Example #1
        public static void Execute(Key privateKey)
            // use a one-way cryptographic function, to generate a public key.
            PubKey publicKey     = privateKey.PubKey;
            KeyId  publicKeyHash = publicKey.Hash;

            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine("mainNetAddress.ScriptPubKey: " + mainNetAddress.ScriptPubKey);
            Console.WriteLine("testNetAddress.ScriptPubKey: " + testNetAddress.ScriptPubKey);

            // generate a bitcoin address from the ScriptPubKey and the network identifier.
            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);
            // retrieve the hash from the ScriptPubKey and generate a Bitcoin Address from it
            var samePublicKeyHash   = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();
            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress);  // True
            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash);    // True
            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2); // True

        static void Main()
            //There is no know "bitcoin Address",all it goes to
            //it actually all they care is ScriptPubKey
            var publicKeyHash = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            //** Here is what ScriptPubKey look like
            Console.WriteLine("The MainNetAddress's ScriptPubKey " + mainNetAddress.ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
            Console.WriteLine("The TestNetAddress's ScriptPubKey " + testNetAddress.ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
            //They look the same, Are they really the same?

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine("Generate bitcoin address from ScriptPubKey " mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress); // True
            //generate bitcoin address from ScriptPubKey

            //Retrieve the harsh from the ScriptPubKey and generate Bitcoin Address
            //The ScriptPubKey does not contains the hashed public key permitted to spend the bitcoin
            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash); // True
            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieve the harsh from the ScriptPubKey, Are they the same " mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2); // True

            //From now on, we only exclusively user ScriptPubKey, Address is only a user interface concept

Example #3
        static void Main()
            var publicKeyHash = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress.ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
            Console.WriteLine(testNetAddress.ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress); // True

            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash); // True
            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2); // True

Example #4
        private static void ScriptPubKey()
            Key   privateKey    = new Key();
            KeyId publicKeyHash = privateKey.PubKey.Hash;

            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);

            publicKeyHash = new KeyId(publicKeyHash.ToString());

            testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 18Av7Pm5knLGDu2CCAwVs6fPoy7UhyaC3Z OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
            // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 18Av7Pm5knLGDu2CCAwVs6fPoy7UhyaC3Z OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

            var paymentScript = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;

            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress); // True
            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash); // True
            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2); // True
Example #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World! " + new Key().GetWif(Network.Main));
            // generate a random private key
            //Key privateKey = new Key();
            //From the private key, we use a one-way cryptographic function, to generate a public key.
            PubKey publicKey = privateKey.PubKey;

            //we can easily get your bitcoin address from your public key
            // and the network on which this address should be used.

            /*  var publicKeyHash = publicKey.Hash;
             * Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash);
             * var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);
             * var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
             * Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress);
             * Console.WriteLine(testNetAddress); */

            var publicKeyHash  = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress);

            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash); // True
            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2); //

            Key privateKey = new Key();                               // generate a random private key
            // generate our Bitcoin secret(also known as Wallet Import Format or simply WIF) from our private key for the mainnet
            BitcoinSecret mainNetPrivateKey = privateKey.GetBitcoinSecret(Network.Main);
            BitcoinSecret testNetPrivateKey = privateKey.GetBitcoinSecret(Network.TestNet); // generate our Bitcoin secret(also known as Wallet Import Format or simply WIF) from our private key for the testnet

            bool WifIsBitcoinSecret = mainNetPrivateKey == privateKey.GetWif(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(WifIsBitcoinSecret); // True

            // Create a client
            QBitNinjaClient client = new QBitNinjaClient(Network.Main);
            // Parse transaction id to NBitcoin.uint256 so the client can eat it
            var transactionId = uint256.Parse("f13dc48fb035bbf0a6e989a26b3ecb57b84f85e0836e777d6edf60d87a4a2d94");
            // Query the transaction
            GetTransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.GetTransaction(transactionId).Result;
Example #6
        protected void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Key    privatekey     = new Key();                                 //私钥
            PubKey publickey      = privatekey.PubKey;                         //与私钥相对应得公钥
            KeyId  publicKeyHash  = publickey.Hash;                            //得到公钥的 hash
            var    testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet); //测试网地址
            var    mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);    //主网地址

            tbxMsg.Text = mainNetAddress.ToString();
Example #7
        // Generate ScriptPubKey
        private static void GenerateScriptPubKey()

            var publicKeyHash  = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

                              .ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
                              .ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
Example #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RandomUtils.Random = new UnsecureRandom(); // set the random number generator.
            Key privateKey = new Key();                // generate a random private key

