Example #1
		public void AppendEditViewFieldsEdit(string sEDIT_NAME, HtmlTable tbl, DataRowView rdr, ref int nRowIndex, string sFIELD_WIDTH, Hashtable hashIncludedFields, bool bIsPostBack)
			DataTable dtFields = SplendidCache.EditViewFields(sEDIT_NAME);
			DataView dvFields = dtFields.DefaultView;

			string sIDSuffix = String.Empty;
			//if ( nRecordIndex > 0 )
			//	sIDSuffix = nRecordIndex.ToString("_##");

			int nColIndex = 0;
			HtmlTableRow  tr      = null;
			HtmlTableCell tdLabel = null;
			HtmlTableCell tdField = null;
			if ( dvFields.Count == 0 && tbl.Rows.Count <= 1 )
				tbl.Visible = false;

			// 01/18/2010   To apply ACL Field Security, we need to know if the current record has an ASSIGNED_USER_ID field, and its value. 
			Guid gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Guid.Empty;
			DataColumnCollection vwSchema = null;
			if ( rdr != null )
				vwSchema = rdr.DataView.Table.Columns;
				if ( vwSchema.Contains("ASSIGNED_USER_ID") )

			bool bEnableTeamManagement  = Crm.Config.enable_team_management();
			bool bRequireTeamManagement = Crm.Config.require_team_management();
			bool bRequireUserAssignment = Crm.Config.require_user_assignment();
			// 08/01/2010   Allow dynamic teams to be turned off. 
			bool bEnableDynamicTeams   = Crm.Config.enable_dynamic_teams();
			HttpSessionState Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
			foreach(DataRowView row in dvFields)
				int    nFIELD_INDEX       = Sql.ToInteger(row["FIELD_INDEX"      ]);
				string sFIELD_TYPE        = Sql.ToString (row["FIELD_TYPE"       ]);
				string sDATA_LABEL        = Sql.ToString (row["DATA_LABEL"       ]);
				string sDATA_FIELD        = Sql.ToString (row["DATA_FIELD"       ]);
				string sDISPLAY_FIELD     = Sql.ToString (row["DISPLAY_FIELD"    ]);
				string sCACHE_NAME        = Sql.ToString (row["CACHE_NAME"       ]);
				bool   bDATA_REQUIRED     = Sql.ToBoolean(row["DATA_REQUIRED"    ]);
				bool   bUI_REQUIRED       = Sql.ToBoolean(row["UI_REQUIRED"      ]);
				string sONCLICK_SCRIPT    = Sql.ToString (row["ONCLICK_SCRIPT"   ]);
				string sFORMAT_SCRIPT     = Sql.ToString (row["FORMAT_SCRIPT"    ]);
				short  nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX  = Sql.ToShort  (row["FORMAT_TAB_INDEX" ]);
				int    nFORMAT_MAX_LENGTH = Sql.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_MAX_LENGTH"]);
				int    nFORMAT_SIZE       = Sql.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_SIZE"      ]);
				int    nFORMAT_ROWS       = Sql.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_ROWS"      ]);
				int    nFORMAT_COLUMNS    = Sql.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_COLUMNS"   ]);
				int    nCOLSPAN           = Sql.ToInteger(row["COLSPAN"          ]);
				// 04/02/2008   Add support for Regular Expression validation. 
				string sVALIDATION_TYPE         = Sql.ToString (row["VALIDATION_TYPE"        ]);
				string sREGULAR_EXPRESSION      = Sql.ToString (row["REGULAR_EXPRESSION"     ]);
				string sDATA_TYPE               = Sql.ToString (row["DATA_TYPE"              ]);
				string sMININUM_VALUE           = Sql.ToString (row["MININUM_VALUE"          ]);
				string sMAXIMUM_VALUE           = Sql.ToString (row["MAXIMUM_VALUE"          ]);
				string sCOMPARE_OPERATOR        = Sql.ToString (row["COMPARE_OPERATOR"       ]);
				// 09/01/2009   Add support for a generic module popup. 
				string sMODULE_TYPE       = String.Empty;
					sMODULE_TYPE = Sql.ToString (row["MODULE_TYPE"]);
				catch(Exception ex)
					// 09/01/2009   The MODULE_TYPE is not in the view, then log the error and continue. 
					SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				// 12/24/2008   Each field should be on a new line. 
				nCOLSPAN = 0;
				// 12/27/2008   The data field will need to be in upper case in order for it to be found and saved. 
				sDATA_FIELD    = sDATA_FIELD.ToUpper();

				// 08/01/2010   To apply ACL Field Security, we need to know if the Module Name, which we will extract from the EditView Name. 
				string sMODULE_NAME = String.Empty;
				string[] arrEDIT_NAME = sEDIT_NAME.Split('.');
				if ( arrEDIT_NAME.Length > 0 )
					sMODULE_NAME = arrEDIT_NAME[0];
				bool bIsReadable  = true;
				bool bIsWriteable = true;
				if ( SplendidInit.bEnableACLFieldSecurity )
					Security.ACL_FIELD_ACCESS acl = Security.GetUserFieldSecurity(sMODULE_NAME, sDATA_FIELD, gASSIGNED_USER_ID);
					bIsReadable  = acl.IsReadable();
					bIsWriteable = acl.IsWriteable();
				// 08/01/2010   If not readable, then just skip the field. 
				if ( !bIsReadable )

					sDATA_LABEL = "Teams.LBL_TEAM";
				else if ( sDATA_FIELD == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" )

				// 11/25/2006   If Team Management has been disabled, then convert the field to a blank. 
				// Keep the field, but treat it as blank so that field indexes will still be valid. 
				// 12/03/2006   Allow the team field to be visible during layout. 
					if ( !bEnableTeamManagement )
						sFIELD_TYPE = "Blank";
						bUI_REQUIRED = false;
						if ( bEnableDynamicTeams )
							// 08/31/2009   Don't convert to TeamSelect inside a Search view or Popup view. 
							if ( sEDIT_NAME.IndexOf(".Search") < 0 && sEDIT_NAME.IndexOf(".Popup") < 0 )
								sDATA_LABEL     = ".LBL_TEAM_SET_NAME";
								sDATA_FIELD     = "TEAM_SET_NAME";
								sFIELD_TYPE     = "TeamSelect";
								sONCLICK_SCRIPT = String.Empty;
							// 04/18/2010   If the user manually adds a TeamSelect, we need to convert to a ModulePopup. 
							if ( sFIELD_TYPE == "TeamSelect" )
								sDATA_LABEL     = "Teams.LBL_TEAM";
								sDATA_FIELD     = "TEAM_ID";
								sFIELD_TYPE     = "ModulePopup";
								sMODULE_TYPE    = "Teams";
								sONCLICK_SCRIPT = String.Empty;
						// 11/25/2006   Override the required flag with the system value. 
						// 01/01/2008   If Team Management is not required, then let the admin decide. 
						if ( bRequireTeamManagement )
							bUI_REQUIRED = true;
				// 08/01/2010   Hide the Exchange Folder field if disabled for this module or user. 
					if ( !Crm.Modules.ExchangeFolders(sMODULE_NAME) || !Security.HasExchangeAlias() )
						sFIELD_TYPE = "Blank";
				if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "AddressButtons", true) == 0 )
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Blank", true) == 0 )
				else if ( hashIncludedFields != null && !hashIncludedFields.ContainsKey(sDATA_FIELD) )

					// 01/01/2008   We need a quick way to require user assignments across the system. 
					if ( bRequireUserAssignment )
						bUI_REQUIRED = true;
				// 08/01/2010   Clear the Required flag if the field is writeable. 
				// Clearing at this stage will apply it to all edit types. 
				if ( bUI_REQUIRED && !bIsWriteable )
					bUI_REQUIRED = false;
				if ( (nCOLSPAN >= 0 && nColIndex == 0) || tr == null )
					// 12/27/2008   We need an extra row for the set primary and remove links. 
					if ( nRowIndex == 0 && tbl == tblMain )
						if ( tbl.Rows.Count > nRowIndex )
							tr = tbl.Rows[nRowIndex];
							tr = new HtmlTableRow();
							tbl.Rows.Insert(nRowIndex, tr);
						tdLabel = new HtmlTableCell();
						tdField = new HtmlTableCell();
						Label lblPrimaryID = new Label();
						if ( rdr != null )
							Guid gPrimaryID = Sql.ToGuid(rdr["ID"]);
							lblPrimaryID.Text = gPrimaryID.ToString();
					if ( tbl.Rows.Count > nRowIndex )
						tr = tbl.Rows[nRowIndex];
						tr = new HtmlTableRow();
						tbl.Rows.Insert(nRowIndex, tr);
				// 12/03/2006   Move literal label up so that it can be accessed when processing a blank. 
				Literal litLabel = new Literal();
				if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
					litLabel.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_LABEL" + sIDSuffix;
				if ( nCOLSPAN >= 0 || tdLabel == null || tdField == null )
					tdLabel = new HtmlTableCell();
					tdField = new HtmlTableCell();
					if ( nCOLSPAN > 0 )
						tdField.ColSpan = nCOLSPAN;
					tdLabel.Attributes.Add("class", "dataLabel");
					tdLabel.VAlign = "top";
					tdLabel.Width  = sFIELD_WIDTH;
					tdField.Attributes.Add("class", "dataField");
					tdField.VAlign = "top";
					tdField.Width  = sFIELD_WIDTH;

