Example #1
        public override void Train(List <TaggedImage> trainingDataSet)
            if (trainingDataSet.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("trainingDataSet is empty");

            float[,] featureVectors = new float[trainingDataSet.Count, trainingDataSet[0].FeatureVector.Count];
            int[,] labels           = new int[trainingDataSet.Count, 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < trainingDataSet.Count; ++i)
                TaggedImage image = trainingDataSet[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < image.FeatureVector.Count; ++j)
                    featureVectors[i, j] = image.FeatureVector[j];

                labels[i, 0] = image.TagIndex;

            Matrix <float> featureVectorsMatrix = new Matrix <float>(featureVectors);
            Matrix <int>   labelsMatrix         = new Matrix <int>(labels);

            TrainData td = new TrainData(featureVectorsMatrix, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, labelsMatrix);


Example #2
        public KNearest CreateAndTrainKNN(Mat[] referenceImages)
            using (Mat samples = new Mat())
                using (Matrix <float> responses = new Matrix <float>(referenceImages.Length, 1)) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < referenceImages.Length; ++i)
                        responses[i, 0] = i;

                        using (Mat img = referenceImages[i])
                            using (Mat sample = img.Reshape(0, 1)) {

                    using (Mat samples2 = new Mat()) {
                        samples.ConvertTo(samples2, DepthType.Cv32F);

                        KNearest knn = new KNearest();
                        knn.DefaultK     = 1;
                        knn.IsClassifier = true;
                        knn.Train(samples2, DataLayoutType.RowSample, responses);
Example #3
        public static void InitTextRecognizer()
            XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(mtxClassifications.GetType());        // these variables are for
            StreamReader  streamReader;                                                           // reading from the XML files

                streamReader = new StreamReader("classifications.xml");                          // attempt to open classifications file
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            // read from the classifications file the 1st time, this is only to get the number of rows, not the actual data
            mtxClassifications = (Matrix <float>)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);

            streamReader.Close();                                     // close the classifications XML file

            int intNumberOfTrainingSamples = mtxClassifications.Rows; // get the number of rows, i.e. the number of training samples

            // now that we know the number of rows, reinstantiate classifications Matrix and training images Matrix with the actual number of rows
            mtxClassifications = new Matrix <float>(intNumberOfTrainingSamples, 1);
            mtxTrainingImages  = new Matrix <float>(intNumberOfTrainingSamples, RESIZED_IMAGE_WIDTH * RESIZED_IMAGE_HEIGHT);

                streamReader = new StreamReader("classifications.xml");                      // reinitialize the stream reader, attempt to open classifications file again
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            // read from the classifications file again, this time we can get the actual data
            mtxClassifications = (Matrix <float>)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);

            streamReader.Close();                                           // close the classifications XML file

            xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(mtxTrainingImages.GetType()); // reinstantiate file reading variable

                streamReader = new StreamReader("images.xml");                               // attempt to open classifications file
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            mtxTrainingImages = (Matrix <float>)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);       // read from training images file
            streamReader.Close();                                                              // close the training images XML file

            // train '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

            kNearest.DefaultK      = 1;
            kNearest.AlgorithmType = KNearest.Types.BruteForce;

            kNearest.Train(mtxTrainingImages, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, mtxClassifications);
        /// Static constructor
        static EmguCVKNearestNeighbors()
            trainData    = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, Features);
            trainClasses = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 1);

            knn = new KNearest();

            knn.DefaultK     = K;
            knn.IsClassifier = true;
            knn.Train(trainData, DataLayoutType.RowSample, trainClasses);
Example #5
        static void test_knn_1()
            //Regex r = new Regex(@"^Color Temp: (\d+) K - Lux: (\d+) - R: (\d+) G: (\d+) B: (\d+) Rr: (\d+) Gr: (\d+) Br: (\d+) C: (\d+)\s*$");
            //string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"data\test.txt");
            //foreach(string s in lines)
            //    Match m = r.Match(s);
            //    if (m.Success)
            //    {
            //        if (m.Groups.Count > 9)
            //        {

            //        }
            //    }
            string s = "knn.xml";