            PubKey publicKey = privateKey.PubKey;


            var publicKeyHash = publicKey.Hash;

            Console.WriteLine("publicKeyHash: " + publicKeyHash);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);

            Console.WriteLine("mainNetAddress: " + mainNetAddress);
            Console.WriteLine("testNetAddress: " + testNetAddress);

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress);

            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash);
            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2);

            var bitcoinSecret = privateKey.GetWif(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine("Hello World! " + bitcoinSecret);


            var publicKeyHash2  = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");
            var testNetAddress2 = publicKeyHash2.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress2 = publicKeyHash2.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

            // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

Example #9
 private void label4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//查询地址
     if (flagadr == 0)
         string         privateKeyStr = PrivateKey;
         BitcoinSecret  privateKey    = new BitcoinSecret(privateKeyStr);
         Network        network       = privateKey.Network;
         PubKey         pubKey        = privateKey.PubKey;
         string         pubKeyStr     = pubKey.ToHex();
         KeyId          pkhash        = pubKey.Hash;
         string         pkhashStr     = pkhash.ToString();
         BitcoinAddress addres        = pkhash.GetAddress(network);
         string         address       = addres.ToString();
         textBox1.Visible = true;
         textBox1.Text    = address;
         flagadr          = 2;
     else if (flagadr == 1)
         textBox1.Visible = true;
         flagadr          = 2;
         textBox1.Visible = false;
         flagadr          = 1;
Example #10
        public void GetBalance()
            ssbalance = 0;
            string privateKeyStr = PrivateKey;
            //string privateKeyStr = "cUvazeu9ucqD4trygt8xMEQKZfR3SZ5BdiAWb3eEwbQ48iPwYKSB";
            BitcoinSecret  privateKey = new BitcoinSecret(privateKeyStr);
            Network        network    = privateKey.Network;
            PubKey         pubKey     = privateKey.PubKey;
            string         pubKeyStr  = pubKey.ToHex();
            KeyId          pkhash     = pubKey.Hash;
            string         pkhashStr  = pkhash.ToString();
            BitcoinAddress addres     = pkhash.GetAddress(network);
            string         address    = addres.ToString();
            string         networkStr = bsvConfiguration_class.testNetwork;
            string         uri        = bsvConfiguration_class.RestApiUri;
            Task <RestApiUtxo_class[]> utxo = Task <RestApiUtxo_class[]> .Run(() =>
                RestApiUtxo_class[] untxo = RestApi_class.getUtxosByAnAddress(uri, networkStr, address);

            int n = utxo.Result.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ssbalance += utxo.Result[i].Value;

            label3.Text  = "账户余额:";
            label3.Text += ssbalance;
            label3.Text += " sat";
Example #11
        // get public script key
        public Script GetScriptPubKey()
            var publicKeyHash  = new KeyId(GetPublicKey().ToString());
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(_networkType);

Example #12
        private static void TestMethod()
            Key    privateKey = new Key();
            PubKey publicKey  = privateKey.PubKey;

            string mnemonicString = "quantum tobacco key they maid mean crime youth chief jungle mind design broken tilt bus shoulder leaf good forward erupt split divert bread kitten";
            var    mnemonic       = new Mnemonic(mnemonicString);
            var    seed           = mnemonic.DeriveSeed();

            var xprv = mnemonic.DeriveExtKey().Derive(new KeyPath("m/44\'/0\'/0\'/0"));

            var xpub = xprv.Neuter();

            Console.WriteLine("xpub: " + xpub.ToString(Network.Main));

            Console.WriteLine("Private Key Test net: " + privateKey.ToString(Network.TestNet));
            Console.WriteLine("Secret Test net" + privateKey.GetBitcoinSecret(Network.TestNet).ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("address Main net: " + publicKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy, Network.Main));
            Console.WriteLine("address Test net: " + publicKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy, Network.TestNet));
            Console.WriteLine("Segwit address Test net: " + publicKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit, Network.TestNet));

            var publicKeyHash = publicKey.Hash;