					//litLabel.Text = nFIELD_INDEX.ToString() + " (" + nRowIndex.ToString() + "," + nColIndex.ToString() + ")";
						// 12/03/2006   Move code to blank able in layout mode to blank section below. 
						if ( sDATA_LABEL.IndexOf(".") >= 0 )
							litLabel.Text = L10n.Term(sDATA_LABEL);
						else if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_LABEL) && rdr != null )
							// 01/27/2008   If the data label is not in the schema table, then it must be free-form text. 
							// It is not used often, but we allow the label to come from the result set.  For example,
							// when the parent is stored in the record, we need to pull the module name from the record. 
							litLabel.Text = sDATA_LABEL;
							if ( rdr.DataView.Table.Columns.Contains(sDATA_LABEL) )
								litLabel.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_LABEL]) + L10n.Term("Calls.LBL_COLON");
						// 07/15/2006   Always put something for the label so that table borders will look right. 
						// 07/20/2007 Vandalo.  Skip the requirement to create a terminology entry and just so the label. 
							litLabel.Text = sDATA_LABEL;  // "&nbsp;";
					catch(Exception ex)
						SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
						litLabel.Text = ex.Message;
					if ( bUI_REQUIRED )
						Label lblRequired = new Label();
						lblRequired.CssClass = "required";
						lblRequired.Text = L10n.Term(".LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL");
				if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Label", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						Literal litField = new Literal();
						// 07/25/2006   Align label values to the middle so the line-up with the label. 
						tdField.VAlign = "middle";
						// 07/24/2006   Set the ID so that the literal control can be accessed. 
						litField.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
							if ( sDATA_FIELD.IndexOf(".") >= 0 )
								litField.Text = L10n.Term(sDATA_FIELD);
							else if ( rdr != null )
								litField.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							litField.Text = ex.Message;
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "ListBox", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						// 12/02/2007   If format rows > 0 then this is a list box and not a drop down list. 
						ListControl lstField = null;
						if ( nFORMAT_ROWS > 0 )
							ListBox lb = new ListBox();
							lb.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple;
							lb.Rows          = nFORMAT_ROWS;
							lstField = lb;
							// 04/25/2008   Use KeySortDropDownList instead of ListSearchExtender. 
							lstField = new KeySortDropDownList();
							// 07/23/2010   Lets try the latest version of the ListSearchExtender. 
							// 07/28/2010   We are getting an undefined exception on the Accounts List Advanced page. 
							// Lets drop back to using KeySort. 
							//lstField = new DropDownList();
						lstField.ID       = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						lstField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						lstField.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
						// 07/23/2010   Lets try the latest version of the ListSearchExtender. 
						// 07/28/2010   We are getting an undefined exception on the Accounts List Advanced page. 
						if ( nFORMAT_ROWS == 0 )
							AjaxControlToolkit.ListSearchExtender extField = new AjaxControlToolkit.ListSearchExtender();
							extField.ID              = lstField.ID + "_ListSearchExtender";
							extField.TargetControlID = lstField.ID;
							extField.PromptText      = L10n.Term(".LBL_TYPE_TO_SEARCH");
							extField.PromptCssClass  = "ListSearchExtenderPrompt";
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
								// 12/04/2005   Don't populate list if this is a post back. 
								if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sCACHE_NAME) && (!bIsPostBack) )
									// 12/24/2007   Use an array to define the custom caches so that list is in the Cache module. 
									// This should reduce the number of times that we have to edit the SplendidDynamic module. 
									// 02/16/2012   Move custom cache logic to a method. 
									SplendidCache.SetListSource(sCACHE_NAME, lstField);
									// 08/08/2006   Allow onchange code to be stored in the database.  
									// ListBoxes do not have a useful onclick event, so there should be no problem overloading this field. 
									if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT) )
										lstField.Attributes.Add("onchange" , sONCLICK_SCRIPT);
									// 02/21/2006   Move the NONE item inside the !IsPostBack code. 
									// 12/02/2007   We don't need a NONE record when using multi-selection. 
									// 12/03/2007   We do want the NONE record when using multi-selection. 
									// This will allow searching of fields that are null instead of using the unassigned only checkbox. 
									if ( !bUI_REQUIRED )
										lstField.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), ""));
										// 12/02/2007   AppendEditViewFields should be called inside Page_Load when not a postback, 
										// and in InitializeComponent when it is a postback. If done wrong, 
										// the page will bind after the list is populated, causing the list to populate again. 
										// This event will cause the NONE entry to be cleared.  Add a handler to catch this problem, 
										// but the real solution is to call AppendEditViewFields at the appropriate times based on the postback event. 
										lstField.DataBound += new EventHandler(SplendidDynamic.ListControl_DataBound_AllowNull);
								if ( rdr != null )
										// 02/21/2006   All the DropDownLists in the Calls and Meetings edit views were not getting set.  
										// The problem was a Page.DataBind in the SchedulingGrid and in the InviteesView. Both binds needed to be removed. 
										// 12/30/2007   A customer needed the ability to save and restore the multiple selection. 
										// 12/30/2007   Require the XML declaration in the data before trying to treat as XML. 
										string sVALUE = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
										if ( nFORMAT_ROWS > 0 && sVALUE.StartsWith("<?xml") )
											XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
											XmlNodeList nlValues = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Value");
											foreach ( XmlNode xValue in nlValues )
												foreach ( ListItem item in lstField.Items )
													if ( item.Value == xValue.InnerText )
														item.Selected = true;
											// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
											Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, sVALUE);
									catch(Exception ex)
										SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				// 08/21/2010   Add support for Radio buttons. 
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Radio", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						ListControl lstField = new RadioButtonList();
						lstField.ID       = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						lstField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						lstField.CssClass = "radio";
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						lstField.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
								// 12/04/2005   Don't populate list if this is a post back. 
								if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sCACHE_NAME) && (!bIsPostBack) )
									// 12/24/2007   Use an array to define the custom caches so that list is in the Cache module. 
									// This should reduce the number of times that we have to edit the SplendidDynamic module. 
									// 02/16/2012   Move custom cache logic to a method. 
									SplendidCache.SetListSource(sCACHE_NAME, lstField);
									if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT) )
										lstField.Attributes.Add("onchange" , sONCLICK_SCRIPT);
									if ( !bUI_REQUIRED )
										lstField.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), ""));
										lstField.DataBound += new EventHandler(SplendidDynamic.ListControl_DataBound_AllowNull);
								if ( rdr != null )
										string sVALUE = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
										if ( sVALUE.StartsWith("<?xml") )
											XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
											XmlNodeList nlValues = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Value");
											foreach ( XmlNode xValue in nlValues )
												foreach ( ListItem item in lstField.Items )
													if ( item.Value == xValue.InnerText )
														item.Selected = true;
											// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
											Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, sVALUE);
									catch(Exception ex)
										SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				// 08/21/2010   Add support for CheckBoxList. 
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "CheckBoxList", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						// 12/02/2007   If format rows > 0 then this is a list box and not a drop down list. 
						ListControl lstField = new CheckBoxList();
						lstField.ID       = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						lstField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						lstField.CssClass = "checkbox";
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						lstField.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
								// 12/04/2005   Don't populate list if this is a post back. 
								if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sCACHE_NAME) && (!bIsPostBack) )
									// 12/24/2007   Use an array to define the custom caches so that list is in the Cache module. 
									// This should reduce the number of times that we have to edit the SplendidDynamic module. 
									// 02/16/2012   Move custom cache logic to a method. 
									SplendidCache.SetListSource(sCACHE_NAME, lstField);
									if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT) )
										lstField.Attributes.Add("onchange" , sONCLICK_SCRIPT);
								if ( rdr != null )
										string sVALUE = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
										if ( sVALUE.StartsWith("<?xml") )
											XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
											XmlNodeList nlValues = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Value");
											foreach ( XmlNode xValue in nlValues )
												foreach ( ListItem item in lstField.Items )
													if ( item.Value == xValue.InnerText )
														item.Selected = true;
											// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
											Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, sVALUE);
									catch(Exception ex)
										SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "CheckBox", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						CheckBox chkField = new CheckBox();
						chkField.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						chkField.CssClass = "checkbox";
						chkField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						chkField.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( rdr != null )
								chkField.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
						// 07/11/2007   A checkbox can have a click event. 
						if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT) )
							chkField.Attributes.Add("onclick", sONCLICK_SCRIPT);
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "ChangeButton", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						//05/06/2010   Manually generate ClearModuleType so that it will be UpdatePanel safe. 
						DropDownList lstField = null;
						// 12/04/2005   If the label is PARENT_TYPE, then change the label to a DropDownList.
						if ( sDATA_LABEL == "PARENT_TYPE" )
							// 04/25/2008   Use KeySortDropDownList instead of ListSearchExtender. 
							lstField = new KeySortDropDownList();
							// 07/23/2010   Lets try the latest version of the ListSearchExtender. 
							// 07/28/2010   We are getting an undefined exception on the Accounts List Advanced page. 
							// Lets drop back to using KeySort. 
							//lstField = new DropDownList();
							lstField.ID       = sDATA_LABEL + sIDSuffix;
							lstField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
							// 07/23/2010   Lets try the latest version of the ListSearchExtender. 
							// 07/28/2010   We are getting an undefined exception on the Accounts List Advanced page. 
							if ( nFORMAT_ROWS == 0 )
								AjaxControlToolkit.ListSearchExtender extField = new AjaxControlToolkit.ListSearchExtender();
								extField.ID              = lstField.ID + "_ListSearchExtender";
								extField.TargetControlID = lstField.ID;
								extField.PromptText      = L10n.Term(".LBL_TYPE_TO_SEARCH");
								extField.PromptCssClass  = "ListSearchExtenderPrompt";
							if ( !bIsPostBack )
								// 07/29/2005   SugarCRM 3.0 does not allow the NONE option. 
								lstField.DataValueField = "NAME"        ;
								lstField.DataTextField  = "DISPLAY_NAME";
								lstField.DataSource     = SplendidCache.List("record_type_display");
								if ( rdr != null )
										// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
										Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_LABEL]));
									catch(Exception ex)
										SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
						TextBox txtNAME = new TextBox();
						txtNAME.ID       = sDISPLAY_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						txtNAME.ReadOnly = true;
						txtNAME.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						txtNAME.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
						// 11/25/2006    Turn off viewstate so that we can fix the text on postback. 
						txtNAME.EnableViewState = false;
							if ( bIsPostBack )
								// 11/25/2006   In order for this posback fix to work, viewstate must be disabled for this field. 
								if ( tbl.Page.Request[txtNAME.UniqueID] != null )
									txtNAME.Text = Sql.ToString(tbl.Page.Request[txtNAME.UniqueID]);
							else if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDISPLAY_FIELD) && rdr != null )
								txtNAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDISPLAY_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							txtNAME.Text = ex.Message;
						HtmlInputHidden hidID = new HtmlInputHidden();
						hidID.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null )
								hidID.Value = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							txtNAME.Text = ex.Message;
						//05/06/2010   Manually generate ClearModuleType so that it will be UpdatePanel safe. 
						// 07/27/2010   Add the ability to submit after clear. 
						if ( sDATA_LABEL == "PARENT_TYPE" && lstField != null )
							lstField.Attributes.Add("onChange", "ClearModuleType('', '" + hidID.ClientID + "', '" + txtNAME.ClientID + "', false);");
						Literal litNBSP = new Literal();
						litNBSP.Text = "&nbsp;";
						HtmlInputButton btnChange = new HtmlInputButton("button");
						// 05/07/2006   Specify a name for the check button so that it can be referenced by SplendidTest. 
						btnChange.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_btnChange" + sIDSuffix;
						btnChange.Attributes.Add("class", "button");
						//05/06/2010   Manually generate ParentPopup so that it will be UpdatePanel safe. 
						if ( lstField != null )
							btnChange.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ModulePopup(document.getElementById('" + lstField.ClientID + "').options[document.getElementById('" + lstField.ClientID + "').options.selectedIndex].value, '" + hidID.ClientID + "', '" + txtNAME.ClientID + "', null, false, null);");
						else if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT) )
							btnChange.Attributes.Add("onclick"  , sONCLICK_SCRIPT);
						// 03/31/2007   SugarCRM now uses Select instead of Change. 
						btnChange.Attributes.Add("title"    , L10n.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_TITLE"));
						// 07/31/2006   Stop using VisualBasic library to increase compatibility with Mono. 
						// 03/31/2007   Stop using AccessKey for change button. 
						//btnChange.Attributes.Add("accessKey", L10n.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_KEY").Substring(0, 1));
						btnChange.Value = L10n.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL");
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						btnChange.Disabled = !bIsWriteable;

