public void PrepareCondition(MssqlCondition mssqlCondition, KPISearchInfo kpiSearch) { mssqlCondition.Add("[Id]", kpiSearch.IdStr, ConditionType.In); mssqlCondition.Add("[ParentID]", kpiSearch.ParentId, ConditionType.In); mssqlCondition.Add("[Name]", kpiSearch.Name, ConditionType.Like); mssqlCondition.Add("[CompanyId]", kpiSearch.CompanyID, ConditionType.In); mssqlCondition.Add("[State]", kpiSearch.State, ConditionType.Equal); }
protected override void PageLoad() { //string allCompanyID = CompanyBLL.SystemCompanyId + "," + base.ParentCompanyID + "," + base.SonCompanyID; base.PageLoad(); base.Title = "KPI指标列表"; string action = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("Action"); if (action == "Delete") { string selectID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("SelectID"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectID)) { base.CheckUserPower("DeleteKPI", PowerCheckType.Single); KPIBLL.DeleteKPI(selectID); AdminLogBLL.AddAdminLog(ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("DeleteRecord"), ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("KPI"), selectID); ResponseHelper.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()); } } base.CheckUserPower("ReadKPI", PowerCheckType.Single); Company = CompanyBLL.ReadCompany(CompanyID); KPISearchInfo kpiSearch = new KPISearchInfo(); kpiSearch.ParentId = "0"; KPIClassList = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch); if (ClassID > 0) { kpiSearch.ParentId = ClassID.ToString(); } else { kpiSearch.ParentId = string.Empty; } kpiSearch.Name = Name; if (CompanyID < 0) { kpiSearch.CompanyID = CompanyBLL.SystemCompanyId.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.ParentCompanyID)) { kpiSearch.CompanyID += "," + base.ParentCompanyID; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.SonCompanyID)) { kpiSearch.CompanyID += "," + base.SonCompanyID; } } else { kpiSearch.CompanyID = CompanyID.ToString(); } KPIList = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch, base.CurrentPage, base.PageSize, ref this.Count); base.BindPageControl(ref base.CommonPager); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.Page.IsPostBack) { string Action = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("Action"); if (Action == "Delete") { int id = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID"); if (id != -2147483648) { base.CheckAdminPower("DeleteKPI", PowerCheckType.Single); KPIBLL.DeleteKPI(id.ToString()); AdminLogBLL.AddAdminLog(ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("DeleteRecord"), ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("KPI"), id); } } if (companyId > 0) { CompanyInfo company = CompanyBLL.ReadCompany(companyId); _currentCompanyName = company.CompanySimpleName; CompanyName.Value = company.CompanyName; } base.CheckAdminPower("ReadKPI", PowerCheckType.Single); KPISearchInfo kpi = new KPISearchInfo(); kpi.ParentId = "0"; KPICate.DataSource = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpi); KPICate.DataTextField = "Name"; KPICate.DataValueField = "ID"; KPICate.DataBind(); KPICate.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择分类", "")); if (parentId > 0) { kpi.ParentId = parentId.ToString(); KPICate.SelectedValue = parentId.ToString(); } else { kpi.ParentId = string.Empty; } kpi.Name = kpiName; if (companyId > 0) { kpi.CompanyID = companyId.ToString(); } base.BindControl(KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpi, base.CurrentPage, base.PageSize, ref this.Count), this.RecordList, this.MyPager); Name.Text = kpiName; } }
public List <KPIInfo> SearchKPIList(KPISearchInfo kpiSearch) { MssqlCondition mssqlCondition = new MssqlCondition(); this.PrepareCondition(mssqlCondition, kpiSearch); List <KPIInfo> kpiList = new List <KPIInfo>(); SqlParameter[] pt = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@condition", SqlDbType.NVarChar) }; pt[0].Value = mssqlCondition.ToString(); using (SqlDataReader dr = ShopMssqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ShopMssqlHelper.TablePrefix + "SearchKPIList", pt)) { this.PrepareModel(dr, kpiList); } return(kpiList); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.Page.IsPostBack) { if (CompanyID >= 0) { CompanyName.Value = CompanyBLL.ReadCompany(CompanyID).CompanyName; } KPISearchInfo kpi = new KPISearchInfo(); kpi.ParentId = "0"; this.FatherID.DataSource = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpi); this.FatherID.DataTextField = "Name"; this.FatherID.DataValueField = "ID"; this.FatherID.DataBind(); this.FatherID.