            Console.WriteLine("public key hash:" + publicKeyHash);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);

            Console.WriteLine("address Main net: " + mainNetAddress);
            Console.WriteLine("address Test net: " + testNetAddress);

            var publicKeyHash2 = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            var testNetAddress2 = publicKeyHash2.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress2 = publicKeyHash2.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress2.ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
            Console.WriteLine(testNetAddress2.ScriptPubKey); // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress); // True
Example #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello CryptoDosh!");

            Key privateKey = new Key();           // generates a random private key

            PubKey publicKey = privateKey.PubKey; //one way cryptographic function generates a public key derived from the private key


            //TestNet is a Bitcoin network for development purposes. Bitcoins on this network worth nothing.
            //70f5804823b296b439c555a127e29b90a61e07294aba7db9815c519683b22894 - TX ID

            //gets your bitcoin address from your public key and the network on which this address should be used.

            //a bitcoin address is made up of a version byte and your public key’s hash bytes.
            var publicKeyHash = publicKey.Hash;


            //both of these bytes are concatenated and then encoded into a Base58Check.
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);


            //there is no such thing as a Bitcoin Address.
            //internally, the Bitcoin protocol identifies the recipient of Bitcoin by a ScriptPubKey.
            //a ScriptPubKey is a short script that explains what conditions must be met to claim ownership of bitcoins.
            //we generate the ScriptPubKey from the Bitcoin Address.
            //this is a step that all bitcoin clients do to translate the “human friendly” Bitcoin Address to the Blockchain readable address.

            publicKeyHash = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);


            //ScriptPubKey appears to have nothing to do with the Bitcoin Address, but it does show the hash of the public key.
            //Bitcoin Addresses are composed of a version byte which identifies the network where to use the address and the hash of a public key.
            //We can go backwards and generate a bitcoin address from the ScriptPubKey and the network identifier.

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameTestNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.TestNet);

            Console.WriteLine(testNetAddress == sameTestNetAddress);

            //it is also possible to retrieve the hash from the ScriptPubKey and generate a Bitcoin Address from it:
            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash); // True
            var sameTestNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.TestNet);

            Console.WriteLine(testNetAddress == sameTestNetAddress2); // True
        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var address = string.Empty;

            if (value != null)
                var key = new KeyId((byte[])value);
                address = key.GetAddress(_network).ToString();

Example #15
    void Sample_01_BitcoinAddress()
        Key    privateKey    = new Key();                                               // generate random private key
        PubKey publicKey     = privateKey.PubKey;                                       // generate public key from private key
        KeyId  publicKeyHash = publicKey.Hash;                                          // generate public key hash

        Debug.Log(publicKey + " <-------------- publicKey");
        Debug.Log(publicKeyHash + " <-------------- publicKeyHash");

        Debug.Log(publicKey.GetAddress(NBitcoin.Network.TestNet) + " <-------------- testNetAdress from public Key");
        Debug.Log(publicKeyHash.GetAddress(NBitcoin.Network.TestNet) + " <-------------- testNetAdress from public Key Hash");
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // as the Blockchain is concerned, there is no such thing as a Bitcoin Address.
            // Internally, the Bitcoin protocol identifies the recipient of Bitcoin by a ScriptPubKey.
            // e.g., OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

            // ScriptPubKey explains the conditions that must be met to claim ownership of bitcoin

            // generate the scriptpubkey from the bitcoin address
            var publicKeyHash = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            // scriptpubkeys will contain hash of public key

            // Bitcoin Addresses are composed of a version byte which identifies the network where to use the address and the hash of a public key.
            // So we can go backwards and generate a bitcoin address from the ScriptPubKey and the network identifier.
            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress);

            // also possible to retrieve the hash from the ScriptPubKey and generate a Bitcoin Address from it
            var samePublicKeyHash = paymentScript.GetDestination() as KeyId;

            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash);

            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2);

            // Note: A ScriptPubKey does not necessarily contain the hashed public key(s) permitted to spend the bitcoin.

