Example #1
        public static void TestComparisons()
            AesKey      key1  = new AesKey(new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 55, 77, 34, 65, 89, 12, 45, 87, 54, 255 });
            AesKey      key2  = new AesKey(new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 55, 77, 34, 65, 89, 12, 45, 87, 54, 255 });
            KeyWrapSalt salt1 = new KeyWrapSalt(AesKey.DefaultKeyLength);
            KeyWrapSalt salt2 = new KeyWrapSalt(AesKey.DefaultKeyLength);

            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint1a       = new AesKeyThumbprint(key1, salt1, 13);
            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint1a_alias = thumbprint1a;
            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint1b       = new AesKeyThumbprint(key1, salt2, 25);
            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint2a       = new AesKeyThumbprint(key2, salt2, 25);
            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint2b       = new AesKeyThumbprint(key2, salt1, 13);
            AesKeyThumbprint nullThumbprint     = null;

            Assert.That(thumbprint1a == thumbprint1a_alias, "Same instance should of course compare equal.");
            Assert.That(nullThumbprint != thumbprint1a, "A null should not compare equal to any other instance.");
            Assert.That(thumbprint1a != nullThumbprint, "A null should not compare equal to any other instance.");
            Assert.That(thumbprint1a == thumbprint2b, "Same raw key and salt, but different instance, should compare equal.");
            Assert.That(thumbprint1b == thumbprint2a, "Same raw key and salt, but different instance, should compare equal.");
            Assert.That(thumbprint1a != thumbprint1b, "Same raw key but different salt, should compare inequal.");
            Assert.That(thumbprint2a != thumbprint2b, "Same raw key but different salt, should compare inequal.");

            object object1a = thumbprint1a;
            object object2b = thumbprint2b;

            Assert.That(object1a.Equals(nullThumbprint), Is.False, "An instance does not equals null.");
            Assert.That(object1a.Equals(object2b), Is.True, "The two instances are equivalent.");

            object badTypeObject = key1;

            Assert.That(object1a.Equals(badTypeObject), Is.False, "The object being compared to is of the wrong type.");
Example #2
        public byte[] UnwrapMasterKey(AesKey keyEncryptingKey, byte fileVersionMajor)
            byte[]      wrappedKeyData = GetKeyData();
            KeyWrapSalt salt           = Salt;

            if (fileVersionMajor <= 1)
                // Due to a bug in 1.1 and earlier we only used a truncated part of the key and salt :-(
                // Compensate for this here. Users should be warned if FileVersionMajor <= 1 .
                byte[] badKey = new byte[keyEncryptingKey.Length];
                Array.Copy(keyEncryptingKey.GetBytes(), 0, badKey, 0, 4);
                keyEncryptingKey = new AesKey(badKey);

                byte[] badSalt = new byte[salt.Length];
                Array.Copy(salt.GetBytes(), 0, badSalt, 0, 4);
                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(badSalt);

            byte[] unwrappedKeyData;
            using (KeyWrap keyWrap = new KeyWrap(keyEncryptingKey, salt, Iterations, KeyWrapMode.AxCrypt))
                unwrappedKeyData = keyWrap.Unwrap(wrappedKeyData);
Example #3
        public static void TestMethodsEtc()
            KeyWrapSalt salt = null;

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(16);
                Assert.That(salt.Length, Is.EqualTo(16), "The length should be what was asked for.");
                Assert.That(salt.GetBytes(), Is.Not.EquivalentTo(new byte[16]), "A random salt is not likely to be all zeros.");

                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(24);
                Assert.That(salt.Length, Is.EqualTo(24), "The length should be what was asked for.");
                Assert.That(salt.GetBytes(), Is.Not.EquivalentTo(new byte[24]), "A random salt is not likely to be all zeros.");

                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(32);
                Assert.That(salt.Length, Is.EqualTo(32), "The length should be what was asked for.");
                Assert.That(salt.GetBytes(), Is.Not.EquivalentTo(new byte[32]), "A random salt is not likely to be all zeros.");

                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(new byte[16]);
                Assert.That(salt.GetBytes(), Is.EquivalentTo(new byte[16]), "A salt with all zeros was requested.");

                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(new byte[24]);
                Assert.That(salt.GetBytes(), Is.EquivalentTo(new byte[24]), "A salt with all zeros was requested.");

                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(new byte[32]);
                Assert.That(salt.GetBytes(), Is.EquivalentTo(new byte[32]), "A salt with all zeros was requested.");

                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(new byte[0]);
                Assert.That(salt.Length, Is.EqualTo(0), "As a special case, zero length salt is supported - equivalent to no salt.");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() =>
                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(null);

            Assert.Throws <InternalErrorException>(() =>
                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(0);

            Assert.Throws <InternalErrorException>(() =>
                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(-16);

            Assert.Throws <InternalErrorException>(() =>
                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(48);

            Assert.Throws <InternalErrorException>(() =>
                salt = new KeyWrapSalt(new byte[12]);
Example #4
        public void RewrapMasterKey(AesKey masterKey, AesKey keyEncryptingKey)
            KeyWrapSalt salt = new KeyWrapSalt(keyEncryptingKey.Length);

            using (KeyWrap keyWrap = new KeyWrap(keyEncryptingKey, salt, Iterations, KeyWrapMode.AxCrypt))
                byte[] wrappedKeyData = keyWrap.Wrap(masterKey);
                Set(wrappedKeyData, salt, Iterations);
Example #5
        private void Initialize(AesKey keyEncryptingKey)
            AesKey      masterKey  = new AesKey();
            long        iterations = OS.Current.KeyWrapIterations;
            KeyWrapSalt salt       = new KeyWrapSalt(keyEncryptingKey.Length);

            using (KeyWrap keyWrap = new KeyWrap(keyEncryptingKey, salt, iterations, KeyWrapMode.AxCrypt))
                byte[] wrappedKeyData = keyWrap.Wrap(masterKey);
                Set(wrappedKeyData, salt, iterations);
Example #6
        public static void TestInvalidArguments()
            AesKey      nullKey  = null;
            KeyWrapSalt nullSalt = null;