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择分类", "")); FatherID.SelectedValue = ParentID.ToString(); Type.DataSource = EnumHelper.ReadEnumList <KPIType>(); Type.DataTextField = "ChineseName"; Type.DataValueField = "Value"; Type.DataBind(); int queryString = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID"); if (queryString != int.MinValue) { base.CheckAdminPower("ReadKPI", PowerCheckType.Single); KPIInfo info = KPIBLL.ReadKPI(queryString); CompanyName.Value = CompanyBLL.ReadCompany(info.CompanyID).CompanyName; CompanyID = info.CompanyID; Type.Text = ((int)info.Type).ToString(); FatherID.Text = info.ParentId.ToString(); Sort.Text = info.Sort.ToString(); ClassName.Text = info.Name; Introduction.Text = info.EvaluateInfo; Score.Text = info.Scorse.ToString(); Method.Text = info.Method; } } }
public List <KPIInfo> SearchKPIList(KPISearchInfo kpiSearch, int currentPage, int pageSize, ref int count) { List <KPIInfo> kpiList = new List <KPIInfo>(); ShopMssqlPagerClass class2 = new ShopMssqlPagerClass(); class2.TableName = ShopMssqlHelper.TablePrefix + "KPI"; class2.Fields = "*"; class2.CurrentPage = currentPage; class2.PageSize = pageSize; class2.OrderField = "[ID]"; class2.OrderType = OrderType.Desc; this.PrepareCondition(class2.MssqlCondition, kpiSearch); class2.Count = count; count = class2.Count; using (SqlDataReader dr = class2.ExecuteReader()) { this.PrepareModel(dr, kpiList); } return(kpiList); }
protected override void PageLoad() { base.PageLoad(); base.Title = "Ìí¼ÓKPIÖ¸±ê"; base.CheckUserPower("ReadKPI,AddKPI,UpdateKPI", PowerCheckType.OR); KPISearchInfo kpiSearch = new KPISearchInfo(); kpiSearch.ParentId = "0"; KPIClassList = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch); KPITypeList = EnumHelper.ReadEnumList <KPIType>(); if (ID > 0) { KPI = KPIBLL.ReadKPI(ID); CompanyID = KPI.CompanyID; ClassID = KPI.ParentId; } }
protected override void PageLoad() { base.PageLoad(); base.Title = "综合能力评估"; base.CheckUserPower("ReadTPRReport", PowerCheckType.Single); action = Request["Action"]; if (action == "Detail") { evaluateNameId = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("EvaluateNameId"); evaluateType = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("EvaluateType"); } companyIDString = base.UserCompanyID.ToString(); if (companyID == 0) { companyIDString = base.SonCompanyID; } else if (companyID > 0) { companyIDString = companyID.ToString(); } if (!base.ExistsSonCompany) { companyID = base.UserCompanyID; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action)) { KPISearchInfo kpiSearch = new KPISearchInfo(); kpiSearch.ParentId = evaluateType.ToString(); kpiSearch.CompanyID = CompanyBLL.SystemCompanyId.ToString() + "," + companyID.ToString(); List <KPIInfo> kpiList = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch); string kpiStr = string.Empty; //定义KPIId数组 ArrayList IdArray = new ArrayList(); if (kpiList.Count > 0) { string[,] kpiArray = new string[kpiList.Count, 3]; foreach (KPIInfo info in kpiList) { IdArray.Add(info.ID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiStr)) { kpiStr = info.ID.ToString(); } else { kpiStr += "," + info.ID; } int i = IdArray.IndexOf(info.ID); kpiArray[i, 0] = info.ID.ToString(); kpiArray[i, 1] = info.Name; kpiArray[i, 2] = info.EvaluateInfo; } KPIEvaluateSearchInfo kpiEvaluate = new KPIEvaluateSearchInfo(); if (action == "Search" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIdStr)) { //UserSearchInfo userSearch = new UserSearchInfo(); //userSearch.InCompanyID = base.UserCompanyID.ToString(); //userIdStr = UserBLL.ReadUserIdStr(UserBLL.SearchUserList(userSearch)); if (postID > 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyIDString)) { kpiEvaluate.Condition = "[UserID] in (select id from [_User] where [Status]!