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an instance of the <see cref="ScriptPubKey"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="script">The script.</param>
        /// <param name="network">The network where the transaction was conducted.</param>
        public ScriptPubKey(NBitcoin.Script script, Network network) : base(script)
            this.Type = this.GetScriptType(script.FindTemplate(network));

            // To avoid modifying the very low-level GetDestination logic, check for a cold staking script first.
            // The decision to show the cold pubkey's address in the 'addresses' list is based on the following:
            // 1. It seems more intuitive from a user's perspective that their balance will appear against this address.
            // 2. A balance should never appear against a hot address from an exchange's perspective, as they have no guarantee they will be able to spend those funds.
            // It is also presumed that it is preferable to show an address rather than not, as a block explorer would then have to show only a relatively meaningless raw script as the output's destination.
            // Another considered alternative was to show both addresses, but with a modified version byte. The underlying pubkey hashes would be the same, but the resulting addresses would be visually distinct from regular P2PKH.
            // This may have caused user confusion, however, as the modified addresses would not look like those they used to configure the cold staking setup, making searching for them on a block explorer more difficult.
            if (script.IsScriptType(ScriptType.ColdStaking))
                var coldPubKeyHash = new KeyId(script.ToBytes(true).SafeSubarray(28, 20));

                this.ReqSigs   = 1;
                this.Addresses = new List <string> {


            var destinations = new List <TxDestination> {

            if (destinations[0] == null)
                destinations = script.GetDestinationPublicKeys(network).Select(p => p.Hash).ToList <TxDestination>();

            // TODO: We do not want to put the cold staking addresses into the 'addresses' element due to the high potential for confusion. Maybe introduce an additional element?
            if (destinations.Count == 1)
                this.ReqSigs   = 1;
                this.Addresses = new List <string> {
            else if (destinations.Count > 1)
                PayToMultiSigTemplateParameters multi = PayToMultiSigTemplate.Instance.ExtractScriptPubKeyParameters(script) ??
                                                        PayToFederationTemplate.Instance.ExtractScriptPubKeyParameters(script, network);
                if (multi != null)
                    this.ReqSigs   = multi.SignatureCount;
                    this.Addresses = multi.PubKeys.Select(m => m.GetAddress(network).ToString()).ToList();
Example #18
        void Start()
            var publicKeyHash = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            UnityEngine.Debug.Log(mainNetAddress.ScriptPubKey);                                         // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log(testNetAddress.ScriptPubKey);                                         // OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            UnityEngine.Debug.Log(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress);                // True

            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            UnityEngine.Debug.Log(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash);                          // True
            var sameMainNetAddress2 = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(samePublicKeyHash, Network.Main);

            UnityEngine.Debug.Log(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress2);               // True
Example #19
        public ScriptPubKey()
            var publicKeyHash = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);

            Console.WriteLine("ScriptPubKey (MainNet): " + mainNetAddress.ScriptPubKey);
            Console.WriteLine("ScriptPubKey (TestNet): " + testNetAddress.ScriptPubKey);

            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine("Is it possible to get BitcoinAddress from ScriptPubKey?");
            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress == sameMainNetAddress);

            var samePublicKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();

            Console.WriteLine("Is it possible to get PublicKeyHash from ScriptPubKey?");
            Console.WriteLine(publicKeyHash == samePublicKeyHash);
Example #20
    void Sample_02_ScriptPublicKey()
        // case 1
        KeyId          publicKeyHash  = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");
        BitcoinAddress bitcoinAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);

        Debug.Log(bitcoinAddress.ScriptPubKey + " <-------------- Bitcoin Address from public Key Hash");

        Script         paymentScript = publicKeyHash.ScriptPubKey;
        BitcoinAddress destination   = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);

        Debug.Log(destination.ScriptPubKey + " <-------------- Bitcoin Address from public Key Hash");

        // case 2
        KeyId          sameKeyHash = (KeyId)paymentScript.GetDestination();
        BitcoinAddress sameAdress  = new BitcoinPubKeyAddress(sameKeyHash, NBitcoin.Network.TestNet);