						// 12/03/2007   Also create a Clear button. 
						// 05/06/2010   A Parent Type will always have a clear button. 
						if ( sONCLICK_SCRIPT.IndexOf("Popup();") > 0 || sDATA_LABEL == "PARENT_TYPE" )
							litNBSP = new Literal();
							litNBSP.Text = "&nbsp;";
							HtmlInputButton btnClear = new HtmlInputButton("button");
							btnClear.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_btnClear" + sIDSuffix;
							btnClear.Attributes.Add("class", "button");
							//05/06/2010   Manually generate ClearModuleType so that it will be UpdatePanel safe. 
							// 07/27/2010   Add the ability to submit after clear. 
							btnClear.Attributes.Add("onclick"  , "return ClearModuleType('', '" + hidID.ClientID + "', '" + txtNAME.ClientID + "', false);");
							btnClear.Attributes.Add("title"    , L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE"));
							btnClear.Value = L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_LABEL");
							// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
							btnClear.Disabled  = !bIsWriteable;
						if ( bUI_REQUIRED && !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
							RequiredFieldValidatorForHiddenInputs reqID = new RequiredFieldValidatorForHiddenInputs();
							reqID.ID                 = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED" + sIDSuffix;
							reqID.ControlToValidate  = hidID.ID;
							reqID.ErrorMessage       = L10n.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
							reqID.CssClass           = "required";
							reqID.EnableViewState    = false;
							// 01/16/2006   We don't enable required fields until we attempt to save. 
							// This is to allow unrelated form actions; the Cancel button is a good example. 
							reqID.EnableClientScript = false;
							reqID.Enabled            = false;
							// 02/21/2008   Add a little padding. 
							reqID.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
				// 09/01/2009   Add support for ModulePopups.
				// 08/01/2010   Lets do the same for ModuleAutoComplete. 
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "ModulePopup", true) == 0 || String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "ModuleAutoComplete", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						TextBox txtNAME = new TextBox();
						// 10/05/2010   A custom field will not have a display field, but we still want to be able to access by name. 
						txtNAME.ID       = (Sql.IsEmptyString(sDISPLAY_FIELD) ? sDATA_FIELD + "_NAME" : sDISPLAY_FIELD) + sIDSuffix;
						txtNAME.ReadOnly = true;
						txtNAME.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 11/25/2006    Turn off viewstate so that we can fix the text on postback. 
						txtNAME.EnableViewState = false;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						txtNAME.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( bIsPostBack )
								// 11/25/2006   In order for this posback fix to work, viewstate must be disabled for this field. 
								if ( tbl.Page.Request[txtNAME.UniqueID] != null )
									txtNAME.Text = Sql.ToString(tbl.Page.Request[txtNAME.UniqueID]);
							else if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDISPLAY_FIELD) && rdr != null )
								txtNAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDISPLAY_FIELD]);
							else if ( rdr != null )
								txtNAME.Text = Crm.Modules.ItemName(Application, sMODULE_TYPE, rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							txtNAME.Text = ex.Message;
						HtmlInputHidden hidID = new HtmlInputHidden();
						hidID.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null )
								hidID.Value = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							txtNAME.Text = ex.Message;
						Literal litNBSP = new Literal();
						litNBSP.Text = "&nbsp;";
						HtmlInputButton btnChange = new HtmlInputButton("button");
						// 05/07/2006   Specify a name for the check button so that it can be referenced by SplendidTest. 
						btnChange.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_btnChange" + sIDSuffix;
						btnChange.Attributes.Add("class", "button");
						if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT) )
							btnChange.Attributes.Add("onclick"  , sONCLICK_SCRIPT);
							btnChange.Attributes.Add("onclick"  , "return ModulePopup('" + sMODULE_TYPE + "', '" + hidID.ClientID + "', '" + txtNAME.ClientID + "', null, false, null);");
						// 03/31/2007   SugarCRM now uses Select instead of Change. 
						btnChange.Attributes.Add("title"    , L10n.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_TITLE"));
						// 07/31/2006   Stop using VisualBasic library to increase compatibility with Mono. 
						// 03/31/2007   Stop using AccessKey for change button. 
						//btnChange.Attributes.Add("accessKey", L10n.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_KEY").Substring(0, 1));
						btnChange.Value = L10n.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL");
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						btnChange.Disabled = !bIsWriteable;

						litNBSP = new Literal();
						litNBSP.Text = "&nbsp;";
						HtmlInputButton btnClear = new HtmlInputButton("button");
						btnClear.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_btnClear" + sIDSuffix;
						btnClear.Attributes.Add("class", "button");
						// 07/27/2010   Add the ability to submit after clear. 
						btnClear.Attributes.Add("onclick"  , "return ClearModuleType('" + sMODULE_TYPE + "', '" + hidID.ClientID + "', '" + txtNAME.ClientID + "', false);");
						btnClear.Attributes.Add("title"    , L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE"));
						btnClear.Value = L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_LABEL");
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						btnClear.Disabled = !bIsWriteable;