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(s))
                using (KNearest knn = new KNearest())
                    //bool ok = knn.Train(data, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, response);
                    Matrix <float> sample;
                    test_data(out sample);
                    float r = knn.Predict(sample);
                Matrix <float> data;
                Matrix <float> response;
                ReadMushroomData(out data, out response);

                using (KNearest knn = new KNearest())
                    knn.DefaultK     = 3;
                    knn.IsClassifier = true;
                    bool ok = knn.Train(data, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, response);
                    if (ok)
                        //int cols = data.Cols;
                        //Matrix<float> sample = new Matrix<float>(1, cols);
                        Matrix <float> sample;
                        test_data(out sample);
                        float r = knn.Predict(sample);
Example #6
        static void test_knn()
            Matrix <float> data;
            Matrix <int>   response;

            ReadColorData(out data, out response);
            using (KNearest knn = new KNearest())
                knn.DefaultK     = 3;
                knn.IsClassifier = true;
                bool ok = knn.Train(data, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, response);
                if (ok)
                    //int cols = data.Cols;
                    //Matrix<float> sample = new Matrix<float>(1, cols);
                    Matrix <float> sample;
                    test_data(out sample);
                    float r = knn.Predict(sample);
Example #7
        public void TestKNearest()
            int K = 10;
            int trainSampleCount = 100;

            #region Generate the training data and classes

            Matrix <float> trainData    = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 2);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 1);

            Image <Bgr, Byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(500, 500);

            Matrix <float> sample = new Matrix <float>(1, 2);

            Matrix <float> trainData1 = trainData.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount >> 1, 1);
            trainData1.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(200), new MCvScalar(50));
            Matrix <float> trainData2 = trainData.GetRows(trainSampleCount >> 1, trainSampleCount, 1);
            trainData2.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(300), new MCvScalar(50));

            Matrix <float> trainClasses1 = trainClasses.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount >> 1, 1);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses2 = trainClasses.GetRows(trainSampleCount >> 1, trainSampleCount, 1);


            Matrix <float> results, neighborResponses;
            results           = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, 1);
            neighborResponses = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, K);
            //dist = new Matrix<float>(sample.Rows, K);

            using (KNearest knn = new KNearest())
                knn.DefaultK     = K;
                knn.IsClassifier = true;
                knn.Train(trainData, MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, trainClasses);
                //ParamDef[] defs =  knn.GetParams();

                for (int i = 0; i < img.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < img.Width; j++)
                        sample.Data[0, 0] = j;
                        sample.Data[0, 1] = i;

                        // estimates the response and get the neighbors' labels
                        float response = knn.Predict(sample);
                        //knn.FindNearest(sample, K, results, null, neighborResponses, null);

                        int accuracy = 0;
                        // compute the number of neighbors representing the majority
                        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                            if (neighborResponses.Data[0, k] == response)
                        // highlight the pixel depending on the accuracy (or confidence)
                        img[i, j] =
                            response == 1
                                ? (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(90, 0, 0) : new Bgr(90, 40, 0))
                                : (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(0, 90, 0) : new Bgr(40, 90, 0));

                String knnModelStr;
                //save stat model to string
                using (FileStorage fs = new FileStorage(".yml", FileStorage.Mode.Write | FileStorage.Mode.Memory))
                    knn.Write(fs, "knn");
                    knnModelStr = fs.ReleaseAndGetString();

                KNearest knn2 = new KNearest();
                knn2.LoadFromString(knnModelStr, "knn");

                String   knnModelStr2 = knn.SaveToString();
                KNearest knn3         = new KNearest();

                String fileName = "knnModel.xml";
                String text = File.ReadAllText(fileName);

            // display the original training samples
            for (int i = 0; i < (trainSampleCount >> 1); i++)
                PointF p1 = new PointF(trainData1[i, 0], trainData1[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p1, 2.0f), new Bgr(255, 100, 100), -1);
                PointF p2 = new PointF(trainData2[i, 0], trainData2[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p2, 2.0f), new Bgr(100, 255, 100), -1);

Example #8
        private Image <Bgr, Byte> knn()
            int K = 10;
            int trainSampleCount = 150;
            int sigma            = 60;

            #region Generate the training data and classes

            Matrix <float> trainData    = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 2);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 1);

            Image <Bgr, Byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(500, 500);

            Matrix <float> sample = new Matrix <float>(1, 2);

            Matrix <float> trainData1 = trainData.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount / 3, 1);
            trainData1.GetCols(0, 1).SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(100), new MCvScalar(sigma));
            trainData1.GetCols(1, 2).SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(300), new MCvScalar(sigma));

            Matrix <float> trainData2 = trainData.GetRows(trainSampleCount / 3, 2 * trainSampleCount / 3, 1);
            trainData2.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(400), new MCvScalar(sigma));