Example #21
        public async Task <object> Find(string data)
            data = data.Trim();
            var b58 = NoException(() => WhatIsBase58.GetFromBitcoinString(data));

            if (b58 != null)
                if (b58 is WhatIsAddress)
                    var address = (WhatIsAddress)b58;

            if (data.Length == 0x40)
                    return(await Controller.JsonTransaction(uint256.Parse(data), false));
            var b = NoException(() => Controller.JsonBlock(BlockFeature.Parse(data), true, false));

            if (b != null)

            if (data.Length == 0x28) //Hash of pubkey or script
                TxDestination dest    = new KeyId(data);
                var           address = new WhatIsAddress(dest.GetAddress(Network));
                if (TryFetchRedeemOrPubKey(address))

                dest    = new ScriptId(data);
                address = new WhatIsAddress(dest.GetAddress(Network));
                if (TryFetchRedeemOrPubKey(address))

            var script = NoException(() => GetScriptFromBytes(data));

            if (script != null)
                return(new WhatIsScript(script, Network));
            script = NoException(() => GetScriptFromText(data));
            if (script != null)
                return(new WhatIsScript(script, Network));

            var sig = NoException(() => new TransactionSignature(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(data)));

            if (sig != null)
                return(new WhatIsTransactionSignature(sig));

            var pubkeyBytes = NoException(() => Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(data));

            if (pubkeyBytes != null && PubKey.Check(pubkeyBytes, true))
                var pubKey = NoException(() => new PubKey(data));
                if (pubKey != null)
                    return(new WhatIsPublicKey(pubKey, Network));

            if (data.Length == 80 * 2)
                var blockHeader = NoException(() =>
                    var h = new BlockHeader();
                if (blockHeader != null)
                    return(new WhatIsBlockHeader(blockHeader));
 public static BitcoinAddress getAddressFromPubKeyHash(KeyId pubKeyHash, Network network)
Example #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello Coin!");

            Console.WriteLine("======================= privateKey");
            Key privateKey = new Key(); // generate a random private key

            Console.WriteLine("privateKey : " + privateKey);

            Console.WriteLine("======================= privateKey => publicKey");
            PubKey publicKey = privateKey.PubKey;

            Console.WriteLine("publicKey : " + publicKey);

            // ง่ายมากที่จะรับ  bitcoin address จาก publicKey
            Console.WriteLine("======================= publicKey => GetAddress");
            Console.WriteLine("addressMain : " + publicKey.GetAddress(Network.Main));
            Console.WriteLine("addressTestNet : " + publicKey.GetAddress(Network.TestNet));

            // hash คือการลดรูปของ publicKey
            // address ที่ได้จาก publish key หรือ publish key has จะเป็น address เดียวกันคือตัวเดียวกันนั่นแหละ
            Console.WriteLine("======================= publicKey => publicKeyHash => GetAddress");
            var publicKeyHash = publicKey.Hash;

            Console.WriteLine("publicKeyHash : " + publicKeyHash);
            var mainNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.Main);
            var testNetAddress = publicKeyHash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);

            Console.WriteLine("mainNetAddress : " + mainNetAddress);
            Console.WriteLine("testNetAddress : " + testNetAddress);

            // เอาส่วนแรกก่อนละกัน ส่วนแรกที่เป็นการเขียนโน้ตทิ้งไว้ใน out ฝากไว้ให้ผู้รับ Script ส่วนนี้มีชื่อเรียกอย่างเป็นทางการว่า Public Key Script หรือ scriptPubKey ซึ่งก็คือ Script ฝั่งที่ใช้ Public Key ครับ
            Console.WriteLine("======================= ScriptPubKey from Address");
            var publicKeyHash1 = new KeyId("14836dbe7f38c5ac3d49e8d790af808a4ee9edcf");

            Console.WriteLine("publicKeyHash1 : " + publicKeyHash1);
            var testNetAddress1 = publicKeyHash1.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
            var mainNetAddress1 = publicKeyHash1.GetAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine("mainNetAddress : " + mainNetAddress1);
            Console.WriteLine("testNetAddress : " + testNetAddress1);
            Console.WriteLine("mainNetAddress1ScriptPubKey : " + mainNetAddress1.ScriptPubKey);
            Console.WriteLine("testNetAddress1ScriptPubKey : " + testNetAddress1.ScriptPubKey);