=" + (int)UserState.Del; if (postID > 0) { kpiEvaluate.Condition += " And [WorkingPostID] in (" + postID.ToString() + ")"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyIDString)) { kpiEvaluate.Condition += " And [CompanyId] in (" + companyIDString + ")"; } kpiEvaluate.Condition += ")"; } } else { user = UserBLL.ReadUser(int.Parse(userIdStr)); evaluateName = EvaluateNameBLL.ReadEvaluateName(evaluateNameId); kpiEvaluate.UserId = userIdStr; } kpiEvaluate.EvaluateNameId = evaluateNameId; kpiEvaluate.KPIdStr = kpiStr; List <KPIEvaluateInfo> kpiEvaluateList = KPIEvaluateBLL.SearchKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate); ArrayList userIdArray = new ArrayList();//new ArrayList(userIdStr.Split(',')); if (kpiEvaluateList.Count > 0) { foreach (KPIEvaluateInfo info in kpiEvaluateList) { if (!userIdArray.Contains(info.UserId)) { userIdArray.Add(info.UserId); } } } string[, ,] dataArray = new string[kpiList.Count + 1, userIdArray.Count, 4]; //评估人数组 ArrayList evaluateUserIdArray = new ArrayList(); if (kpiEvaluateList.Count > 0) { foreach (KPIEvaluateInfo info in kpiEvaluateList) { if (!evaluateUserIdArray.Contains(info.EvaluateUserId)) { evaluateUserIdArray.Add(info.EvaluateUserId); } dataArray[IdArray.IndexOf(info.KPIId), userIdArray.IndexOf(info.UserId), evaluateUserIdArray.IndexOf(info.EvaluateUserId)] = info.Scorse.ToString(); } } if (action != "Detail")//companyID >= 0 { tableContent.Append("<tr><th class=\"project\">项目</th><th class=\"content\">内容</th>"); foreach (int item in userIdArray) { tableContent.Append("<th class=\"roll\"><a href=\"?Action=Detail&UserId=" + item + "&EvaluateNameId=" + evaluateNameId + "&EvaluateType=" + evaluateType + "\">" + UserBLL.ReadUser(item).RealName + "</a></th>"); } for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1; i++) { tableContent.Append("<tr><td>" + kpiArray[i, 1] + "</td><td>" + kpiArray[i, 2] + "</td>"); for (int j = 0; j < userIdArray.Count; j++) { double totalScore = 0; int num = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataArray[i, j, k]) || dataArray[i, j, k] != null) { totalScore += double.Parse(dataArray[i, j, k]); num++; } } if (totalScore == 0) { tableContent.Append("<td> </td>"); } else { tableContent.Append("<td>" + Math.Round((totalScore / num), 1) + "</td>"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, j, 0]) || dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, j, 0] == null) { dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, j, 0] = Math.Round((totalScore / num), 1).ToString(); } else { dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, j, 0] = (double.Parse(dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, j, 0]) + Math.Round((totalScore / num), 1)).ToString(); } } } tableContent.Append("</tr>"); } tableContent.Append("<tr class=\"count\"><td colspan=\"2\">合计</td>"); for (int j = 0; j < userIdArray.Count; j++) { //员工综合能力评估合计要除以2 if (evaluateType == 530) { tableContent.Append("<td>" + Math.Round(double.Parse(dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, j, 0]) / 2, 1) + "</td>"); } else { tableContent.Append("<td>" + dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, j, 0] + "</td>"); } } tableContent.Append("</tr>"); } else { tableContent.Append("<tr><th class=\"project\">项目</th><th class=\"content\">内容</th>"); foreach (int item in evaluateUserIdArray) { tableContent.Append("<th class=\"roll\">评估" + (evaluateUserIdArray.IndexOf(item) + 1) + "</th>"); } tableContent.Append("<th class=\"average\">平均分</th></tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1; i++) { tableContent.Append("<tr><td>" + kpiArray[i, 1] + "</td><td>" + kpiArray[i, 2] + "</td>"); double totalScore = 0; int num = 0; for (int j = evaluateUserIdArray.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)//for (int j = 0; j < evaluateUserIdArray.Count; j++) { if (dataArray[i, 0, j] != null) { tableContent.Append("<td>" + dataArray[i, 0, j] + "</td>"); totalScore += double.Parse(dataArray[i, 0, j]); num++; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, j]) || dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, j] == null) { dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, j] = dataArray[i, 0, j]; } else { dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, j] = (double.Parse(dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, j]) + double.Parse(dataArray[i, 0, j])).ToString(); } } else { tableContent.Append("<td> </td>"); } } if (num == 0) { tableContent.Append("<td> </td>"); } else { tableContent.Append("<td>" + Math.Round((totalScore / num), 1) + "</td></tr>"); } } //员工综合能力评估合计要除以2 if (evaluateType == 530) { tableContent.Append("<tr class=\"count\"><td colspan=\"2\">合计(总分200,除2后取得分数)</td>"); for (int j = evaluateUserIdArray.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { tableContent.Append("<td>" + Math.Round(double.Parse(dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, j]) / 2, 1) + "</td>"); } } else { tableContent.Append("<tr class=\"count\"><td colspan=\"2\">合计</td>"); for (int j = evaluateUserIdArray.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { tableContent.Append("<td>" + Math.Round(double.Parse(dataArray[dataArray.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, j]), 1) + "</td>"); } } tableContent.Append("<td> </td></tr>"); } } } }