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { if (new AesKeyThumbprint(nullKey, new KeyWrapSalt(16), 10) == null)
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { if (new AesKeyThumbprint(new AesKey(), nullSalt, 10) == null)
Example #7
        public static void TestGetHashCode()
            AesKey      key1  = new AesKey(new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 55, 77, 34, 65, 89, 12, 45, 87, 54, 255 });
            AesKey      key2  = new AesKey(new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 55, 77, 34, 65, 89, 12, 45, 87, 54, 255 });
            KeyWrapSalt salt1 = new KeyWrapSalt(AesKey.DefaultKeyLength);
            KeyWrapSalt salt2 = new KeyWrapSalt(AesKey.DefaultKeyLength);

            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint1a = new AesKeyThumbprint(key1, salt1, 17);
            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint1b = new AesKeyThumbprint(key1, salt2, 17);
            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint2a = new AesKeyThumbprint(key2, salt2, 17);

            Assert.That(thumbprint1a.GetHashCode() != thumbprint1b.GetHashCode(), "The salt is different, so the hash code should be different.");
            Assert.That(thumbprint1b.GetHashCode() == thumbprint2a.GetHashCode(), "The keys are equivalent, and the salt the same, so the hash code should be different.");
Example #8
        public static void TestAesKeyThumbprintMethods()
            AesKey      key1  = new AesKey(new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 55, 77, 34, 65, 89, 12, 45, 87, 54, 255 });
            AesKey      key2  = new AesKey(new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 55, 77, 34, 65, 89, 12, 45, 87, 54, 255 });
            KeyWrapSalt salt1 = new KeyWrapSalt(16);
            KeyWrapSalt salt2 = new KeyWrapSalt(salt1.GetBytes());

            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint1 = new AesKeyThumbprint(key1, salt1, 10);
            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint2 = new AesKeyThumbprint(key2, salt2, 10);

            Assert.That(thumbprint1 == thumbprint2, "Two thumb prints made from the same key and salt bytes, although different AesKey instances should be equivalent.");

            AesKeyThumbprint thumbprint3 = new AesKeyThumbprint(new AesKey(), new KeyWrapSalt(AesKey.DefaultKeyLength), 10);

            Assert.That(thumbprint2 != thumbprint3, "Two very different keys and salts should not be equivalent.");
Example #9
        public void TestWrapAndUnwrapAxCryptMode()
            AesKey      keyToWrap        = new AesKey(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 });
            AesKey      keyEncryptingKey = new AesKey(new byte[] { 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });
            KeyWrapSalt salt             = new KeyWrapSalt(new byte[] { 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 });
            long        iterations       = 12345;

            byte[] wrapped;
            using (KeyWrap keyWrap = new KeyWrap(keyEncryptingKey, salt, iterations, KeyWrapMode.AxCrypt))
                wrapped = keyWrap.Wrap(keyToWrap);
            byte[] unwrapped;
            using (KeyWrap keyWrap = new KeyWrap(keyEncryptingKey, salt, iterations, KeyWrapMode.AxCrypt))
                unwrapped = keyWrap.Unwrap(wrapped);

            Assert.That(unwrapped, Is.EquivalentTo(keyToWrap.GetBytes()), "The unwrapped data should be equal to original.");
Example #10
 protected void Set(byte[] wrapped, KeyWrapSalt salt, long iterations)
     if (wrapped == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("wrapped");
     if (wrapped.Length != 16 + 8)
         throw new ArgumentException("wrapped must be 128 bits + 8 bytes.");
     if (salt == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("salt");
     if (salt.Length != 16)
         throw new ArgumentException("salt must have same length as the wrapped key, i.e. 128 bits.");
     Array.Copy(wrapped, 0, GetDataBlockBytesReference(), 0, wrapped.Length);
     Array.Copy(salt.GetBytes(), 0, GetDataBlockBytesReference(), 16 + 8, salt.Length);
     byte[] iterationsBytes = iterations.GetLittleEndianBytes();
     Array.Copy(iterationsBytes, 0, GetDataBlockBytesReference(), 16 + 8 + 16, sizeof(uint));
        public static void TestSetBadArguments()
            KeyWrap1HeaderBlockForTest keyWrap1HeaderBlock = new KeyWrap1HeaderBlockForTest(new AesKey());

            KeyWrapSalt okSalt  = new KeyWrapSalt(16);
            KeyWrapSalt badSalt = new KeyWrapSalt(32);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() =>
                keyWrap1HeaderBlock.SetValuesDirect(null, okSalt, 100);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                keyWrap1HeaderBlock.SetValuesDirect(new byte[0], okSalt, 100);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                keyWrap1HeaderBlock.SetValuesDirect(new byte[16], okSalt, 100);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                keyWrap1HeaderBlock.SetValuesDirect(new byte[32], okSalt, 100);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() =>
                keyWrap1HeaderBlock.SetValuesDirect(new byte[24], null, 100);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                keyWrap1HeaderBlock.SetValuesDirect(new byte[24], badSalt, 100);
 public void SetValuesDirect(byte[] wrapped, KeyWrapSalt salt, long iterations)
     Set(wrapped, salt, iterations);