						if ( bUI_REQUIRED && !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
							RequiredFieldValidatorForHiddenInputs reqID = new RequiredFieldValidatorForHiddenInputs();
							reqID.ID                 = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED" + sIDSuffix;
							reqID.ControlToValidate  = hidID.ID;
							reqID.ErrorMessage       = L10n.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
							reqID.CssClass           = "required";
							reqID.EnableViewState    = false;
							// 01/16/2006   We don't enable required fields until we attempt to save. 
							// This is to allow unrelated form actions; the Cancel button is a good example. 
							reqID.EnableClientScript = false;
							reqID.Enabled            = false;
							// 02/21/2008   Add a little padding. 
							reqID.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "TextBox", true) == 0 || String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Password", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						TextBox txtField = new TextBox();
						txtField.ID       = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						txtField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						txtField.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( nFORMAT_ROWS > 0 && nFORMAT_COLUMNS > 0 )
								txtField.Rows     = nFORMAT_ROWS   ;
								txtField.Columns  = nFORMAT_COLUMNS;
								txtField.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
								txtField.MaxLength = nFORMAT_MAX_LENGTH   ;
								txtField.Attributes.Add("size", nFORMAT_SIZE.ToString());
								txtField.TextMode  = TextBoxMode.SingleLine;
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null )
								if ( rdr[sDATA_FIELD].GetType() == typeof(System.Decimal) )
									txtField.Text = Sql.ToDecimal(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]).ToString("#,##0.00");
									txtField.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							txtField.Text = ex.Message;
						if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Password", true) == 0 )
							txtField.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;
						if ( bUI_REQUIRED && !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
							RequiredFieldValidator reqNAME = new RequiredFieldValidator();
							reqNAME.ID                 = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED" + sIDSuffix;
							reqNAME.ControlToValidate  = txtField.ID;
							reqNAME.ErrorMessage       = L10n.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
							reqNAME.CssClass           = "required";
							reqNAME.EnableViewState    = false;
							// 01/16/2006   We don't enable required fields until we attempt to save. 
							// This is to allow unrelated form actions; the Cancel button is a good example. 
							reqNAME.EnableClientScript = false;
							reqNAME.Enabled            = false;
							reqNAME.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
						if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
							if ( sVALIDATION_TYPE == "RegularExpressionValidator" && !Sql.IsEmptyString(sREGULAR_EXPRESSION) && !Sql.IsEmptyString(sFIELD_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE) && bIsWriteable )
								RegularExpressionValidator reqVALIDATOR = new RegularExpressionValidator();
								reqVALIDATOR.ID                   = sDATA_FIELD + "_VALIDATOR" + sIDSuffix;
								reqVALIDATOR.ControlToValidate    = txtField.ID;
								reqVALIDATOR.ErrorMessage         = L10n.Term(sFIELD_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE);
								reqVALIDATOR.ValidationExpression = sREGULAR_EXPRESSION;
								reqVALIDATOR.CssClass             = "required";
								reqVALIDATOR.EnableViewState      = false;
								// 04/02/2008   We don't enable required fields until we attempt to save. 
								// This is to allow unrelated form actions; the Cancel button is a good example. 
								reqVALIDATOR.EnableClientScript   = false;
								reqVALIDATOR.Enabled              = false;
								reqVALIDATOR.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
				// 04/04/2011   Add support for HtmlEditor. 
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "HtmlEditor", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						// 09/18/2011   Upgrade to CKEditor 3.6.2. 
						CKEditorControl txtField = new CKEditorControl();
						txtField.ID         = sDATA_FIELD;
						txtField.Toolbar    = "Taoqi";
						// 09/18/2011   Set the language for CKEditor. 
						txtField.Language   = L10n.NAME;
						txtField.BasePath   = "~/ckeditor/";
						// 04/26/2012   Add file uploader. 
						txtField.FilebrowserUploadUrl    = txtField.ResolveUrl("~/ckeditor/upload.aspx");
						txtField.FilebrowserBrowseUrl    = txtField.ResolveUrl("~/Images/Popup.aspx");
						//txtField.FilebrowserWindowWidth  = "640";
						//txtField.FilebrowserWindowHeight = "480";
						txtField.Visible  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( nFORMAT_ROWS > 0 && nFORMAT_COLUMNS > 0 )
								txtField.Height = nFORMAT_ROWS   ;
								// 04/04/2011   Reduce the width to make it easier to edit. 
								txtField.Width  = nFORMAT_COLUMNS / 2;
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null )
								txtField.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
								// 01/18/2010   FCKEditor does not have an Enable field, so just hide and replace with a Literal control. 
								if ( !bIsWriteable )
									txtField.Visible = false;
									Literal litField = new Literal();
									litField.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_ReadOnly";
									litField.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							txtField.Text = ex.Message;
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DatePicker", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						// 12/03/2005   UserControls must be loaded. 
						DatePicker ctlDate = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/_controls/DatePicker.ascx") as DatePicker;
						ctlDate.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						// 05/10/2006   Set the tab index. 
						ctlDate.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlDate.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( rdr != null )
								ctlDate.Value = T10n.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DateRange", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						// 12/17/2007   Use table to align before and after labels. 
						Table tblDateRange = new Table();
						TableRow trAfter = new TableRow();
						TableRow trBefore = new TableRow();
						TableCell tdAfterLabel  = new TableCell();
						TableCell tdAfterData   = new TableCell();
						TableCell tdBeforeLabel = new TableCell();
						TableCell tdBeforeData  = new TableCell();
						trAfter .Cells.Add(tdAfterLabel );
						trAfter .Cells.Add(tdAfterData  );
						trBefore.Cells.Add(tdBeforeData );

						// 12/03/2005   UserControls must be loaded. 
						DatePicker ctlDateStart = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/_controls/DatePicker.ascx") as DatePicker;
						DatePicker ctlDateEnd   = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/_controls/DatePicker.ascx") as DatePicker;
						Literal litAfterLabel  = new Literal();
						Literal litBeforeLabel = new Literal();
						litAfterLabel .Text = L10n.Term("SavedSearch.LBL_SEARCH_AFTER" );
						litBeforeLabel.Text = L10n.Term("SavedSearch.LBL_SEARCH_BEFORE");
						//tdField.Controls.Add(litAfterLabel );
						//tdField.Controls.Add(ctlDateStart  );
						//tdField.Controls.Add(ctlDateEnd    );
						tdAfterLabel .Controls.Add(litAfterLabel );
						tdAfterData  .Controls.Add(ctlDateStart  );
						tdBeforeData .Controls.Add(ctlDateEnd    );

						ctlDateStart.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_AFTER" + sIDSuffix;
						ctlDateEnd  .ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_BEFORE" + sIDSuffix;
						// 05/10/2006   Set the tab index. 
						ctlDateStart.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						ctlDateEnd  .TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlDateStart.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
						ctlDateEnd  .Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( rdr != null )
								ctlDateStart.Value = T10n.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
								ctlDateEnd  .Value = T10n.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DateTimePicker", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						// 12/03/2005   UserControls must be loaded. 
						DateTimePicker ctlDate = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/_controls/DateTimePicker.ascx") as DateTimePicker;
						ctlDate.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						// 05/10/2006   Set the tab index. 
						ctlDate.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlDate.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( rdr != null )
								ctlDate.Value = T10n.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DateTimeEdit", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						// 12/03/2005   UserControls must be loaded. 
						DateTimeEdit ctlDate = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/_controls/DateTimeEdit.ascx") as DateTimeEdit;
						ctlDate.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						// 05/10/2006   Set the tab index. 
						ctlDate.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlDate.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							if ( rdr != null )
								ctlDate.Value = T10n.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
						if ( bUI_REQUIRED )
							ctlDate.EnableNone = false;
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "File", true) == 0 )
					// 11/23/2010   File should act just like an image. 
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						HtmlInputHidden ctlHidden = null;
						HtmlInputFile   ctlField  = new HtmlInputFile();
						// 04/17/2006   The image needs to reference the file control. 
						// 11/25/2010   Appending _File breaks the previous behavior of Notes, Bugs and Documents.
						// 11/25/2010   The file field is special in that it may not exist as a table column. 
						ctlField.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						if ( rdr != null )
							if ( vwSchema.Contains(sDATA_FIELD) )
								ctlField.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_File" + sIDSuffix;
								ctlHidden = new HtmlInputHidden();
								ctlHidden.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
						ctlField.MaxLength = nFORMAT_MAX_LENGTH;
						ctlField.Size      = nFORMAT_SIZE;
						ctlField.Attributes.Add("TabIndex", nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX.ToString());
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlField.Disabled  = !bIsWriteable;
						if ( bUI_REQUIRED )
							RequiredFieldValidator reqNAME = new RequiredFieldValidator();
							reqNAME.ID                 = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED" + sIDSuffix;
							reqNAME.ControlToValidate  = ctlField.ID;
							reqNAME.ErrorMessage       = L10n.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
							reqNAME.CssClass           = "required";
							reqNAME.EnableViewState    = false;
							// 01/16/2006   We don't enable required fields until we attempt to save. 
							// This is to allow unrelated form actions; the Cancel button is a good example. 
							reqNAME.EnableClientScript = false;
							reqNAME.Enabled            = false;
							reqNAME.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");

						Literal litBR = new Literal();
						litBR.Text = "<br />";
						HyperLink lnkField = new HyperLink();
						// 04/13/2006   Give the image a name so that it can be validated with SplendidTest. 
						lnkField.ID = "lnk" + sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
							if ( rdr != null )
								// 11/25/2010   The file field is special in that it may not exist as a table column. 
								if ( ctlHidden != null && !Sql.IsEmptyString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]) )
									ctlHidden.Value = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
									lnkField.NavigateUrl = "~/Images/Image.aspx?ID=" + ctlHidden.Value;
									lnkField.Text = Crm.Modules.ItemName(Application, "Images", ctlHidden.Value);
									// 04/13/2006   Only add the image if it exists. 
									// 04/17/2006   Provide a clear button. 
									Literal litClear = new Literal();
									litClear.Text = "&nbsp; <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('" + ctlHidden.ClientID + "').value='';document.getElementById('" + lnkField.ClientID + "').innerHTML='';" + "\"  value='" + "  " + L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_LABEL" ) + "  " + "' title='" + L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE" ) + "' />";
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							Literal litField = new Literal();
							litField.Text = ex.Message;
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Image", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						HtmlInputHidden ctlHidden = new HtmlInputHidden();
						ctlHidden.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;