protected override void PageLoad() { base.PageLoad(); base.Title = "评估结果"; string tempKPI = string.Empty; //临时指标ID string fixedKPI = string.Empty; //永久指标ID if (workPostId > 0) { KPISearchInfo kpiSearch = new KPISearchInfo(); kpiSearch.IdStr = WorkingPostBLL.ReadWorkingPostView(workPostId).KPIContent; List <KPIInfo> kpiList = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch); List <KPIInfo> tempList1 = new List <KPIInfo>(); List <KPIInfo> tempList2 = new List <KPIInfo>(); List <KPIInfo> tempList3 = new List <KPIInfo>(); foreach (KPIInfo info in kpiList) { if (info.Type == KPIType.Fixed) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fixedKPI)) { fixedKPI = info.ID.ToString(); } else { fixedKPI = fixedKPI + "," + info.ID.ToString(); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempKPI)) { tempKPI = info.ID.ToString(); } else { tempKPI = tempKPI + "," + info.ID.ToString(); } } switch (info.ParentId) { case 1: tempList1.Add(info); break; case 2: tempList2.Add(info); break; case 3: tempList3.Add(info); break; } } int i = 1; foreach (KPIInfo info in tempList1) { trHtml.AppendLine("<tr>"); if (i == 1) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td rowspan=\"" + tempList1.Count + "\" class=\"indicator_name\">" + KPIBLL.ReadKPI(info.ParentId).Name + "</td>"); } trHtml.AppendLine(" <td>" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"evaluation_content\" data-id=\"" + info.ID + "\">" + i.ToString() + "." + info.Name + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine("</tr>"); i++; } i = 1; foreach (KPIInfo info in tempList2) { trHtml.AppendLine("<tr>"); if (i == 1) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td rowspan=\"" + tempList2.Count + "\" class=\"indicator_name\">" + KPIBLL.ReadKPI(info.ParentId).Name + "</td>"); } trHtml.AppendLine(" <td>" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"evaluation_content\" data-id=\"" + info.ID + "\">" + i.ToString() + "." + info.Name + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine("</tr>"); i++; } i = 1; foreach (KPIInfo info in tempList3) { trHtml.AppendLine("<tr>"); if (i == 1) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td rowspan=\"" + tempList3.Count + "\" class=\"indicator_name\">" + KPIBLL.ReadKPI(info.ParentId).Name + "</td>"); } trHtml.AppendLine(" <td>" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"evaluation_content\" data-id=\"" + info.ID + "\">" + i.ToString() + "." + info.Name + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine("</tr>"); i++; } } if (userId > 0) { KPIEvaluateSearchInfo kpiEvaluate = new KPIEvaluateSearchInfo(); kpiEvaluate.UserId = userId.ToString(); kpiEvaluate.PostId = workPostId.ToString(); kpiEvaluate.EvaluateNameId = evaluateNameId; //取得永久指标的值 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fixedKPI)) { kpiEvaluate.KPIdStr = fixedKPI; foreach (KPIEvaluateInfo info in KPIEvaluateBLL.SearchKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate))//BLLKPIEvaluate.SearchFixedKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiIdStr)) { kpiIdStr = info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } else { kpiIdStr = kpiIdStr + "," + info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } } } //取得临时指标的值 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempKPI)) { kpiEvaluate.KPIdStr = tempKPI; foreach (KPIEvaluateInfo info in KPIEvaluateBLL.SearchKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiIdStr)) { kpiIdStr = info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } else { kpiIdStr = kpiIdStr + "," + info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } } } } }
public static List <KPIInfo> SearchKPIList(KPISearchInfo kpiSearch, int currentPage, int pageSize, ref int count) { return(dal.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch, currentPage, pageSize, ref count)); }