            Console.WriteLine("======================= Address ที่ได้จาก ScriptPubKey ที่มาจาก hash เดียวกัน จะเท่ากับ hash ที่ GetAddress (ScriptPubKey หน้าจะมีความสัมพันกับ publicKeyHash)");
            var paymentScript      = publicKeyHash1.ScriptPubKey;
            var sameMainNetAddress = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress1 == sameMainNetAddress);                       // True
            Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress1.ScriptPubKey == publicKeyHash1.ScriptPubKey); // True

            // private key ที่เข้ารหัส Base58Check เรียกมันว่า Bitcoin Secret (หรือเรียกว่า Wallet Import Format หรือ simply WIF) คล้ายๆ  Bitcoin Addresses.
            // เข้าใจว่า GetBitcoinSecret เป็นฟังชั่นเหมือนกันกับ GetWif
            Console.WriteLine("======================= GetBitcoinSecret");
            BitcoinSecret mainNetPrivateKey = privateKey.GetBitcoinSecret(Network.Main);    // generate our Bitcoin secret(also known as Wallet Import Format or simply WIF) from our private key for the mainnet
            BitcoinSecret testNetPrivateKey = privateKey.GetBitcoinSecret(Network.TestNet); // generate our Bitcoin secret(also known as Wallet Import Format or simply WIF) from our private key for the testnet


            bool WifIsBitcoinSecret = mainNetPrivateKey == privateKey.GetWif(Network.Main);

            Console.WriteLine(WifIsBitcoinSecret); // True

Example #24
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //读取
            textBox2.Text = "";
            Console.WriteLine("start get");

            string privateKeyStr = PrivateKey;
            //string privateKeyStr = "cUvazeu9ucqD4trygt8xMEQKZfR3SZ5BdiAWb3eEwbQ48iPwYKSB";
            BitcoinSecret  privateKey = new BitcoinSecret(privateKeyStr);
            Network        network    = privateKey.Network;
            PubKey         pubKey     = privateKey.PubKey;
            string         pubKeyStr  = pubKey.ToHex();
            KeyId          pkhash     = pubKey.Hash;
            string         pkhashStr  = pkhash.ToString();
            BitcoinAddress addres     = pkhash.GetAddress(network);
            string         address    = addres.ToString();
            string         networkStr = bsvConfiguration_class.testNetwork;
            string         uri        = bsvConfiguration_class.RestApiUri;

            Task <RestApiAddressHistoryTx[]> t = Task <RestApiAddressHistoryTx[]> .Run(() =>
                RestApiAddressHistoryTx[] addrHistory = RestApi_class.getAddressHistory(uri, networkStr, address);

            int num = t.Result.Length;

            Console.WriteLine("链上交易数目:" + num);
            Task <RestApiTransaction[]> gettxs = null;

            if (num > 0)
                string[] txHashs = new string[num];
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    txHashs[i] = t.Result[i].TxHash;

                gettxs = Task <RestApiTransaction[]> .Run(() =>
                    RestApiTransaction[] txs = RestApi_class.getTransactions(uri, networkStr, txHashs);

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                RestApiTransaction tx = gettxs.Result[i];
                string             s  = RestApi_class.getOpReturnData(tx, bsvConfiguration_class.encoding);
                if (s != null)
                    byte[]        encryptedBytes;
                    Base58Encoder base58Encoder = new Base58Encoder();
                    encryptedBytes = base58Encoder.DecodeData(s);
                    string data = AES_class.AesDecrypt(encryptedBytes, privateKeyStr);
                    textBox2.Text += data;
                    textBox2.Text += "\r\n";
                    textBox2.Text += System.Environment.NewLine;
                    textBox2.Text += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
                    textBox2.Text += "\r\n";
                    textBox2.Text += System.Environment.NewLine;
                    Console.WriteLine("链上内容:" + s);
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to interpret the given string in a few ways in order to detect what object it's supposed to represent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The object represented by the input string. This may be a Bitcoin address, a script, a signature, a public key, etc.</returns>
        public async Task <object> Find(string data)
            data = data.Trim();

            // Is it a Bitcoin address?
            var b58 = NoException(() => WhatIsBase58.GetFromBitcoinString(data));

            if (b58 != null)
                if (b58 is WhatIsAddress address)
                    await TryFetchRedeemOrPubKey(address);  // Shouldn't the return value here be checked?