            Matrix <float> trainData3 = trainData.GetRows(2 * trainSampleCount / 3, trainSampleCount, 1);
            trainData3.GetCols(0, 1).SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(300), new MCvScalar(sigma));
            trainData3.GetCols(1, 2).SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(100), new MCvScalar(sigma));

            Matrix <float> trainClasses1 = trainClasses.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount / 3, 1);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses2 = trainClasses.GetRows(trainSampleCount / 3, 2 * trainSampleCount / 3, 1);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses3 = trainClasses.GetRows(2 * trainSampleCount / 3, trainSampleCount, 1);


            Matrix <float> results, neighborResponses;
            results           = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, 1);
            neighborResponses = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, K);
            //dist = new Matrix<float>(sample.Rows, K);

            //using (KNearest knn = new KNearest(trainData, trainClasses, null, false, K)) {
            using (KNearest knn = new KNearest()) {
                bool trained = knn.Train(trainData, trainClasses, null, false, K, false);

                for (int i = 0; i < img.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < img.Width; j++)
                        sample.Data[0, 0] = j;
                        sample.Data[0, 1] = i;

                        //Matrix<float> nearestNeighbors = new Matrix<float>(K* sample.Rows, sample.Cols);
                        // estimates the response and get the neighbors' labels
                        float response = knn.FindNearest(sample, K, results, null, neighborResponses, null);

                        int accuracy = 0;
                        // compute the number of neighbors representing the majority
                        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                            if (neighborResponses.Data[0, k] == response)
                        // highlight the pixel depending on the accuracy (or confidence)
                        //img[i, j] =
                        //response == 1 ?
                        //    (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(90, 0, 0) : new Bgr(90, 60, 0)) :
                        //    (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(0, 90, 0) : new Bgr(60, 90, 0));
                        img[i, j] =
                            response == 1 ? (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(90, 0, 0) : new Bgr(90, 30, 30)) :
                            response == 2 ? (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(0, 90, 0) : new Bgr(30, 90, 30)) :
                            (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(0, 0, 90) : new Bgr(30, 30, 90));
                knn.Save(@"D:\Play Data\KNN训练数据");

            // display the original training samples

            for (int i = 0; i < (trainSampleCount / 3); i++)
                PointF p1 = new PointF(trainData1[i, 0], trainData1[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p1, 2.0f), new Bgr(255, 100, 100), -1);
                PointF p2 = new PointF(trainData2[i, 0], trainData2[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p2, 2.0f), new Bgr(100, 255, 100), -1);
                PointF p3 = new PointF(trainData3[i, 0], trainData3[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p3, 2.0f), new Bgr(100, 100, 255), -1);
Example #9
        public static bool loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()
            Matrix <Single> mtxClassifications = new Matrix <Single>(1, 1);
            Matrix <Single> mtxTrainingImages  = new Matrix <Single>(1, 1);

            List <int> intValidChars = new List <int> {
                (int)('0'), (int)('1'), (int)('2'), (int)('3'), (int)('4'), (int)('5'), (int)('6'), (int)('7'), (int)('8'), (int)('9'),
                (int)('A'), (int)('B'), (int)('C'), (int)('D'), (int)('E'), (int)('F'), (int)('G'), (int)('H'), (int)('I'), (int)('J'),
                (int)('K'), (int)('L'), (int)('M'), (int)('N'), (int)('O'), (int)('P'), (int)('Q'), (int)('R'), (int)('S'), (int)('T'),
                (int)('U'), (int)('V'), (int)('W'), (int)('X'), (int)('Y'), (int)('Z')

            XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(mtxClassifications.GetType());

            StreamReader streamReader;

                streamReader = new StreamReader("classifications.xml");
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.ToString();
                //frm.WriteToTxtBox(e.ToString());//nie wiadomo czy dziala

            mtxClassifications = (Matrix <Single>)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);


            int intNumberOfTrainingSamples = mtxClassifications.Rows;

            mtxClassifications = new Matrix <Single>(intNumberOfTrainingSamples, 1);
            mtxTrainingImages  = new Matrix <Single>(intNumberOfTrainingSamples, RESIZED_CHAR_IMAGE_WIDTH * RESIZED_CHAR_IMAGE_HEIGHT);

                streamReader = new StreamReader("classifications.xml");
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.ToString();
                //frm.WriteToTxtBox(e.ToString());//nie wiadomo czy dziala

            mtxClassifications = (Matrix <Single>)(xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader));


            xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(mtxTrainingImages.GetType());

                streamReader = new StreamReader("images.xml");
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.ToString();
                //frm.WriteToTxtBox(e.ToString());//nie wiadomo czy dziala

            mtxTrainingImages = (Matrix <Single>)(xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader));


            kNearest.DefaultK = 1;
            kNearest.Train(mtxTrainingImages, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, mtxClassifications);

