3728GI", "1728GI", "5535RY", "1535RY", "6352KI", "6252KI", "5352KI", "4352KI", "4123UM", "1223UM", }) { Move m = pos.FromCSA(csa); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("org:{0} usi:{1} csa:{2} kif:{3} ki2:{4} pretty:{5}", csa, m.ToUsi(), pos.ToCSA(m), pos.ToKif(m), pos.ToKi2(m), m.Pretty())); } } #endif #if false { var pos = new Position(); // Csa/Kif/Ki2形式の局面・指し手出力 // ~寄のテスト pos.UsiPositionCmd("startpos moves 7g7f 8c8d 2g2f 8d8e 2f2e 4a3b 8h7g 3c3d 7i6h 2b7g+ 6h7g 3a2b 3i3h 2b3c 3h2g 7c7d 2g2f 7a7b 2f1e B*4e 6i7h 1c1d 2e2d 2c2d 1e2d P*2g 2h4h 3c2d B*5e 6c6d 5e1a+ 2a3c 1a2a 3b4b P*2c S*2h 4g4f 4e6c 2c2b+ 3c2e 4f4e 2d3e 3g3f 2e3g+ 2i3g 2h3g+ 4h6h 3e4f 2b3b"); Console.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCsa()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToBod()); Move m7 = Shogi.Core.Util.FromUsiMove("4b5b"); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCSA(m7)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKif(m7)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKi2(m7)); Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.KIF, square = SquareFormat.FullWidthArabic, samepos = SamePosFormat.KI2sp, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KI2 }.format(pos, m7)); // ☗☖⛊⛉はShift_JISでは表現できないのでコンソールでは化ける Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.Piece, square = SquareFormat.ASCII, samepos = SamePosFormat.KI2sp, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KI2 }.format(pos, m7)); // 同~成のテスト pos.UsiPositionCmd("startpos moves 7g7f 8c8d 2g2f 8d8e 2f2e 4a3b 8h7g 3c3d 7i6h 2b7g+ 6h7g 3a2b 3i3h 2b3c 3h2g 7c7d 2g2f 7a7b 2f1e B*4e 6i7h 1c1d 2e2d 2c2d 1e2d P*2g 2h4h 3c2d B*5e 6c6d 5e1a+ 2a3c 1a2a 3b4b P*2c S*2h 4g4f 4e6c 2c2b+ 3c2e 4f4e 2d3e 3g3f 2e3g+ 2i3g"); Console.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCsa()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToBod()); Move m8 = Shogi.Core.Util.FromUsiMove("2h3g+"); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCSA(m8)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKif(m8)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKi2(m8)); Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.KIF, square = SquareFormat.FullWidthArabic, samepos = SamePosFormat.Verbose, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KIF }.format(pos, m8)); // ☗☖⛊⛉はShift_JISでは表現できないのでコンソールでは化ける Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.Piece, square = SquareFormat.ASCII, samepos = SamePosFormat.Verbose, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KI2 }.format(pos, m8)); } #endif }
public static void Test1() { #if true try { var epoch = new DateTimeOffset(1970, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)); foreach (var uri in new string[] { // 2016-04-09第1期電王戦第1局山崎隆之叡王Ponanza "", // 2018-05-26第3期叡王戦決勝七番勝負第4局金井恒太六段高見泰地六段 "", }) { WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(uri); WebResponse res = req.GetResponse(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Stream st = res.GetResponseStream(); st.CopyTo(ms); string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine(str); Position pos = new Position(); KifuManager man = new