Example #1
        private static BatchGetItemRequest CreateRequest(Dictionary <string, RequestSet> set, Table targetTable, bool isAsync)
            BatchGetItemRequest request = new BatchGetItemRequest();

            ((Amazon.Runtime.Internal.IAmazonWebServiceRequest)request).AddBeforeRequestHandler(isAsync ?
                                                                                                new RequestEventHandler(targetTable.UserAgentRequestEventHandlerAsync) :
                                                                                                new RequestEventHandler(targetTable.UserAgentRequestEventHandlerSync)
            var requestItems = new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes>();

            foreach (var kvp in set)
                var tableName  = kvp.Key;
                var requestSet = kvp.Value;

                var keys = new KeysAndAttributes
                    Keys            = requestSet.GetItems(),
                    ConsistentRead  = requestSet.Batch.ConsistentRead,
                    AttributesToGet = requestSet.Batch.AttributesToGet

                requestItems.Add(tableName, keys);
            request.RequestItems = requestItems;

Example #2
        public List <T> GetItems <T>(IEnumerable <DynamoId> ids)
            var to = new List <T>();

            var table        = DynamoMetadata.GetTable <T>();
            var remainingIds = ids.ToList();

            while (remainingIds.Count > 0)
                var batchSize = Math.Min(remainingIds.Count, MaxReadBatchSize);
                var nextBatch = remainingIds.GetRange(0, batchSize);
                remainingIds.RemoveRange(0, batchSize);

                var getItems = new KeysAndAttributes
                    ConsistentRead = ConsistentRead,
                nextBatch.Each(id =>
                               getItems.Keys.Add(Converters.ToAttributeKeyValue(this, table, id)));

                to.AddRange(ConvertBatchGetItemResponse <T>(table, getItems));

        private List <T> ConvertBatchGetItemResponse <T>(DynamoMetadataType table, KeysAndAttributes getItems)
            var to = new List <T>();

            var request = new BatchGetItemRequest(new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes> {
                { table.Name, getItems }

            var response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.BatchGetItem(request));

            List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> > results;

            if (response.Responses.TryGetValue(table.Name, out results))
                results.Each(x => to.Add(Converters.FromAttributeValues <T>(table, x)));

            var i = 0;

            while (response.UnprocessedKeys.Count > 0)
                response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.BatchGetItem(new BatchGetItemRequest(response.UnprocessedKeys)));
                if (response.Responses.TryGetValue(table.Name, out results))
                    results.Each(x => to.Add(Converters.FromAttributeValues <T>(table, x)));

                if (response.UnprocessedKeys.Count > 0)

Example #4
        public async Task <List <T> > GetItemsAsync <T>(IEnumerable <DynamoId> ids, CancellationToken token = default)
            var to = new List <T>();

            var table        = DynamoMetadata.GetTable <T>();
            var remainingIds = ids.ToList();

            while (remainingIds.Count > 0)
                var batchSize = Math.Min(remainingIds.Count, MaxReadBatchSize);
                var nextBatch = remainingIds.GetRange(0, batchSize);
                remainingIds.RemoveRange(0, batchSize);

                var getItems = new KeysAndAttributes
                    ConsistentRead = ConsistentRead,
                nextBatch.Each(id =>
                               getItems.Keys.Add(Converters.ToAttributeKeyValue(this, table, id)));

                to.AddRange(await ConvertBatchGetItemResponseAsync <T>(table, getItems, token).ConfigAwait());

        public async Task <IEnumerable <WorkflowInstance> > GetWorkflowInstances(IEnumerable <string> ids)
            if (ids == null)
                return(new List <WorkflowInstance>());

            var keys = new KeysAndAttributes()
                Keys = new List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> >()

            foreach (var id in ids)
                var key = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>()
                        "id", new AttributeValue {
                            S = id

            var request = new BatchGetItemRequest
                RequestItems = new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes>()
                        $"{_tablePrefix}-{WORKFLOW_TABLE}", keys

            var result = new List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> >();
            BatchGetItemResponse response;

                response = await _client.BatchGetItemAsync(request);

                foreach (var tableResponse in response.Responses)

                request.RequestItems = response.UnprocessedKeys;
            } while (response.UnprocessedKeys.Count > 0);

            return(result.Select(i => i.ToWorkflowInstance()));
Example #6
        public void TestRequestResponseParameterAndDescriptorForAWSSDKHandler()
            using (var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(new AnonymousAWSCredentials(), RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
                CustomResponses.SetResponse(client, null, null, true);
                _recorder.BeginSegment("test", TraceId);
                var segment = TraceContext.GetEntity();

                var key1 = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>()
                    { "id", new AttributeValue("1") }
                var key2 = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>()
                    { "id", new AttributeValue("2") }
                var keys = new KeysAndAttributes()
                    Keys = new List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> >()
                        key1, key2

#if NET45
                client.BatchGetItem(new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes>()
                    { "test", keys }
                client.BatchGetItemAsync(new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes>()
                    { "test", keys }
        private static BatchGetItemRequest CreateRequest(Dictionary <string, RequestSet> set)
            BatchGetItemRequest request = new BatchGetItemRequest();

            var requestItems = new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes>();

            foreach (var kvp in set)
                var tableName  = kvp.Key;
                var requestSet = kvp.Value;

                var keys = new KeysAndAttributes
                    Keys            = requestSet.GetItems(),
                    ConsistentRead  = requestSet.Batch.ConsistentRead,
                    AttributesToGet = requestSet.Batch.AttributesToGet

                requestItems.Add(tableName, keys);
            request.RequestItems = requestItems;