public static List <KPIInfo> SearchKPIList(KPISearchInfo kpiSearch) { return(dal.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch)); }
protected override void PageLoad() { base.PageLoad(); base.Title = "添加KPI指标"; base.CheckUserPower("AddEvaluate", PowerCheckType.Single); if (companyID <= 0) { companyID = base.UserCompanyID; } string tempKPI = string.Empty; //临时指标ID string fixedKPI = string.Empty; //永久指标ID //获取岗位ID后,加载岗位KPI列表 if (Action == "step1") { if (userId == int.MinValue) { userName = RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("UserName"); UserSearchInfo user = new UserSearchInfo(); user.EqualRealName = userName; user.InCompanyID = companyID.ToString(); List <UserInfo> userList = UserBLL.SearchUserList(user); if (userList.Count > 0) { userId = userList[0].ID; } else { ScriptHelper.Alert("找不到此用户"); } } workPostId = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("PostId"); evaluateNameId = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("EvaluationName"); //获取UserId值 if (workPostId > 0) { KPISearchInfo kpiSearch = new KPISearchInfo(); kpiSearch.IdStr = WorkingPostBLL.ReadWorkingPostView(workPostId).KPIContent; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiSearch.IdStr)) { List <KPIInfo> kpiList = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch); List <KPIInfo> tempList1 = new List <KPIInfo>(); List <KPIInfo> tempList2 = new List <KPIInfo>(); List <KPIInfo> tempList3 = new List <KPIInfo>(); foreach (KPIInfo info in kpiList) { if (info.Type == KPIType.Fixed) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fixedKPI)) { fixedKPI = info.ID.ToString(); } else { fixedKPI = fixedKPI + "," + info.ID.ToString(); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempKPI)) { tempKPI = info.ID.ToString(); } else { tempKPI = tempKPI + "," + info.ID.ToString(); } } switch (info.ParentId) { case 1: tempList1.Add(info); break; case 2: tempList2.Add(info); break; case 3: tempList3.Add(info); break; } } int i = 1; foreach (KPIInfo info in tempList1) { trHtml.AppendLine("<tr>"); if (i == 1) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td rowspan=\"" + tempList1.Count + "\" class=\"indicator_name\">" + KPIBLL.ReadKPI(info.ParentId).Name + "</td>"); } if (info.Type == KPIType.Fixed) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"forever\">" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); } else { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td>" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); } trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"evaluation_content\" data-id=\"" + info.ID + "\">" + i.ToString() + "." + info.Name + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine("</tr>"); i++; } i = 1; foreach (KPIInfo info in tempList2) { trHtml.AppendLine("<tr>"); if (i == 1) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td rowspan=\"" + tempList2.Count + "\" class=\"indicator_name\">" + KPIBLL.ReadKPI(info.ParentId).Name + "</td>"); } if (info.Type == KPIType.Fixed) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"forever\">" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); } else { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td>" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); } trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"evaluation_content\" data-id=\"" + info.ID + "\">" + i.ToString() + "." + info.Name + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine("</tr>"); i++; } i = 1; foreach (KPIInfo info in tempList3) { trHtml.AppendLine("<tr>"); if (i == 1) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td rowspan=\"" + tempList3.Count + "\" class=\"indicator_name\">" + KPIBLL.ReadKPI(info.ParentId).Name + "</td>"); } if (info.Type == KPIType.Fixed) { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"forever\">" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); } else { trHtml.AppendLine(" <td>" + EnumHelper.ReadEnumChineseName <KPIType>((int)info.Type) + "</td>"); } trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"evaluation_content\" data-id=\"" + info.ID + "\">" + i.ToString() + "." + info.Name + "</td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine(" <td class=\"schedule\"></td>"); trHtml.AppendLine("</tr>"); i++; } } } if (userId > 0) { KPIEvaluateSearchInfo