        }//end loadKNNData
        public bool loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()
            //note: we effectively have to read the first XML file twice
            //first, we read the file to get the number of rows (which is the same as the number of samples)
            //the first time reading the file we can't get the data yet, since we don't know how many rows of data there are
            //next, reinstantiate our classifications Matrix and training images Matrix with the correct number of rows
            //then, read the file again and this time read the data into our resized classifications Matrix and training images Matrix

            Matrix <float> mtxClassifications = new Matrix <float>(1, 1);
            //for the first time through, declare these to be 1 row by 1 column
            Matrix <float> mtxTrainingImages = new Matrix <float>(1, 1);
            //we will resize these when we know the number of rows (i.e. number of training samples)

            List <int> intValidChars = new List <int>(new int[] {

            XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(mtxClassifications.GetType());
            //these variables are for
            StreamReader streamReader = default(StreamReader);

            //reading from the XML files

                streamReader = new StreamReader("classifications.xml");
                //attempt to open classifications file
                //if error is encountered, show error and return
            catch (Exception ex)
                frm.txtInfo.AppendText("\r\n" + "unable to open 'classifications.xml', error: ");
                frm.txtInfo.AppendText(ex.Message + "\r\n");

            //read from the classifications file the 1st time, this is only to get the number of rows, not the actual data
            mtxClassifications = (Matrix <float>)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);

            //close the classifications XML file

            int intNumberOfTrainingSamples = mtxClassifications.Rows;

            //get the number of rows, i.e. the number of training samples

            //now that we know the number of rows, reinstantiate classifications Matrix and training images Matrix with the actual number of rows
            mtxClassifications = new Matrix <float>(intNumberOfTrainingSamples, 1);
            mtxTrainingImages  = new Matrix <float>(intNumberOfTrainingSamples, RESIZED_CHAR_IMAGE_WIDTH * RESIZED_CHAR_IMAGE_HEIGHT);

                streamReader = new StreamReader("classifications.xml");
                //reinitialize the stream reader
                //if error is encountered, show error and return
            catch (Exception ex)
                frm.txtInfo.AppendText("\r\n" + "unable to open 'classifications.xml', error:" + "\r\n");
                frm.txtInfo.AppendText(ex.Message + "\r\n" + "\r\n");
            //read from the classifications file again, this time we can get the actual data
            mtxClassifications = (Matrix <float>)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);

            //close the classifications XML file

            xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(mtxTrainingImages.GetType());
            //reinstantiate file reading variable

                streamReader = new StreamReader("images.xml");
                //if error is encountered, show error and return
            catch (Exception ex)
                frm.txtInfo.AppendText("unable to open 'images.xml', error:" + "\r\n");
                frm.txtInfo.AppendText(ex.Message + "\r\n" + "\r\n");

            mtxTrainingImages = (Matrix <float>)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);
            //read from training images file
            //close the training images XML file

            // train '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

            kNearest.DefaultK = 1;

            kNearest.Train(mtxTrainingImages, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, mtxClassifications);

            //if we got here training was successful so return true
Example #11
        static void check_device_color(System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary args)
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Open COM port: {args["port"]}.");
            //1.open serial port
                _port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(args["port"]);
                //_port = new SerialPort(args["port"], 9600);
                _port.BaudRate      = 9600;
                _port.Parity        = Parity.None;
                _port.StopBits      = StopBits.One;
                _port.DataBits      = 8;
                _port.Handshake     = Handshake.None;
                _port.RtsEnable     = true;
                _port.DtrEnable     = true;
                _port.ReadTimeout   = 1000;
                _port.WriteTimeout  = 1000;
                _port.DataReceived += _port_DataReceived;
            catch (Exception)
                _port = null;
                System.Console.WriteLine($"Fail to open COM port: {args["port"]}.");
                goto exit;

            DateTime _start = DateTime.Now;
            bool     done   = false;