KifuManager(); man.FromString(str); Console.WriteLine(man.ToString(KifuFileType.JSON)); /* * var jsonObj = LiveJsonUtil.FromString(str); * foreach (var data in * { * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("fname:\"{0}\" event:\"{1}\"", data.fname, data.eventName)); * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("side:\"{0}\" player1:\"{1}\" player2:\"{2}\"", data.side, data.player1, data.player2)); * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("recordman:\"{0}\" handicap:\"{1}\"", data.recordman, data.handicap)); * foreach (var breaktime in data.breaktime) * { * var start = breaktime.start != null ? epoch.AddMilliseconds((double)breaktime.start).ToString("o") : null; * var end = breaktime.end != null ? epoch.AddMilliseconds((double)breaktime.end).ToString("o") : null; * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("reason:\"{0}\" start:{1} end:{2}", breaktime.reason, start, end)); * } * foreach (var kif in data.kif) * { * var time = kif.time != null ? epoch.AddMilliseconds((double)kif.time).ToString("o") : null; * Console.WriteLine(String.Format("num:{0}, move:{1}, frX:{2}, frY:{3}, toX:{4}, toY:{5}, type:{6}, prmt:{7}, spend:{8}, time:{9}", kif.num, kif.move, kif.frX, kif.frY, kif.toX, kif.toY, kif.type, kif.prmt, kif.spend, time)); * } * } * Console.WriteLine(jsonObj.ToJson()); * Console.WriteLine(jsonObj.ToXml()); */ } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } #endif #if true { FontFamily[] ffs = FontFamily.Families; //FontFamilyの名前を列挙する foreach (FontFamily ff in ffs) { Console.WriteLine(ff.Name); } } #endif #if true { // 文字幅計算テスト foreach (var s in new string[] { "α", // U+03B1 Ambiguous "A", // U+FF21 Fullwidth "ア", // U+FF71 Halfwidth "À", // U+00C0 Neutral "A", // U+0041 Narrow "ア", // U+30A2 Wide "𠮷", // U+20BB7 Wide "𩸽", // U+29E3D Wide "🤔", // U+1F914 Wide "▲", // U+25B2 Ambiguous "△", // U+25B3 Ambiguous "▼", // U+25BC Ambiguous "▽", // U+25BD Ambiguous "☗", // U+2617 Neutral "☖", // U+2616 Neutral "⛊", // U+26CA Ambiguous "⛉", // U+26C9 Ambiguous " ", // U+3000 Fullwidth " ", // U+0020 Narrow "\t", // U+0009 Neutral "\n", // U+000A Neutral "\u1eaf", // U+1EAF Neutral (LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND ACUTE) "\u0103\u0301", // U+1EAF の合字表記1 (LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE + COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT) "\u0061\u0306\u0301", // U+1EAF の合字表記2 (LATIN SMALL LETTER A + COMBINING BREVE + COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT) "\u304c", // U+304C (HIRAGANA LETTER GA) "\u304b\u3099", // U+304B U+3099 (HIRAGANA LETTER KA + COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND) }) { Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format( "\"{0}\" width {1},{2}", s, EastAsianWidth.legacyWidth(s), EastAsianWidth.modernWidth(s) )); } } #endif #if true { // KIF形式の局面・指し手入力テスト Position pos = new Position(); string sfen = KifExtensions.BodToSfen(new string[] { "後手の持駒:なし", " 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "+---------------------------+", "|v玉vと ・ ・ ・ 馬 ・ ・ ・|一", "|vとvと ・ 金 ・ ・ ・ ・ 馬|二", "| ・ ・ ・ 金 金 金 ・ ・ ・|三", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|四", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ 龍 ・ ・ ・ 龍|五", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|六", "| ・ と ・ ・ ・ ・ 銀 ・ 銀|七", "| と ・ と ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|八", "| と と と 桂 玉 桂 銀 銀 ・|九", "+---------------------------+", "先手の持駒:桂二 香四 歩九" }); pos.SetSfen(sfen); Console.Out.