kpiEvaluate = new KPIEvaluateSearchInfo(); kpiEvaluate.UserId = userId.ToString(); kpiEvaluate.EvaluateNameId = evaluateNameId; kpiEvaluate.PostId = workPostId.ToString(); //取得临时指标的值 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempKPI)) { kpiEvaluate.KPIdStr = tempKPI; foreach (KPIEvaluateInfo info in KPIEvaluateBLL.SearchKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiIdStr)) { kpiIdStr = info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } else { kpiIdStr = kpiIdStr + "," + info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } } } //取得永久指标的值 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fixedKPI)) { kpiEvaluate.KPIdStr = fixedKPI; List <KPIEvaluateInfo> fixedKPIEValuateList = KPIEvaluateBLL.SearchKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate); //如果临时指标和永久指标的记录都为空的话,则为新增评估,调取永久指标记录 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiIdStr) && fixedKPIEValuateList.Count <= 0) { kpiEvaluate.EvaluateNameId = int.MinValue; kpiEvaluate.PostId = string.Empty; //所有岗位的评估记录都有效(包括已删除岗位的评估记录) fixedKPIEValuateList = KPIEvaluateBLL.SearchFixedKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate); } foreach (KPIEvaluateInfo info in fixedKPIEValuateList)//BLLKPIEvaluate.SearchFixedKPIEvaluateList(kpiEvaluate) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiIdStr)) { kpiIdStr = info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } else { kpiIdStr = kpiIdStr + "," + info.KPIId + ":" + info.Rate; } } } } } else if (Action == "step2") { kpiIdStr = RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("kpiidstr"); //workPostId = RequestHelper.GetForm<int>("PostId"); string alertMessage = ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("AddOK"); base.CheckUserPower("AddEvaluate", PowerCheckType.Single); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpiIdStr)) { KPIEvaluateBLL.DeleteKPIEvaluate(userId, workPostId, evaluateNameId); foreach (string item in kpiIdStr.Split(',')) { KPIEvaluateInfo kpiEvaluate = new KPIEvaluateInfo(); kpiEvaluate.KPIId = int.Parse(item.Split(':')[0]); kpiEvaluate.Scorse = float.Parse(item.Split(':')[1]); kpiEvaluate.UserId = userId; //kpiEvaluate.EvaluateDate = evaluateDate; kpiEvaluate.EvaluateNameId = evaluateNameId; kpiEvaluate.PostId = workPostId; kpiEvaluate.Rate = int.Parse(item.Split(':')[1]); int id = KPIEvaluateBLL.AddKPIEvaluate(kpiEvaluate); AdminLogBLL.AddAdminLog(ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("AddRecord"), ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("Evaluate"), id); } } ScriptHelper.Alert(alertMessage, "EvaluateAdd.aspx"); } }
protected override void PageLoad() { base.PageLoad(); base.Title = "岗位列表"; base.CheckUserPower("ReadWorkingPost,AddWorkingPost,UpdateWorkingPost", PowerCheckType.OR); string allCompanyID = CompanyBLL.SystemCompanyId.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.ParentCompanyID)) { allCompanyID += "," + base.ParentCompanyID; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.SonCompanyID)) // allCompanyID += "," + base.SonCompanyID; if (CompanyID < 0) { CompanyID = base.UserCompanyID; } if (WorkPostID > 0) { WorkingPost = WorkingPostBLL.ReadWorkingPost(WorkPostID); CompanyID = WorkingPost.CompanyId; KPIContent = KPITempletBLL.ReadKPITemplet(WorkingPost.KPITempletId).KPIContent; if (CompanyID != base.UserCompanyID) { string parentCompanyID = CompanyBLL.ReadParentCompanyId(CompanyID); string sonCompanyID = CompanyBLL.ReadCompanyIdList(CompanyID.ToString()); allCompanyID = CompanyBLL.SystemCompanyId.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentCompanyID)) { allCompanyID += "," + parentCompanyID; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sonCompanyID)) // allCompanyID += "," + sonCompanyID; } } WorkingPostSearchInfo workingPostSearch = new WorkingPostSearchInfo(); workingPostSearch.CompanyId = CompanyID.ToString(); workingPostSearch.ParentId = "0"; workingPostSearch.IsPost = 0; WorkingPostClassList = WorkingPostBLL.SearchWorkingPostList(workingPostSearch); KPISearchInfo kpiSearch = new KPISearchInfo(); kpiSearch.CompanyID = allCompanyID; kpiSearch.ParentId = "1,2,3"; List <KPIInfo> kpiList = KPIBLL.SearchKPIList(kpiSearch); foreach (KPIInfo info in kpiList) { switch (info.ParentId) { case 1: TempList1.Add(info); break; case 2: TempList2.Add(info); break; case 3: TempList3.Add(info); break; } } }