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for sensor ready.");
            //2.wait for sensor ready
            while (!done)
                string s = get_data();
                Match  m = Regex.Match(s, "Found sensor", RegexOptions.None, Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout);
                if (m.Success)
                    System.Console.WriteLine($"Sensor is ready.");
                    done = true;
                if ((DateTime.Now - _start).TotalSeconds > 10)
            if (!done)
                System.Console.WriteLine($"Sensor is not ready.");
                goto exit;

            Regex r = new Regex(@"^Color Temp: (\d+) K - Lux: (\d+) - R: (\d+) G: (\d+) B: (\d+) C: (\d+)\s*$");

            //3.turn off led
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Trun off LED.");
            _port.Write(new byte[] { 0x00 }, 0, 1);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Read data for white noise.");
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Please remove device from sensor, and press any key to continue and q to quit.");
            ConsoleKeyInfo k = System.Console.ReadKey();

            if (k.KeyChar == 'q' || k.KeyChar == 'q')
                goto exit;
            //4.read data for white noise
            int samples = 10;

            int[,] white_noise = new int[samples, 6];
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Read {samples} sample data for white noise.");
            done = false;
            int i = 0;

            int[] white_noise_lux = new int[samples];
            int[] white_noise_c   = new int[samples];
            while (!done && i < samples)
                string s = get_data();
                System.Console.WriteLine($"White noise data: {s}");
                Match m = r.Match(s);
                if (m.Success && m.Groups.Count > 6)
                    white_noise[i, 0]  = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    white_noise[i, 1]  = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value);
                    white_noise[i, 2]  = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value);
                    white_noise[i, 3]  = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value);
                    white_noise[i, 4]  = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[5].Value);
                    white_noise[i, 5]  = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[6].Value);
                    white_noise_lux[i] = white_noise[i, 1];
                    white_noise_c[i]   = white_noise[i, 5];
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Complete to sample data for white noise.");
            // MeanStandardDeviation
            Tuple <double, double> wn_lux = MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.ArrayStatistics.MeanStandardDeviation(white_noise_lux);
            Tuple <double, double> wn_c   = MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.ArrayStatistics.MeanStandardDeviation(white_noise_c);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"White noise. mean of lux={wn_lux.Item1}, stddev={wn_lux.Item2}");
            System.Console.WriteLine($"White noise. mean of C={wn_c.Item1}, stddev={wn_c.Item2}");

            // load existing data for knn
            System.Console.WriteLine("Load training data.");
            KNearest knn = new KNearest();

            done = false;
                Matrix <float> trained_data;
                Matrix <int>   response;
                ReadColorData(out trained_data, out response);
                //using (KNearest knn = new KNearest())
                    knn.DefaultK     = 3;
                    knn.IsClassifier = true;
                    bool ok = knn.Train(trained_data, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, response);
                    if (ok)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Load training data Success.");
                        done = true;
                        //int cols = data.Cols;
                        //Matrix<float> sample = new Matrix<float>(1, cols);
                        //Matrix<float> sample;
                        //test_data(out sample);
                        //float r = knn.Predict(sample);
            if (!done)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Fail to load training data .");
                goto exit;

            string data = "";

            done = false;
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Check device color. please place devices, press q to quit.");
            //List<int[]> color_data = new List<int[]>();
            int device_stage = 0;