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); foreach (string kif in new string[] { "88と左上", "88と直", "88と右上", "88と左寄", "88と右寄", "88と引", "57桂左", "57桂右", "28銀左上", "28銀直", "28銀左引", "28銀右", "35龍左", "35龍右", "52金左上", "52金寄", "52金直", "52金右", "23馬左", "23馬右", }) { Move m = pos.FromKif(kif); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("org:{0} usi:{1} csa:{2} kif:{3} ki2:{4} pretty:{5}", kif, m.ToUsi(), pos.ToCSA(m), pos.ToKif(m), pos.ToKi2(m), m.Pretty())); } } #endif #if true { // CSA形式の局面・指し手入力テスト Position pos = new Position(); string sfen = CsaExtensions.CsaToSfen(new string[] { "N+", "N-", "P1-OU-TO * * * +UM * * * ", "P2-TO-TO * +KI * * * * +UM", "P3 * * * +KI+KI+KI * * * ", "P4 * * * * * * * * * ", "P5 * * * * +RY * * * +RY", "P6 * * * * * * * * * ", "P7 * +TO * * * * +GI * +GI", "P8+TO * +TO * * * * * * ", "P9+TO+TO+TO+KE+OU+KE+GI+GI * ", "P+00KE00KE00KY00KY00KY00KY00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU", "P-", "+" }); pos.SetSfen(sfen); Console.Out.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); foreach (string csa in new string[] { "+9988TO", "+8988TO", "+7988TO", "+9888TO", "+7888TO", "+8788TO", "+6957KE", "+4957KE", "+3928GI", "+2928GI", "+3728GI", "+1728GI", "+5535RY", "+1535RY", "+6352KI", "+6252KI", "+5352KI", "+4352KI", "+4123UM", "+1223UM", "9988TO", "8988TO", "7988TO", "9888TO", "7888TO", "8788TO", "6957KE", "4957KE", "3928GI", "2928GI", "3728GI", "1728GI", "5535RY", "1535RY", "6352KI", "6252KI", "5352KI", "4352KI", "4123UM", "1223UM", }) { Move m = pos.FromCSA(csa); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("org:{0} usi:{1} csa:{2} kif:{3} ki2:{4} pretty:{5}", csa, m.ToUsi(), pos.ToCSA(m), pos.ToKif(m), pos.ToKi2(m), m.Pretty())); } } #endif #if true { var pos = new Position(); // Csa/Kif/Ki2形式の局面・指し手出力 // ~寄のテスト pos.UsiPositionCmd("startpos moves 7g7f 8c8d 2g2f 8d8e 2f2e 4a3b 8h7g 3c3d 7i6h 2b7g+ 6h7g 3a2b 3i3h 2b3c 3h2g 7c7d 2g2f 7a7b 2f1e B*4e 6i7h 1c1d 2e2d 2c2d 1e2d P*2g 2h4h 3c2d B*5e 6c6d 5e1a+ 2a3c 1a2a 3b4b P*2c S*2h 4g4f 4e6c 2c2b+ 3c2e 4f4e 2d3e 3g3f 2e3g+ 2i3g 2h3g+ 4h6h 3e4f 2b3b"); Console.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCsa()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToBod()); Move m7 = Shogi.Core.Util.FromUsiMove("4b5b"); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCSA(m7)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKif(m7)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKi2(m7)); Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.KIF, square = SquareFormat.FullWidthArabic, samepos = SamePosFormat.KI2sp, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KI2 }.format(pos, m7)); // ☗☖⛊⛉はShift_JISでは表現できないのでコンソールでは化ける Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.Piece, square = SquareFormat.ASCII, samepos = SamePosFormat.KI2sp, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KI2 }.format(pos, m7)); // 同~成のテスト pos.UsiPositionCmd("startpos moves 7g7f 8c8d 2g2f 8d8e 2f2e 4a3b 8h7g 3c3d 7i6h 2b7g+ 6h7g 3a2b 3i3h 2b3c 3h2g 7c7d 2g2f 7a7b 2f1e B*4e 6i7h 1c1d 2e2d 2c2d 1e2d P*2g 2h4h 3c2d B*5e 6c6d 5e1a+ 2a3c 1a2a 3b4b P*2c S*2h 4g4f 4e6c 2c2b+ 3c2e 4f4e 2d3e 3g3f 2e3g+ 2i3g"); Console.