Example #8
        public void BatchSamples()

                #region BatchGet Sample 1

                // Define attributes to get and keys to retrieve
                List <string> attributesToGet = new List <string> {
                    "Author", "Title", "Year"
                List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> > sampleTableKeys = new List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> >
                    new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                        { "Author", new AttributeValue {
                              S = "Mark Twain"
                          } },
                        { "Title", new AttributeValue {
                              S = "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
                          } }
                    new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                        { "Author", new AttributeValue {
                              S = "Mark Twain"
                          } },
                        { "Title", new AttributeValue {
                              S = "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
                          } }

                // Construct get-request for first table
                KeysAndAttributes sampleTableItems = new KeysAndAttributes
                    AttributesToGet = attributesToGet,
                    Keys            = sampleTableKeys


                #region BatchGet Sample 2

                // Define keys to retrieve
                List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> > authorsTableKeys = new List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> >
                    new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                        { "Author", new AttributeValue {
                              S = "Mark Twain"
                          } },
                    new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                        { "Author", new AttributeValue {
                              S = "Booker Taliaferro Washington"
                          } },

                // Construct get-request for second table
                //  Skip setting AttributesToGet property to retrieve all attributes
                KeysAndAttributes authorsTableItems = new KeysAndAttributes
                    Keys = authorsTableKeys,


                #region BatchGet Sample 3

                // Create a client
                AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();

                // Construct table-keys mapping
                Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes> requestItems = new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes>();
                requestItems["SampleTable"]  = sampleTableItems;
                requestItems["AuthorsTable"] = authorsTableItems;

                // Construct request
                BatchGetItemRequest request = new BatchGetItemRequest
                    RequestItems = requestItems

                BatchGetItemResult result;
                    // Issue request and retrieve items
                    result = client.BatchGetItem(request);

                    // Iterate through responses
                    Dictionary <string, List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> > > responses = result.Responses;
                    foreach (string tableName in responses.Keys)
                        // Get items for each table
                        List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> > tableItems = responses[tableName];

                        // View items
                        foreach (Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> item in tableItems)
                            foreach (var keyValuePair in item)
                                Console.WriteLine("{0} : S={1}, N={2}, SS=[{3}], NS=[{4}]",
                                                  string.Join(", ", keyValuePair.Value.SS ?? new List <string>()),
                                                  string.Join(", ", keyValuePair.Value.NS ?? new List <string>()));

                    // Some items may not have been retrieved!
                    //  Set RequestItems to the result's UnprocessedKeys and reissue request
                    request.RequestItems = result.UnprocessedKeys;
                } while (result.UnprocessedKeys.Count > 0);


                #region BatchWrite Sample 1

                // Create items to put into first table
                Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> item1 = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>();
                item1["Author"] = new AttributeValue {
                    S = "Mark Twain"
                item1["Title"] = new AttributeValue {
                    S = "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"
                item1["Pages"] = new AttributeValue {
                    N = "575"
                Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> item2 = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>();
                item2["Author"] = new AttributeValue {
                    S = "Booker Taliaferro Washington"
                item2["Title"] = new AttributeValue {
                    S = "My Larger Education"
                item2["Pages"] = new AttributeValue {
                    N = "313"
                item2["Year"] = new AttributeValue {
                    N = "1911"

                // Create key for item to delete from first table
                //  Hash-key of the target item is string value "Mark Twain"
                //  Range-key of the target item is string value "Tom Sawyer, Detective"
                Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> keyToDelete1 = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                    { "Author", new AttributeValue {
                          S = "Mark Twain"
                      } },
                    { "Title", new AttributeValue {
                          S = "Tom Sawyer, Detective"
                      } }

                // Construct write-request for first table
                List <WriteRequest> sampleTableItems = new List <WriteRequest>();
                sampleTableItems.Add(new WriteRequest
                    PutRequest = new PutRequest {
                        Item = item1
                sampleTableItems.Add(new WriteRequest
                    PutRequest = new PutRequest {
                        Item = item2
                sampleTableItems.Add(new WriteRequest
                    DeleteRequest = new DeleteRequest {
                        Key = keyToDelete1


                #region BatchWrite Sample 2

                // Create key for item to delete from second table
                //  Hash-key of the target item is string value "Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald"
                Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> keyToDelete2 = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                    { "Author", new AttributeValue {
                          S = "Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald"
                      } },

                // Construct write-request for first table
                List <WriteRequest> authorsTableItems = new List <WriteRequest>();
                authorsTableItems.Add(new WriteRequest
                    DeleteRequest = new DeleteRequest {
                        Key = keyToDelete2


                #region BatchWrite Sample 3

                // Create a client
                AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();

                // Construct table-keys mapping
                Dictionary <string, List <WriteRequest> > requestItems = new Dictionary <string, List <WriteRequest> >();
                requestItems["SampleTable"]  = sampleTableItems;
                requestItems["AuthorsTable"] = authorsTableItems;

                BatchWriteItemRequest request = new BatchWriteItemRequest {
                    RequestItems = requestItems
                BatchWriteItemResult result;
                    // Issue request and retrieve items
                    result = client.BatchWriteItem(request);

                    // Some items may not have been processed!
                    //  Set RequestItems to the result's UnprocessedItems and reissue request
                    request.RequestItems = result.UnprocessedItems;
                } while (result.UnprocessedItems.Count > 0);