						HtmlInputFile ctlField = new HtmlInputFile();
						// 04/17/2006   The image needs to reference the file control. 
						ctlField.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_File" + sIDSuffix;
						ctlField.MaxLength = nFORMAT_MAX_LENGTH;
						ctlField.Size      = nFORMAT_SIZE;
						ctlField.Attributes.Add("TabIndex", nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX.ToString());
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlField.Disabled  = !bIsWriteable;
						if ( bUI_REQUIRED )
							RequiredFieldValidator reqNAME = new RequiredFieldValidator();
							reqNAME.ID                 = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED" + sIDSuffix;
							reqNAME.ControlToValidate  = ctlField.ID;
							reqNAME.ErrorMessage       = L10n.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
							reqNAME.CssClass           = "required";
							reqNAME.EnableViewState    = false;
							// 01/16/2006   We don't enable required fields until we attempt to save. 
							// This is to allow unrelated form actions; the Cancel button is a good example. 
							reqNAME.EnableClientScript = false;
							reqNAME.Enabled            = false;
							reqNAME.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");

						Literal litBR = new Literal();
						litBR.Text = "<br />";
						Image imgField = new Image();
						// 04/13/2006   Give the image a name so that it can be validated with SplendidTest. 
						imgField.ID = "img" + sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
							if ( rdr != null )
								if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]) )
									ctlHidden.Value = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
									imgField.ImageUrl = "~/Images/Image.aspx?ID=" + ctlHidden.Value;
									// 04/13/2006   Only add the image if it exists. 
									// 04/17/2006   Provide a clear button. 
									Literal litClear = new Literal();
									litClear.Text = "&nbsp; <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('" + ctlHidden.ClientID + "').value='';document.getElementById('" + imgField.ClientID + "').src='';" + "\"  value='" + "  " + L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_LABEL" ) + "  " + "' title='" + L10n.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE" ) + "' />";
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							Literal litField = new Literal();
							litField.Text = ex.Message;
				// 04/04/2011   Add support for hidden field. 
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Hidden", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						HtmlInputHidden hidID = new HtmlInputHidden();
						hidID.ID = sDATA_FIELD + sIDSuffix;
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null )
								hidID.Value = Sql.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				// 08/01/2010   Add support for dynamic teams. 
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "TeamSelect", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						TeamSelect ctlTeamSelect = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/_controls/TeamSelect.ascx") as TeamSelect;
						ctlTeamSelect.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
						// 05/06/2010   Use a special Page flag to override the default IsPostBack behavior. 
						ctlTeamSelect.NotPostBack = !bIsPostBack;
						//ctlTeamSelect.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlTeamSelect.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							Guid gTEAM_SET_ID = Guid.Empty;
							if ( rdr != null )
								if ( vwSchema.Contains("TEAM_SET_ID") )
									gTEAM_SET_ID = Sql.ToGuid(rdr["TEAM_SET_ID"]);
							// 08/31/2009  Don't provide defaults in a Search view or a Popup view. 
							bool bAllowDefaults = sEDIT_NAME.IndexOf(".Search") < 0 && sEDIT_NAME.IndexOf(".Popup") < 0;
							ctlTeamSelect.LoadLineItems(gTEAM_SET_ID, bAllowDefaults);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				// 04/04/2011   Add support for dynamic teams. 
				else if ( String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "KBTagSelect", true) == 0 )
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						KBTagSelect ctlKBTagSelect = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/_controls/KBTagSelect.ascx") as KBTagSelect;
						ctlKBTagSelect.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
						// 05/06/2010   Use a special Page flag to override the default IsPostBack behavior. 
						ctlKBTagSelect.NotPostBack = !bIsPostBack;
						//ctlTeamSelect.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
						// 08/01/2010   Apply ACL Field Security. 
						ctlKBTagSelect.Enabled  = bIsWriteable;
							Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
							if ( rdr != null )
								gID = Sql.ToGuid(rdr["ID"]);
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
					Literal litField = new Literal();
					litField.Text = "Unknown field type " + sFIELD_TYPE;
					SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), "Unknown field type " + sFIELD_TYPE);
				nColIndex = 0;
Example #2
		protected void UpdateImportMappings(XmlDocument xml, bool bInitialize, bool bUpdateMappings)
			Hashtable hashFieldMappings = new Hashtable();

			HtmlTableRow rowHeader = new HtmlTableRow();
			HtmlTableCell cellField  = new HtmlTableCell();
			HtmlTableCell cellRowHdr = new HtmlTableCell();
			HtmlTableCell cellRow1   = new HtmlTableCell();
			HtmlTableCell cellRow2   = new HtmlTableCell();
			rowHeader.Cells.Add(cellField );
			if ( chkHasHeader.Checked || radXML.Checked )
			rowHeader.Cells.Add(cellRow1  );
			rowHeader.Cells.Add(cellRow2  );
			cellField .Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDL");
			cellRowHdr.Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDL");
			cellRow1  .Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDL");
			cellRow2  .Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDL");
			cellField .Attributes.Add("style", "TEXT-ALIGN: left");
			cellRowHdr.Attributes.Add("style", "TEXT-ALIGN: left");
			cellRow1  .Attributes.Add("style", "TEXT-ALIGN: left");
			cellRow2  .Attributes.Add("style", "TEXT-ALIGN: left");
			Label lblField  = new Label();
			Label lblRowHdr = new Label();
			Label lblRow1   = new Label();
			Label lblRow2   = new Label();
			cellField .Controls.Add(lblField );
			cellRow1  .Controls.Add(lblRow1  );
			cellRow2  .Controls.Add(lblRow2  );
			lblField .Font.Bold = true;
			lblRowHdr.Font.Bold = true;
			lblRow1  .Font.Bold = true;
			lblRow2  .Font.Bold = true;
			lblField .Text = L10n.Term("Import.LBL_DATABASE_FIELD");
			lblRowHdr.Text = L10n.Term("Import.LBL_HEADER_ROW"    );
			lblRow1  .Text = L10n.Term("Import.LBL_ROW"           ) + " 1";
			lblRow2  .Text = L10n.Term("Import.LBL_ROW"           ) + " 2";
			if ( xml.DocumentElement != null )
				XmlNodeList nl = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(sImportModule.ToLower());
				if ( nl.Count > 0 )
					vwColumns.Sort = "DISPLAY_NAME";
					XmlNode nodeH = nl[0];
					XmlNode node1 = nl[0];
					XmlNode node2 = null;
					// 08/22/2006   An XML Spreadsheet will have a header record, 
					// so don't assume that an XML file will use the tag names as the header. 
					if ( chkHasHeader.Checked )
						if ( nl.Count > 1 )
							node1 = nl[1];
						if ( nl.Count > 2 )
							node2 = nl[2];
						if ( nl.Count > 1 )
							node2 = nl[1];
					bDuplicateFields = false;
					Hashtable hashSelectedFields = new Hashtable();
					for ( int i = 0 ; i < nodeH.ChildNodes.Count ; i++ )
						rowHeader = new HtmlTableRow();
						cellField  = new HtmlTableCell();
						cellRowHdr = new HtmlTableCell();
						cellRow1   = new HtmlTableCell();
						cellRow2   = new HtmlTableCell();
						rowHeader.Cells.Add(cellField );
						if ( chkHasHeader.Checked || radXML.Checked )
						rowHeader.Cells.Add(cellRow1  );
						if ( node2 != null && i < node2.ChildNodes.Count )
						cellField .Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDF");
						cellRowHdr.Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDF");
						cellRow1  .Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDF");
						cellRow2  .Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDF");
						// 04/25/2008   Use KeySortDropDownList instead of ListSearchExtender. 
						DropDownList lstField  = new KeySortDropDownList();
						// 07/23/2010   Lets try the latest version of the ListSearchExtender. 
						// 07/28/2010   We are getting an undefined exception on the Accounts List Advanced page. 
						// Lets drop back to using KeySort. 
						//DropDownList lstField  = new DropDownList();
						lblRowHdr = new Label();
						lblRow1   = new Label();
						lblRow2   = new Label();
						cellField .Controls.Add(lstField );
						cellRow1  .Controls.Add(lblRow1  );
						cellRow2  .Controls.Add(lblRow2  );
						// 08/20/2006   Clear any previous filters. 
						vwColumns.RowFilter = null;
						// 08/20/2006   Don't use real column names as they may collide.
						lstField.ID             = "ImportField" + i.ToString("000");
						lstField.DataValueField = "NAME";
						lstField.DataTextField  = "DISPLAY_NAME";
						lstField.DataSource     = vwColumns;
						// 04/25/2008   Add AJAX searching. 
						// 04/25/2008   ListSearchExtender needs work.  I don't like the delay when a list is selected
						// and there are problems when the browser window is scrolled.  KeySortDropDownList is a better solution. 
						// 07/23/2010   Lets try the latest version of the ListSearchExtender. 
						// 07/28/2010   We are getting an undefined exception on the Accounts List Advanced page. 
						AjaxControlToolkit.ListSearchExtender extField = new AjaxControlToolkit.ListSearchExtender();
						extField.ID              = lstField.ID + "_ListSearchExtender";
						extField.TargetControlID = lstField.ID;
						extField.PromptText      = L10n.Term(".LBL_TYPE_TO_SEARCH");
						extField.PromptCssClass  = "ListSearchExtenderPrompt";
						cellField .Controls.Add(extField );
						lstField.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term("Import.LBL_DONT_MAP"), String.Empty));
							if ( bInitialize )
								if ( chkHasHeader.Checked )
									// 08/22/2006   If Has Header is checked, then always expect the body to contain the header names. 
									string sFieldName = nodeH.ChildNodes[i].InnerText.Trim();
									// 08/20/2006   Use the DataView to locate matching fields so that we don't have to worry about case significance. 
									// 05/09/2010   Also match against a custom field name. 
									// 04/22/2012   Calculate a display name without spaces to get better hits with Salesforce field names. 
									sFieldName = Sql.EscapeSQL(sFieldName);
									vwColumns.RowFilter = "NAME = '" + sFieldName + "' or NAME_NOUNDERSCORE = '" + sFieldName + "' or DISPLAY_NAME = '" + sFieldName + "' or DISPLAY_NAME_NOSPACE = '" + sFieldName + "' or NAME = '" + sFieldName.Replace(" ", "_") + "_C" + "'";
									if ( vwColumns.Count > 0 )
										hashFieldMappings.Add(i, Sql.ToString(vwColumns[0]["NAME"]));
										// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
										Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, Sql.ToString(vwColumns[0]["NAME"]));
								else if ( radXML.Checked )
									// 08/22/2006   If Has Header is not checked for XML, then use the tag ame as the field name. 
									string sFieldName = nodeH.ChildNodes[i].Name;
									// 08/20/2006   Use the DataView to locate matching fields so that we don't have to worry about case significance. 
									// 05/09/2010   Also match against a custom field name. 
									// 04/22/2012   Calculate a display name without spaces to get better hits with Salesforce field names. 
									sFieldName = Sql.EscapeSQL(sFieldName);
									vwColumns.RowFilter = "NAME = '" + sFieldName + "' or NAME_NOUNDERSCORE = '" + sFieldName + "' or DISPLAY_NAME = '" + sFieldName + "' or DISPLAY_NAME_NOSPACE = '" + sFieldName + "' or NAME = '" + sFieldName.Replace(" ", "_") + "_C" + "'";
									if ( vwColumns.Count > 0 )
										hashFieldMappings.Add(i, Sql.ToString(vwColumns[0]["NAME"]));
										// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
										Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, Sql.ToString(vwColumns[0]["NAME"]));
									hashFieldMappings.Add(i, "ImportField" + i.ToString("000"));
								// 08/20/2006   Manually set the last value. 
								hashFieldMappings.Add(i, Sql.ToString(Request[lstField.UniqueID]));
								// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
								Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, Sql.ToString(Request[lstField.UniqueID]));
								if ( lstField.SelectedValue.Length > 0 )
									if ( hashSelectedFields.ContainsKey(lstField.SelectedValue) )
										bDuplicateFields = true;
										hashSelectedFields.Add(lstField.SelectedValue, null);
						catch //(Exception ex)
						// XML data will use the node-name as the header. 
						if ( chkHasHeader.Checked )
							// 08/22/2006   If Has Header is checked, then always expect the body to contain the header names. 
							lblRowHdr.Text = nodeH.ChildNodes[i].InnerText;
						else if ( radXML.Checked )
							// 08/22/2006   If Has Header is not checked for XML, then use the tag name as the field name. 
							lblRowHdr.Text = nodeH.ChildNodes[i].Name;
						if ( node1 != null && i < node1.ChildNodes.Count )
							lblRow1.Text = node1.ChildNodes[i].InnerText;
						if ( node2 != null && i < node2.ChildNodes.Count )
							lblRow2.Text = node2.ChildNodes[i].InnerText;
					if ( bDuplicateFields )
						throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("Import.ERR_MULTIPLE")));
					if ( bUpdateMappings )
						XmlNodeList nlFields = xmlMapping.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Fields/Field");
						foreach ( XmlNode xField in nlFields )
							XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xmlMapping, xField, "Mapping", String.Empty);
						// 08/22/2006   We should always use the header mappings instead of an index as nodes may move around. 
						XmlNode node = nl[0];
						for ( int j = 0; j < node.ChildNodes.Count; j++ )
							XmlNode xField = xmlMapping.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Fields/Field[@Name='" + hashFieldMappings[j] + "']");
							if ( xField != null )
								XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xmlMapping, xField, "Mapping", node.ChildNodes[j].Name);
						// 12/17/2008   Apply current filter fields. 
						// 10/12/2006   If we are not updating the mappings, then we are setting the mappings. 
						XmlNodeList nlFields = xmlMapping.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Fields/Field");
						foreach ( XmlNode xField in nlFields )
							string sName    = xField.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name").Value;
							string sMapping = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xField, "Mapping");
							if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sMapping) )
								DropDownList lstField = tblImportMappings.FindControl(sMapping) as DropDownList;
								if ( lstField != null )
										// 08/19/2010   Check the list before assigning the value. 
										Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstField, sName);
        public static void AppendEditViewFields(DataView dvFields, HtmlTable tbl, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader rdr, CommandEventHandler Page_Command, bool bLayoutMode, string sEDIT_NAME)
            bool bIsMobile = false;
            CRMPage Page = tbl.Page as CRMPage;
            if (Page != null)
                bIsMobile = Page.IsMobile;