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCsa()); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToBod()); Move m8 = Shogi.Core.Util.FromUsiMove("2h3g+"); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToCSA(m8)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKif(m8)); Console.WriteLine(pos.ToKi2(m8)); Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.KIF, square = SquareFormat.FullWidthArabic, samepos = SamePosFormat.Verbose, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KIF }.format(pos, m8)); // ☗☖⛊⛉はShift_JISでは表現できないのでコンソールでは化ける Console.WriteLine(new KifFormatterOptions() { color = ColorFormat.Piece, square = SquareFormat.ASCII, samepos = SamePosFormat.Verbose, fromsq = FromSqFormat.KI2 }.format(pos, m8)); } #endif }
public static void Test1() { #if true { // KIF形式の局面・指し手入力テスト Position pos = new Position(); string sfen = KifExtensions.BodToSfen(new string[] { "後手の持駒:なし", " 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "+---------------------------+", "|v玉vと ・ ・ ・ 馬 ・ ・ ・|一", "|vとvと ・ 金 ・ ・ ・ ・ 馬|二", "| ・ ・ ・ 金 金 金 ・ ・ ・|三", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|四", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ 龍 ・ ・ ・ 龍|五", "| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|六", "| ・ と ・ ・ ・ ・ 銀 ・ 銀|七", "| と ・ と ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|八", "| と と と 桂 玉 桂 銀 銀 ・|九", "+---------------------------+", "先手の持駒:桂二 香四 歩九" }); pos.SetSfen(sfen); Console.Out.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); foreach (string kif in new string[] { "88と左上", "88と直", "88と右上", "88と左寄", "88と右寄", "88と引", "57桂左", "57桂右", "28銀左上", "28銀直", "28銀左引", "28銀右", "35龍左", "35龍右", "52金左上", "52金寄", "52金直", "52金右", "23馬左", "23馬右", }) { Move m = pos.FromKif(kif); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("org:{0} usi:{1} csa:{2} kif:{3} ki2:{4} pretty:{5}", kif, m.ToUsi(), pos.ToCSA(m), pos.ToKif(m), pos.ToKi2(m), m.Pretty())); } } #endif #if true { // CSA形式の局面・指し手入力テスト Position pos = new Position(); string sfen = CsaExtensions.CsaToSfen(new string[] { "N+", "N-", "P1-OU-TO * * * +UM * * * ", "P2-TO-TO * +KI * * * * +UM", "P3 * * * +KI+KI+KI * * * ", "P4 * * * * * * * * * ", "P5 * * * * +RY * * * +RY", "P6 * * * * * * * * * ", "P7 * +TO * * * * +GI * +GI", "P8+TO * +TO * * * * * * ", "P9+TO+TO+TO+KE+OU+KE+GI+GI * ", "P+00KE00KE00KY00KY00KY00KY00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU", "P-", "+" }); pos.SetSfen(sfen); Console.Out.