            while (!done)
                if (System.Console.KeyAvailable)
                    k = System.Console.ReadKey();
                    if (k.KeyChar == 'q' || k.KeyChar == 'q')
                        done = true;
                //string data;
                data = get_data();
                Match m = r.Match(data);
                if (m.Success)
                    //System.Console.WriteLine($"Data: {data}");
                    if (m.Groups.Count > 6)
                        if (device_stage == 0)
                            // wiat for device in place,
                            // get lux and c
                            int    lux = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value);
                            int    c   = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[6].Value);
                            double r1  = (wn_lux.Item1 - lux) / wn_lux.Item1;
                            double r2  = (wn_c.Item1 - c) / wn_c.Item1;
                            if (r1 > 0.5 && r2 > 0.5)
                                // device in place
                                System.Console.WriteLine($"Device In-Place.");
                                device_stage = 1;
                        else if (device_stage == 1)
                            // device in-place
                            // led on.
                            System.Console.WriteLine($"Turn On LED .");
                            _port.Write(new byte[] { 0xff }, 0, 1);
                            device_stage = 2;
                        else if (device_stage == 2)
                            System.Console.WriteLine($"Color Data: {data}");
                            // save color data
                            //int[] c = new int[6];
                            //c[0] = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
                            //c[1] = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value);
                            //c[2] = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value);
                            //c[3] = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value);
                            //c[4] = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[5].Value);
                            //c[5] = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[6].Value);
                            // predict device color
                            string         s = parse_color_data(data);
                            Matrix <float> sample;
                            test_data(out sample, s);
                            float idx = knn.Predict(sample);
                            System.Console.WriteLine($"Predict: device color idx is {idx}");
                            device_stage = 3;
                        else if (device_stage == 3)
                            // device in-place
                            // led on.
                            System.Console.WriteLine($"Turn Off LED .");
                            _port.Write(new byte[] { 0x00 }, 0, 1);
                            device_stage = 4;
                        else if (device_stage == 4)
                            System.Console.WriteLine($"Please remove device and place another one.");
                            // wiat for device remove,
                            // get lux and c
                            int    lux = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value);
                            int    c   = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[6].Value);
                            double r1  = (wn_lux.Item1 - lux) / wn_lux.Item1;
                            double r2  = (wn_c.Item1 - c) / wn_c.Item1;
                            if (r1 < 0.2 && r2 < 0.2)
                                // device in place
                                System.Console.WriteLine($"Device removed.");
                                device_stage = 0;
            //5.press any key to continue to read device color
            //6.place device
            //7.wait for device in-place
            //8.read data for device color
            //9.wait for device removal
            //10.press 'q' to quit or go to 7.
            if (_port != null)
                if (_port.IsOpen)
                    _port.Write(new byte[] { 0x00 }, 0, 1);
Example #12
        public void TestKNearest()
            int K = 10;
            int trainSampleCount = 100;

            #region Generate the training data and classes

            Matrix <float> trainData    = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 2);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 1);

            Image <Bgr, Byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(500, 500);

            Matrix <float> sample = new Matrix <float>(1, 2);

            Matrix <float> trainData1 = trainData.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount >> 1, 1);
            trainData1.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(200), new MCvScalar(50));
            Matrix <float> trainData2 = trainData.GetRows(trainSampleCount >> 1, trainSampleCount, 1);
            trainData2.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(300), new MCvScalar(50));

            Matrix <float> trainClasses1 = trainClasses.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount >> 1, 1);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses2 = trainClasses.GetRows(trainSampleCount >> 1, trainSampleCount, 1);

            Matrix <float> results, neighborResponses;
            results           = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, 1);
            neighborResponses = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, K);
            //dist = new Matrix<float>(sample.Rows, K);

            using (KNearest knn = new KNearest())
                knn.DefaultK     = K;
                knn.IsClassifier = true;
                knn.Train(trainData, MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, trainClasses);
                //ParamDef[] defs =  knn.GetParams();
                //TODO: find out when knn.save will be implemented

                for (int i = 0; i < img.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < img.Width; j++)
                        sample.Data[0, 0] = j;
                        sample.Data[0, 1] = i;

                        // estimates the response and get the neighbors' labels
                        float response = knn.Predict(sample); //knn.FindNearest(sample, K, results, null, neighborResponses, null);

                        int accuracy = 0;
                        // compute the number of neighbors representing the majority
                        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                            if (neighborResponses.Data[0, k] == response)
                        // highlight the pixel depending on the accuracy (or confidence)
                        img[i, j] =
                            response == 1 ?
                            (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(90, 0, 0) : new Bgr(90, 40, 0)) :
                            (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(0, 90, 0) : new Bgr(40, 90, 0));

            // display the original training samples
            for (int i = 0; i < (trainSampleCount >> 1); i++)
                PointF p1 = new PointF(trainData1[i, 0], trainData1[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p1, 2.0f), new Bgr(255, 100, 100), -1);
                PointF p2 = new PointF(trainData2[i, 0], trainData2[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p2, 2.0f), new Bgr(100, 255, 100), -1);

Example #13
        //Recognize a single digit.
        public int Recognize(Mat img)
            const int RESIZED_IMAGE_WIDTH  = 10;
            const int RESIZED_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 10;

            int cres = '?';

            var mtxClassifications         = _responses;
            int intNumberOfTrainingSamples = mtxClassifications.Rows;

            mtxClassifications = new Matrix <float>(447, 1);
            var mtxTrainingImages = new Matrix <float>(447, 100);

            mtxTrainingImages = _samples;