            HtmlTableRow tr = null;

            int nRowIndex = tbl.Rows.Count - 1;
            int nColIndex = 0;
            HtmlTableCell tdLabel = null;
            HtmlTableCell tdField = null;

            if (bLayoutMode)
                tbl.Border = 1;

            if (dvFields.Count == 0 && tbl.Rows.Count <= 1)
                tbl.Visible = false;

            DataView vwSchema = null;
            if (rdr != null)
                vwSchema = new DataView(rdr.GetSchemaTable());

            bool bEnableTeamManagement = Common.Config.enable_team_management();
            bool bRequireTeamManagement = Common.Config.require_team_management();

            bool bRequireUserAssignment = Common.Config.require_user_assignment();
            HttpSessionState Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
            foreach (DataRowView row in dvFields)
                int gID = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["ID"]);
                int nFIELD_INDEX = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["FIELD_INDEX"]);
                string sFIELD_TYPE = TypeConvert.ToString(row["FIELD_TYPE"]);
                string sDATA_LABEL = TypeConvert.ToString(row["DATA_LABEL"]);
                string sDATA_FIELD = TypeConvert.ToString(row["DATA_FIELD"]);
                string sDISPLAY_FIELD = TypeConvert.ToString(row["DISPLAY_FIELD"]);
                string sCACHE_NAME = TypeConvert.ToString(row["CACHE_NAME"]);
                bool bDATA_REQUIRED = TypeConvert.ToBoolean(row["DATA_REQUIRED"]);
                bool bUI_REQUIRED = TypeConvert.ToBoolean(row["UI_REQUIRED"]);
                string sONCLICK_SCRIPT = TypeConvert.ToString(row["ONCLICK_SCRIPT"]);
                string sFORMAT_SCRIPT = TypeConvert.ToString(row["FORMAT_SCRIPT"]);
                short nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX = TypeConvert.ToShort(row["FORMAT_TAB_INDEX"]);
                int nFORMAT_MAX_LENGTH = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_MAX_LENGTH"]);
                int nFORMAT_SIZE = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_SIZE"]);
                int nFORMAT_ROWS = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_ROWS"]);
                int nFORMAT_COLUMNS = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["FORMAT_COLUMNS"]);
                int nCOLSPAN = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["COLSPAN"]);
                int nROWSPAN = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["ROWSPAN"]);
                string sLABEL_WIDTH = TypeConvert.ToString(row["LABEL_WIDTH"]);
                string sFIELD_WIDTH = TypeConvert.ToString(row["FIELD_WIDTH"]);
                int nDATA_COLUMNS = TypeConvert.ToInteger(row["DATA_COLUMNS"]);

                string sFIELD_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE = TypeConvert.ToString(row["FIELD_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE"]);
                string sVALIDATION_TYPE = TypeConvert.ToString(row["VALIDATION_TYPE"]);
                string sREGULAR_EXPRESSION = TypeConvert.ToString(row["REGULAR_EXPRESSION"]);
                string sDATA_TYPE = TypeConvert.ToString(row["DATA_TYPE"]);
                string sMININUM_VALUE = TypeConvert.ToString(row["MININUM_VALUE"]);
                string sMAXIMUM_VALUE = TypeConvert.ToString(row["MAXIMUM_VALUE"]);
                string sCOMPARE_OPERATOR = TypeConvert.ToString(row["COMPARE_OPERATOR"]);

                if (nDATA_COLUMNS == 0)
                    nDATA_COLUMNS = 2;

                if (!bLayoutMode && sDATA_FIELD == "TEAM_ID")
                    if (!bEnableTeamManagement)
                        sFIELD_TYPE = "Blank";
                        bUI_REQUIRED = false;

                        if (bRequireTeamManagement)
                            bUI_REQUIRED = true;
                if (!bLayoutMode && sDATA_FIELD == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID")

                    if (bRequireUserAssignment)
                        bUI_REQUIRED = true;
                if (bIsMobile && String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "AddressButtons", true) == 0)


                if ((nCOLSPAN >= 0 && nColIndex == 0) || tr == null || bIsMobile)

                    tr = new HtmlTableRow();
                    tbl.Rows.Insert(nRowIndex, tr);
                if (bLayoutMode)
                    HtmlTableCell tdAction = new HtmlTableCell();
                    tdAction.Attributes.Add("class", "tabDetailViewDL");
                    tdAction.NoWrap = true;

                    Literal litIndex = new Literal();
                    litIndex.Text = " " + nFIELD_INDEX.ToString() + " ";