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); foreach (string csa in new string[] { "+9988TO", "+8988TO", "+7988TO", "+9888TO", "+7888TO", "+8788TO", "+6957KE", "+4957KE", "+3928GI", "+2928GI", "+3728GI", "+1728GI", "+5535RY", "+1535RY", "+6352KI", "+6252KI", "+5352KI", "+4352KI", "+4123UM", "+1223UM", "9988TO", "8988TO", "7988TO", "9888TO", "7888TO", "8788TO", "6957KE", "4957KE", "3928GI", "2928GI", "3728GI", "1728GI", "5535RY", "1535RY", "6352KI", "6252KI", "5352KI", "4352KI", "4123UM", "1223UM", }) { Move m = pos.FromCSA(csa); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("org:{0} usi:{1} csa:{2} kif:{3} ki2:{4} pretty:{5}", csa, m.ToUsi(), pos.ToCSA(m), pos.ToKif(m), pos.ToKi2(m), m.Pretty())); } } #endif #if false var pos = new Position(); // Csa/Kif/Ki2形式の局面・指し手出力 // ~寄のテスト pos.UsiPositionCmd("startpos moves 7g7f 8c8d 2g2f 8d8e 2f2e 4a3b 8h7g 3c3d 7i6h 2b7g+ 6h7g 3a2b 3i3h 2b3c 3h2g 7c7d 2g2f 7a7b 2f1e B*4e 6i7h 1c1d 2e2d 2c2d 1e2d P*2g 2h4h 3c2d B*5e 6c6d 5e1a+ 2a3c 1a2a 3b4b P*2c S*2h 4g4f 4e6c 2c2b+ 3c2e 4f4e 2d3e 3g3f 2e3g+ 2i3g 2h3g+ 4h6h 3e4f 2b3b"); Console.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.CsaExtensions.ToCsa(pos)); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.KifExtensions.ToBod(pos)); Move m7 = Shogi.Core.Util.FromUsiMove("4b5b"); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.CsaExtensions.ToCSA(pos, m7)); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.KifExtensions.ToKif(pos, m7, pos.State().lastMove)); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.KifExtensions.ToKi2(pos, m7, pos.State().lastMove)); Console.WriteLine(new Shogi.Converter.KifFormatter( Shogi.Converter.ColorFormat.KIF, Shogi.Converter.SquareFormat.FullWidthArabic, Shogi.Converter.SamePosFormat.KI2sp, Shogi.Converter.FromSqFormat.KI2 ).format(pos, m7, pos.State().lastMove)); // ☗☖⛊⛉はShift_JISでは表現できないのでコンソールでは化ける Console.WriteLine(new Shogi.Converter.KifFormatter( Shogi.Converter.ColorFormat.Piece, Shogi.Converter.SquareFormat.ASCII, Shogi.Converter.SamePosFormat.KI2sp, Shogi.Converter.FromSqFormat.KI2 ).format(pos, m7, pos.State().lastMove)); // 同~成のテスト pos.UsiPositionCmd("startpos moves 7g7f 8c8d 2g2f 8d8e 2f2e 4a3b 8h7g 3c3d 7i6h 2b7g+ 6h7g 3a2b 3i3h 2b3c 3h2g 7c7d 2g2f 7a7b 2f1e B*4e 6i7h 1c1d 2e2d 2c2d 1e2d P*2g 2h4h 3c2d B*5e 6c6d 5e1a+ 2a3c 1a2a 3b4b P*2c S*2h 4g4f 4e6c 2c2b+ 3c2e 4f4e 2d3e 3g3f 2e3g+ 2i3g"); Console.WriteLine(pos.Pretty()); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.CsaExtensions.ToCsa(pos)); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.KifExtensions.ToBod(pos)); Move m8 = Shogi.Core.Util.FromUsiMove("2h3g+"); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.CsaExtensions.ToCSA(pos, m8)); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.KifExtensions.ToKif(pos, m8, pos.State().lastMove)); Console.WriteLine(Shogi.Converter.KifExtensions.ToKi2(pos, m8, pos.State().lastMove)); Console.WriteLine(new Shogi.Converter.KifFormatter( Shogi.Converter.ColorFormat.KIF, Shogi.Converter.SquareFormat.FullWidthArabic, Shogi.Converter.SamePosFormat.Verbose, Shogi.Converter.FromSqFormat.KIF ).format(pos, m8, pos.State().lastMove)); // ☗☖⛊⛉はShift_JISでは表現できないのでコンソールでは化ける Console.WriteLine(new Shogi.Converter.KifFormatter( Shogi.Converter.ColorFormat.Piece, Shogi.Converter.SquareFormat.ASCII, Shogi.Converter.SamePosFormat.Verbose, Shogi.Converter.FromSqFormat.KI2 ).format(pos, m8, pos.State().lastMove)); #endif }