            // Is it a transaction ID?
            if (data.Length == 0x40)
                    return(await Controller.JsonTransaction(uint256.Parse(data), false));
                    // Well, apparently it's not a transaction ID.

            // Is it a block feature?
            var b = NoException(() => Controller.JsonBlock(BlockFeature.Parse(data), true, false));

            if (b != null)

            // Is it the hash of a public key (modeled as KeyId in NBitcoin), or is it the hash of a script ID?
            if (data.Length == 0x28) // Hash of pubkey or script
                TxDestination dest = new KeyId(data);

                var address = new WhatIsAddress(dest.GetAddress(Network));

                if (await TryFetchRedeemOrPubKey(address))

                dest    = new ScriptId(data);
                address = new WhatIsAddress(dest.GetAddress(Network));

                if (await TryFetchRedeemOrPubKey(address))

            // Is it a script?
            var script = NoException(() => GetScriptFromBytes(data));

            if (script != null)
                return(new WhatIsScript(script, Network));

            script = NoException(() => GetScriptFromText(data));

            if (script != null)
                return(new WhatIsScript(script, Network));

            // Is it a transaction signature?
            var sig = NoException(() => new TransactionSignature(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(data)));

            if (sig != null)
                return(new WhatIsTransactionSignature(sig));

            // Is it a hexstring representing the bytes of a public key?
            var pubkeyBytes = NoException(() => Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(data));

            if (pubkeyBytes != null && PubKey.Check(pubkeyBytes, true))
                var pubKey = NoException(() => new PubKey(data));

                if (pubKey != null)
                    return(new WhatIsPublicKey(pubKey, Network));

            // Is it a blockheader?
            if (data.Length == 80 * 2)
                var blockHeader = NoException(() =>
                    var h = ConsensusFactory.CreateBlockHeader();
                    h.ReadWrite(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(data), ConsensusFactory);

                if (blockHeader != null)
                    return(new WhatIsBlockHeader(blockHeader));

            // No idea what this is.
Example #26
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label10.Text = mes;
            string user     = textBox1.Text;
            string pwd      = textBox2.Text;
            string pwd2     = textBox3.Text;
            string realname = textBox4.Text;
            string realnum  = textBox5.Text;
            string lovename = textBox6.Text;

            byte[] pk = new byte[32];
            if (user.Length != 0 && realname.Length != 0 && realnum.Length != 0) //用户名、真实姓名、证件号不能为空
                if (pwd == pwd2)                                                 //确认密码
                    string AESkey = user + pwd;
                    while (AESkey.Length < 32)
                        AESkey += "1";
                    string sStr = realnum;
                    while (sStr.Length < 32)
                        sStr += "3";
                    string s = realname + realnum + lovename;
                    byte[] p;
                    p = AES_class.AesEncrypt(s, sStr);
                    int n = p.Length;
                    if (n < 32)
                        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                            pk[i] = p[i];
                        for (int i = n; i < 32; i++)
                            pk[i] = 1;
                    else if (n > 31)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                            pk[i] = p[i];
                    Key           key        = new Key(pk);
                    BitcoinSecret privateKey = key.GetBitcoinSecret(Network.TestNet);

                    //string path = user+".txt";
                    string path          = user;
                    string privateKeyStr = "[[[";
                    privateKeyStr += privateKey.ToString();
                    privateKeyStr += "]]]";
                    Console.WriteLine("私钥:" + privateKeyStr);
                    byte[] APkey;
                    APkey = AES_class.AesEncrypt(privateKeyStr, AESkey);
                    Base58Encoder base58Encoder = new Base58Encoder();
                    string        base58Str     = base58Encoder.EncodeData(APkey);
                    Console.WriteLine("写入数据:" + base58Str);
                    File.WriteAllText(path, base58Str);

                    PubKey         pubKey  = privateKey.PubKey;
                    KeyId          pkhash  = pubKey.Hash;
                    BitcoinAddress addres  = pkhash.GetAddress(Network.TestNet);
                    string         address = addres.ToString();
                    MessageBox.Show("注册成功!\n请使用地址:" + address + "前往https://faucet.bitcoincloud.net/网站申领比特币。");

                    string pkey = privateKey.ToString();
                    Form1 ff = new Form1(pkey);