            // train
            KNearest kNearest = new KNearest();

            kNearest.DefaultK = 1;
            kNearest.Train(mtxTrainingImages, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, mtxClassifications);

            Mat imgTestingNumbers = img;

            //declare various images
            Mat imgGrayscale  = new Mat();
            Mat imgBlurred    = new Mat();
            Mat imgThresh     = new Mat();
            Mat imgThreshCopy = new Mat();

            //convert to grayscale
            CvInvoke.CvtColor(imgTestingNumbers, imgGrayscale, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray);

            CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(imgGrayscale, imgBlurred, new Size(5, 5), 0);

            //threshold image from grayscale to black and white
            CvInvoke.AdaptiveThreshold(imgBlurred, imgThresh, 255.0, AdaptiveThresholdType.GaussianC, ThresholdType.BinaryInv, 11, 2.0);

            //make a copy of the thresh image, this in necessary b/c findContours modifies the image
            imgThreshCopy = imgThresh.Clone();

            var contours = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint();

            //get external countours only
            CvInvoke.FindContours(imgThreshCopy, contours, null, RetrType.External, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple);

            //declare a list of contours with data
            var listOfContoursWithData = new List <ContourWithData>();

            //populate list of contours with data
            //for each contour
            for (int i = 0; i <= contours.Size - 1; i++)
                //declare new contour with data
                ContourWithData contourWithData = new ContourWithData();
                //populate contour member variable
                contourWithData.contour = contours[i];
                //calculate bounding rectangle
                contourWithData.boundingRect = CvInvoke.BoundingRectangle(contourWithData.contour);
                //calculate area
                contourWithData.dblArea = CvInvoke.ContourArea(contourWithData.contour);

                //if contour with data is valid
                if ((contourWithData.CheckIfContourIsValid()))
                    //add to list of contours with data
            //sort contours with data from left to right
            listOfContoursWithData.Sort((oneContourWithData, otherContourWithData) => oneContourWithData.boundingRect.X.CompareTo(otherContourWithData.boundingRect.X));

            //declare final string, this will have the final number sequence by the end of the program
            string strFinalString = "";

            //for each contour in list of valid contours
            foreach (ContourWithData contourWithData in listOfContoursWithData)
                //draw green rect around the current char
                CvInvoke.Rectangle(imgTestingNumbers, contourWithData.boundingRect, new MCvScalar(0.0, 255.0, 0.0), 2);

                //get ROI image of bounding rect
                Mat imgROItoBeCloned = new Mat(imgThresh, contourWithData.boundingRect);

                //clone ROI image so we don't change original when we resize
                Mat imgROI = imgROItoBeCloned.Clone();

                Mat imgROIResized = new Mat();

                //resize image, this is necessary for char recognition
                CvInvoke.Resize(imgROI, imgROIResized, new Size(RESIZED_IMAGE_WIDTH, RESIZED_IMAGE_HEIGHT));

                //declare a Matrix of the same dimensions as the Image we are adding to the data structure of training images
                Matrix <float> mtxTemp = new Matrix <float>(imgROIResized.Size);

                //declare a flattened (only 1 row) matrix of the same total size
                Matrix <float> mtxTempReshaped = new Matrix <float>(1, RESIZED_IMAGE_WIDTH * RESIZED_IMAGE_HEIGHT);

                //convert Image to a Matrix of Singles with the same dimensions
                imgROIResized.ConvertTo(mtxTemp, DepthType.Cv32F);

                //flatten Matrix into one row by RESIZED_IMAGE_WIDTH * RESIZED_IMAGE_HEIGHT number of columns
                for (int intRow = 0; intRow <= RESIZED_IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1; intRow++)
                    for (int intCol = 0; intCol <= RESIZED_IMAGE_WIDTH - 1; intCol++)
                        mtxTempReshaped[0, (intRow * RESIZED_IMAGE_WIDTH) + intCol] = mtxTemp[intRow, intCol];

                float sngCurrentChar = 0;

                //finally we can call Predict !!!
                sngCurrentChar = kNearest.Predict(mtxTempReshaped);

                //append current char to full string of chars
                strFinalString = strFinalString + (char)sngCurrentChar;

            //Console.WriteLine("results: " + results);
            //Console.WriteLine("neighborResponses: " + neighborResponses);
            //Console.WriteLine("dists: " + dists);
            //Console.WriteLine("results: " + results);