                    ImageButton btnMoveUp = CreateLayoutImageButtonSkin(gID, "Layout.MoveUp", nFIELD_INDEX, Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Dropdown.LNK_UP"), "uparrow_inline", Page_Command);
                    ImageButton btnMoveDown = CreateLayoutImageButtonSkin(gID, "Layout.MoveDown", nFIELD_INDEX, Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Dropdown.LNK_DOWN"), "downarrow_inline", Page_Command);
                    ImageButton btnInsert = CreateLayoutImageButtonSkin(gID, "Layout.Insert", nFIELD_INDEX, Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Dropdown.LNK_INS"), "plus_inline", Page_Command);
                    ImageButton btnEdit = CreateLayoutImageButtonSkin(gID, "Layout.Edit", nFIELD_INDEX, Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Dropdown.LNK_EDIT"), "edit_inline", Page_Command);
                    ImageButton btnDelete = CreateLayoutImageButtonSkin(gID, "Layout.Delete", nFIELD_INDEX, Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Dropdown.LNK_DELETE"), "delete_inline", Page_Command);

                Literal litLabel = new Literal();
                if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                    litLabel.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_LABEL";
                if (nCOLSPAN >= 0 || tdLabel == null || tdField == null)
                    tdLabel = new HtmlTableCell();
                    tdField = new HtmlTableCell();
                    if (nCOLSPAN > 0)
                        tdField.ColSpan = nCOLSPAN;
                        if (bLayoutMode)
                    tdLabel.Attributes.Add("class", "dataLabel");
                    tdLabel.VAlign = "top";
                    tdLabel.Width = sLABEL_WIDTH;
                    tdField.Attributes.Add("class", "dataField");
                    tdField.VAlign = "top";
                    if (nCOLSPAN == 0)
                        tdField.Width = sFIELD_WIDTH;


                    if (bLayoutMode)
                        litLabel.Text = sDATA_LABEL;
                    else if (sDATA_LABEL.IndexOf(".") >= 0)
                        litLabel.Text = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(sDATA_LABEL);
                    else if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_LABEL) && rdr != null)

                        litLabel.Text = sDATA_LABEL;
                        if (vwSchema != null)
                            vwSchema.RowFilter = "ColumnName = '" + TypeConvert.EscapeSQL(sDATA_LABEL) + "'";
                            if (vwSchema.Count > 0)
                                litLabel.Text = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_LABEL]) + Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Calls.LBL_COLON");

                        litLabel.Text = sDATA_LABEL;  // "&nbsp;";

                    if (!bLayoutMode && bUI_REQUIRED)
                        Label lblRequired = new Label();
                        lblRequired.CssClass = "required";
                        lblRequired.Text = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL");

                if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Blank", true) == 0)
                    Literal litField = new Literal();
                    if (bLayoutMode)
                        litLabel.Text = "*** BLANK ***";
                        litField.Text = "*** BLANK ***";

                        litLabel.Text = "&nbsp;";
                        litField.Text = "&nbsp;";
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Label", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                        Literal litField = new Literal();

                        tdField.VAlign = "middle";

                        litField.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                        else if (sDATA_FIELD.IndexOf(".") >= 0)
                            litField.Text = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(sDATA_FIELD);
                        else if (rdr != null)
                            litField.Text = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "ListBox", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))

                        ListControl lstField = null;
                        if (nFORMAT_ROWS > 0)
                            ListBox lb = new ListBox();
                            lb.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple;
                            lb.Rows = nFORMAT_ROWS;
                            lstField = lb;

                            lstField = new KeySortDropDownList();
                        lstField.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
                        lstField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;

                        if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))

                            if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sCACHE_NAME) && (bLayoutMode || !tbl.Page.IsPostBack))
                                lstField.DataValueField = "NAME";
                                lstField.DataTextField = "DISPLAY_NAME";
                                lstField.DataSource = CRMCache.List(sCACHE_NAME);

                                if (sCACHE_NAME != "lead_status_dom")
                                    if (sCACHE_NAME != "Currencies")
                                        lstField.Attributes.Add("class", "dropdown");

                                if (sCACHE_NAME != "program_plan" || sCACHE_NAME != "Currencies")
                                    if (sCACHE_NAME != "Currencies")
                                        lstField.Attributes.Add("dom", sCACHE_NAME);

                                if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT))
                                    lstField.Attributes.Add("onchange", sONCLICK_SCRIPT);

                                if (!bUI_REQUIRED)
                                    lstField.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_NONE"), ""));
                                    lstField.DataBound += new EventHandler(ListControl_DataBound_AllowNull);
                            if (rdr != null)
                                string sVALUE = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
                                if (nFORMAT_ROWS > 0 && sVALUE.StartsWith("<?xml"))
                                    XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                                    XmlNodeList nlValues = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Value");
                                    foreach (XmlNode xValue in nlValues)
                                        foreach (ListItem item in lstField.Items)
                                            if (item.Value == xValue.InnerText)
                                                item.Selected = true;
                                    lstField.SelectedValue = sVALUE;

                            else if (rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack && sCACHE_NAME == "AssignedUser")
                                if (nFORMAT_ROWS == 0)
                                    lstField.SelectedValue = CRMSecurity.USER_ID.ToString();

                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            Literal litField = new Literal();
                            litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "CheckBox", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                        CheckBox chkField = new CheckBox();
                        chkField.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
                        chkField.CssClass = "checkbox";
                        chkField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                        if (rdr != null)
                            chkField.Checked = TypeConvert.ToBoolean(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);

                        if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT))
                            chkField.Attributes.Add("onclick", sONCLICK_SCRIPT);
                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            Literal litField = new Literal();
                            litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                            chkField.Enabled = false;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "ChangeButton", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))

                        if (sDATA_LABEL == "PARENT_TYPE")

                            DropDownList lstField = new KeySortDropDownList();
                            lstField.ID = sDATA_LABEL;
                            lstField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                            lstField.Attributes.Add("onChange", "ChangeParentType();");

                            if (bLayoutMode || !tbl.Page.IsPostBack)

                                lstField.DataValueField = "NAME";
                                lstField.DataTextField = "DISPLAY_NAME";

                                lstField.DataSource = CRMCache.List("record_type_display");
                                if (rdr != null)
                                    lstField.SelectedValue = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_LABEL]);
                        TextBox txtNAME = new TextBox();
                        txtNAME.ID = sDISPLAY_FIELD;
                        txtNAME.ReadOnly = true;
                        txtNAME.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;

                        txtNAME.EnableViewState = false;

                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            txtNAME.Text = sDISPLAY_FIELD;
                            txtNAME.Enabled = false;

                        else if (tbl.Page.IsPostBack)

                            if (tbl.Page.Request[txtNAME.UniqueID] != null)
                                txtNAME.Text = TypeConvert.ToString(tbl.Page.Request[txtNAME.UniqueID]);
                        else if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDISPLAY_FIELD) && rdr != null)
                            txtNAME.Text = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDISPLAY_FIELD]);

                        else if (sDATA_FIELD == "TEAM_ID" && rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack)
                            txtNAME.Text = CRMSecurity.TEAM_NAME;
                        else if (sDATA_FIELD == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" && rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack)
                            txtNAME.Text = CRMSecurity.USER_NAME;

                        HtmlInputHidden hidID = new HtmlInputHidden();
                        hidID.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
                        if (!bLayoutMode)
                            if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null)
                                hidID.Value = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
                                hidID.Value = (TypeConvert.ToGuid(hidID.Value) == Guid.Empty) ? "" : hidID.Value;

                            else if (sDATA_FIELD == "TEAM_ID" && rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack)
                                hidID.Value = CRMSecurity.TEAM_ID.ToString();

                            else if (sDATA_FIELD == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" && rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack)
                                hidID.Value = CRMSecurity.USER_ID.ToString();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CRMSecurity.TEAM_NAME))
                            txtNAME.Text = CRMSecurity.TEAM_NAME;
                            InlineQueryDBManager oQuery = new InlineQueryDBManager();
                            oQuery.CommandText = "select Teams.name,Teams.id from Teams where id in (select t.team_ID from users u "
                                               + "inner join Team_Memberships t on u.id = t.USER_ID "
                                               + "and u.id ='" + Security.USER_ID.ToString() + "')";
                            using (DataTable dt = oQuery.GetTable())
                                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && (sDATA_FIELD != "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" && rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack))
                                    txtNAME.Text = dt.Rows[0]["name"].ToString();
                                    hidID.Value = dt.Rows[0]["id"].ToString();
                        Literal litNBSP = new Literal();
                        litNBSP.Text = "&nbsp;";

                        HtmlInputButton btnChange = new HtmlInputButton("button");

                        btnChange.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_btnChange";
                        btnChange.Attributes.Add("class", "button");
                        if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sONCLICK_SCRIPT))
                            btnChange.Attributes.Add("onclick", sONCLICK_SCRIPT);

                        btnChange.Attributes.Add("title", Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_TITLE"));

                        btnChange.Value = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL");

                        if (sONCLICK_SCRIPT.IndexOf("Popup();") > 0)
                            litNBSP = new Literal();
                            litNBSP.Text = "&nbsp;";

                            HtmlInputButton btnClear = new HtmlInputButton("button");
                            btnClear.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_btnClear";
                            btnClear.Attributes.Add("class", "button");
                            btnClear.Attributes.Add("onclick", sONCLICK_SCRIPT.Replace("Popup();", "('', '');").Replace("return ", "return Change"));
                            btnClear.Attributes.Add("title", Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE"));
                            btnClear.Value = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_LABEL");
                        if (!bLayoutMode && bUI_REQUIRED && !TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                            RequiredFieldValidatorForHiddenInputs reqID = new RequiredFieldValidatorForHiddenInputs();
                            reqID.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED";
                            reqID.ControlToValidate = hidID.ID;
                            reqID.ErrorMessage = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
                            reqID.CssClass = "required";
                            reqID.EnableViewState = false;

                            reqID.EnableClientScript = false;
                            reqID.Enabled = false;

                            reqID.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "TextBox", true) == 0 || String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Password", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                        TextBox txtField = new TextBox();
                        txtField.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
                        txtField.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                        if (nFORMAT_ROWS > 0 && nFORMAT_COLUMNS > 0)
                            txtField.Rows = nFORMAT_ROWS;
                            txtField.Columns = nFORMAT_COLUMNS;
                            txtField.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
                            txtField.MaxLength = nFORMAT_MAX_LENGTH;
                            txtField.Attributes.Add("size", nFORMAT_SIZE.ToString());
                            txtField.TextMode = TextBoxMode.SingleLine;
                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            txtField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                            txtField.ReadOnly = true;
                        else if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null)
                            int nOrdinal = rdr.GetOrdinal(sDATA_FIELD);
                            string sTypeName = rdr.GetDataTypeName(nOrdinal);

                            if (sTypeName == "money" || rdr[sDATA_FIELD].GetType() == typeof(System.Decimal))
                                txtField.Text = TypeConvert.ToDecimal(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]).ToString("#,##0.00");
                                txtField.Text = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);

                        if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Password", true) == 0)
                            txtField.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;
                        if (!bLayoutMode && bUI_REQUIRED && !TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                            RequiredFieldValidator reqNAME = new RequiredFieldValidator();
                            reqNAME.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED";
                            reqNAME.ControlToValidate = txtField.ID;
                            reqNAME.ErrorMessage = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
                            reqNAME.CssClass = "required";
                            reqNAME.EnableViewState = false;

                            reqNAME.EnableClientScript = false;
                            reqNAME.Enabled = false;
                            reqNAME.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
                        if (!bLayoutMode && !TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                            if (sVALIDATION_TYPE == "RegularExpressionValidator" && !TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sREGULAR_EXPRESSION) && !TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sFIELD_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE))
                                RegularExpressionValidator reqVALIDATOR = new RegularExpressionValidator();
                                reqVALIDATOR.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_VALIDATOR";
                                reqVALIDATOR.ControlToValidate = txtField.ID;
                                reqVALIDATOR.ErrorMessage = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(sFIELD_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE);
                                reqVALIDATOR.ValidationExpression = sREGULAR_EXPRESSION;
                                reqVALIDATOR.CssClass = "required";
                                reqVALIDATOR.EnableViewState = false;

                                reqVALIDATOR.EnableClientScript = false;
                                reqVALIDATOR.Enabled = false;
                                reqVALIDATOR.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DatePicker", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))

                        DatePicker ctlDate = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/CRM/UserControls/DatePicker.ascx") as DatePicker;
                        ctlDate.ID = sDATA_FIELD;

                        ctlDate.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                        if (rdr != null)
                            ctlDate.Value = CRM.Common.TimeZone.GetTimeZone.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);

                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            Literal litField = new Literal();
                            litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DateRange", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))

                        Table tblDateRange = new Table();
                        TableRow trAfter = new TableRow();
                        TableRow trBefore = new TableRow();
                        TableCell tdAfterLabel = new TableCell();
                        TableCell tdAfterData = new TableCell();
                        TableCell tdBeforeLabel = new TableCell();
                        TableCell tdBeforeData = new TableCell();

                        DatePicker ctlDateStart = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/CRM/UserControls/DatePicker.ascx") as DatePicker;
                        DatePicker ctlDateEnd = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/CRM/UserControls/DatePicker.ascx") as DatePicker;
                        Literal litAfterLabel = new Literal();
                        Literal litBeforeLabel = new Literal();
                        litAfterLabel.Text = Translation.GetTranslation.Term("SavedSearch.LBL_SEARCH_AFTER");
                        litBeforeLabel.Text = Translation.GetTranslation.Term("SavedSearch.LBL_SEARCH_BEFORE");


                        ctlDateStart.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_AFTER";
                        ctlDateEnd.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_BEFORE";

                        ctlDateStart.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                        ctlDateEnd.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                        if (rdr != null)
                            ctlDateStart.Value = CRM.Common.TimeZone.GetTimeZone.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
                            ctlDateEnd.Value = CRM.Common.TimeZone.GetTimeZone.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);

                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            Literal litField = new Literal();
                            litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DateTimePicker", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))

                        DateTimePicker ctlDate = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/CRM/UserControls/DateTimePicker.ascx") as DateTimePicker;
                        ctlDate.ID = sDATA_FIELD;

                        ctlDate.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                        if (rdr != null)
                            ctlDate.Value = CRM.Common.TimeZone.GetTimeZone.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);

                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            Literal litField = new Literal();
                            litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "DateTimeEdit", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))

                        DateTimeEdit ctlDate = tbl.Page.LoadControl("~/CRM/UserControls/DateTimeEdit.ascx") as DateTimeEdit;
                        ctlDate.ID = sDATA_FIELD;

                        ctlDate.TabIndex = nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX;
                        if (rdr != null)
                            ctlDate.Value = CRM.Common.TimeZone.GetTimeZone.FromServerTime(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);

                        if (!bLayoutMode && bUI_REQUIRED)
                            ctlDate.EnableNone = false;
                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            Literal litField = new Literal();
                            litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "File", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                        HtmlInputFile ctlField = new HtmlInputFile();
                        ctlField.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
                        ctlField.MaxLength = nFORMAT_MAX_LENGTH;
                        ctlField.Size = nFORMAT_SIZE;
                        ctlField.Attributes.Add("TabIndex", nFORMAT_TAB_INDEX.ToString());
                        if (!bLayoutMode && bUI_REQUIRED)
                            RequiredFieldValidator reqNAME = new RequiredFieldValidator();
                            reqNAME.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_REQUIRED";
                            reqNAME.ControlToValidate = ctlField.ID;
                            reqNAME.ErrorMessage = Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD");
                            reqNAME.CssClass = "required";
                            reqNAME.EnableViewState = false;

                            reqNAME.EnableClientScript = false;
                            reqNAME.Enabled = false;
                            reqNAME.Style.Add("padding-left", "4px");
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Image", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                        HtmlInputHidden ctlHidden = new HtmlInputHidden();
                        if (!bLayoutMode)
                            ctlHidden.ID = sDATA_FIELD;

                            HtmlInputFile ctlField = new HtmlInputFile();

                            ctlField.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_File";

                            Literal litBR = new Literal();
                            litBR.Text = "<br />";

                        Image imgField = new Image();

                        imgField.ID = "img" + sDATA_FIELD;
                            if (bLayoutMode)
                                Literal litField = new Literal();
                                litField.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                            else if (rdr != null)
                                if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]))
                                    ctlHidden.Value = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);
                                    imgField.ImageUrl = "~/CRM/Images/Image.aspx?ID=" + ctlHidden.Value;


                                    Literal litClear = new Literal();
                                    litClear.Text = "<br /><input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"form." + ctlHidden.ClientID + ".value='';form." + imgField.ClientID + ".src='';" + "\"  value='" + "  " + Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_LABEL") + "  " + "' title='" + Translation.GetTranslation.Term(".LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE") + "' />";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Literal litField = new Literal();
                            litField.Text = ex.Message;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "AddressButtons", true) == 0)
                    tdLabel.Width = "10%";
                    tdLabel.RowSpan = nROWSPAN;
                    tdLabel.VAlign = "middle";
                    tdLabel.Align = "center";
                    tdLabel.Attributes.Add("class", "tabFormAddDel");
                    HtmlInputButton btnCopyRight = new HtmlInputButton("button");
                    Literal litSpacer = new Literal();
                    HtmlInputButton btnCopyLeft = new HtmlInputButton("button");
                    btnCopyRight.Attributes.Add("title", Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Accounts.NTC_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS"));
                    btnCopyRight.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return copyAddressRight()");
                    btnCopyRight.Value = ">>";
                    litSpacer.Text = "<br><br>";
                    btnCopyLeft.Attributes.Add("title", Translation.GetTranslation.Term("Accounts.NTC_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS"));
                    btnCopyLeft.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return copyAddressLeft()");
                    btnCopyLeft.Value = "<<";
                    nColIndex = 0;
                else if (String.Compare(sFIELD_TYPE, "Hidden", true) == 0)
                    if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD))
                        HtmlInputHidden hidID = new HtmlInputHidden();
                        hidID.ID = sDATA_FIELD;
                        if (bLayoutMode)
                            TextBox txtNAME = new TextBox();
                            txtNAME.ReadOnly = true;

                            txtNAME.EnableViewState = false;
                            txtNAME.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
                            txtNAME.Enabled = false;

                            nCOLSPAN = -1;
                            tdField.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none");
                            if (!TypeConvert.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) && rdr != null)
                                hidID.Value = TypeConvert.ToString(rdr[sDATA_FIELD]);

                            else if (sDATA_FIELD == "TEAM_ID" && rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack)
                                hidID.Value = CRMSecurity.TEAM_ID.ToString();

                            else if (sDATA_FIELD == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" && rdr == null && !tbl.Page.IsPostBack)
                                hidID.Value = CRMSecurity.USER_ID.ToString();
                    Literal litField = new Literal();
                    litField.Text = "Unknown field type " + sFIELD_TYPE;

                if (nCOLSPAN > 0)
                    nColIndex += nCOLSPAN;
                else if (nCOLSPAN == 0)
                if (nColIndex >= nDATA_COLUMNS)
                    nColIndex = 0;